字幕列表 影片播放
hello everyone and welcome back to english with lucy so i've made a video
大家好,歡迎回來 英語與露西所以我已經做了一個影片
about improving your listening and i made one about writing very recently as
關於提高你的聽力,我 最近也做了一篇關於寫作的文章
well and i have made one on conversation but today the time has come to make a
好了,我已經做了一個對話 但今日此時該來製作
video about improving your reading and your reading comprehension because
關於提高閱讀能力的影片和 你的閱讀理解能力,因為
that's what you guys have been asking for so this video is going to be
這就是你們一直在問的 所以這個影片將是
jam-packed ie really really full of tips that will help you improve so whether
滿滿的,即真的是滿滿的小竅門 這將幫助你提高,所以無論
you want to improve because you need to do a reading exam or if you just want to
你想改進,因為你需要 讀書考試,或者如果你只是想...。
read for pleasure and understand more these tips are going to help you let's
get started with the video now let's start with an easy one and one that you
現在讓我們從影片開始 從一個簡單的一對一開始,你
definitely will have heard before but it's so important I feel like I need to
肯定會聽說過,但 它是如此的重要,我覺得像我需要
reiterate it and this is read the question now at school I remember being
重申,這是讀 現在在學校裡,我記得我被
bored of my teachers telling me to read the question always read the question
厭倦了老師叫我讀書 一問三不知
remember to read the question but having worked as a teacher and having marked so
審題立意 當過老師,也做過記號
many exams oh my god so many points are lost through people miss reading the
很多考試哦,我的上帝這麼多分是 誤人子弟
question how many times have you seen a question that says answer with one
問你見過幾回 答非所問
example of bah-bah-bah well if you give two examples most of the time you will
呸呸呸的例子,如果你給了 兩個例子,大多數時候你會
not get the point because you've given too many examples or if they asked you
不懂,因為你已經給 太多的例子,或者如果他們問你
to describe something and you provide a list it's not a description so you might
描述的東西,而你提供了一個 列表,它不是一個描述,所以你可能會
lose that point so please just bear it in mind you need to read the question
失之交臂 牢記你需要閱讀的問題
that was a pretty easy one let's get on to the next one now tip number two is
這是個很簡單的問題,讓我們繼續吧 到下一個現在提示二是
all about practice but the best way to practice and this is by reading the news
都是關於實踐,但最好的方式 而這是通過閱讀新聞
we're better to find up-to-the-minute current vocabulary that you can use in
我們最好能找到最新的......。 當前的詞彙,你可以用在
conversations that you're going to see in exams because often exams will
你將會看到的對話 在考試中,因為往往考試會
use examples of current events or recent events so as a teacher I am always on
借古喻今 事件,所以作為老師的我總是在
the lookout for the best news resources for my students
尋覓最佳新聞資源 為我的學生
The Telegraph app have very kindly sponsored today's video but it wasn't a
電報應用非常友好地 贊助今天的視頻,但它不是一個
hard job for me because I already use the app on a daily basis it is the news
對我來說很困難,因為我已經使用 該應用程序在每天的基礎上,它是新聞。
app that I recommend to my students the reason I recommend this to my students
我向我的學生推薦的應用程序 我向我的學生推薦這個的原因
is because it's trusted news content you can use it both online and offline so
是因為它是值得信賴的新聞內容,你 可以在線和離線使用,所以
when you're connected to Wi-Fi you can download all the news stories and then
當你連接到Wi-Fi時,你可以 下載所有的新聞故事,然後
when you're out and about you can catch up on everything it's excellent because
當你外出時,你可以趕上 在所有的東西,它是優秀的,因為
you can click on the topic that is relevant and interesting to you because
你可以點擊主題是 與您相關的和有趣的,因為
that's really important download it whilst you're at home or
這一點很重要 下載,而你在家裡或
connected to Wi-Fi and then when you're on your commute or you're out and about
連接到Wi-Fi,然後當你 在您的通勤路上,或者您外出時
or you're somewhere where there's bad internet or at school for example you
或者你在某個地方,那裡有壞的 互聯網或在學校,例如你
can catch up with all the latest news stories in the section that interests
可以瞭解所有最新的新聞 感興趣的欄目中的故事
you most so that's one thing that I love about it the way that you can view
所以這是我最喜歡的一件事。 關於它的方式,你可以查看
everything offline as well as online know it's all very well reading the news
網下網上 知無不言,言無不盡
every day but how can you use the news to get as much vocabulary into your
但你怎麼能用新聞 儘可能多的詞彙進入你的
brain as possible well I would encourage you to keep a vocab diary my
儘可能好的大腦,我會鼓勵 你來記單詞日記我
recommendation is keep it all on your phone use the Telegraph
建議是把所有的東西都放在你的 電報
app try and read the articles that are relevant and interesting to you and then
應用,並嘗試閱讀文章,是 相關的和您感興趣的,然後
on the note function on your phone keep a vocab diary so you could date it every
在手機的備註功能中,保持 詞彙日記,這樣你就可以每一個日期。
day you can note down the words that you don't understand in the app and then
日,你可以記下你 在應用程序中不理解,然後
when you get home you can fill in that diary find out what the words mean and
回家後你可以填上 日記中找出詞語的意思,並
there you have a list to study from now you guys have probably heard all the
榜上有名 你們可能已經聽說過所有的
fake news and the untrustworthy news articles going around The Telegraph is
假新聞和不可信的消息 在《電訊報》上流傳的文章是
completely trusted it's well written it's well researched it's current it's
信手拈來 它的研究很好 它的時效性它的。
up-to-the-minute and you can view it both online and offline so it's
最新的,你可以查看它 在線和離線,所以它的
completely accessible I've left the link in the description box for anybody who
完全可以訪問,我留下了鏈接 在描述框中為任何人
wants to download it I really do encourage you to do that vocab diary
我真的想下載 鼓勵你做那個詞彙日記
because it has transformed so many of my students vocabularies right tip number
因為它改變了我很多的 學生詞彙正確提示號
three relates back a little bit to tip number two but it's really important if
三與小費有關 第二,但它真的很重要,如果
you want to achieve the right amount of because practice does make perfect and
你想達到適量的 熟能生巧
that is scheduled in reading time and you will be amazed at how much this can
在閱讀時間和 你會驚奇地發現,這可以使
increase the amount you read every morning on your commute or or during a
增加你的閱讀量 早上在你的通勤路上或在
break work or school or you could be reading for pleasure so you could be
休學或休學,或者你可能是 讀書消遣,所以你可以
setting aside an extra half an hour in the evening but make sure you make
多留半小時 晚上,但你一定要
reading part of your routine because otherwise other things take priority and
閱讀是你日常工作的一部分,因為 否則
you will miss out because improving your reading and improving your other
你將錯過,因為提高你的 閱讀和改善你的其他
language skills really is like running a marathon
語文能力真的就像經營 馬拉松
you can't cram it you can't do something once and then inspect to see a massive
你不能塞滿它,你不能做一些事情。 一次,然後檢查,看到一個巨大的
improvement it needs to be little and often that's why little tasks like
改善,它需要很少的和 往往這就是為什麼一些小任務,比如
scheduling in and writing a vocab diary are so so effective let me know in the
排班和寫生字日記 是如此的有效,讓我知道在
comments below when you most like to read or if you're going to schedule in
下面的評論,當你最喜歡 閱讀或者如果你要安排在
reading time and when that's going to be now another way you could look at
閱讀時間,以及什麼時候會有。 現在你可以從另一個角度看
scheduling in reading time is setting yourself a reading goal so depending on
閱讀時間的安排是設定 自己的閱讀目標,所以根據
your level schedule in a certain amount of articles every single day or however
你的等級表在一定數量 稿件,或每天
many chapters or pages of a book every single day you know I'm not reading to
滿打滿算 每天你知道我不是在看書。
improve my English I'm reading for entertainment and to keep up to date
提高英語水平 我在讀 娛樂和保持最新的
with current affairs I like to set myself the goal of reading at least 5
我喜歡用時事來襯托 自己的目標是至少讀5本
articles in the morning whilst I have my coffee I skim read them and it's just
在早上的文章,而我有我的 咖啡,我粗略地讀了一下,它只是。
the right amount of time for me obviously if I have more time I'll read
適當的時間 顯然,如果我有更多的時間,我將閱讀
more I do like to start off the day with my set amount I can go over but I can't
我更喜歡用以下方式開始一天的工作 我的設定金額,我可以超過,但我不能。
go under so look at scheduling in a goal for each day now the next hip is a
下去,所以在一個目標中看排期。 每一天都是一個新的臀部
little bit strange and it might not work for everybody but it really really works
有點奇怪,可能不靈了 對每個人來說,但它真的真的很有效
for me it worked for me when I was doing my exams at university because I found
對我來說,這對我來說是有效的,當我在做 我在大學的考試,因為我發現
studying so boring but I needed to ingest a huge amount of articles essays
學習這麼無聊,但我需要 攝取大量的文章論文
textbooks literature in general and something I found incredibly helpful and
教科書 我覺得非常有幫助,而且
something that made reading much more pleasurable and much more enjoyable was
的東西,使閱讀更多 愉快和更愉快的是
reading using the voice of a celebrity in my head
配音 腦海中
and my celebrity of choice was always Stephen Fry who I've mentioned in
而我選擇的名人總是 斯蒂芬-弗萊,我在
previous videos he speaks with received pronunciation
以前的視頻 口齒伶俐
he's very very intelligent he's a comedian he has a lovely voice and I
他非常非常聰明,他是一個。 喜劇演員,他有一個可愛的聲音,我。
used to read through all of the essays literature for my university degree in
屢讀不厭 文學
in his voice and I just got into a habit and I found that it made everything less
在他的聲音,我只是養成了一個習慣。 我發現,它使一切都不那麼
dreadful and I've seen that other people do it too because I get messages on
可怕的,我也看到了,其他的人 因為我收到的消息在
Instagram and comments on YouTube saying whenever I read anything in English I do
Instagram和YouTube上的評論說 每當我讀到任何英文的東西,我都會
it in your voice loosely and at first I thought how strange and then I thought
你的聲音很寬泛,一開始我覺得 我覺得很奇怪,然後我覺得
oh that's what I do just even Fri so yeah pick a voice of somebody that you
哦,這就是我所做的只是即使週五,所以 是啊,選擇一個人的聲音,你
really really like and and try using their voice in your head next time you
真的很喜歡,並嘗試使用 他們的聲音在你的腦海裡,下次你
read something if you're reading to practice your English let me know which
唸唸有詞 練習你的英語讓我知道哪些
person you choose in the comments because I think it'll be quite funny to
留言者 因為我認為這將是相當有趣的,以
see who everyone chooses now the next tip is for people who just really aren't
看大家選誰了 小貼士是給那些只是真的不是
satisfied with their reading comprehension if you feel like you are
飽讀 理解力,如果你覺得你是
underperforming in exams or you're not getting the most out of reading for
考試成績不佳或你沒有 充分利用讀書的機會
pleasure this tips for you I want you to step back from your reading and evaluate
很高興為你提供這個提示,我想讓你 退而求其次
what's going wrong why why are you dissatisfied in order to find a cure you
出了什麼事 為什麼 為什麼你 為了找到治療方法,你不滿意
need to find the problem you need to ask yourself why are you lacking vocabulary
需要找到你需要問的問題 自己為什麼詞彙量不足
is it that every other sentence you can't understand because you don't
是不是每隔一句你 不懂,因為你不
understand the words are you lacking technical vocabulary so you'll fine
語焉不詳 技術詞彙,所以你會精
reading a general story but if you read about politics or science you're
讀到一般的故事,但如果你讀到 關於政治或科學你是
completely stumped stumped means confused is it that you really struggle
啞巴吃黃連,有苦說不出 糊里糊塗
with tenses is it that you can't work out which past tense is being used or if
時態,是不是你就不能用 判斷是否使用了過去時,或者是否
they're talking about the present or the future is it rather than the language
他們說的是現在或將來 未來是它,而不是語言
used is it that you find reading too tiring or too boring is it that you run
習慣了,是不是覺得讀書太 是你跑得太累了還是太無聊了?
out of time in an exam you need to think about what is going wrong and then find
在考試中你需要思考 癥結所在,然後找到
yourself a solution or ask some I'd help you find a solution I can give
自己想辦法或問一些 我可以幫你找到解決的辦法
you all the tips to apply to your reading but if you don't work out what's
你所有的技巧都可以應用到你的 讀,但如果你不知道什麼是真正的
wrong in the first place you're going to have a tough time improving so I invite
錯的地方,你要去 舉步維艱
you to think about your reading what is going wrong write it in the comment
你要思考你的閱讀是什麼 點評
section and let's all help each other to improve our reading skills I can
節,讓我們大家互幫互助,以達到 提高我們的閱讀能力 我可以
identify what's wrong with my reading when I read in Spanish for example I get
辨讀 例如,當我用西班牙語閱讀時,我得到
bored i skim read I miss the point and I don't try hard enough to understand the
無聊的我草草讀了一下,我錯過了重點,我。 不努力去了解
whole passage what do I need to do I need to work on summarizing every
整段文字我需要做什麼我 要善於總結
paragraph or every page to make sure that I get a clear grasp of the context
段或每頁,以確保 我清楚地掌握了上下文。
and just what's going on in the piece so what's your problem and if you can what
而只是在片中發生了什麼,所以 你的問題是什麼,如果你可以什麼?
do you need to do to fight it comment down below my next tip is going
你需要做什麼來對抗它 請在下面留言,我的下一個提示是去
to sound weird as well but it's something that really worked for me and
聽起來也很奇怪,但它是 對我來說,真正有效的東西
this is use a pen and this helps you in a couple of different ways one of the
這是用筆,這有助於你在。 幾種不同的方式,其中一種是
obvious ones which you will know about is you can underline words but it is
顯而易見的,你會知道的 是你可以下劃線的單詞,但它是
really really important to underline key words or even cross out words that you
切記 詞,甚至劃掉你
think are not relevant as well I wouldn't completely cross them out but
認為都是無關緊要的,以及我 也不至於完全劃掉
maybe put a line through if you think no no this stuff doesn't matter just the
如果你認為不行的話,也許可以放一條線過去 不,這些東西不重要,只是
key words but another use for your trusty pen is use it to help you speed
關鍵字,但你的另一個用途 可靠的筆是用它來幫助你的速度。
read so you use it as a pointer this is going to really help anybody that
讀,所以你用它作為一個指針,這是 將真正幫助任何人,
struggles with reading a text in a short amount of time in a lot of exams you're
咬文嚼字 量,在很多考試中你是
under time pressure so you want to read as much as possible in the shortest
在時間壓力下,所以你想讀 儘可能在最短
amount of time so I find that by using a pen and following under the words like
量的時間,所以我發現,通過使用一個 筆和下面的字樣,如
this I know I look ridiculous right now but I want you guys to speed read really
我知道我現在看起來很可笑 但我想讓你們速讀真的
helps me read much more quickly you can try it out see if it works for you take
幫助我讀得更快,你可以 試一試,看是否適合你服用
an article read it first without the pen read it again with the pen time yourself
伏筆 自己提筆再讀
see which one is quicker it might take some getting used to but learning to
見招拆招 有些習慣,但學會了
speed read and using a pointer it can transform the way you perform in reading
讀取速度和使用指針,它可以 改變你在閱讀中的表現方式
exams right guys that's it with the tips for today I really really
考試吧,夥計們,就是這樣 與今天的提示,我真的真的
encourage you to click on the link in the description box and download the
鼓勵您點擊以下鏈接 描述框並下載
Telegraph app I've already said how great it is it was what I was using
電報應用我已經說過了,如何? 偉大的是它是什麼,我是用
before and it was an absolute pleasure to be invited to work with them because
之前,這是一個絕對的樂趣 被邀請與他們合作,因為
I love recommending things I truly believe in I'm confident that if you set
我喜歡推薦我真正 我有信心,如果你設置了
yourself a goal of reading to 3 or 5 articles a day for example you really
給自己定一個目標,讀到3到5個 比如你真的
really will improve your reading comprehension over time don't forget to
真的會提高你的閱讀能力 理解力隨著時間的推移,不要忘了
connect with me on all of my social media I've got my facebook I've got my
在我所有的社交網站上與我聯繫 媒體 我有我的facebook 我有我的
Instagram and I've got my Twitter and I will see you soon for another lesson
Instagram和我已經得到了我的Twitter和我。 後會有期