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The global life expectancy is 71.4 years.
全球的平均預期壽命是 71.4 年。
But in the US it's a bit higher at 78.6.
美國的平均則高了一點為 78.6。
This amounts to 28,689 days or 2,478,700,000 seconds alive on Earth.
加起有 28,689 天,或是 2,478,700,000 秒生存在地球上。
So what can happen to you in that time?
You produce 0.4 millilitres of saliva per minute and 0.5 - 1 liter per day.
你每分鐘會分泌 0.4 毫升的口水,一天會分泌 0.5 至 1 公升。
That means in a life time you can fill anywhere between 180 to 360 bath tubs full of spit.
在這一生內你可以用唾液填滿 180 到 360 個浴缸。
Men cry an average of 1 time per month and women 2.7 times, giving you an average of 1,745 good cries per lifetime.
男性平均一個月會哭 1 次,女性平均一個月會哭 2.7 次,平均下來一生中會哭個 1,745 次。
The average adult is not getting their 10,000 steps in as the average US adult only takes around 5,100 steps per day.
成人平均一天走不到一萬步,比方說美國的成人平均一天會走 5,100 步。
But in a lifetime it ends up being a pretty impressive 146 million steps.
但把一生算下來還是有 1 億 4 千 6百萬步,是一個很厲害的數字。
If the average stride length is 0.71 metres then you'll walk around the length of the equator around 2.6 times.
如果你每跨一步的平均距離是 0.71 公尺,那麼你一生等於沿著赤道走地球 2.6 圈。
Men are continually making new sperm producing 1 to 10 trillion sperm cells in a lifetime and people generally start having sex around age 16 to 17.
男性在一生中會一直不斷地製造精子,大約會製造出 1 至 10 兆的精子,人們平均從 16 至 17 歲開始有性生活。
The baby boomers have had an average of 11 sexual partners but millennials are only expected to have around 8 sexual partners throughout their lives.
在嬰兒潮時期出生的人們平均大約有 11 位性伴侶,但 Y 世代的人們,在一生中大概只會有 8 位性伴侶。
From the ages 20 to 60, it's estimated to learn 1 to 2 new words per day with an average total of 42 thousand words.
從 20 到 60 歲間,一天估計會學到一到兩個新單字,平均總結下來是 4 萬 2 千個單字。
This number declines as we age and is likely related to our brain decaying at a rate of 5% per decade after the age of 40.
這個數字會隨著我們年齡的增長而下降,應該是因為我們的腦在 40 歲之後,每十年就會減少 5% 的能力。
The average person 15 years or older in the US works 7.9 hours per day.
平均比 15 歲大的美國人一天工作 7.9 個小時。
And with the average age of retirement being 63, you'll spend about 16 years in total at the office.
加上平均退休年齡為 63 歲,你總共會花 16 年待在辦公室裡。
But are you really working or just looking at memes?
One study found that young adults use their phones 5 hours per day and check their phone in 30 second burst 85 times a day.
一項研究顯示年輕人一天會用 5 個小時的手機,還會不時看手機 30 秒大約 85 次。
When you do the maths that adds up to almost 13 years on your phone.
當你把它們加起來,相當於花了 13 年在手機上。
That doesn't even include Netflix where subscribers spend upwards of 500 hours per year streaming content, which means at this rate you'd spend around 4.5 years watching Netflix.
這還不包括 Netflix,Netflix 使用者每年花超過 500 個小時瀏覽,使用者每年花超過 500 個小時看,這代表你一生中會花 4.5 年看 Netflix。
In your lifetime you might be a millionaire with the average bachelor degree holder earning 1.8 million and those with a college degree earning 1.1 million.
在你的人生中,你可能可以靠著學士學位成為百萬富翁,一年平均賺 180 萬,而大專學歷的人,一年平均賺 110 萬。
Of your fortune alcohol consumption accounts for about 0.9% of annual income with 515 spent on alcohol per year.
一般人會花 0.9% 的財產在喝酒上面,每年會花 515 美金在酒精上。
Per day men sleep about 496.4 minutes and women sleep for 507.6 minutes on average, a statistically significant 11 minutes more than men which means more than a third of your life is spent snoozing.
男性一天會睡大約 496.4 分鐘,而女性則會睡 507.6 分鐘,平均統計下來,這關鍵的 11 分鐘代表女性花超過三分之一的人生在睡覺。
But even when you're awake we spend 10% of our day with our eyes closed as the average person blink 28,800 times per day or 15 to 20 blinks per minute.
而即使當我們醒著時,我們一天還是會花 10% 的時間閉眼睛,人平均一天會眨 28,800 次眼,或是一分鐘眨 15 到 20 次
By the age of 30 you'll likely get the flu twice every decade.
到了 30 歲時,你每十年會得流感兩次。
The incidence may decrease as medicine continues to improve but may also increase because of the amount of time we spend indoors.
A study in the journal of nature found that we spend 87% of our lives indoors and 6% in a vehicle
《自然》期刊有個研究指出我們一生中會花 87% 的時間待在室內,還有 6% 在汽車裡。
The Earth, which you are currently standing on will travel 73 billion 8 hundred 84 million kilometres in your lifetime.
你現在正站在的地球,在你一生中會週轉 730 億 8,840 萬公里。
So no mater what happens, you've travelled billions of kilometres through space and that's pretty cool.
Thank you so much for watching.
And now you know what happens in 1 lifetime, you can also find out what happens in 1 minute in the end of the video which we will link to over there.
現在你知道了人的一生中會發生什麼事,你也可以發現 1 分鐘內會發生哪些事,點擊影片最後的連結。
It is equally as fun.
And is actually 1 minute long.
而且影片確實只有 1 分鐘而已。
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