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  • A big selling point of Taiwanese boutique bakery Top Pot Bakery is that its products are free of chemical additives and use all-natural yeast.

  • But the claims have been challenged by a Hong Kong consumer,

  • putting the company on the defensive,

  • and at odds with a local bakery association.

  • Every product in the store carries the same pledge:

  • only natural yeast is used and no artificial ingredients are added.

  • But a Hong Kong netizen recently accused Top Pot Bakery of lying to its customers.

  • He said its breads are so fragrant, and their flavor lasts for so long,

  • that the company must be adding artificial flavorings to its items.

  • Top Pot Bakery responded quickly,

  • saying in a statement that the flavor extracts it uses are made from natural ingredients and are perfectly legal.

  • It also argued that similar flavorings are used by 95 percent of Taiwanese bakeries,

  • a claim that was quickly challenged by the head of Taipei’s Bakery Association.

  • Very few people making bread add flavor extracts.

  • About 90 percent don’t use them.

  • Most flavorings consist of artificial ingredients and are not 100 percent natural,

  • because natural flavors are extremely, extremely expensive.

  • Although using flavor extracts is not illegal,

  • Eating too much may create a health risk.

  • They can cause allergic reactions, shortness of breath,

  • or in the worst-case scenario, hurt one’s kidney functions.

A big selling point of Taiwanese boutique bakery Top Pot Bakery is that its products are free of chemical additives and use all-natural yeast.


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【民視英語新聞】胖達人騙人 Bakery touting natural products found to use flavoring in its breads

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2013 年 08 月 23 日