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This is our world
a warm, comfortable, familiar place
But walk away from the fire and look up
our thoughts soon leave home
Are we just insignificant specks?
Is the universe welcoming or hostile?
We could stand here forever wondering
or we could turn our back on this beach, leave home
to see the universe, from here to its edge
to discover its wonders
confront its horrors
beautiful new worlds
malevolent dark forces
the beginning of time
the end of the world
Would we have the courage to see it through
or would we run for home?
There is only one way to find out
The edge of space
only 100km up, just an hour's drive from home
Down there, life continues
The traffic keeps moving
stocks go on trading and Star Trek is still showing
But we have to leave all this behind
To dip our toe into the vast dark ocean beyond
Into the shallows
not too far from home
onto.. the moon
Dozens of astronauts have come this way before us
12 of them have walked on the moon itself
Just over 400,000km from home
3 days in a spacecraft
So close, it's as if we've barely left home
Familiar, safe
within the sight of earth
It looks like a deserted battlefield
bombarded by millions of meteorites and asteroids
But it's quieter now
It's obvious there have been no major collisions for millions of years
This brings back memories
the Apollo 11, lunar module
Neil Armstrong's first footprints
looks like they were made yesterday
there is no air to change them
They should survive for millions of years
may be longer than us
Our time is limited
We need to take our own giant leap
further than any human as ever travels
Out of the darkness, a friendly face
the goddess of love
The morning star, the evening star
Sometimes she welcomes the new day in the east
others she says good night in the west
The planet's spectacular yellow clouds reflect the sunlight
That's why this is the solar system's brightest planet
a sister to our planet
She is about the same size and gravity as earth
We should be safe here
But the Venus Express space probe is telling us these dazzling clouds
are made of deadly sulfuric acid
that the planet's atmosphere is choked with carbon dioxide
It's ringing alarm bells
Venus is one angry goddess
The air is noxious,
the pressure unbearable
and it's hot,
approaching 500 degree Celsius
Stay too long
and we'd be corroded, suffocated, crushed and baked
Noting can survive here
Like this,
it's a Soviet Venera robotic probe
its heavy armor has been wrecked by the extreme atmosphere
So lovely from earth,
up close, this goddess is hideous
She is the sister from hell
pockmarked by thousands of volcanos
All that carbon dioxide in its atmosphere is trapping the sun's heat
This is global warming gone wild
Before it was cold, maybe Venus was calm
more like her sister planet earth
If that's true, this could be our planet's future
Beginning to think we shouldn't be out here
that we should turn back
But there's something hypnotic about the sun
Like Medusa, too terrible to look at, too powerful to resist
luring us onwards,
on, like a moth to a flame
Dwarfed by, scorched by the sun,
it's Mercury
Get too close to the sun, this is what happens
Temperature swing wildly here
At night, it's -170 degrees
come midday, it's 400+
burnt, frozen
and look at those scars
a sign that Mercury had a violent past
The Messenger space probe, it's telling us something strange
For its size, this little planet has a powerful gravitational pull
It must be heavier than it looks
It's like a huge ball of iron covered with a thin veneer of rock
The core of what was once much larger planet
Maybe a stray planet slammed into Mercury
blasting away its out layers in a deadly game of cosmic pinball
Whole planets on the loose
destroying anything in their path, even entire planets
and we are in the middle of it:
vulnerable, exposed, small
everything is telling us to turn back
but who could defy this
the sun, in all its mesmerizing splendor
Our light, our lives
Everything we do is controlled by the sun
depends on it
and more than that
it's the Greek god Helios driving his chariot across the sky
The Egyptian god Ra, reborn everyday
the summer solstice sun rising at Stonehenge
For millions of years
this was as close as it got to staring into the face of god
150 million kilometers from home
a 20-year journey by plane
switch it off
and it's so far away
we wouldn't know about it for a whole 8 minutes
It's so big, you could fit a million earths inside it
So heavy, its gravity controls the entire solar system
But who needs numbers
we've got the real thing
We see it everyday
a familiar face in our sky
up close, it's unrecognizable
a turbulent sea of incandescent gas
The thermometer rises to over 5,000 degrees
Down in the core,
it's got to be tens of millions of degrees
Hot enough to trigger a nuclear reaction
turning millions of tons of matter into energy, every second
More than all the energy ever made by mankind
Back home, we see this energy as light
feel it as heat
But up close, there is nothing comforting about the sun
It's so full of electrical and magnetic activity
It's bursting out in this huge incandescent gas loops called prominences
Each one releasing more energy than ten million volcanos
You could get the earth through one of these loops
and still have tens of thousands of kilometers to spare
And when they burst through
it's exposing a cooler layers below
making sunspots
They're a fraction cooler than their surroundings
it's why they look black
but they are still hotter than anything on earth
and they are massive too
Some of these are at least 50,000km across
a solar flare
a superheated stream of electrified gas
blasting deadly radiation out into space
But one day, all this will stop
the sun's fuel will be spent
When it dies, that will be it for the earth as well
This god creates life and destroys it
demands we keep our distance
This comet has strayed too close
It's been boiled away by the sun's heat
creating a tail stretches for millions of kilometers
It's freezing in here
There's no doubt where these comets come from
the icy wastes of deep space
But look at all these steam, the geysers and dust
it's the sun again, melting the comet's frozen heart
A kind of vast dirty snowball covered in grimy tar