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- What's goin' on, Jigsaw, it's Thomas DeLauer
and today I'm talking about the longterm effects
of low carb dieting.
I wanna talk about this because
a lot of people have been commenting,
a lot of people have been asking questions,
and here at Jigsaw we want to do our best
to educate you, elevate you,
make sure that you're making an informed decision
with whatever diet you choose to do,
so long as magnesium is in the equation.
So, without further ado, let's get right to the science.
I'm gonna break down the three, the six, the 12,
and the 24-month studies that I've researched,
that take a look at low carb versus low fat diets.
So let's dive in.
This first one was published in Diabetic Medicine in 2006,
and what it looked at was a very large group
of overweight patients, okay?
These particular patients were diabetic,
and they put half of them on a low carb diet,
and they put half of them on a low fat diet.
What they wanted to measure was overall their weight loss,
but they wanted to look at a couple of other things
that were pertaining to diabetes.
Well, what they found, is after three months
the low carb group lost on average 7.8 pounds,
and the low-fat group lost on average just two pounds.
Okay, that's just weight, not a huge deal.
We have to look at some other biomarkers.
But there's actually one more study
that Diabetic Medicine did in 2007,
that took a look at a few more people.
This one took a look at 13 obese and 13 non-obese patients
and wanted to compare low card versus low fat.
Well, after three months, what did they find again?
They found this time on average the low carb patients
lost 15.2 pounds versus 4.6 on the low fat.
Now again, this is a three-month study,
which means we're not gonna see the long-tail results
of, really, the triglyceride levels,
the cholesterol levels, and all that stuff,
but we are gonna start to see the immediate weight loss.
And that's pretty darn awesome.
But I know that a lot of the rebuttals
are gonna come back and say,
"Well, what about cholesterol?"
If I had a dollar for every person,
when I talk about ketosis or low carb,
that says, "I'd like to see the insides of your arteries,"
or, "I'd like to see your blood measurements,"
or, "I'd like to see your cholesterol levels,"
I would probably be able to at least
buy a nice set of dumbells,
'cause a lot of people do say that.
Okay, this first six-month study was published
in the New England Journal of Medicine.
It took a look at 132 different people.
It took a look at obese and non-obese,
but mostly at least overweight patients,
and they were measuring a number of things.
Of course, they were looking at the weight loss again,
and they were also looking at the overall triglycerides
and looking at the cholesterol levels,
which is where this starts to get pretty interesting.
Well, of course, when it came down to the weight loss,
again, we saw that the low carb group lost 12.8 pounds
versus the other group only losing about eight.
So, when it comes down to triglycerides,
which are basically our fat storage building blocks,
this is where the results got interesting.
The low carb group had a reduction
of 38 milligrams per deciliter of triglycerides
versus the low fat group, only had seven.
Okay now, let's talk about insulin.
27% reduction in insulin levels in the low carb group
versus the low fat group.
Now, you might be saying,
"Of course it's gonna be lower levels of insulin.
"They're not having carbohydrates,
"so of course their insulin's gonna be lower."
But, let's think about something for a second.
What is the main contributor to cardiovascular disease
and atherosclerosis?
Well, it's not saturated fats, it's inflammation
that they've kind of linked with saturated fats,
in some wrap-around ways.
It's inflammation that's critical.
When we start having higher levels of inflammation
there is a direct line-item correlation with inflammation.
Okay, now enough of that.
What also improved was the fasting glucose, down 26 points.
Again, you're probably saying,
"Well, of course fasting glucose is gonna be down
"because this is simply a low carb diet
"versus a low fat diet."
But, these numbers remained,
even after consuming carbohydrates later on.
Meaning, that the fasting glucose levels
naturally just evolved and changed,
even if they were not diabetic.
All right, now let's get into another study
from the six-month spectrum.
This study was published
in the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism.
This one looked at females.
Why did I pick this study?
Because there are a couple of comments
in particular, that said,
"Well, only men really have success with low carb diets,"
because they were trying to couple it
with different hormones,
couple it with testosterone,
and things like that.
Not the case, in fact, this study took a look
at 53 overweight women, and once again,
they were measuring the weight loss.
Well, not only did the women see an 18 pound on average
weight loss, versus a nine or 10 pound weight loss
on the low fat, there were huge, huge reductions
in triglyceride levels,
massive improvements in their HDL levels,
and massive reductions in their LDL levels.
So we really end up having
some pretty significant results there.
Not to mention, there is an added side effect
of lower blood pressure too.
Really not a bad thing in the grand scheme of things, right?
But that's just six months.
Who really cares about six months?
Let's talk about 12 months.
Let's talk about what can happen after a full year
of doin' this stuff.
There was a study that was published
in the Journal of the American Medical Association,
which is one of the top jounals out there,
a journal that a lot of physicians reference,
and, quite honestly, a journal that a lot of other journals
look up to when it comes down to cold hard facts.
This study was big.
This study took a look at 311 participants,
all of them overweight, but again,
comparing low carb, but this time,
comparing low carb to low fat in three different ways.
Why did they do this?
Because it would be easy to say
that the low fat diet could have been influenced
by the types of carbs they were consuming.
And that's rightfully so,
that very much so is true.
So, by doing this they said,
"Okay, we're gonna have low glycemic,
medium glycemic, and high glycemic carbs
on the low fat spectrum,
and we're just gonna go general low carb for that idea.
Well, they still found after all of that
that the low carb prevailed,
not only for weight loss again,
but this time massive reductions in blood pressure,
huge improvements again in triglycerides
after a year, continuing on,
and then massive, massive increase in HDL
and again, a reduction in LDL.
Why do I say this?
Simply because that is where
everyone tries to combat a low carb diet.
Saying that cholesterol levels
are gonna go through the roof.
Now, if you've seen my other videos,
you'll know I don't really care about cholesterol levels
all that much.
I do if they're out of control,
but we know that the biggest problem
is oxidized cholesterol.
Cholesterol, when it gets oxidized,
and it turns into an issue with lipid peroxidization,
and causes, what do you know, inflammation.
So with that being said, let's roll right into
the two-year study, that took a look at
the Annals of Internal Medicine,
which compile a lot of different studies,
and they found, after two years,
almost identical results to what happened after one year.
So the results stayed the same, and continued on.
Now, there are a lot of long-tail studies
that are continuing on.
Okay, these long-tail studies are looking at,
all of the people who started doing the Atkins Diet,
all these people who were doing the Atkins Diet
in the '70s and '80s, and they're starting to become
the people now that would normally start to develop
heart issues and other issues.
Well, guess what?
We're finding that there is a decrease in those instances,
especially when they're queried
on what kind of lifestyle they were living
earlier in their life.
You see, now we're reaching a point
where the people that are getting older
and normally having to go on Medicare,
anything like that, are the people
that were starting to be the result of the health boom
that was starting to sort of combat the low fat boom.
So, it's kind of interesting to see
that things are actually improving.
It's not as much of an epidemic as we think
when it comes down to the low carb high fat world.
Now, I have to be honest with you.
Let me talk about some of the negative implications
of low carb dieting really quick,
so that you have the honest truth, okay?
The first one is simply going to be minerals.
You flat out don't get the same minerals.
That's a given.
Simply because you're not retaining as much water,
and I've talked about this in a lot of videos.
So what ends up happening?
People can have cardiovascular issues
because they're not modulating
their potassium and magnesium levels.
They're also not watching their sodium levels.
They're getting dehydrated, it's throwing their body off,
and they're not getting the right minerals.
So cardiovascular issues and tachycardia issues
and neuro issues can occur if your fats are in line
and you're not making sure you get the right minerals in.
So I do wanna make sure that you're clear on that.
Okay, the next one is gonna be mood issues,
depression, things like that.
It's common, it's very, very common, and why?
It simply has to do with tryptophan.
Tryptophan's an amino acid.
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins,
but tryptophan is activated and entered into the brain
by insulin, and unfortunately,
take the good with the bad of the low carb diet,
when you're having no carbohydrates,
you have very little to no insulin
allowing the tryptophan to get into your noggin.
If that tryptophan doesn't get into your noggin,
it can't activate seratonin,
which is the neurotransmitter
that helps you feel good.
Also helps you sleep, because it converts into melatonin
later on down the line.
How do you combat this?
Carbs every once in a while.
Or make sure that you're at least taking tryptophan,
or make sure that you're at least getting enough sleep,
so your body can recover and be a little bit more receptive
to the lower amounts of insulin that you do consume.
Then, lastly, we have to deal with dehydration,
which ties right in with minerals,
and that can be a big issue.
You're not getting the water,
your liver can't function right.
Your liver can't metabolize fats.
Your liver really has a hard time.
It puts a lot of strain on your kidneys.
There are some things that go along with a low carb diet
but also, you have to factor in the bad breath.
If you're going into ketosis,
yes, you will have keto breath,
but it only lasts a small amount of time.
It goes away with time.
It goes away once your body becomes adapted
to utilizing fats as a source of fuel.
So don't be afraid of low carbing, just because of that.
The last thing I wanted you to do
was be afraid of low carb diets,
when it had to do with science.
I broke this down for you.
I chopped up all the myths that are out there regarding it,
and I think that this is enough for you to decide
whether or not it's for you.
I'm not telling you one way's right or wrong,
but I am giving you the facts.
Oh, and one more thing.
When it comes down to those minerals,
magnesium's probably the most important.
So make sure you head on over to Jigsaw,
and pick up some MAG SRT,
especially if you're doing a low carb diet,
where you're more than likely going to be deficient
in that wonderful mineral.
So I'll see you there.
(digital buzzing)
(digital chiming)