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  • You should watch Erased. It's really good

  • [Intro plays]

  • Back in high school. I had this art teacher [we'll] call her Miss Holly

  • [and] she was not a fan of anime let alone the anime art style. She wasn't a grouch or anything

  • I guess she was just loyal to the traditional art styles. I on the other hand loved anime still do today

  • It was literally the reason I got into drawing and art and without it. I might not be where I am today, [so]

  • [Freshman] year new school New Year new me blah blah blah

  • and I chose art as an elective course

  • I was excited to prove myself and show everyone [my] talent because I practiced so [much] and

  • Didn't want to keep it all to myself

  • One of our tasks was to draw in our sketchbook every day

  • Didn't matter what it was as long [as] we put some sort of effort into it I

  • Showed her my drawing. It was a sketch [of] an anime character

  • With her annoyingly nasally voice she said oh

  • Anime, huh, it's good, but I'm not really a fan of the style. I mean, how did they even get their hair like that?

  • What?

  • She doesn't like my art

  • Okay, first of all being an art teacher

  • Isn't it your responsibility?

  • To kind of encourage your students regardless of how they choose to visually express their work

  • the whole Basis of why I chose the elective was so I could step away from the objectiveness of the other courses

  • and have the freedom to practice my talents

  • granted I know certain art projects require certain discretions when it comes to styles

  • but we're talking about a personal Sketchbook here and

  • Okay, I admit. I was a naive kid and my mistake was that I felt

  • I needed the validation of an adult simply because I believed she had more experience and

  • Was therefore assumed that her skill [level] was our goal to emulate

  • Whatever [anyway] throughout, the whole year she would continue her anime criticisms and continue to try to convert me like okay palpatine

  • But near the end [of] the school year [I] got this

  • opportunity

  • you see my school was actually brand new at the time and we were the first generation of students to inhabit it and at the

  • End of every [year]. What book is made to represent the memories of the past year?

  • the Yearbook

  • Actually, it was miss holly who brought it up to me

  • she said the Yearbook committee required a cover design and she came to me

  • To design it this was my chance

  • This was my opportunity

  • [I] don't even think I did my homework that night it. It wasn't important. My pride was at stake

  • I spent the whole night on it

  • But as I made it as I was sketching out the roughs and drawing concepts

  • I felt like my style was changing as I drew it out. I kept hearing that nagging voice in my head

  • That's too anime

  • What's happening to me?

  • The next day I gave her my design

  • Looking back at it [hind] side [wise] but I think it looks horrible

  • Because you can see my internal struggle with trying to maintain my passion, but also my conflict with trying to please Miss Holly

  • She approved it

  • I had designed my high school's first Yearbook cover

  • Half of me was so proud to [have] been part of the history in the making

  • But the other part of me felt like I just betrayed the leaf village due to the seductions of Miss Hollychimaru

  • But the deed was done

  • There was no turning back

  • the following year

  • I took art again except miss holly wasn't the art teacher that time she was on Maternity leave

  • The new teacher will call her miss banff became one of my favorite teachers

  • She was this young hip woman who you could tell has been through some things, but those experiences nevertheless

  • I molded her into an amazing person

  • I respected her and she

  • Respected my drawing style

  • From that point on I [never] let anyone discourage me from drawing what I wanted to draw

  • I mean, I have to take constructive Criticism here, and there of course that's necessary in the art world

  • But I loved anime as a kid and I still do today

  • it's the reason I learned to draw and the reason why I continued [to] draw I

  • Kept with my passions and followed my dreams and look where I ended up

  • So eat it, [Miss] Holly

  • I know it's only been like three minutes, but have you watched erased yet?

  • Oh, so good because if not, you can totally watch it on crunchyroll the leading destination for all your anime

  • Manga and even live action drama [needs] for six ninety-five a month all of this becomes accessible to you on multiple platforms

  • crunchyroll chooses to give a portion of the revenue to support the anime industry

  • So they can continue to make more content for you to enjoy [if] you're still not sure it's worth it. No problem

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  • Just go to slash Domics and begin your binge watching today right now

  • I'm just watching Haikyuu [and] Erased but there are many many more available

  • You can even watch older animes that you've missed out on it's never too late

  • Again, that's

  • use that url so [they] know I sent you all right? Enjoy

  • You better do it...

  • Im waiting

  • :)

Hey guys


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B1 中級 美國腔

我的美術老師 (My Art Teacher)

  • 115 5
    penny 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日