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  • Layout and composition.

  • In a way, they're the foundation of design.

  • They give your work structure and make it easier to navigate, from the margins on the

  • sides... to the content in between.

  • Of course, it's not just about working with text.

  • Composition matters in other mediums too, like graphic design, web design, and much

  • more.

  • Without a well-composed layout, your work would basically... fall apart.

  • The key to mastering layout and composition is to think like a designer.

  • Luckily, it's easier than it sounds.

  • There are five basic principles that can help you transform your work and sharpen your eye

  • for design.

  • Let's start at the top and work our way down.

  • Proximity is all about using visual space to show relationships in your content.

  • In practice, it's pretty simpleall you have to do is make sure related items are

  • grouped together; for example, blocks of text or elements in a graphic.

  • Groups that are not related to each other should be separated, to visually emphasize

  • their lack of a relationship.

  • All in all, this makes your work easier to understand at a glancewhether it's purely

  • text or something more visual.

  • White space is an important part of every composition.

  • Now, this doesn't mean literal "white space"—it just means negative space, like the spaces

  • between your content, between lines, and even the outer margins.

  • There's no "one way" to use white space correctly, but it's good to understand its purpose.

  • White space helps you define and separate different sections; it gives your content

  • room to breath.

  • If your work ever starts to feel cluttered or uncomfortable… a little white space might

  • be just what the doctor ordered.

  • Alignment is something you deal with all the time, even if you don't realize it.

  • Whenever you type an email or create a document, the text is aligned automatically.

  • When aligning objects by yourself (for instance, images or separate text boxes), getting it

  • right can be tricky.

  • The most important thing is to be consistent.

  • Let's take a look at what that means.

  • It might help to imagine your content arranged inside of a grid.

  • Notice how there's an invisible line centering each image to the text?

  • Each grouping is also evenly spaced and aligned, with equal-sized margins.

  • It's that attention to detail that makes the composition easier to navigate.

  • Without consistent alignment, your work could start to feel disorganized.

  • Contrast simply means that one item is different from another.

  • In layout and composition, contrast can help you do many things; for example, catch the

  • reader's eye, create emphasis, or call attention to something important.

  • There are lots of strategies or creating contrast.

  • You can use color... adjust the size, shape, or visual weight of an object... or use contrasting

  • styles of text.

  • Contrast is also closely tied to hierarchy, a visual technique that can help the viewer

  • navigate you work.

  • In other words, it shows them where to begin and where to go next, using different levels

  • of emphasis.

  • Establishing hierarchy is simple: just decide which elements you want the reader to notice

  • first, then make them stand out.

  • High-level or important items are usually larger, bolder, or more eye-catching in some

  • way.

  • Repetition is a reminder that every project should have a consistent look and feel.

  • That means finding ways to reinforce your design by repeating or echoing certain elements.

  • For instance, if you have a specific color palette, look for ways to carry it through.

  • If you've chosen a special header style, use it every time.

  • It's not just for aesthetic reasonsbeing consistent can also make your work easier

  • to read.

  • When the viewer knows what to expect, they can relax and focus on the content.

  • In many ways, layout and composition are the unsung heroes of design.

  • It's easy to overlook their role, but they're part of everything you do.

  • A nudge here... some extra white space there... and voila!

  • With a little attention to detail, you can create beautiful, professional-looking compositions.

  • Thanks for joining us for the basics of layout and composition.

  • Check out the rest of our design topics, including typography, color, and images.

Layout and composition.


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B1 中級 美國腔

初級平面設計。佈局與構圖 (Beginning Graphic Design: Layout & Composition)

  • 178 19
    田語謙 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日