字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 He-rro Everyone!!!! 哈囉各位! I'm in Iceland! We just landed. Uh, we rented a car 我現在在冰島,我們才剛下飛機 呃..我們租了一台車 Marzia is here. I brought her along. You know, Marzia在這 我帶她來的 I've let her come to this trip Marzia:喔謝謝你~ P:是我允許她來的 And, uh, right now we're going to drive to Reykjavik! 然後現在我們要開車去雷克雅維克 ♪♪♪ 冰島Vlog We're at the hotel. It's about 5:30. It's a really cozy hotel. We've got a little window here 我們在飯店了,現在是5點半,這是間很舒適的旅館 我們還有一扇小小的窗戶 Which you can climb out of if you want to- 如果你想的話你可以從這裡爬出去 (strained) Definitely a good idea. 這絕對是個好點子... I don't think I'm supposed to do this. 我覺得不應該這麼做... Marzia? Can you help me? Marzia?妳能來幫我一下嗎? I bought this... 我買了這個 "Katla" named after the mother of Icelandic volcanoes. "Katla",是以一座冰島火山命名的 If you're swedish, you know Katla is, like, the creepy dragon from... 如果你是瑞典人你就會知道,Katla就是一隻... Bröderna Lejonhjärta 在"狮心兄弟"裡面的可怕的龍 Marzia: Oh, Bröderna Lejonhjärta?! Marzia:喔!獅心兄弟? Oh, Bröderna Lejonhjärta! Of course! I love them! 喔~當然是獅心兄弟啊~我超愛那個故事的~ Katla was the dragon, and I was so scared of Katla. Katla是一隻龍,我以前超怕Katla的 Just gonna have a little bit. 喝一點看看 That's -- very nice. 好喝欸~ Probably the best thing about Iceland so far is the internet. 目前為止冰島上最棒的東西應該就是網路,網速超快的 It's really fast. 喔喔喔喔喔喔!!! (Darude - Sandstorm playing) 天啊這網路超猛的 OHHHHHHH 這怎麼會是在旅館的網路? *bass drops and all that jazz* 我得到冰島才有超棒的網路,怎樣啊? Holy shit, this internet is amazing! 天公伯喔~ How is this- hotel internet? I just have to go to Iceland to get proper internet. How about that! 這感覺好其怪 Goddamn boi! 因為我真的感覺我現在在瑞典 This is so bizarre 但是有些事情完全朝可怕的方向發展了 Because I really feel like I'm in Sweden right now, 我剛剛是開玩笑的 but something went horribly wrong 這裡很棒,我很喜歡 I'm joking, it's very nice. I really like it. I feel like home. We're just walking to the City Centre 感覺就像回到家一樣 We don't really know where, we're just.. 我們正前往市中心 Guessing 我們其實不太知道在哪裡,就是用猜的 Marzia: We're following the church 我們往教堂的方向走 We're following the church. 我們朝著教堂走 我們要去"教堂"了,對吧Marzia? Gotta hit that "God church," *ASCENDED* am I right Marzia? 各位,她說"對" Marzia: Mhmmm 我們找到"教堂"了 待會我們會去上面 She says yes, everybody. Marzia: yes :D 用嘻哈超人舞電爆那些冰島酸民們 We found the God church. We're going to get on top of it, 我們要去頂樓了,還有這裡超酷的! and we're gonna dab on all of the Icelandic haters. 風超大的,我的天啊 ♪♪♪*ORGANS PLAYING*♪♪♪ (the piano kind not actual organs) 耶穌基督啊,我沒想到會這樣 We're going to the top. That was so cool by the way OK,啊啊啊,我得抓住這個才能站好 So windy, Oh my god! 超美的 Jesus Christ, I didn't expect this 這裡風超大的 Okay, AHHHH, I have to hold on 雖然是晴天但好冷 to stand up here. 就跟瑞典一樣...靠北我回到家鄉了! Incredible! 我剛剛才發現我忘記在上面跳嘻哈超人舞了 It's less windy here. It's so nice and sunny, but it's really cold 該死!!! Just like Sweden. I'm home goddammit. Marzia去哪了? I just realized I forgot to dab on them 我終於自由了 dammit [I have been disappointed before but not as much as I am now Felix] 喔~你們看~ Where did Marzia go? 我找到你了 I'm free, finally. 喔!天啊!! Marzia:你剛剛跑去哪了? *heavy breathing into camera* 我剛沒看到,那是什麼鬼啊? Oh, look at that. 幫幫我... I found you. 我就這樣直接走過去... Oh my god! What i-- I didn't realize -- what the hell is that? 不要好了...我好怕... Marzia: Help me! 好棒棒~ *laughs* I just walked as well- 太棒了,給妳拍拍手~ Marzia: No, I'm scared 我戴這"雪"鏡感覺就像冰島人... *laughs* Good job 雪鏡??? Amazing. I'm clapping. "眼"眼鏡?太陽眼鏡! I feel so Icelandic with these "ice glasses", (Marzia: yeah) and... "Ice glasses"? 閉嘴! (用瑞典文碎碎念) Eyeglasses? Sunglasses. 我猜這是重點... Marzia: (laughs) What else could it be? 喔!哇!我的外套去哪了? 這樣好怪喔~ Shut up *MUMBLING IN SWEDISH* 我現在很興奮,因為這裡有很棒的魚湯 絕對貨真價實~ I guess that's the thing [it's a person too pewds] 沒像瑞典的那麼好喝 Oh, wow where did my jacket go? That's so weird 為什麼外面這麼亮? 我差點就忘了我們在冰島~ I am so excited cause they have proper fish soup here, like the real- the real deal. 感覺隨時都是亮的,現在是晚上8點對吧? It's not as good as Sweden [just marry Sweden already forget Marzia] 什麼?!8、9點了欸,你相信嗎?9點了欸還那麼亮! Marzia:不是,現在是7點...其實是6點半 How is it so light outside? I forgot -- Oh yeah, we're in Iceland. It's like light all the time 8 o'clock it's it? 喔!好可愛! What?! It's 8 o'clock, it's 9 o'clock! Can you believe it's nine, and it's so bright? 是條蛇欸 Marzia: Oh, it's so cute! 各位,這裡有一條蛇欸~ It's a sh-nake 老鼠們,如果你們敢靠近我... It's a sh-nake, everybody. 老子會送你們上西天... Guys, if you go near me, I will kill you. 我會用嘻哈超人舞電爆你們這群酸民... I will dab on you, you hater! 天啊~好可怕... Oh my god, that's terrifying! 我到目前為止都很喜歡冰島 I'm really loving Iceland so far. I keep getting recognized even though I'm like this 我就算穿成這樣還是一直被認出來 I don't believe it like how one guy was like I "recognize your beard!" 真不敢相信怎麼會有這種事 有個人還說"我認得你的鬍子!" But everyone is really lovely, everyone is really nice. It's really cool. 但是大家都很友善也很棒,真是太酷了 I ate way too much food man. 老兄,我吃太多東西了... *burps* OOOHHoOHOHOHo 我的天啊!讚啦!是OLW(洋芋片品牌) Oh my God. Yes! ohh *Swedish mumble* 你看! AHAHAHA gifflar...嘿嘿嘿... GIFFLAR hHehehe 啊~ Ugghhhh 喔天啊!讚啦! Oh my god, yeah. 我們今天早上有多出來的時間 我們決定要來參觀這座鯨魚博物館 We had some extra time this morning, and we decided to go to this whale museum 這不在計劃裡,但感覺很酷 It's not really planned, but it's really cool 好酷喔,那是一角鯨欸。靠~ *dolphin sounds* 我們要去直升機之旅 Cool, it's a narwhal, damn 他們說今天風有點大, 這也是為什麼他們早上把行程推遲了的原因。 We're going on a helicopter tour 風真的還挺大的 They said it was a bit windy. That's why they delayed it this morning. So-- and it is really windy 所以我們現在要去那裡啦~ So...we's gonna die. 那裡有架直升機~ There's our helicopter 走囉!我好興奮啊~ Here we gooo! I'm super exciteeed! 我們剛降落 ♪♪♪ 天啊...我的雙腿還在抖... We landed... 00:07:02,040 --> 00:07:03,000 風好大啊 Oh my god, my legs are all shaky 顯然的,我們正走在通往魔多的路上 So... 夭壽喔... It's windy 這裡風也好大喔~ Apparently, we're walking to Mordor... hehehe 我想這些石頭摸起來應該是熱的吧 Jesus 喔...感覺是熱的欸! It's so windy, too. 喔~啊~ ♪♪♪ 00:07:55,880 --> 00:07:56,820 妳覺得好玩嗎? I think these rocks are hot? 當然,超酷的~ Oh, it feels hot... 我有點暈機,但是真的很有趣,超好玩。 風景實在是太美了 Ohhh, ahhhh 我的頭髮被吹得亂七八糟~ hehehehe 連我的鬍子都被吹亂了~ ♪♪♪ 這個餐廳太酷了~你還可以看到冰島的全景~ Did you enjoy that? 不只如此... Marzia: Yeah, it was cool 這裡還有魚湯 I'm a little motion sick, but it was really fun. It was super fun. The scenery was amazing. 這是最棒的佳餚~ Marzia: My hair is insane 英國,我現在必須說你們煮的魚五告拍甲。沒錯。 Even my beard is like going everywhere 我猜今天應該是風景觀光日 ♪♪♪ 因為我們都在看...風景 This restaurant is so cool. You see all of Iceland, 明天我們會有更多 And... 超讚的行程 -They have fish soup. 我好開心啊 This is the best food. 每次我只要喝到啤酒和魚湯, 就會覺得"嗯~實在五告宋~" Hmph! 00:08:52,100 --> 00:08:52,600 嘿! UK, you suck at fish I'm going to say now that's right. 嘿~怎樣啊? I guess today is like the scenic day because we're doing all this 我們要進去洞穴啦~ visual stuff 好像走進了...好像走進了冰箱 tomorrow we're doing more 啊!我的帽子... HARDCORE STUFF 酷,超酷! I'm so happy whenever I get a beer and a fish soup, and I'm just like feel gooooood 好陰森~ *Whale dying* 我快凍死了... Marzia: Hey 我的鼻子好紅喔~ Hey, what's up 我的天啊!太酷了... Marzia: We're going into a cave 好了,我們要不要出去了?太冷了... It's like walking into a...like walking into a- like walking into a fridge 哈...我不想再體驗這種寒冷刺骨的滋味了... Ah- My Hat! 出來外面的感覺真好~ Oh my god 我們本來只是來吃東西的, 但我們還順道參觀了一下冰河 It's cool! Very cool. 太棒惹~ Spooky... 黃金圈! Marzia: I'm freezing! 我們要去黃金圈一日遊。 嗯...大概會花... My nose is so red! 五個小時! 但是她完全不知情... Woaahhhh 才沒這回事咧! Oh My God, it's so cool. Okay. Should we just go? It's just too cold 我們來到了第一站的間歇泉 Ahhh, I never want to be cold again! 就長這樣~ Feels so good to be out. 味道很好聞,可以聞到硫磺味 We really just stopped for food, but we got a little a glacier tour as well. 剛剛噴發了~ Very nice! 我剛剛看到了!很驚豔~ Marzia: Golden circle! 超酷的! 那個就是大的了 We're doing the golden circle. Well, that's gonna take... 大的間歇泉...呵呵 (whispers) five hours, but she doesn't know 幹!我們完美錯過~ Marzia: NO IT'S NOT! 我是說我有看到,但是你們完美錯過噴發瞬間 總之我是顧慮到你們啦 Welcome! 好,所以我們到了黃金圈終點以後 ♪♪♪ 所以我們要花相同的時間開回去,不知道為什麼我要跟你們解釋這個,反正也不干你們的事 We are here the first stop, at the geyser, heheh. 我們現在在第二站的瀑布 This is what its like 我想"古佛斯瀑布"的意思或許就是"金色瀑布"吧~ Marzia: 真的嗎?! It smells very nice. You feel that sulfur smell. 好酷啊~ It just went off 歐買尬!水都噴到我臉上了! Marzia: I saw it! That was amazing! 哇!酷斃了! That's so cool. So that's the big one... 我的天啊! The big geyser, heheh 我全身都濕了... fuck, we just missed it! 太瘋狂了~ I mean I saw it, you guys missed it. Whatever, I don't care about you guys. 沒關係,電池有在跑了... Okay, so we reached the end of the circle 真的太美了。我從來都沒想過可以看到這樣的景象。 不知道你們可以聽的到我的聲音嗎? So we have the exact same amount of time back. I know why I'm saying this because it doesn't matter to you 但是真的很酷! We're at our second destination. Which is the waterfall Gullfoss, which I think means Golden Falls, maybe? 今天真是永生難忘又美好的一天 So cool 我想我們現在在期待可以看到極光。 因為我們已經很晚了還沒睡... Oh my god, I'm getting water splashing my face 或許什麼也看不到, 但是明天也會是和今天一樣令人興奮的一天 Woah! 我們明天見~ That's so cool! 在相機裡看不太出來,但是極光真的出現了 Oh my god! 我看到了~ I'm getting so wet! 喔~靠~ That's insane 這樣有比較好嗎...喔!看到了~ Oh is the camera battery gone? 太帥了... So pretty. I never- never expected to see something like this. I don't know if you can hear me, but it's cool 喔~靠... ♪♪♪ 喔...我的天...超模糊的...喔天啊... Today was such a memorable nice day. I think now we're gonna hope for some northern lights because we're up pretty late 你們有看到嗎...哇喔... We're probably not-- we're not going to see anything, but we have an equally exciting day tomorrow, and I'll see you then 酷欸... Can't really see it on camera, but it's there 那些極光會跳舞嗎? I see them. Ooooooh shit 好~我們現在在要去打獵的路上~ Is it better- Oh I see them 打獵? That's cool. 我們要去捕殺鯨魚... Ooooh shit! 導航:現在請左轉,再右轉 Oh my god. So blurry. Focus... 等我們左彎右拐之後,就是鯨魚的死期了... Can you see them? Woahhh 顯然的,這裡在舉行跑步的東東 Woaaaah 我們稱之為馬拉松 So cool 我不知道...但我們還要再走最後一段 我們人在港口 It's like it's dancing 好!我們都整裝完畢了! Okay, so we're going, uh, whale hunting now 我們剛剛... Marzia: Hunting? 讚啦... We're gonna kill the whales 他們現身的時間很短,很難捕捉到他們 After we turn left and then right 在那裡~ The whales will die 好棒~ Apparently, there's a running thing going on 幹拎老私咧... Marzia: A marathon? 真的太酷了~ I don't know, but we got to walk the final bit. We're here at the harbor 我喜歡~ Okay we're all dressed up 妳喜歡這個行程嗎? (Music) 我們看到了幾隻鯨魚 We just spotted one- Ahhhh! 經歷了一場美好的航行 Ahhh! 對啊,快冷死了~ Nice 超冷但是又超棒! They show themselves so briefly it's hard to capture them 現在我們要去藍潟湖~ 或許你們有看過... There 一堆名人都去朝聖~ Ahhh! 總之,現在我們看起來很像開在那種 汽車廣告會出現的路上 Nice 想買一台新的起亞(KIA)汽車~ For fuck's sake PewDiePie開的就是起亞~ That was really cool 我的車不是起亞~ Marzia: I loved it! 不過歡迎你們買台起亞給我~ You loved it? Marzia: Mmhmm 我怎麼能忘記這是我們的交往紀念日呢~ We saw a couple whales 交往六周年 Got a nice boat ride. Marzia: Yeah, I'm freezing! 所以我們也要去藍潟湖的一家高級餐廳慶祝 It's very cold but it was very nice 我們要去...惡魔感覺的空氣...那裡是發生什麼事了? Now we're going to the blue lagoon. Which you may have seen like, 好~我們到藍潟湖了~ all the celebrities go to 我們在這個個人室內池 Anyway, it looks like we're driving at this car commercial road right now 這就很像我們有一座自己的池子... "Wanna buy the new Kia?" 讚啦~ "Pewdiepie drives a Kia" 太讚了~ I don't drive a Kia. But if you wanna pay me, Kia... ;) 喔!好燙!超燙的!! And how could I forget! It's our anniversary! Marzia:真的嗎? 對啊 Six year anniversary so we're going to a nice restaurant at Blue Lagoon as well 所以...說明上是寫這個溫泉在38~40度之間 Are we going to a... 喔~有夠...喔!!!! Evil villain layer, or -- What's happening? 你要先把身體沖乾淨啦~ Okay, so we're in the blue lagoon 操...我剛剛沒先沖過澡嗎? And we're in this, uh, private area and, like, we have our own... 糟了個糕...抱歉啦,冰島~ It's very nice 喜歡嗎? Very nice [Borat style] 不喜歡... Ooh it's hot! It's REALLY hot! Marzia妳喜歡嗎? Marzia: Really? Felix: Yeah 不喜歡啦... he said between 38 to 40 degree- Ooooh it feels so- 我看起來好像溼答答的貓 (gasp) ooh! 喔天啊!有夠爽啦! Marzia: Wait, we're supposed to wash ourselves first! 喔!有夠冷!!這冷熱溫差... Marzia:太棒了~ Oh, shit. Did I not do that? 天啊,太美了!!你們看~ Oops. I'm sorry, Iceland. 外面好亮~ Do you like this? 我喜歡~ Marzia: No. 太讚了~ You like this Marzia? 我的天啊~宛如置身天堂~ Marzia: No. 我可以浮得起來嗎? I look like a wet cat. 不行... Ooh... 這裡就跟我想像中一樣,甚至更棒 Oh, my god it feels so good! 太讚惹~ Ooo, it's cold. The contrast of hot and cold. 太讚啦... Marzia: It's nice 我看起來如何? My God, it's so amazing look -- 這是一樣在水裡的東西 We're outside 我覺得這可以當我的影片縮圖 (sigh) 我們已經在這裡待好幾個小時了,天色都暗下來了 I love this. 這裡真的很棒!我很喜歡這裡~ Sooo nice. 天啊~我的頭髮~ Oh my god! It's like heaven! 我想我們現在要回家了 Can I float? 明天就要走了 Not really 但這真是一趟很棒的旅行, 我實在是死心踏地愛上冰島了,實在是太令人驚艷了~ It's what I expected, and more 希望你們也享受這場跟我們一起的旅行 (Very Nice Gibberish) 按個喜歡吧~ How do I look? 00:17:32,340 --> 00:17:33,340 如果你們想看更多Vlog~ This is the same stuff that's in the water 00:17:34,320 --> 00:17:34,860 拜! This is my thumbnail, I feel like 00:17:39,480 --> 00:17:41,480 We've been here for a couple hours now. It's dark Marzia: *sneeze* Salute! Marzia: Thank you It's so nice. I love this Oh my god, my hair! I think, uh, we're going home now. We're leaving tomorrow But this is an amazing trip. I really, really, REALLY loved Iceland, it is amazing And I hope you enjoyed coming along Leave a like *EVIL PAPA PEWDS* for more vlogs *EVIL PAPA PEWDS* Bye *decides to become one with Iceland*
A2 初級 中文 PewDiePie 冰島 鯨魚 極光 感覺 瀑布 我們終於做到了! (we finally did it!) 307 24 Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字