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  • Hi everyone! I'm Charlene from BBC Learning English.

  • Today is day seven of the winter Olympics

  • in South Korea and we've already seen some

  • spectacular performances in snowboarding,

  • ice-skating and lots of other fantastic winter sports.

  • With lots more sporting action to come,

  • everybody's talking about it,

  • and I'm asking three questions to find out the actual

  • words people are saying. Question one.

  • How are you enjoying the Winter Olympics?

  • I'm enjoying them very much indeed - they're very

  • interesting, and I really, really, really am enjoying it.

  • Yes - I've not seen too much of it, but what I have seen

  • has been pretty spectacular.

  • I mean I haven't really been keeping up with the Winter

  • Olympics this year but I do think it's good

  • for in terms of sportsmanship and

  • political impacts this year especially.

  • What's been the most stand-out moment for you so far?

  • I would have to say it was the opening ceremony,

  • you know, when you kind of see all the countries

  • kind of like marching together ... there's no conflict,

  • it's like everyone's just trying to get along together.

  • Oh it's the amazing jumps that the skiers make,

  • when they've skied very fast up or down

  • one of their slopes, then they jump off the top,

  • and you think they're going up to heaven actually.

  • Do you think the Winter Olympics has an impact

  • beyond sport?

  • I don't know - maybe it's becoming kind of ...

  • it's weakening as an interest

  • and the media should push more and more to, to

  • you know, to awake the interest in the broader,

  • broader audience. That's what I think.

  • With what they've done to the Russian athletes

  • as well, I think they've made it a bit

  • too political and they've taken the sport out of it,

  • in my opinion.

  • That's a difficult one; I really don't know

  • ... I just want Britain to win, always!

  • So there you go: Everybody's talking about

  • Winter Olympics and now you can too!

  • There's a recap coming up in just a second -

  • before I go don't forget you can find lots more about

  • this topic at BBC Learning English dot com,

  • you can also find us on Facebook, Twitter,

  • Instagram and YouTube - and get talking!

  • See you next time!

Hi everyone! I'm Charlene from BBC Learning English.


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A2 初級 英國腔

大家都在談論...#冬奧會 (Everybody's Talking About... #WinterOlympics)

  • 83 13
    Samuel 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日