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  • Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

  • I'm your host, Will!

  • And Will,

  • I am!

  • And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

  • our all-knowing voice in the sky.

  • Hello, everyone!

  • Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about

  • Prepositions.

  • Those little but oh-so-important words

  • for talking about movement, place and time!

  • OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

  • Hello, all.

  • My name's Sully.

  • And contestant number two?

  • It's nice to meet you.

  • I'm Liz.

  • Welcome to the Grammar Gameshow both of you.

  • Enjoy the experience

  • it could be your last.

  • Pardon?

  • I said, let's get going fast!

  • And there's nothing suspicious about that!

  • Our first round is a quick-fire round.

  • Prepositions are often used to connect sentences

  • with a time word.

  • I'm going to tell you a time word,

  • and I want to know the preposition.

  • Here goes!

  • Four o'clock.

  • At four o'clock.

  • Correct!

  • 2016.

  • In 2016.

  • Correct!

  • Friday.

  • On Friday.

  • Correct!

  • Night.

  • At night.

  • Correct!

  • Morning.

  • In the morning.

  • Correct!

  • Christmas.

  • At Christmas.

  • Correct!

  • Leslie?

  • Excellent work!

  • There are three basic prepositions of time.

  • 'At' is used for times of the day,

  • for example, at four a.m.

  • 'On' is used for days

  • such as 'on Sunday', or 'on Christmas day'.

  • 'In' is used for periods,

  • such as months, years and seasons.

  • But be careful,

  • some times are irregular,

  • such as 'at night'.

  • There's nothing irregular about

  • what you do at night, Leslie.

  • We've all occasionally cried in a ball on the floor

  • every night, right Sully?

  • What are you trying to say?

  • Nothing!

  • You just look like the type.

  • What?

  • I said, make sure your answers are right!

  • And there's nothing suspicious about that.

  • Liz has six points,

  • but you only have three!

  • On to round two,

  • and this round is a picture round.

  • Look at the picture and tell me where each person is.

  • One point for every correct preposition.

  • He's in the pool.

  • Correct!

  • But he's also at the pool.

  • Also, correct!

  • His finger's in his nose.

  • Correct!

  • They're walking on the bridge.

  • Correct!

  • Leslie?

  • Good!

  • Prepositions are used to describe

  • the positions of things to other things.

  • Words like 'in', 'on', 'at' , 'over' and 'between',

  • among others,

  • tell us where things are or where they are moving to.

  • Unfortunately, English has a lot of prepositions

  • which need to be learned.

  • So study hard!

  • Well done Liz.

  • You did best there so you can have another

  • four-and-a-half points.

  • How are you doing?

  • To be honest, I'm just really thrilled to be here.

  • I never thought I'd get to go onto a quiz programme!

  • Nor did we!

  • Especially with that face!

  • What?

  • I said, no more prepositions of place!

  • And there's nothing suspicious about that.

  • On to our third round.

  • Another group of prepositions is called

  • 'dependent prepositions'.

  • They are the ones which must follow a verb,

  • noun or adjective to connect them to a sentence.

  • Listen to these sentences

  • and tell me why each one is wrong.

  • She's always been good to speaking in public.

  • At.

  • Good at speaking in public.

  • Correct!

  • I take a lot of pride to working hard.

  • In.

  • Pride in working hard.

  • Correct!

  • You should never rely for other people.

  • On.

  • Rely on people.

  • Correct!

  • Leslie?

  • Good job!

  • Dependent prepositions are the prepositions which

  • follow a noun, verb or adjective

  • in order to connect it to a sentence.

  • 'Good at', 'pride in', 'rely on'.

  • Be careful though,

  • some words can have more than one preposition,

  • and the choice may determine the meaning.

  • And that brings us to the end of today's

  • Grammar Gameshow.

  • Let's count out the points

  • and the winner is

  • Liz with

  • points!

  • Well done! Here's what you've won!

  • It's a

  • thumbs up!

  • We'll see you again next week,

  • where you can play for another prize.

  • And Sully, you managed to answer quite a few questions,

  • which surprised me because when I first saw you,

  • I thought you were incredibly stupid!

  • What?

  • I said, I thought you were incredibly stupid!

  • Oh! Good!

  • That's what I thought you said.

  • Bye-bye.

  • Release the octopi!

  • It looks like we'll need another contestant.

  • Thanks for joining us.

  • Say goodbye, Leslie.

  • Au revoir, Leslie!

  • See you next time.

Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!


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A2 初級 英國腔

介詞。文法遊戲秀第19集 (Prepositions: The Grammar Gameshow Episode 19)

  • 202 14
    Samuel 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日