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Wengie: I have a clear egg!
Wengie: It's so, soft!
(Silent movement)
Wengie: Ooohhh!
(Silent movement)
Wengie: Oohhh!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Ooohh!
Wengie: Done it, oohhh!
Wengie: This is good!
Wengie: Da, da, da, da!
Wengie: Ooohhh, no, yolk, it's bad, I'm literally, looking through an egg!
Wengie: Hey guys, it's Wengie! Welcome back, and, egg hug!
(Silent movement)
Wengie: So, today, I'm so excited because we're gonna be, testing a bunch of egg hacks, DIYs, and experiments, and, right now, I'm running a Mac-Book Air giveaway, to one of my family members, and, to become a #wengiecorn, just click the subscribe button, down below, and, also, join my #notificationsquad, by clicking the bell, right here, because I'll be liking, and, replying to a bunch of early comments, every week, and, I love to chat with you!
Wengie: And, without further ado, let's get cracking!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Okay, this is a super, cool experiment, apparently, if we put an egg in white vinegar, for about twelve to fourteen hours, we're gonna end up with a translucent egg, because the vinegar is supposed to dissolve the shell!
Wengie: Ugghh, does not smell nice, so, we'll pour the vinegar, up to the top, oh, alright guys, we're gonna fast-forward twelve hours!
Wengie: Hey, that was really, fast, looks like, our egg is ready, can see these like, floating, brown bits, which I think, was, like the shell, like, came off the egg, oh my god, what is that, ah, can you see that, it's soft, I want to see, if it turns translucent, once, I wipe off this residue, which, by the way, looks, absolutely, disgusting, I can't describe this feeling, right now, but, it feels good, literally, my egg is turning, white, this is crazy, it feels like a stress ball!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Ooh, bouncy, I have a clear egg, it's so, soft, proof, this is actually, translucent, check this out!
*Music playing*
Wengie: I'm, literally, looking through an egg, apparently, guys, you can also, use this as a bouncy ball, oohh!
(Silence & noise)
Wengie: Well, oh my gosh, guys, this is what the skin is like!
*Music playing*
Wengie: This hack allows you to separate fresh eggs, with old eggs, just, by using a bowl of water, how this hack works, is, we're gonna pop the eggs, into the bowl of water, the fresh eggs will sink to the bottom, and, the old eggs will float to the top, then, we'll know, egg-xactly, wich eggs are good, and, which eggs are bad!
(Silent movement & noise)
Wengie: Oohh, fresh, try this one, also fresh!
(Silent movement & noise)
Wengie: Oohh!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Bad egg!
(Silent movement & noise)
*Music playing*
Wengie: We're running out of space, okay guys, looks like, we got one bad egg, you, all you need to do, is, take the bad egg, out, and, you'll be left of eggs, you can eat, that are fresh, and, great for you, we have abstracted the bad egg!
Wengie: Okay guys, I love, poached eggs, my favourite style of egg, when it comes for breakfast, but, they're so, hard to make, I remember, making a poached egg, trying to put water, put a laydul, out of the few eggs, I'll make you, only one, perfect, poached egg, apparently, there's a hack, that makes poached eggs, super, easy, let's test out this hack, and, see, if we can make the perfect, poached egg, mwah!
Wengie: Put half a cup of water into a mug, or, a cup!
Wengie: Actually, looks, pretty, promising, guys, I totally, imagine this, coming a perfect, poached egg, let's pop in the microwave, and, let's see how it turns out!
Wengie: Okay eggs, we are back, this looks so, promising, I'm actually, whoa, look at that, how perfect, that does that look, the moment of truth!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Whoooaa, okay, a little, bit, overcooked, so, maybe, the perfect time for this hack, is maybe forty-five seconds!
Wengie: Okay guys, we're back with forty-five seconds' egg, I'm looking for that gooey, goodness, ahh, it's looking, promising, ah, look at that!
Wengie: Look at that, that's what I want my egg to do!
Wengie: Ahh!
Wengie: Can you see that?
Wengie: Let's see if it tastes good, just as it looks!
(Silence & noise)
Wengie: Mmm!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Egg-xactly, that I'm looking for!
Wengie: DIY is super, cool, we're gonna make a heart-shaped egg, I saw it, on Pinterest, let's give it a shot, the first thing, you need to do, is, make this, like weird, boat contraption, which is literally, a folded piece of cardboard, secured both sides, with some rubber bands, and then, stick a chopstick, through one side!
Wengie: We're gonna, take a freshly, boiled egg, and, we're gonna pop it in this little pouch, nice, and, smug, carefully, push it down, just, make sure, you don't break the egg, I want the chopstick, just to tuck in, like that, and, wait, until it cools down, and, we're gonna, take it out from this mould!
Wengie: Okay guys, it's cooled down, looks like a coffee bean!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Ohhh, that looks pretty, cute, this DIY actually, worked, it's pretty, easy, and, super, cute!
(Silent movement)
Wengie: This is gonna, be the one of the most exotic egg, you've ever seen, in your life, I'm gonna, teach you, to make a golden egg!
Wengie: For this, it involves an egg, some string, and, a jumper!
Wengie: Get the sleeve of your jumper, like that, and, I'm gonna, get some string, kinda around the middle of your jumper sleeve, you want this to be super, tight, pop the egg, into the sleeve, without breaking it, and, tie the egg, into the sleeve, with another piece of string, put the egg, sitting in the middle of the sleeve, ready guys, we're gonna, swing this, you just want to twist, and, pull
*Music playing*
Wengie: It's actually, really, tiring, guys, ahh, I feel like, I'm gonna, wack myself in the face, my arms, okay guys, so, I made Max, do one as well, you should have seen his face, after he was, so like , tired, so, we're gonna see which one turns into the golden egg, let's boil them!
Wengie: We are back, with the potentially, golden egg, ahh, pure, white egg, ohh, look at that, so, this is the extent of the mixing, that went on with the golden egg, the trick, would take a sponge, now, look at that, haha, this is Max's golden egg, he managed to do a half golden egg, so, this is my egg, this is not golden, either, very sad, it's looking, like, a completely, normal, for hope, ohh, it's a kidney bean shaped egg yolk, oh well, I really, want a golden egg, so, I decided to give this, another try, give me, some support, guys, and, go, find the like button, and, click it, maybe together, we can make this, a golden egg, ready, guys, 3,2,1; have you done it?
Wengie: With your support, may this, be golden, ohh, wait, is that kind of yellow, this kind of yellow is there, we may, have some hope, here, uhhh, guys, it's golden, okay, maybe, it's yellow, but, we're gonna, go with this, and, call it, a golden egg, you can see, that, there's a lot of air bubbles, that happened in the process of mixing everything, together, hey, guys, if we did this right, there should be no yolk, let's have a look, ohhh, no yolk, look at that, it's golden, and, I guess, you wouldn't expect it, to be totally, golden, becuase the ratio of yolk, to white, yes, so the hack did work, but, the most, important question is, what does a golden egg taste like?
(Silence & noise)
Wengie: This tastes like rubbery, egg white!
Wengie: This next one is so, exciting, did you know, that you can totally, stand an egg, upright, on its face, with, only, a few grains with salt, so, let's put this, to the test, and, see, if it stands up to its claims!
Wengie: All you need to do, first, is, pour a little, small amount of salt, onto a flat surface, then, we're gonna go, and, stand a little egg, on it, just like that, now, this part, the important part, we're gonna blow away, the rest of the salt, so, take a deep breath!
Wengie: Okay guys, we have now blown, all the salt away from the bottom, this egg is literally, standing, on only, a few grains of salt, and, I'm gonna, take off the egg, so, you can see exactly, how many grains of salt, it's standing on, whoaaa, yeah, do you guys see that, three grains of salt, this is crazy!
Wengie: so, this hack is supposed to make, peeling a hard-boiled egg, easy, all you need, is a jar, some water, and, a hard-boiled egg, or, just like, a tiny, bit of water in like, we don't want a lot, and then, you, just, want to pop your hard-boiled egg in, take it, kind of hot enough, to smack the edges, around a bit, okay, so, first tip, find an airtight jar, okay, it's also, breaking apart, oh, the yolk's out, the water is murky, it is easy to peel, look at that, but, our egg is a bit, broken, okay guys, I'm gonna, try this again, it had lots of promise, seal it up, see that, you peel off, a bit, alright, let's try this, cyclone method, seems to be working, this looks promising, guys, ahh, okay, do it, ohhhh!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Ooohh!
Wengie: See that!
Wengie: Oohh, dropping, shell, everywhere!
Wengie: So, this next trick, we're gonna, make a hard-boiled egg, go into the bottle, without touching it, what we're gonna do, is, get some boiling water, we're gonna, pour it, straight, into a glass bottle, really, gonna swish it around, and, make sure, the whole bottle like, gets, super, hot, pour the water out, and then, straightaway, pop the egg on top!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Oh, it's through, oohhhh, so, that was, pretty, cool, how do I get my egg out, now, I'm hungry, actually, I'm really, hungry, I just, want my egg!
Wengie: People, this is sound, guys!
Wengie: DIY lovers, I've got one for you, so, apparently, you can make super, cute fried eggs, with an onion, and, a cookie cutter, onion ring, we want to pop it, in the middle, and then, a heart-shaped cookie cutter, and, we're gonna, pop that, right in the centre, you pour the egg white, on the edges, ohhhh, we're gonna, spoon, some egg yolk in!
Wengie: Oh my gosh, guys, this looks so, adorable!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Mmmmmm, exquisite, why, hard eggshells, are designed to be super, super, strong, and, apparently, they're so, strong, you can't actually, break them, by squeezing them, in the palm of your hand, let's go, what, literally, eggshells are so thin, though, ahhh, oh my gosh, two hands!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Mother Nature, you have won this one, okay guys, try this, out yourself, at home, get permission from your parents, and, make sure, you do it, over somewhere, that doesn't get messy, let me know down in the comments, down below, if you do this!
Wengie: Max, can you try, and, break this?
Max & Wengie: Just squeeze it, squeeze it, I'm gonna break it, no, you're not, ready, you're not, ready!
*Music playing*
Wengie & Max: You came back, I thought, you were the strong, blue unicorn, alright, cut that, no, putting any of that in, okay, I am, very, strong, okay!
Wengie: Are you excited by these hacks? I was, I promise, this is the end of my dad jokes, let me know, which one your favourite hack was, down, let's have a look at what happened on ReactiCorns, this week!
*Music playing*
Wengie: You know like, when you're in a rollercoaster, is, you just drop!
Max: Ah, yeah, yeah!
Wengie: That feeling!
Max: I call that feeling, I lose my tummy!
Wengie: Yeah!
Max: I feel like, oh, it's gone!
Wengie: Also, I want to do a huge shot-out to the #notificationsquad of the week, and, also, the #wengiecorn of the week, if you guys want to find out how to get a shout-out, on the next video, don't forget to check the description box, down below, and, also, during the week, follow me on my social medias, I'll be doing behind-the-scenes, and, updates for you guys, and until next week, I'm gonna, miss you guys so much, I'll see you guys then, bye guys, love you!