字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey it's me Destin and welcome back to smarter every day! 嘿,這是我Destin,歡迎 收看每一天更聰明(Smarter Every Day)! I have a problem, there is a specific water phenomenon 我對水的一個特殊現象有疑問 that I see happening all around me 常常可以在我身邊看到 but I have no idea how it works 但我不知道水這樣運動的原理 I've been trying to figure it out for 多年來我一直想要了解為什麼 years, in fact i put a video on this 事實上在 2011 年我就把影片放在這個頻道 channel in 2011, asking people to help me 要求人們幫我想辦法! figure it out! 00:00:16,470 --> 00:00:17,940 還有一些有趣的事情發生 there's something interesting happening 在這裡我不明白它看起來像 here I don't understand it it looks like 水滴站在水滴 water droplets are standing on water 它看起來像水排開了水 droplets. It looks like water is 它看起來也像水珠 hydrophobic it looks like when a bead of 在燒熱的鍋子上滾動 water skates across the hot griddle it 創造了一層水氣在它下面 creates a layer of water vapor underneath it 我就是不明白它是什麼 only that's not what it is 如果您有任何信息,請讓我知道 If you have any information please let me know 我會很感激 I'd appreciate it 你看過這個影片嗎?如果你看 you've seen this right? If you watch the 世界的眼睛像我一樣 world with a critical eye like I do 你會隨處可見這個現象 you'll see this everywhere for example 例如讓你自己去看看 if you've ever allowed yourself to watch 咖啡機滴漏的條件 a drip coffeemaker when the conditions 都恰到好處,你會發現,咖啡 are just right you'll notice that coffee 水珠在咖啡水面上 beads up on top of coffee 它做了什麼事情,有時當你 what does it do that sometimes when you 打開蓮蓬頭的水會 turn the shower head on the water will 灑到桶的另一面 blast to the other side of the tub 而不是使浴缸底部 instead of making the bottom of the tub 這些水珠會在 wet these pearls of water will dance on 水面上跳舞,這已經到 top of the water that's already in the 浴缸的底部。不要讓這個(顏色)困擾你 bottom of the tub. Don't let this weird you 它只是水和食用色素 out it's just water and food coloring 但有趣的是,如果你發射 but the interesting thing is if you get 水柱在恰到好處的位置 the stream in just the right location 並用在瓷器上 and interacts with a porcelain and the 水在廁所裡有恰到好處的方式 water that's in the toilet and just the 你會得到這些水珠 right fashion you'll get these little drops 我不明白什麼必要條件 that bead up. I don't understand what the 產生了這種現象 conditions required to make it happen 但我非常興奮 are, but I get really excited about it and I 我想搞清楚。 want to understand. 認真的說,有一次我們在工作的時候,阿帕奇直升機的降落墊 Seriously one time we landed an Apache helicopter on the pad 和環境控制系統 at work, and the environmental control system 曾經被漏出的冷凝水滴到柏油上 was leaking condensate down onto the 而且水珠就在那裡發生了一樣的現象 asphalt, and the beads were happening there 就在那一刻,我了解我必須 that was the moment I realized i have to 知道為什麼會這樣。 know why this is happening. In order to 為了弄清楚我們要前往科學車庫 figure it out we're going to Science Garage 拜訪我的朋友 Don Pettit to see my friend Don Pettit who 對於這種表面化學的現象 has out-of-this-world experience in the 他有在這個世界以外的經驗 area of surface chemistry 讓我們每一天更加聰明(Smarter Every Day)。 let's go get Smarter Every Day. 這是水在水面上跳舞的現象,但我們要在地球上實現這一點 its water dancing on water, but we're gonna do it 然後再到外太空,這樣進行可以嗎? here on earth, and then in space, that OK? 是啊,我們要先讓水珠落在這裡! Yeah, and we're going to water down this one! (笑)這是很糟糕。 Yeah, and we're going to water down this one! [laughs] that's bad. 如果你知道 Don Pettit 是誰,你會明白為什麼我要來找他 if you know who Don Pettit is you understand why I came to him 這是難得找到一個人 it's rare to find a person that not only 他不僅知道如何拍攝美麗的照片 understands how to capture beautiful photos 又懂 but also understands the 每個照片背後的基礎科學 fundamental science behind each image 認真來說,你還知道 seriously who else do you know that 誰會蒐集表面化學的書籍和 collects books on surface chemistry and 結合現象,你擁有這些 wedding phenomena you own these 參考? references? 是啊。真的嗎? Yeah. Really? 嗯,我的意思是,當你研究這種 Well I mean when you're into this kind of 東西時你需要它,對嗎? stuff you need it, right? 不管怎麼說科學家在世界各地 Anyways scientists all over the world 在自己的實驗室創造了詳細裝置 have created elaborate setups in their 要試著去觀察這些跳舞的水滴 labs to try to observe these dancing 他們已經發現了真正厲害的資料 drops and they've got some really great 但我知道,如果我用了 Don 手中正確的攝影機 data but I knew if I got the right type 00:02:26,030 --> 00:02:27,400 只是把他轉開 of camera in Don's hands 我們不僅得到了資料 and just turned him loose 我們還會做的漂亮 we would not only get the data but 這是一個 Phantom v2511,這是一個非常非常 we would do it beautifully 快速的攝影機,而且真的很吵 it's a Phantom v2511 which is a very very 但我們從這裡打開科學 fast camera and its really loud but 並讓他一展身手 we're gonna turn on the science here 約一個小時後, and give it a go 和 Don 一起用鏡頭和照明工作 after only about an hour of 他很快就想出了一個裝置 working through the lenses and lighting 來觀察美麗的一滴水低下 with Don, he quickly came up with a setup 登陸,彈跳,然後 to observe a beautiful single drop of 凝聚到大水池 water landing on, bouncing, and then 好吧,所以我們有一個下降的平衡 coalescing into a larger pool of water 還是表面的水,你會發現 alright so we have a drop balancing on a 它不是直接合併在一起。 still surface of water and you'll notice 合併(Coalescence )是當你有兩個水在不同的地方 that it isn't coalescing. 碰到彼此,然後合併成為一個整體。 Coalescence is when you have two pieces of water that 現在,你會發現有一些延遲 touch and then merge to become one piece. 在合併之前,水滴會浮在水的表面 Now you notice there's this delay time 這就是所謂的“停留時間”(Residence Time) where the drop is sitting there before 科學家們對到底發生了什麼事 coalescence that's called the 'Residence Time' 已經很了解了。 tand scientists have a pretty good 作為水滴接觸表面的科學家 understanding of what's going on here. 相信有空氣被困在中間 As a drop touches the surface scientists 當水滴停留,空氣開始 believe there's air trapped in-between 滲出的該縫隙 as the drop rests that air starts to 然後就開始合併了。 seep out of that gap and then 美國國立衛生研究院做了一個很酷的研究 coalescence occurs. 他們證實了空氣間隙理論 The National Institute of Health did this really cool 透過降低水面和水滴周圍 study where they verified the air gap theory 的空氣壓力 by reducing the air pressure 用你所期望的低氣壓 around coalescing water drops and as 降低的停留時間 you'd expect the lower the air pressure 這真的很酷 to lower the residence time which is 反正你可以清楚地看到這個影片 really cool Don 拍攝到水滴降來 anyway you can plainly see on the video 直到座落在水面上時,他就慢慢彈上彈下 that Don captured that as the drop comes 然後它就像一個小水橋 to a rest it starts to slowly bob up and 放在氣隙中 down and then it's like a little water bridge 然後發生合併 is built in that air gap and then 這就是我看到同樣現象問的問題 coalescence occurs so this is my 我看到一個穩定狀態反彈的水滴 question in the phenomenon I'm seeing 這意味著有衝擊 I'm seeing a steady state bouncing of a 發生一遍又一遍 drop which means there's impacts 這是為什麼無法衝過 happening over and over 空氣間隙以及更容易與水結合 why is that not punching through that 為了了解這個 air gap and causing coalescence to 我們其實有看那個衝擊 happen easier? In order to understand this 這表示要拿到一個很棒的設備 we actually have to look at that impact 這是一個已經運到的設備 which means this is about to get awesome 從另一個 YouTube 頻道 this is a device that's been shipped to me Ben 在 NightHawkInLight 頻道 from another youtube channel 他把水滴滴到喇叭上 Ben at NightHawkInLight and he has 所以我們基本上 drops of water that he puts on water 要重新做一個 Ben 做過的一樣裝置 which is sitting in a speaker so we're 來完全劇透一下,你已經在 about to basically recreate the setup 太空這樣做了,對不對?對 that Ben did. So full disclosure you've 但我們要利用這個高速攝影機 done this in space right? I have! 在地球上了解這個現象 But we're going to use this high-speed 然後你要教我關於 camera to understand the phenomenon here 你在太空中發現了什麼 on earth and then you're going to teach 對?是的,我們會由地球上開始 me about what you discovered in space 並在太空中結束 right? Yeah we're gonna, we're gonna start [電話鈴聲] on earth and end up in space 你好? 嗨 Ben,我是 Destin,你好嗎?這是 Don [phone ringing] 我們在科學車庫這裡 Hello? Hey Ben it's Destin, how are you Yeah and this is Don 真棒, Don,聽到你的聲音真酷 we're in science garage here having fun 什麼樣的頻率和幅度 Awesome, Don it's cool to hear from you 制定出最適合你? what frequency and amplitude 制定出最適合你。 [嘟] worked out best for you? 如果現在把這個喇叭關閉 worked out best for you. [Beep] 他們會消失嗎?來試試看吧。好的。 if we were to turn that speaker off right now they 看到了嗎?他們在那裡,但他們很快就與水凝聚了 would go away right? Well let's see. Okay 所以,好的就繼續來做但不要 See? They're there but they coalesce very quickly 改變任何東西。我們會改變一個變量 So, okay keep doing that don't 好。這是我用喇叭開啟的振動 change anything we'll change one variable 所以,我覺得這是發生的事情 OK. That's me turning on the vibration of 水正試圖在表面上停留 the speaker. So what I think is 然後往下壓迫表面 happening is; the water is trying to 嗯,沒錯。 settle and go down and press against the surface 但他因為被振動推回 Uh-huh that's right. But because it's 它增加了能量回到這個系統 being pushed back up due to that 然後將其推走 vibration it, it adds energy back into 而我想要說,這個過程保持水滴與表面 the system and then pushes it away 小小的空氣間隙,有助於維持現象 And I'm saying that that process keeps the 你可以坐在這裡假定的東西 直到你的臉是青色的, small air gap between the drop, it helps maintain that 直到你觀察出 You can sit here and postulate things till you're blue in the face, 背後的基礎物理學是什麼 until you make an observation to see 然後你可以了解這是怎麼回事 what that fundamental physics is, then 然後這跟高速有什麼關係 you can back out what's going on and 水滴會做很多事情來幫助回答這些問題 high-speed of what's going on with that 這是迅速成為 drop it would do a lot to help answer these ques