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Ooh, that's a question for me, I have no idea.
(Korean men answer commonly googled questions about themselves.)
How Korean are you, out of 10?
I don't know, I feel like you should answer that for me.
- I look very Korean, people tell me I look very Korean. - Physical wise , you're like eight, I would say, eight out of ten Korean.
- 我長得非常像韓國人,大家都說我看起來就是典型的韓國人。- 以外型來說,你有八分像韓國人。
- Personality wise, I think you're five. - Five.
- 以個性來說,你有一半像韓國人。- 一半。
Evan, I think, just look wise, like you said physical, I think you look more American than Korean, but personality wise six.
- Six? - Yeah.
- 六分嗎? - 是啊。
We both fluently speak Korean. We both speak Korean in our households.
- I think we're fairly right in between the Western culture and the Korean culture. - Right.
- 我想我們剛好介於西方文化和韓國文化之間。- 沒錯。
(Why do Korean guys wear makeup?)
We both do not wear make up.
In Korea, I notice a lot of guys actually do wear make up on a daily basis.
Looking pretty is kind of like a trend.
Cosmetics for men is so developed in Korea now. They have, like, something called pact, so it's like your hands get messy, they don't want that,
so like BB cream, but in, like, a little circular tube, and you just have to open up and they have a mirror.
它的質地像 BB 霜,外型圓圓扁扁的,你只要打開就可以使用,裡頭還有一個鏡子。
- They have that cushion thing, and they have that specific lines for men. - Interesting. I mean I didn't know that, wow. Oh, what?
- 他們還有粉撲,男性有專門的化妝品系列。- 真有趣。我的意思是,我以前都不知道,哇。喔,什麼?
In terms of why Korean guys wear make up, I think it's more of like a cultural...
Like the beauty standard is a little different from here. Guys tend to look more prettier, especially in South Korea.
Like... if you look better, if you're prettier, you're socially more acceptable, that's just how it is.
It's messed up, but that's just how it is.
- Whatever boosts your confidence, you know? And like it's your life. Yeah. - Yeah, Go ahead, I mean like...
- 無論是什麼方式,只要能讓你增加信心都好,你懂嗎?這是你的人生。對啊。 - 去做吧!我的意思是...
- Do it. - You do you.
- 去做吧!- 做你自己。
(Why do Korean guys go to the army?)
- It's a mandatory thing. - For like two years, around two years?
- 這是義務。- 要當兩年吧!大概兩年?
Even if you live in America and you are a Korean citizen, you have to go back, serve, and then come back.
That only applies if you don't have permanent residency.
If you're a permanent resident, or you're an American citizen, you don't have to enlist.
It kind of became a cultural thing, where if you don't go and if you live in Korea, Korean men kind of just look down on you.
(What do Korean guys like as gifts?)
I like cash.
I like cash.
- Uh... Like a passion item? - As a gift?
- 呃,像是什麼驚喜小禮物?- 當作禮物嗎?
- No, I think cash. - Cash?
- 不,還是現金好了。- 現金嗎?
(Why do Korean guys smoke?)
So, I'm a non-smoker, I've never smoked cigarettes in my life.
I am a heavy smoker, I mean I'm trying to cut down.
- That was one of my New Year's resolutions, but I completely failed.
- 那是我的新年願望之一,但我完全失敗了。
I was good for like two days.
I just had cigarettes around the house.
I have an older brother and my dad and my brother both used to smoke.
I think I just started as a curiosity.
Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, do not smoke.
Nowadays in Korea, it's really hard to smoke out in the streets because there's designated spots only for smoking.
If you go outside of the boundary, and if someone catches you, then you have to pay a fee.
- I think Korea is trying to become more... - A smoke-free like lifestyle.
- 我想韓國正試著... - 打造無菸的生活型態。
- Yeah, so that's good. - Right?
- 是啊,聽起來不錯。- 對吧?
(Where do Korean guys hang out?)
I feel like Koreans, they only go to bars.
Bar and nightlife is such a big thing in Korea.
- Difference between Korean bars and American bars is American bars is, people stand. - Walk around, right...
- 韓國酒吧與美國酒吧的不同在於,在美國酒吧裡,大家都站著。- 走來走去,你說的沒錯...
You know what I mean, right? But Korean bars is like a table service, so you sit and like just talk for hours.
- Bars or cafes and coffee shops. - Cafes.
- 酒吧或者咖啡廳。- 對,就像咖啡廳。
And they just like sit there and talk.
Yeah, that's how we hang out.
(Why do Korean guys wear masks?)
I wear masks sometimes.
I wear masks when I have to travel, because I don't wanna get sick.
It's just to protect myself.
On airplanes, too.
Airplanes is like the place that you get sick.
Everybody should wear a mask when you're on an airplane.
Masks is part of fashion too.
- Interesting, huh? - Yeah, it's part of a fashion. It's like covering your mouth, it's a part of fashion. It's interesting...
- 有趣吧!啊?- 是啊,是種時尚。掩蓋自己的口鼻,同時還保有時尚感呢!很有趣...
It comes from K-pop, I feel like, because K-pop idols when they don't wear make up and they're going somewhere, they have masks to like...
hide their identity.
(Why do Korean guys bow?)
Traditional Korean way of saying hello.
Even if you're same age, you would bow.
- If it's your first time, yeah. - Yeah, if it's your first time, and you don't know that person, it's a completely stranger, you bow.
- 如果是初次見面對,對。- 對的,如果是第一次見面的話。對不認識的人,完全陌生的人,你也要鞠躬。
Even if it's still younger, you bow.
- If I saw Evan for the first time, for the show... - I'd be like, I'll bow.
- 如果是第一次見到 Evan,為了這個節目... - 我也會,也會鞠躬。
And then once we get to know each other then we don't have to bow anymore.
But you do bow to older people.
- 但對年長者還是得鞠躬。
- It's like showing respect. - Definitely, yeah, definitely.
- 表示尊重。- 是啊,沒錯。
(How do Korean guys flirt?)
You go with your group of friends, you go to a drinking place, sit down,
so I tell the waiter to like bring us a bottle of soda to that table.
- It kind of give them a sign. It's like... - Yeah, I, I, no, I...
- 給目標對象一種暗示。就好像... - 對,我,我,不,我...
Full on give them a sign, like... then they'll, of course, look at you, and be like.
Drink together, yeah, should we go, or do you wanna come?
Girls do say yes, and they say no, too. They're like, "We're okay, we're just here to chill."
- They just wanna be friendly. - They're just, yeah... They're showing you that they have an interest in you.
- 他們只是想表現得友善點。- 他們只是,對啊... 他們會對你表示興趣。
Yeah, they're just trying to be friends. They just wanna get to know you.
These are great questions, I mean, thank you guys for searching these on Google.
這些都是很棒的問題,我的意思是感謝各位在 Google 上找了這麼多問題。
Right, thank you Google.
沒錯,感謝 Google。
You googled it, we answered it for you.
Hopefully we answered couple of them pretty accurately.