字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey there! 大家好! Welcome to Life Noggin! 歡迎來到 Life Noggin! Ah, the age-old debate of introverts versus extroverts. 今天的主題是人們爭論許久的 —— 內向者 vs 外向者。 These two groups are often pitted against each other, with people arguing that one is better than the other. 內向者與外向者互相較勁,爭論哪一個比較好。 But are introverts and extroverts really all that different and what's the science behind this? 但內向者和外向者真的有那麼不一樣嗎,在科學角度來看又是如何? My good friend Anthony Padilla is here to help explain. 我的好朋友 Anthony Padilla 今天要來跟大家解釋。 Anthony, take it away. Anthony,交給你了。 Gladly. Society has some pretty typical stereotypes for introverts and extroverts. 樂意之至,社會對於內向者和外向者有一些很傳統的刻板印象。 One is cuddled up with a book in bed and the other is out being the life of the party. 內向者就是宅在床上,終日與書為伍,外向者則是喜歡出外參加派對。 But there's actually a big misunderstanding about what truly makes someone one or the other. 但其實人們對這兩者的定義有很大的誤解。 Being introverted or extroverted isn't dictated by how you spend your free time. 內向或外向並非取決於如何度過空閒時間, It all depends on how you recharge when you're feeling low. 而是取決於如何渡過情緒低潮。 Introverts do it alone. 內向者會獨自處理。 Extroverts with others. 外向者則會找人陪伴。 How someone recharges may not seem like a huge deal, but it has some pretty interesting impacts. 人們如何恢復精力似乎不是非常重要,但它會帶來一些有趣的影響。 One's social life, career, even internet usage can be affected. 一個人的社交生活、職涯,甚至是使用網路的方式都會受影響。 And these differences aren't just external. 而這些差異不僅顯現於外在。 The brains of introverts and extroverts are actually surprisingly different. 內向者與外向者的大腦有著出乎意料的差異。 Let's start by looking at dopamine, a chemical in the brain that causes an influx of good feelings. 我們先從多巴胺看起,當我們感到愉悅時大腦中便會釋放出多巴胺。 Extroverts receive more of it during high-energy, exciting activities than introverts do. 外向者在高能量或刺激的活動當中接收到的多巴胺會比內向者來得多。 It's been found that introverts have less blood flow in certain regions with a lot of dopamine terminals, 目前已證實內向者在具有許多多巴胺的特定區域中血流量較低, indicating that dopamine presence plays a big role in whether someone is more extroverted or introverted. 這代表對於不管是內向者或外向者來說,多巴胺都扮演著很重要的角色。 The extrovert and introvert brains look different, too. 外向者與內向者的大腦外觀也十分不同。 Introverts have thicker prefrontal cortices, 內向者的前額葉皮層較厚, which makes sense since this is the area associated with deep thinking and decision making. 如此一來就說得通了,因為前額葉部位與深思和決策兩方面息息相關。 And they have more neuronal activity in the brain areas associated with learning and vigilance control, 他們大腦中掌管學習、警覺控制的區域也有比外向者更活躍的神經元活動, which dictates how alert someone is. 藉此能得知該人警覺性的高低。 The brains of extroverts have larger right-hemisphere amygdalas than their introverted counterparts. 與內向者相比,外向者的右半球杏仁核較大。 The amygdala aids in emotional processing, 杏仁核的作用為情感處理, and researchers believe that this increased size reduces an extrovert's likelihood of developing conditions like depression or anxiety. 研究人員相信較大的杏仁核可以減少外向者表現憂鬱或焦慮的可能性。 Unsurprisingly, introvert and extrovert personality differences affect many aspects of their personal and professional lives. 毫無意外的,內向者與外向者個性上的差異,會影響到他們個人和職涯生活的大小事。 For example, caffeine has been found to have positive effects on extroverts' working memory, but not on introverts. 舉例來說,咖啡因對於外向者的工作記憶有著正面的影響,但對於內向者來說並非如此。 And extroverts are able to perform better than introverts when presented with distractions like music and background noise. 在有外界干擾的情況下,例如:音樂和環境噪音,外向者的表現會比內向者來得好。 Basically, they work more effectively when there's a lot going on. 基本上,干擾的事物越多,他們反而越有效率。 Hey, could we actually... could we actually get this marching band out of here? 可以把音樂關掉嗎? Thanks. 謝謝。 Th—thank you! 謝…謝謝你! But introverts also have their own leg up in the world; 但是內向者也有勝人一籌的優點。 it's been found that introverts are better fits for leadership positions in industries and offices that rely heavily on collaboration. 與外向者相比,研究證實內向者在重視團隊合作的企業或辦公室裡,更適合領導的職位。 This is because they are more receptive to input from others. 這是因為他們比較能夠接受他人的意見。 Ya hear that, World? 嘿,聽到了嗎? I have potential! 我是潛力股! When it comes to socializing, 在社交方面, researchers found that extroverts display a less genuine form of themselves on social media. 研究人員證實外向者不太會在社群媒體上表現出自己真實的樣貌。 At the same time, it's suggested that introverts, who are more of their "real selves" online, 然而,研究指出內向者在網絡上則較會透露自己的真實狀態。 may find it easier to open up to people behind a computer screen than peers in a face-to-face interaction. 比起面對面談話,他們在電腦螢幕後反而更能對人敞開心扉。 But what if you wanted to switch personality types? 但如果你想要改變你的人格類型呢? Is that doable? 這是可行的嗎? Personality isn't completely understood. 雖然我們還沒百分了解人格養成。 But it's thought to be pretty stable after it's formed in childhood. 但一般認為在童年時期過後,人格基本上就定型了。 Genes and dopamine function come into play in its formation, 基因和多巴胺此時開始執行其功能, so it's fairly deeply rooted, 所以人格基本上已定型; but if there's certain traits of your personality that you don't like, 但如果你不喜歡自己的特定人格特質, you can always work on changing those. 是可以改變它的。 Now, all of this comes with some very important fine print. 在這之中還包含著很重要的小細節。 Most people aren't introverts or extroverts. 大部份的人並不屬於內向者或外向者。 It's been found that about two-thirds of the population are ambiverts, meaning they're a bit of both. 研究證實有三分之二的人屬於中向性格者,代表他們混合了外向與內向。 So, if you feel like you don't fit into one box or the other, you're actually not alone. 所以如果你認為自己不是內向者也不是外向者,沒關係,你並不孤單。 Are you an ambivert, introvert, or extrovert? 你是屬於中向性格者、內向者還是外向者呢? Let us know in the comments below! 在影片底下留言讓我們知道吧! Thank you so much to Anthony for helping me out with this episode! 謝謝安東尼來為我們解答! You might recognize some work we did over on his channel. 在他的頻道你也可以看到我們一起合作拍攝的影片。 One wall will have a screen mounted to it connected to her phone, so she can view Twitter from inside the safety of the scream box. 箱子裡面有一面牆連結了手機螢幕,因此她可以很安全地在尖叫箱裡瀏覽 Twitter。 So, go check out his awesome videos, subscribe, and tell him Blocko sent you! 所以去追蹤然後看看他超酷的影片吧,記得跟他說是 Blocko 叫你來的。 As always, my name is Blocko. 我叫 Blocko! This has been Life Noggin. 這裡是 Life Noggin。 Don't forget to keep on thinking! 別忘了持續思考!
C1 高級 中文 美國腔 外向 內向 多巴胺 人格 杏仁核 屬於 內向者與外向者有什麼差別?(Introverts vs. Extroverts: What’s The Difference? Ft. Anthony Padilla) 62336 1823 Samuel 發佈於 2023 年 06 月 20 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字