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  • there was an idea

  • to bring together a group of remarkable people

  • to see if we could become something more

  • so when they needed us, we could fight the battles

  • that they never could

  • in time, you would know what it's like to lose

  • to feel so desperately that you are right

  • yet to fail all the same

  • dread it

  • run from it

  • destiny still arrives

  • evacuate the city

  • engage all defences

  • and get this man a shield

  • fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe

  • but this

  • does put a smile on my face

  • who the hell are you guys

there was an idea


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B1 中級 美國腔

AVENGERS Infinity War 4K預告片 (AVENGERS Infinity War 4K Trailer)

  • 97 9
    張競元 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日