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You may be surprised but McDonald's is no longer the world's biggest restaurant chain,
Subway is, with 7,000 more locations worldwide than McDonald's.
比麥當勞多 7000 家分店的 Subway 才是全球最大速食連鎖店
McDonald's have 31,000 restaurants internationally.
麥當勞在全球有 3 萬 1000 家餐廳
McDonald's has more customer's daily than the entire population of Great Britain, they
serve over 68 million people every day, that's about 1% of the world's population.
麥當勞每天服務超過 6 千 8 百萬位顧客,將近全球人口的百分之一
McDonald's serves 75 hamburgers every second and was one of the few businesses that grew
麥當勞每秒賣出 75 個漢堡,也是少數在經濟大蕭條時期
throughout the recession.
McDonald's $27.5 billion yearly revenue makes it the 90th-largest economy in the world.
麥當勞年度營收 275 億,使它成為世界上第 90 大經濟體
McDonald's has 761,000 employees worldwide, more than the entire population of Luxembourg.
麥當勞在全球擁有 76 萬 1000 名員工,比盧森堡總人口數還多
It is estimated that 1 in every 8 American workers has been employed by McDonald's.
In fact many celebrities worked at McDonald's before they became famous, including Rachel
McAdams, Sharon Stone, Shania Twain, Jay Leno, Pink and James Franco.
McDonald's is the world's largest distributor of toys, with one included in 20% of all sales.
麥當勞是全球最大的玩具批發商,玩具營收佔麥當勞總銷售額百分之 20
Between 2011 and 2013 McDonald's plans to open one restaurant every day in China.
在 2011 及 2013 年期間,麥當勞計畫每天在中國開一間分店
In the continental US you are never more than 107 miles away from a McDonald's.
在美國大陸上,你離麥當勞的距離永遠不會超過 107 英哩 ( 約172 公里 )
The farthest spot away from a McDonalds in the US lies in the grasslands of South Dakota,
between two tiny hamlets, called Meadow and Glad Valley.
兩個名叫 Meadow 和 Glad Valley 的小鎮之間
At this spot you are 107 miles or at least a 2 hour car journey away from a McDonald's.
在這裡,你離麥當勞的距離有 107 英哩,或需要至少兩小時的車程
Americans alone consume an artery-busting, one billion pounds of beef at McDonald's every year.
光是美國人,一年就在麥當勞消耗了 10 億磅的牛肉
That's 5.5 million cattle.
相當於 5 百 50 萬頭牛
The ominous McDonald's golden arches are recognised by more people internationally than the cross.
A survey found that 88% of people could identify the arches, but only 54% recognised the Christian cross.
一項調查指出,百分之 88 的人認得金拱門,而只有百分之 54 的人認得基督教十字架
There are 10 countries where you won't find a single McDonald's.
These are: North Korea
The Seychelles, Syria
The Vatican City, Cambodia
Zimbabwe, Vietnam
Nepal, Kazakhstan, which is the largest country in
the world to be McDonald's free. and finally Barbados.
McDonald's sells unique items in every country.
Did you know in Portugal you can order soup at Mcdonald's and in India where the majority
of the population doesn't eat beef.
McDonald's serve meals such as the Chicken Maharaja Mac and the Potato-Patty McAloo Tikki Burger.
In Hong Kong you can order a Red Bean Pie for dessert.
In France they sell a burger on a stone oven-baked ciabatta roll.
Pulp Fiction fans will be happy to hear that, yes you can buy a beer in McDonald's in France,
the Netherlands, Germany and Austria.
And all across Europe you can order a Royal with Cheese.
McDonald's is the single largest owner of real estate in the world.
They actually make the majority of their revenue from the rent payed to them from their franchise owners.
McDonald's paid rappers to mention Big Macs in their songs to appeal more to young people.
Hip Hop artists were paid about $5 every time one of their songs with Big Mac in the lyrics played in the US.
在美國播放的嘻哈歌曲,每當歌詞中提到一次大麥克,麥當勞就會支付大約 5 元美金給嘻哈歌手
But where in the world will you pay the most for a Big Mac?
In Norway you'll pay the equivalent of $23 US Dollars for a single McDonald's meal of
在挪威,你需要付將近 23 美元才能買到一份大麥克套餐
a Big Mac, soda and fries.
In Hong Kong McDonald's has wedding packages on its menu.
Yes you can actually get married at McDonald's.
Hamburgers and chicken nuggets aren't that profitable, one of the most profitable items
on McDonald's menu is soft drinks.
McDonald's is the world's biggest retailer of Coca-Cola.
But the Coke sold at McDonald's isn't your traditional soda.
Most fast food chains buy Coca-Cola syrup for about 53 pence per litre.
大部分速食連鎖店以每公升 53 便士 ( 約 0.87 美元 ) 購入可口可樂糖漿
They add the syrup to carbonated water.
A medium Coke that sells for 75 pence only contains 5 pence worth of syrup.
一杯 75 便士 ( 約 1.19 美元 ) 的中杯可樂只含 5 便士 ( 約 0.8 美元 ) 的糖漿
Buying a large coke for 85 pence costs the retailer another 2 pence worth of syrup.
一杯 85 便士 ( 約 1.34 美元 ) 的可樂,零售商僅需花費額外 2 便士 ( 約 0.03 美元 ) 的糖漿
And last but not least, McDonald's apple pies are the hottest substance known to man.