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  • Do you ever get that feeling in your gut that something is the right or wrong decision,


  • but you don't know why? Our intuition is often deemed as mysticism or linked with telepathy

    但你不知道原因 ? 我們的直覺通常被視為模糊思想或與心靈感應

  • and premonitions, but is there a science behind it? Should you trust your intuition?

    和預感有關,但其背後有科學根據嗎 ? 你該相信你的直覺嗎 ?

  • Understanding something immediately without conscious reasoning is less about seeing into


  • the future and more to do with pattern recognition. If I showed you this layout of an actual chess

    而是與模式識別有關。如果我給你看這個實際象棋遊戲的佈局 5 秒鐘

  • game for 5 seconds, could you reproduce it? Studies show that most chess novices can recreate

    你能再現它嗎?研究顯示大部分的象棋新手能夠還原 25%

  • 25% of it, but chess masters do it with 95% accuracy. However, if the task is repeated

    而象棋老手能還原 95%。然而,若這個實驗是將象棋位置隨機擺放

  • with the pieces in completely random positions, both the novices and masters only recall 25%.

    新手與老手都只能還原 25%

  • The masters don't have photographic memory - they simply use their knowledge and intuition,

    老手沒有過目不忘的記憶力 ─ 他們只是依循他們多年來練習中看到的模式,

  • based on patterns they have seen over years of practice!


  • Our brain processes information through both slow and fast thinking. For example, this


  • math problem with cause a stress response, and your brain will kick into slow thinking


  • to solve it. But this picture involves fast thinking; understanding the emotion of sadness


  • is an immediate brain response. And this fast thinking is where intuition lies.


  • In a similar study on the Japanese board game Shogi, participants were asked to solve a

    在對日本棋盤遊戲「將棋」的類似研究中,參與者被要求於 1 秒鐘內完成將軍

  • checkmate move within one second. With no time for conscious analysis, brain scans showed


  • no activation of the cortex in expert Shogi players, the part of the brain responsible


  • for conscious thought. Instead, the basal ganglia, which is linked to habit formation


  • and automatic behaviours was triggered.


  • Interestingly, when it comes to complex decisions like buying a house, while many believe careful


  • thought with a pro's and con's list is best, one study actually found that participants


  • made better choices when they went with their snap decision. It turns out we often only


  • take into account a subset of relevant information which can lead to us weighing the importance


  • of each attribute inaccurately. The study also found that those who trusted their gut


  • were more satisfied with their decisions in the long run than those who thought through


  • the process carefully. However, when making simple purchases like what toothpaste to buy


  • - where variables are not as complex - the study found intentional thought and research

    ─ 其需要考慮的面向不複雜 ─ 研究發現有意識的思考和研究

  • to be helpful.


  • Think you can identify the sound of your own voice? Surprisingly, after listening to a

    想一下你是否認得自己的聲音 ? 令人驚訝的是,當聽完

  • recording of many voices in succession, including their own, 75% of participants in a study

    許多聲音的錄音,包括自己聲音的錄音,有 75% 的參與者在一項研究中

  • made a mistake recognizing their own voice. But the most fascinating part is that their


  • skin conductance was also measured, and these levels went much higher when their own voice


  • came on - even though they didn't consciously recognize their voice, suggesting they had

    ─ 即使他們無意識到認出自己的聲音,意味著

  • ignored their intuition which knew the correct answer first.


  • This same phenomenon was shown in a card game that uses 4 decks of cards. The participants

    同樣的現象顯示在玩使用 4 副牌的紙牌遊戲中。參與者

  • would select a card from any pile which would either be good or bad. Without them knowing


  • at first, decks A&B had more bad cards, while C&D had more good cards. After choosing 10

    A 和 B 副有較多不好的牌,而 C 和 D 副有較多好牌。在選擇 10 張牌後

  • cards, the participants had no idea what was happening, but by 50 cards most would suspect

    參與者還不知道正在發生什麼事情,但在選擇 50 張牌後,大部分的人會懷疑

  • that some decks were better than others. Finally after 80 cards, they could articulate that

    有某幾副牌比較好。在選擇 80 張牌後,他們能夠確定

  • decks A&B were bad and C&D were good. But again, even though they knew it consciously,

    A 和 B 副有較多不好的牌,而 C 和 D 副有較多好牌。但再一次有意識地知道這結果以前

  • their skin conductance levels would rise as early as the first 10 cards in response to

    他們皮膚的電導值早在選擇 10 張牌後,接近 A 和 B 副牌時就有所提升

  • reaching for pile A&B. Their skin was already making unconscious signals about the right


  • choice before their conscious mind did. Of course, their skin didn't KNOW the correct


  • answer, but their unconscious mind began understanding patterns before their conscious mind had.


  • So is following your intuition always the route to go? Not in cases of empathy, it turns


  • out. A study involving over 900 participants found that when it came to accurately interpreting

    一項有 900 多名參與者的研究發現,當想要精確地闡述

  • and understanding the feelings of others, systematic thinking or carefully analyzing


  • the information available before making a decision was more successful than going with


  • what feels right.


  • Relying on our past experiences is essentially how our intuition is formed and it has helped


  • our ancestors determine friend from foe. However we were given two systems of thinking - fast

    分辨敵人或朋友。然而,我們的大腦有兩個思考系統 ─ 快速和慢速

  • and slow, and we recommend that it's best to follow them both.


  • Special thanks to audible for supporting this episode to give you a free 30 day trial at

    特別感謝 audible 贊助這一集影片,並為您提供 30 天免費試用

  • This week we wanted to recommend the bookAlgorithms to live bywhich


  • is a really interesting look at how computer algorithms can be applied to your everyday


  • life! You can get a free 30 day trial at and choose from a massive selection! We love

    您可以在 上免費試用30天,並從眾多選項中進行挑選!

  • them as they are great when you're on the go.

    我們喜愛 audible,因為他們提供很棒的使用過程

  • And subscribe for more weekly science videos!


Do you ever get that feeling in your gut that something is the right or wrong decision,



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