字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 We live in a complex and unfair World, 我們身處的世界複雜而欠缺正義 where the way things work don't make much sense. 充斥著諸多不合理 Those in power tell stories to keep us blinded and distracted from this cruel reality. 掌權者企圖欺瞞、混淆大眾,包庇殘酷的真相 But those stories have become increasingly unconvincing, desperate and hollow. 但那些孤注一擲的謊言已逐漸失去說服力,顯得空洞 This is a short film about why those stories have stopped making sense, 本短片將說明這些謊言為何開始失序 and how this has led to a powerful and new global movement. 與勢不可擋的新全球運動又有何關連 It is told through the events of an epic and shapeshifting year. 接下來要回顧的事件,發生在這風雲變色的精彩年度 This is vegan 2016. 這部影片叫《純素 2016》 Following 2015, 接續著 2015 年 veganism could no longer be ignored. 純素主義已無法再被忽略 It caused the meat industry to react 肉品業因此做出反擊 There is a lot of resistance when you talk about vegan. 只要說到純素,就有許多反抗的聲音 But what if this response is a sign that times are changing. 也許他們的反擊,是局勢正在改變的跡象 Veganism is growing 純素主義日漸茁壯 while the animal agriculture industry is trying desperately to hold on to their profits. 畜牧業力挽狂瀾緊抓著利益不放 And to understand exactly how this is happening, 想徹底瞭解來龍去脈 you have to look firstly, to the events of early 2016. 首先要回顧 2016 年年初的事件 Early 2016 centred around Dr Michael Greger. 2016 年年初,焦點圍繞著 Michael Greger 博士 Please join me and welcoming Dr. Michael Greger. 讓我們歡迎 Michael Greger 博士 Dr Greger is an American physician and public health expert. Michael Greger 博士是美國的醫師與公共衛生專家 For years, his views had been ignored by the mainstream, 多年來,他的觀點遭主流忽視 but in 2016, something very different happened. 但於 2016 年,情勢大變 His new book reached the new York times top 10 best sellers list 他的新書登上《紐約時報》前十大暢銷書 and all of a sudden, he was in the media spotlight. 一夕之間,他成了媒體焦點 Dr. Michael Greger. Michael Greger 博士 We got Dr. Michael Greger here. 今天 Michael Greger 博士來到現場 There is only one diet ever been proven 唯一經實驗證明 to reverse heart disease in the majority patients is a planet-based diet. 能逆轉多數心臟病患者病情的飲食,就是植物性飲食 If that's the only thing a plant-based diet can do, 如果植物性飲食的唯一功能 reverse the number one killer, number two killer here in the UK, 是逆轉美國第一大、英國第二大死因 shouldn't that be the default diet until proven otherwise? 它不是應該成為標準飲食,直到被反證為止嗎? And the fact that can also prevent, arrest or reverse other leading killers, 事實上它還能預防、治療、逆轉其他主要死因 type 2 diabetes, hypertension, 如第二型糖尿病或高血壓 would seem to make the case simply overwhelming 相關證據簡直鋪天蓋地 And Greger's assertion that this information is being distorted by our institutions Greger 斷言相關資訊遭政府扭曲 appeared to hold true in 2016 when the US dietary guidelines came out. 由 2016 年美國新釋出的飲食指南可看出端倪 The government is out with new guidelines. 政府發表了最新的飲食指南 The new guidelines from the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services USDA (美國農業部) 與美國衛生及公共服務部的新飲食指南 are supposed to tell you what to eat, 本意是指導民眾該吃什麼 but critics say they're muddled and confusing and not by accident. 但遭批評在刻意胡搞瞎搞、混淆視聽 Critics say the guidelines don't go far enough. 飲食指南遭批內容不夠詳細 There is new controversy over the American diet. 美國飲食指南又有了新的爭議 The government is dropping its recommendation to limit egg consumption and foods high in cholesterol. 政府撤銷對雞蛋與高膽固醇食品的攝取限制建議 Instead of saying eat less meat, 他們不明說少吃肉 they say less than 10% of your diet should come from saturated fat. 而是說「應減少飲食中 10% 的飽和脂肪」 People don't know what saturated fat is. 民眾不知道飽和脂肪是什麼 Instead of eat less meat, eggs, dairy junk, 他們不明說少吃肉蛋奶 when they say eat less saturated and trans fatty acids 而是說「減少攝取飽和脂肪與反式脂肪酸」 things like that, Biochemical components, right? 這些生化物質,對吧? Because they don't want to mention foods 他們不想提及食物 because that's too politically empowered. 因為那涉及敏感的政治 The meat, dairy and egg industry are huge investors in the government 肉蛋奶業者是政府的巨大出資者 as is the pharmaceutical industry. 如同製藥業 The meat industry does not want the American Government saying: “Eat less meat”. 肉品業者不希望美國政府說出「少吃肉」三個字 We are being manipulated by an industry 這個產業利用我們 that thinks that we are cash cows. 把大家當作冤大頭 These are multibillion-dollar industries 這個產值數兆的產業 that put a huge amount of effort, not just in advertising their products 費盡心思促銷他們的產品 but in the changing in the Federal policy. 還訴請修法 Doctor Neil Barnard is president of the non-profit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Neil Barnard 醫師是非營利組織責任醫師協會的主席 which is suing the government, 該組織正與美國政府打官司 claiming the egg industry used its influence 指稱雞蛋業者運用勢力 to try to weaken warnings about cholesterol. 試圖弱化膽固醇警告 The egg industry was paying Universities 雞蛋業賄賂大學體系 where these people are then put on the committee 再滲透進委員會 to decide whether eggs are safe or not. 決議雞蛋的安全性 That's a conflict of interest. 這涉及利益衝突 And another industry, the mainstream media, 而另一個產業:主流媒體 has attempted to influence consumers' preferences. 則試圖左右消費者的選擇 Throughout 2016, 2016 年間 they have provided a vaudeville of anti vegan content, 抹黑純素的新聞炒得沸沸揚揚 bringing attention to veganism in a very biased way 以偏頗的報導,引起大眾對純素的關注 There is a story in the paper today, the headline, “Fashionable Veganism is harming health.” 今天報紙的頭條:純素風潮恐傷身 It's also Vegan! 又是吃純素的人! You can't get all the nutrients you need. 無法攝取到所有的營養素 They can go and get some lamb! 他們可以滾去吃小羊肉! Some can end up deficient in vitamin D, calcium and iron. 下場可能是缺乏鈣質、鐵質與維生素 D But unfortunately, 遺憾的是 vegetarians and vegans haven't seen the funny side of it. 吃素的人不懂笑點在哪裡 Get a sense of humor, is what I would say. 我只能說「有點幽默感好嗎?」 Protein, Iron deficiencies are the common ones if you're not eating the right foods. 吃不對的食物會缺乏鐵質與蛋白質 It's a very treacherous group, the vegans. 吃裡扒外的人類叛徒,就是純素者 But maybe these media journalists aren't really journalists any longer. 也許這些媒體記者已失去初衷 Without realising it, they have become instead contrarians and puppets 他們不自覺地背離真相,成了傀儡 whose real job is to make us confused. 真正在做的,反而是混淆視聽 And when we are confused about what to eat, 當我們為該吃什麼而產生疑惑時 we stick to old habits. 則會沿襲舊習 And these old habits 而這些舊習 feed the power and wealth of the meat, dairy and egg industries. 則持續支撐著肉奶蛋業者的權力與財力 A CSRO survey has found 一項 CSRO 的調查發現 one in six Australians are 每六位澳洲人就有一位 ditching dairy without a medical diagnosis. 沒諮詢醫師就擅自摒棄乳品 It's leading to dangerous levels of health risks arising from a lack of Calcium. 然而,缺乏鈣質會有嚴重的健康風險 When you look at the plant sources 以植物的營養來看 like broccoli etc., 比如青花椰 you need to literally consume 20 cups of broccoli 要吃 20 杯的分量 to get anywhere near the amount of Calcium in a cup of milk. 才能有 1 杯牛奶的鈣質 That's just not true. 那完全不是事實 We grow up believing we need to drink cow's milk for calcium, 我們從小以為必須喝牛奶來獲取鈣質 so we don't get osteoporosis. 才不會得骨質疏鬆症 That's not true. 絕非如此 We've been conditioned since school, we need calcium form cow's milk, 我們從小就被學校的教育給制約,灌輸我們非靠牛奶取鈣 we need protein from animal flesh. 非靠肉取得蛋白質不可 The public is being lied to, 人們一直被蒙在鼓裡 with the big money commercial interest 財力雄厚的金主 that are trying to twist the truth. 總是為了商業利益設法扭曲真相 And it became stranger 更奇怪的是 when the Washington Post ran an article 《華盛頓郵報》的報導 implicating Dr Greger's website, NutritionFacts.org, 詭異指稱 Greger 博士創辦的網站 NutritionFacts.org which was bizarely accused of being part of a Russian propaganda campaign. 涉及煽動俄羅斯某宣傳活動 An indication once again, of the mainstream media's anti vegan rhetoric. 再次顯示主流媒體以不實言論抹黑純素飲食 You are not going to get this information from the powers that be 你無法從各大媒體取得真相 because those institutions are controlled. 因為它們已被控制 The media is controlled by the meat and dairy industry. 被肉奶業者所控制 Like with the tobacco industry in the 20th century, 就像 20 世紀的菸草業 the animal agriculture industry manipulates a constant state of confusion and misinformation. 肉奶業不斷操弄社會、混淆視聽 And whenever there is opposition, industry absorbs it, 他們吞噬所有反抗的聲音 for example by using the animal enterprise terrorism act. 例如動用《動物事業反恐法》 This act, which is still in force in 2016 and used against animal rights activists, 這條法案在 2016 年仍然有效,它專門用來對付動保人士 states that 條文明定 anyone disrupting the business of an animal enterprise, is committing an act of terrorism. 「凡妨礙動物事業者,即定罪為恐怖分子。」 If you just affect the profits of this industry, even by telling the truth, 一旦你檔到這個產業的財路——即便是揭露真相—— you can be considered doing something breaking the law at least in this country. 就會被定罪,起碼在這國家是如此 That is how powerful this industry is. 可見業者勢力之龐大 If you film inside the place where they sell food, 只要拍攝食品的內部製程 you go to jail. 就等著坐牢 - The Happy Vegan is the name of the book. - They bought your politician. They bought your government. -《快樂純素者》……是那本書的名字 - 他們收買政客、收買政府 But at the dark heart of this corrupt force in 2016 但 2016 年這股邪惡勢力的深層黑暗面 is the way industry syphons off large quantities of government wealth. 是向政府吸取大量的金錢 For example in 2016, 例如在 2016 年 the meat and dairy industry insisted on taking over 30 billion dollars from the US government in the form of subsidies. 肉奶業向美國政府強制索取三百億美元,以補助作為名義 And this was especially strange, 更詭異的是 given that fruit and vegetables were only subsidised 0.04% compared to meat and dairy. 相較於肉品和乳品,蔬果的補助金僅佔 0.04% Our government holds international conferences to address climate change and seek solutions 我們的政府雖舉辦國際研討會,以應對氣候變遷,尋求解決之道 all the while 但自始至終 the single most devastating force behind our planets, environmental collapse 造成全球環境惡化最致命的這股力量 remains not only unspoken but actually actively denied by the very organizations charged with saving our planet. 不但被政府這個號稱負責保衛地球的組織刻意忽視,甚至予以否認 Animal agriculture is responsible for 16% of greenhouse gas emissions 溫室氣體的總排放量,有 16% 來自畜牧業 compared to the 13% of all global transportation. 13% 才是來自全球的交通運輸 This was according to a 2016 report funded by the United Nations environment programme, 此數據來自聯合國環境署 2016 年公佈的報告 and backs up previous reports by the FAO and World watch. 這也支持 FAO (糧農組織) 與看守世界研究中心的研究結果 And there is now a general consensus that 如今社會已有共識 animal agriculture is the leading cause of not just global warming, 畜牧業不僅是造成全球暖化的主因 but also water depletion, 也是水資源枯竭 deforestation, 森林砍伐 species extinction, 物種滅絕 ocean deadzones, 海洋死區 antibiotic resistance 和抗生素抗藥性的罪魁禍首 and the inefficient feeding of a growing population. 並造成人口成長下的糧食分配不當 But given that 2015 was the hottest year on record, 2015 年已是史上最熱的一年 why does the issue of animal agriculture remain largely unspoken. 為何畜牧業的問題卻仍未被大量提及? Why have the studies that have come out in 2016 been ignored. 為何 2016 年的研究報告就這麼被忽略了? That's what the meat and the dairy industry have accomplished so far. 這是肉乳品業一手促成的 Why are ag gag laws sweeping the US, which aim to hide the practices of factory farming. 為何專門隱瞞工業化養殖作業的《農業封口法令》會席捲美國? Is it because we are collectively revealing the truth about animal agriculture. 是因為我們正在共同揭發畜牧業的真相嗎? Thanks to the Internet age, 多虧網路時代 we are now at this democratization of information, 現在我們的資訊民主化 now everyone has access. 大家都能查閱 Something just in the past couple of years, 這幾年來 you can just kind of feel it, like this transformation of information passes so fast, 可以隱約感覺到社會的轉變,資訊傳遞很快 you can't hide things from people. 什麼事都瞞不過大眾 Unlike before, the institutions and the meat and dairy industries do not have as much power. 公共單位與肉奶業的勢力已不如從前 No longer do they hold a monopoly as gatekeepers of knowledge. 再也無法充當壟斷知識的守門員 Increasingly, people know what's wrong with animal products. 有越來越多人,發現動物食品的問題 Today's generation is growing up with 這個世代成長的過程 considerable knowledge about the environment 能接觸到環境方面大量的知識 and how individual decisions can impact it. 及個人選擇所發揮的影響力 The single best thing that you can do to help the environment, and to help animals and your health, 你能為環境、動物跟自身健康所做的最大貢獻 is to adopt a plant-based diet. 就是採取植物性飲食 Due to the internet, 多虧網路 resources are now available online, 現在網路上有許多資訊 and information about the horrors and impact of animal agriculture 畜牧業的駭人真相與負面影響 are clear for the world to see. 都清楚呈現在全世界眼前 Thought provoking documentaries like Plant Pure Nation are now up, as well as others 諸多發人深省的紀錄片如「Plant Pure Nation」已推出 and more are due to come out, 還有更多紀錄片將上映 which all highlight the growing consensus that a plant based vegan diet is optimal for health. 皆強調社會逐漸出現「純素飲食最有益健康」的共識 The healthiest diet for the vast majority of people 對大眾而言,最健康的飲食 is an exclusively plant food diet. 就是純植物性的飲食 I've never seen anything come close to the breadth and depth of benefits that a plant-based diet provides. 我沒看過任何飲食,能比植物性飲食提供更廣泛且深厚的益處 Here are the 15 leading, um, uh, reasons Americans die, 這是美國的前 15 大死因 and a plant-based diet can help prevent nearly all of them. 而植物性飲食幾乎能預防上頭所有的疾病 Can help treat more than half of them. 還能治療一半以上的疾病 In some cases, even reverse the progression of disease. 甚至能逆轉某些疾病的發展 If we aren't eating animals for health, 如果我們不是為了健康而吃動物 and we don't need to kill and eat them to survive and be healthy, 不是為了生存與營養而把牠們殺來吃 what are we doing this to them for? 我們為什麼要這樣對待牠們? Perhaps because of this increased awareness, 也許是隨著意識的攀升 veganism has broken growth and sales records in 2016. 純素運動的成長與產品銷量,在 2016 年打破記錄 For example, the vegan hashtag on Instagram has been used 25% more this year. 例如 Instagram 標記純素的數量增加 25% Vegan festivals are attracting record numbers 純素節的參加人數刷新紀錄 and the vegan restaurant finding app HappyCow say they are growing exponentially, 搜尋純素餐廳的手機軟體 HappyCow,資料庫指數成長 with restaurant entries in 176 countries worldwide 目前已有 176 國的資訊 Even in places renound for their meat-centric culture 即便以肉食文化聞名的地區 there were signs indicating veganism is being embraced. 都有接納純素飲食的跡象 And in the US, while vegetarian menus were shown to be up 66%, 在美國,有素食選項的餐廳增加 66% veganism has been on the march in the UK. 而英國的純素人口也穩定成長中 How many vegans do you know? 你認識多少吃純素的人? This is the question. Well, the answer is probably more than you think 這個問題的答案可能比你想得還多 because there is a new survey printed today that we're going to talk about, 因為接著為您報導的是今天公布的新調查 that says the number of vegans in Britain has gone up by... 結果顯示英國的純素人口上升…… how much Sarah Jane? 上升多少 Sarah Jane? A whopping 350%. 高達 350% Whopping! Whopping!" 真是巨大的漲幅阿! Welcome to the vegan movement, right? 歡迎來到純素運動的時代 There is a movement happening. 沒錯,這個運動真的在發展 As a result, more and more businesses are realising the increasing popularity of vegan foods, 也因此越來越多企業察覺到純素食品漸受歡迎 with many companies and restaurants releasing products this year. 許多商家與餐廳都在今年推出新產品 Pret a manger's veggie store experiment for example 如 Pret A Manger (快餐店) 設立蔬食門市試水溫 was a great success, so much so that the company have now decided to make it a permanent fix, 在飽受好評之下,則決定將它轉為長駐門市 and plan to roll out similar stores soon. 並計畫於近期擴展類似店面 As consumers start voting with our dollars 由於消費者開始用錢投票 and purchasing foods that are aligned with our values and aligned with our interests 選購食物時,會做出符合個人價值觀,並有益自身的選擇 and eating more plants, and fewer or no animal products, 吃更多蔬菜,少吃或不吃動物食品 the companies who have been selling animal foods and all kinds of other things to us are gonna adjust. 銷售動物食品的廠家,便會依此調整方向 And we saw that with Hellman's, starting now to sell a vegan mayonnaise, 於是我們看到 Hellman's 開始賣純素美乃滋 and I think others will follow soon 我認為其他廠家會很快跟進 Tyson, a huge meat company, recently invested in a vegan plant-based company 大肉廠泰森食品最近也投資純素食品製造商 called Beyond Meat, 叫超越肉類 um, and I think those trends will continue. 我相信這股趨勢將持續下去 If people ask for vegan meals, guess what? 如果大家都有純素餐點的需求,你猜會怎樣? Pretty soon, they start offering vegan meals 很快地,製造商就會開始供應純素餐點 because they don't care. They just want your money. 因為他們不管那麼多,只要能賺錢就好 The reason that so many companies in cosmetics and food are changing 許多彩妝公司與食品商正逐漸改變方向 is because they're now registering that sentiment that exists in the marketplace, saying: 因為他們慢慢注意到有不同的觀點存在於市場中,於是說 Hey! We've got to change because people are figuring this out. 「嘿!我們要改變,因為大家漸漸知道了真相。」 A number of articles have been written this about the meat substitute market, 今年肉類替代品市場的專題文章也不勝枚舉 including in many high profile outlets, 其中不乏赫赫有名的通路商 predicting how this market is soon to affect the global economy. 預測此市場將迅速影響全球經濟 And it has caused the meat industry to take notice. 這也引起了肉品業的關注 Very recently 就在最近 in the Meatingplace Magazine, which is the leading industry meat publication, 肉品界的一流刊物《Meatingplace 雜誌》 the cover story was on plant-based meats. 封面故事是植物肉的報導 - It was on, you know like - meat substitute market - 也就是…… - 肉品替代品的市場 right, meat substitute market, 對,肉品替代品的市場 and they are saying, “Look, we've got the distribution, 他們說「你看,我們有通路, we've got the machines, we've got like the sausage making machines. 有機台,像灌香腸的那種機台, We should be... 我們應該…… These vegan companies are taking away our market share. 這些純素製造商瓜分了我們的市場, Let's get into this!” 我們也來分杯羹吧!」 They have learned how to extract actual red blood from plants, 他們已有技術能從植物中萃取幾可亂真的紅色血液 and they have, uh, they essentially 所以基本上 make a vegetarian, vegan burger that actually has real blood. 他們做出了真的會流血的素……純素漢堡 Everything you enjoyed before, you can enjoy. 所有你愛吃的都能繼續吃 You like burgers? We got veggie burgers. 愛吃漢堡?我們有純素漢堡 You like brie? 愛吃乳酪? We got, we got anything you want. 我們什麼都有 You like ice cream? We got ice cream! 愛吃冰淇淋?我們有純素冰淇淋 Like anything, 任君挑選 Ok, that's great, 這是好事 that's the way to slowly shift the market, shift people over. 這能慢慢改變市場,改變大眾 We have got to make our businesses, 我們建立純素的相關事業 not just compassionate, 不能只憑愛心 but they've got to be better than the alternative products. 而是要做得比單純的替代品更好 That is absolutely the key, 這絕對是關鍵 and I didn't think of that myself. 但想到這概念的不是我 I actuality heard it from one of the most dynamic vegan businessmen in the world, Josh Tetrick!" 我是聽到全球最積極的一位純素企業家,Josh Tetrick 這樣說的 Jim, there are 400,000 species of plants out there, Jim,全世界有四十萬種植物 and you've got to ask yourself, 你要問自己 why 92% of them haven't been looked at to make your food better. 為什麼其中 92% 沒被挖掘為食物增添美味 And we've got a team of data scientists 我們有數據科學團隊 -- led by a guy that used to lead Google Maps' and YouTube's data team 團隊負責人帶領過 Google Map 與 YouTube 的數據團隊 biochemists, computational biologists, 我們有生化團隊、生物計算團隊 phenomenal chefs, and food scientists 頂級大廚、食品科技人才 that find the best of them. 就為找出最好的食材 ...of Hampton Creek, whose “Just Mayo” is rocking the world 漢普頓溪的 Just Mayo 正席捲全球 and saving millions of animals 並拯救數百萬隻動物 because he's come up with a vegan mayonnaise, 因為 Josh Tetrick 做出純素的美乃滋 and I hear that he's going to come up with a vegan egg scramble that's going to be out soon. 我聽說他快研發成功的純素炒蛋很快會上市 It's going into institutions, it's going into big businesses, I believe, 我相信到時將會成為各大相關財團的新寵兒 7-11 announced recently, they're gonna only be using Just Mayo on its sandwiches. 7-11 最近宣布旗下三明治,只選用 Just Mayo 的美乃滋 But what he said to me is -- Josh Tetrick 跟我說的 and I really thought that this was absolutely the most crucial thing when it comes to vegan businesses 我深信無疑是純素事業最關鍵的一點 -- “They can't just be good, 他說「產品不能只是好, they can't just be compassionate, 不能只是有愛心, they can't just be coming from the right place, 不能只是在做善事, they gotta be 1000% better than the alternative product.” 而是讓其價值超越替代品十倍。」 In 2016 在 2016 年 Eric Schmidt, the executive director of Alphabet, who are Google's parent company, Google 母公司 Alphabet 執行長 Eric Schmidt ranked vegan meat as the most important trend in tech. 把純素肉列為最重要的一項科技潮流 This came amid what was one of the leading news stories of the year. 同時,另一則本年度的頭條新聞之一 A group of investors – under an Initiative with holdings worth more than a trillion dollars – 是一群投資客,主動集資逾一兆美金 pressured the 16 leading food companies - including Tesco, Walmart and Target - 遊說 16 家食品大廠——包含特易購、沃爾瑪和目標百貨—— to switch from animal based protein to plant based protein. 以植物蛋白取代動物蛋白 And as 2016 progressed, 隨著 2016 年的發展 large corporations including General Mills and Danone 大企業如通用磨坊與達能集團 invested in companies that have found success in replacing animal products with plants. 也紛紛投資成功以植物取代動物食品的企業 Also this year, a new documentary has come out on cultured meat, 一部描述人造肉的紀錄片也在今年推出 an area that is rapidly gaining attention and funding. 人造肉迅速獲得各界的關注與投資 This is a viable solution for the meat, dairy, and egg eaters of the world, 這是針對世上那些吃肉蛋奶的人,提出的可行方案 who just simply refuse to stop eating those animal products, those animal body parts. 因為他們就是想繼續吃動物食品、動物的屍塊 However, because lab grown meat uses cells from animals, 然而,由於人造肉須使用動物細胞 there are some critics, who argue that this industry is unnecessary 有些人批評這個產業不僅沒必要 and doesn't challenge the social norm that eating meat is natural. 也改變不了社會認定人類本該吃肉的觀念 They argue that plant based meats, 他們表示植物性仿肉 that have moved beyond theory and into commercial production are a better solution. 已從理論發展成為實際商品,是較佳的解決之道 That said, 無論如何 whether it's imitation meat from plant or animal cells, 不管是植物或動物製仿肉 it is clear that 無庸置疑 this market is trending and will continue to receive widespread media attention. 這個新興市場將持續受到大批媒體的關注 By the year 2020, 預計至 2020 年 the meat substitute market is predicted to be worth over 5 billion dollars globally, 全球肉類替代品市場將值逾 50 億美元 and with the urgency of the climate impact and ethical concerns over the animal agriculture industry, 隨著畜牧業對氣候的影響益發嚴峻,加上道德考量 there is a groundswell for meat alternatives to capture market share 肉類替代品風潮將瓜分市場佔有率 and overtake the production of traditional meat. 急起直追傳統肉品業 Meanwhile, 同時 2016 was the first year that meat taxes were seriously considered. 肉稅亦於 2016 年首次被列入慎重考量 For example, the Danish government's plans to implement a tax on beef proved popular. 例如丹麥政府提議課徵牛肉稅獲得肯定 This backed up proposals from UN expert Professor Maarten Haajer this year, 這也支持了聯合國專家 Maarten Haajer 教授今年 who called for a worldwide tax on all animal products. 建議各國對動物食品課稅的提案 And in China, the Ministry of health urged citizens to limit animal product consumption, 而中國衛生部也呼籲國民減少食用動物食品 with the aim of reducing meat consumption by 50%, 建議將肉品攝取量減半 while the UK dietary guidelines reduced the recommended dairy consumption, 英國的飲食指南也降低乳品的建議攝取量 which angered the dairy industry. 也因此惹惱了乳品業 This was compounded by announcements made throughout the year about the struggling milk market. 這對今年銷售困難的乳品市場可謂雙重打擊 In the UK, one in ten dairy farms have closed in the last 3 years. 英國過去三年來,有十分之一的酪農場倒閉 In the US, consumption levels are down, 美國的乳品銷量也下降 which led to a scandal 便有醜聞爆出 where the US dairy industry actually killed half a million cows 業者宰殺五十萬頭牛 just to push up the price of milk. 只為抬高牛奶價格 That's crazy! 太誇張了! They killed half... 500,000 cows 殺五十萬頭牛 just to slightly inflate the price of milk. 只為哄抬一點價錢 So this corruption is real, 這腐敗的情況確實存在 and its being revealed, and its being prosecuted. 現在被揭露,遭到起訴 The US dairy industry was fined 52 million dollars last month, 上個月美國酪農遭罰五千兩百萬美金 and this is all happening 同時間 while the dairy-free market, the soy milks, almond milks, vegan cheeses... 無奶產品的市場,豆奶、杏仁奶、純素起司…… this market is growing rapidly. 這塊市場成長快速 A new report came out this year, which predicted that 今年有新報導預測 this market is due to be worth 35 billion dollars globally by the year 2024. 至 2024 年,全球無奶產品的市場將值逾 350 億美金 And as demand for cow's milk further plummeted, 而隨著牛奶的需求劇減 the dairy industry had to call once again on the US government's might, 乳品業者再次藉美國政府之力 for financial assistance. 要求財務支援 Jane Velez-Mitchell, 我是 Jane Velez-Mitchell on top of New York city at the Monarch Rooftop lounge 我在紐約蒙納克酒廊的屋頂上 for the launch party of Plant-Based by Nafsika, 參加 Plant-Based by Nafsika 的開幕派對 a groundbreaking new show that's gonna debut on A&E's FYI Network. 這個全新的節目將在 A&E 旗下的 FYI 頻道播出 And, uh, celebs are here tonight. 今晚眾星雲集 Uh, the beautiful Katie Cleary. 有美麗的 Katie Cleary The glamorous and gorgeous, Simone Reyes 光鮮亮麗的 Simone Reyes Now I know you are very soft spoken but…speak up! 我知道妳們平常嬌滴滴的,但今天要大聲說! Okay. I will speak up! 好!我大聲說! Speak up! Why are we here? 大聲說我們為什麼在這裡 We are here to support a vegan diet, 我們齊聚在這是為了支持純素飲食 a healthy lifestyle, 這個健康的生活方式 and to teach people that 我們要告訴大家 it's really important to live consciously and compassionately. 過得更有意識、更有愛心的重要性 The plant based lifestyle also received new support this year, 今年,純素生活的新支持者 from a number of large social media channels. 來自許多大型的社群頻道 So, before I get into this video, 進入正題前 I'm gonna make a little bit of a disclaimer, 我先聲明一下 I have been vegan for a little bit now 我轉純素一陣子了 and I love it. 吃純素真得超讚 I do eat a plant-based diet, 因為我吃的是植物性飲食 so I don't eat any meat or animal by-products. 所以我不吃肉跟任何動物食品 And let me tell you, 是真的 I never touched meat again. 之後我就不吃肉了 I literally canceled my dinner plans, 我把原本計畫的晚餐取消 and I said: I'm vegan now. 決定開始吃純素 Vegan body! 純素肉排 I really like it. 好吃耶 Good, I'm glad you like it. 萬歲,你喜歡耶 It's very... Fake chicken tastes better than real chicken. 素的雞肉比真的雞肉好吃 Right? So good. 對吧?超好吃的! The more research you do, 當你做越多研究 the more you are just absolutely turned off 你絕對會越不想吃 and grossed out by it. 而且覺得很噁 I one hundred percent believe that 我百分之百確定 I will see a vegan Earth before I die. 死前能看到一個純素的世界 Other big channels that promoted veganism this year 這些提倡純素的熱門頻道 include Ricky Dillon, and Natalie Tran. 包括了 Ricky Dillon 和 Natalie Tran And it has never been easier to live vegan. 在這時代過純素生活再容易不過 Online access to vegan food and garments from sites like veganshoppinghub.com 能網購純素食品、純素服飾的各類網站,如 veganshoppinghub.com are proving popular to even the most isolated vegans. 在身處窮鄉僻壤的純素客群間大受歡迎 And a number of celebrities have promoted the lifestyle. 許多明星也開始提倡純素生活 Singer song writer Sia donated 50,000 dollars to an animal charity. 創作歌手希雅捐款五萬美元給動物慈善機構 Sharon Osbourne has publicly condemned the savagery of wearing fur. Sharon Osbourne 公開譴責穿戴皮草的殘酷與野蠻 Musician Morrissey refused to play at non-vegan venues 歌手 Musician Morrissey 拒絕在非純素場所演出 and spoke out about live exports. 更公開反對活畜出口 Famed film director james Cameron teamed up with Arnold Schwarzenegger in a campaign 知名電影導演詹姆斯·卡麥隆聯合阿諾·史瓦辛格 that urged people to eat less meat. 呼籲民眾少吃肉 Leonardo DiCaprio shared pro vegan videos on his twitter page. 李奧納多在個人推特分享純素影片 French entrepreneur and vine and snapchat star Jerome Jarre 法國企業家兼社群軟體之星 Jerome Jarre has been directing his following to vegan documentaries. 推薦純素記錄片給粉絲 And others have spoken out, including Ellie Golding, 其他表達支持的還有艾麗·高登 Miley Cyrus, 麥莉·希拉 professor Green, Professor Green (歌手) Lenny Kravitz, Stevie Wonder, Lenny Kravitz、Stevie Wonder (歌手) Kat Von D, Kat Von D (刺青師) Venus Williams, 大威廉絲 NFL Star Griff Whalen, NFL (國家美式橄欖球聯盟) 球星 Griff Whalen six time world poker champion Daniel Negreanu 奪過六次世界撲克冠軍的 Daniel Negreanu and Pamela Anderson 以及 Pamela Anderson Compassion is in fashion. It's sexy and, 愛心融入時尚很性感 you know, I think we have to do something to save the world. 而且我想我們應該為拯救世界做點貢獻 Fast and furious actress Michelle Rodriguez has switched to a vegan diet, 《玩命關頭》演員 Michelle Rodriguez 亦改採純素飲食 as well as Ariana Grande, 其他還有亞莉安娜 hip hop star Wiley, 嘻哈歌手 Wiley rapper 360, 饒舌歌手360 DJ Khaled DJ Khaled and NFL star Tyrann Mathieu. NFL球星 Tyrann Mathieu Paramore's lead singer Hayley Williams Paramore 樂團的主唱 Hayley Williams released a new vegan hair dye company called good dye young. 成立純素染髮劑公司 Good Dye Young Kylie Jenner launched a new vegan lipstick. Kylie Jenner 推出純素唇膏 Hip hop god Russel Simmons released a new book called The Happy Vegan. 嘻哈教父 Russel Simmons 發表新書《快樂純素者》 Harry Potter actress Evanna Lynch gave public speeches about veganism. 哈利波特演員 Evanna Lynch 針對純素主義公開演說 And tennis giant Novak Djokovich and Moby have both opened vegan restaurants. 網球巨星 Novak Djokovich,與 DJ Moby 也雙雙開了純素餐廳 I think celebrities are a very important part of our movement. 我認為明星在這場運動裡,扮演極重要的角色 You know, they allow us to reach a lot of people, 使我們能觸及許多人 but they are a part of that air game, right? 他們靠影視媒體的傳播 They reach them in a more superficial way. 用較平易近人的方式影響大家 In terms of more grassroutes outreach, 至於民間的推廣運動 there have been a huge number of developments this year. 今年也有諸多重大發展 In May, there was the first ever International Earthling's Experience Day. 五月首次舉辦國際 Earthling’s Experience Day (活動名) Anonymous for the voiceless have gone global. Anonymous for the voiceless (活動名) 邁向國際 The organisation veganuary, who's campaign was twice as popular in 2016 compared to 2015, Veganuary (活動名) 2016 年參加的人數為 2015 年的兩倍 rolled out public transport adverts in London. 主辦方更在倫敦的公共運輸場所張貼廣告 And in New York, there was the largest ever vegan billboard campaign. 紐約則出現史上最大純素看板 In addition, 此外 following Anita Krajnc's arrest for giving water to a thirsty pig last year, 去年給口渴豬隻喝水的 Anita Krajnc 遭逮捕後 vigils known as pig saves held outside slaughterhouses, gained widespread growth. 以在屠宰場外守護豬為任務的 Pig Saves 行動,也因此遍地開花 And as animal welfare standards dropped, 隨著動物福利政策倒退 animal rights activists, who were once regarded as the pedagogic outcasts, 曾被視為偽教育者的動保人士 took on a somewhat unlikely role as consumer watchdogs, 便扮演著更艱鉅的角色,為消費者把關 entering slaughterhouses and exposing ailing conditions. 潛入屠宰場,揭發惡劣的養殖環境 This industry is all about productivity. 這個產業只在乎生產效率 It doesn't care about the animal's welfare, 不顧動物的福利 it doesn't care about the animal's well-being or their psychology. 不顧動物的身心健康 It's about producing as much as possible with as little as possible. 只要求盡可能地大量生產 Under horrendous conditions. 在那樣惡劣的環境 I mean they can't move, 牠們動彈不得 they will...you know, 牠們…… especially with breeders they can't even often walk. 甚至連工作人員都不大能走動 Um, and disease is rampant. 而且疾病肆虐 That's it, 沒錯 I mean 80% of all antibiotics sold in the United states go into animal agriculture 美國販售的抗生素 80% 用在畜牧業 because these animals live in such horrendous conditions. 因為動物住的環境如此不堪 The only way to keep them alive is to feed them drugs. 唯有餵藥牠們才不會死 Right, 是的 and they, they're essentially tortured their entire life 基本上動物的一生先是受盡折磨 and then slaughtered. 最後再被宰殺 I don't think it's an exaggeration at all to say that. 我認為那樣說毫無誇飾 And that's why we have Ag-Gag laws, 這就是為何有《農業封口法令》 because if people actually saw how their meat products were being produced 因為人們只要實際看到肉品的生產過程 it would be so appalling that it would be very hard to consume these products. 那駭人的畫面會使人吃不下那些食物 Craig, you said what's written here is far from reality, Craig,你說上面寫的與實際情況差很多 exactly what is not true? 究竟是哪裡不符? Uh, raised cage free, 上面寫無籠飼養 you saw it, that's what they call cage free. 你剛看到了,他們所謂的「無籠」 Uh, you can cram them in there until they can't move, 是把肉雞塞到動彈不得 but if there's not a cage in there they call them cage free. 但只要沒有籠子,就被他們稱為「無籠」 I find this pretty hard to take. 我感到難以承受 These mothers have just given birth recently 這些媽媽才剛生產完 and they are in what are called farrowing crates. 就被關在所謂的「分娩籠」裡 You can see the mothers can barely move. 你能看到這些母親幾乎不能動 But we're told that we have the best animal welfare standards in the world. 大家都說我們有全世界最進步的動物福利規範 What would you say to that? 你怎麼回應? It's a complete lie. 那全是謊言 The worst offenders on this planet, 地球上最天地不容的罪犯 pedophiles, sex offenders, murderers, 戀童癖者、性犯罪者、謀殺犯 do not get treated anywhere near as badly as the way we treat the most innocent and most vulnerable beings on this planet. 他們的待遇,與這些世上最天真無邪的動物的處境相比,是好上太多了 They have their tales cut off without pain killers. 牠們沒麻醉就被剪去尾巴 They have their ears notched. 被切下耳朵一角 Big chunks of skin cut out of their ears. 一大塊皮膚從耳朵被切下 The males are castrated without pain killers. 公仔豬沒麻醉就被閹割 These pigs are spending their days like this. 這些豬在這種地方度日 And I just... 我真的…… It's filth--this place is filthy, 這裡環境非常骯髒 there's rats, 有老鼠 there's maggots, 有蛆 there's flies, 有蒼蠅 it's disgusting. 非常噁心 Prompted by the increased awareness of the meat industries darkest secrets, 由於人民逐漸意識到了肉品業的黑暗內幕 there were a number of protests around the World in 2016. 2016 年全球各地皆出現抗議團體 In London, a small march turned much bigger and vehement, 倫敦某個小遊行聲勢逐漸浩大 prompting police to shut down the streets. 迫使警方封鎖道路 And it was the events from this day, 這起事件只是風雲變色的開端 that provided a powerful and stark vision, 以強勢、有備而來的姿態 of the coming battle between two sides of history. 預告著歷史上即將出現兩方人馬的戰爭 And at times it can seem so helpless for us. 有時我們會感覺很無助 I know we go about our daily lives, 我知道在日常生活中 it seems that we are alone, 我們會感覺很孤獨 and this society doesn't care about the plight of animals, the plight of the environment. 這個社會不關心受難的動物與惡化的環境 And it could be incredibly overwhelming for all of us. 讓我們極其痛苦 But this is a reminder for everyone here today 但這場遊行提醒今天在座每個人 that you will never ever be alone. 你絕對不孤單 The is a fraction of the vegans in our country. 這只是英國一小部分的純素者 I think it's, um, I think it's a...it's a sort of watershed moment, 我覺得……這好像是一個分水嶺 like something's building. 好像我們正在壯大 This is maybe two and a half thousand people here today. 今天來了大概兩千五百人 They expect 10 thousand next year. 他們預計明年會有一萬人 There are 600 thousand vegans in the UK. 英國本來就有六十萬人吃純素 You know, you have the allies side, 加上我們的盟友 you have vegetarians, you have people who just care about animals. 那些吃蛋奶素跟關心動物的人 You know, there is no reason we can't have 100,000 people in a march 明年的遊行沒理由不來一萬人 We have to stand strong for the animals. 我們必須堅強起來,為了動物 For the three thousand animals that are mercilessly slaughtered every second 為了那每秒三千隻遭無情宰殺的動物 in the name of food, in the name of clothing, in the name of medicine, cosmetics, 牠們為了食物、服飾、藥品和彩妝而死 what a disgrace. What a disgrace! 太丟臉了,太丟臉了! I cannot believe that we are here fighting for this. 我不敢相信我居然要為此奮鬥 I cannot believe these animals are not being given basic fundamental rights, 我不敢相信這些動物沒被賦予基本的生存權 that we have to put these marches on. 我們竟要為此上街抗議 That makes me so angry. 讓我滿腔怒火 I can't believe in this day and age, 我不敢相信在這個年代 we still have to fight suppression. 我們還要對抗欺壓 I can't believe we have stand up 我不敢相信我們還要站出來 and make the politicians and the general public listen to our demands. 使政府官員與大眾傾聽我們的訴求 We are supposed to be a compassionate species. 惻隱之心本該是人類的天性 Do we not hear this every day, that we're evolved, right? 我們不是都說我們是「進化的物種」嗎? That's what we get told as vegans, 大家都對純素者說 we are evolved, we're above animals. 我們是「進化的物種」,比動物高等 If we're above animals, then why can't we start to use emotions like empathy? 如果我們比動物高等,為何不運用我們的情感,如惻隱之心 That is what is supposed to make us more evolved, right? 是惻隱之心讓我們更加進步?不是嗎? Our emotional capacity. So why don't we use them? 那是我們的情感技能,那為何不運用呢? Why don't we show empathy and compassion 為何我們不展現愛心 and mercy to these innocent beings that have never done anything wrong to us? 憐憫這些無辜的動物,牠們從沒得罪我們 How could we possibly allow ourselves to fit into a society that thinks compassion is extreme. 我們怎能讓自己融入一個,認為慈悲是過於偏激的社會 What a ludicrous world we are living in. 多荒謬阿!我們身處的世界 We have to take a step back, 所以我們要跳脫出來 and we have to do what's right for everyone. We have to do what's right for the planet 做對的事,為了每個人、為了地球 because if we carry on the way we're going, as you all know, 因為如果我們沿襲舊習,你們都知道 we'll have no planet to live on. 我們將無法在地球上居住 We're here today fighting for the rights of the animals, 我們今天在這為動物爭取權利 fighting for the rights of the environment, 為環境爭取權利 and fighting for the rights of humans that are also oppressed in the animal agriculture industries. 為畜牧業體系下,同樣遭壓榨的人爭取權利 This is not some mundane diet choice. 這不是什麼單純的飲食選擇 This is the difference between enslavement and freedom. 這是攸關「奴役」或「自由」 Between torture and peace. 「苦難」或「和平」 Between death and life. 「生」或「死」 This is serious and you understand it, 你已經明白它的急迫性 and you are a part of this revolution. 而你就是革命的一分子 In 2016, social media was named as one of the largest threats to the animal agriculture industry. 社群媒體號稱是畜牧業 2016 年最大的威脅之一 According to Global Meat News, 根據全球肉品新聞網 social media has been instrumental in spreading negative views about the meat industry among millennials. 社群媒體在千禧世代協助宣傳肉品業的負面觀點 David Dobbin, chief executive of United Dairy Farmers, said 酪農連盟執行長 David Dobbin 表示 the younger generation are causing the fall-off in demand for milk 年輕世代崛起是乳品需求下降的因素 an indication that big dairy were feeling threatened and unhinged. 顯示出大乳廠已感受到威脅而緊張 And the field of technology has been another area that that the vegan community has influenced. 另一個受純素團體影響的是科技領域 New alternative research methods are being used in medicine for drug testing that do not use animal models. 醫療上藥物測試的新替代研究方式不再使用動物 Other technology has also come out, 其他技術也一一出現 such as ianimal. 如 iAnimal (虛擬實境) And animal rights activists have claimed a number of victories, starting with SeaWorld 動保人士自從戰勝海洋世界後便捷報頻傳 This morning, 今早 SeaWorld CEO announcing a change in the tides, 海洋世界的執行長在聲浪中宣布改變政策 saying all of its signature orca shows will be coming to an end. 將取消其著名的虎鯨秀 Sea Shepherd, an anti-poaching and marine conservation organisation, 反盜獵的海洋保育團體——海洋守護者協會 have now effectively shut down illegal fishing in Antarctica 成功遏止南極非法捕撈活動 In the fashion World, leather sales plummeted, 在時尚圈,皮革銷量暴跌 and existing companies have switched to more ethical materials 倖存廠家則改用較人道的材質 and media outlets like vogue have started to promote vegan products. 各家媒體如《Vogue》開始推廣純素產品 In addition, in the movie World, 另外,在電影界 the pro vegan film the Herd won many awards 主張純素的劇情短片《the Herd》獲獎連連 and is free online for the World to see. 並開放免費線上觀看 And the acclaimed animated film Bear Story, 廣受好評的動畫《熊的故事》 which is about the brutality experienced by circus animals, 描述馬戲團展演動物遭受的殘酷對待 won the best animated short film at the oscar's. 榮獲奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎 Bear Story, Gabriel Osorio. 《熊的故事》,Gabriel Osorio In 2016, many professional athletes have switched to a vegan diet. 不少專業運動員在 2016 年改採純素飲食 Inspired by many long-term vegan athletes who have been thriving and setting new records. 因為受到其他運動員的啟發,他們長期吃純素卻表現優異,且持續刷新紀錄 ...ribcage being rattled, the head being shaken. 肋骨發出咯咯聲,頭被擊中 And now, De Mori nodding his head and waving David Haye on. 現在 De Mori 擺著頭,向 David Haye 招手 And he obliges with a big left hook! David Haye 使出左勾拳 That sends him back to the ropes, and he's standing stock-still, 把對方逼回圍繩,使他動彈不得 not a good place to be against a dynamite puncher such as David Haye. 這位置很難反擊 David Haye 這種拳擊好手 You might as well sign up to face a firing squad at dawn. 他的處境就像在清晨面臨處決 It's a massive right hand! 他右手出了重拳 And De Mori's in real trouble! He's down on the canvass. De Mori 快不行了,他倒在地上 ...with swing now. Get your foot on it Timothy, 要盪過去了,站上去吧!Timothy there you go. It's a vegan coming, 來了,來一個純素者 it's not like Mr Spock. That's Vulcan, that was Vulcan. 他不是吃肉的史巴克,是吃素的瓦肯人 I give up. 我投降 He's known as the 'Livewire' 他體力好出了名 and it's another electrified performance. Here we go 又一個超帶勁的表現 Now he's got the back! He's got him flattened out! Nate Diaz 在後方,把 Conor Mcgrego 打趴在地 That's it! He's got the choke! Nate Diaz, has done it. 就是這樣,Nate Diaz 掐住對方,他做到了 It is all over. 比賽結束 Nate Diaz beats Conor Mcgregor! Nate Diaz 打敗了 Conor Mcgregor but it's a rare occurance to see a boxer get bored with the jabs. 很少看到拳擊手猛出刺拳 And Arnold Gjergjaj just appears to be looking for a place to fall, Arnold Gjergjaj 加好像準備要倒地了 yeah, appears to be looking for a place to fall here every time he's hit with a shot. 沒錯,每次他被攻擊,就會想找一個地方倒下 David Hayes, well I'm sure he's received more opposition during sparring than he's receiving here. 我相信 David Hayes 練習時遭到的反擊比現在更猛烈 Arnold Gjergjaj being completely overwhelmed. Arnold Gjergjaj 已無法招架 Wow, that's huge! 哇!超猛! Oh man. 天阿! That's huge! 超猛的! And that ties his best ever! 打破他的個人紀錄! Also recently, Tesla have announced 特斯拉日前也宣布 that their new SUV model is vegan. 其新款休旅車為純素車款 Live animal testing is no longer included in MD programmes in the US. 美國醫學課程也全面停止動物活體實驗 Plant based conferences, such as those organized by Vegsource and the Physician's committee, 由蔬食營養、責任醫師協會等組織,舉辦的蔬食研討會 have seen record attendances. 出席人數刷新紀錄 Day care centres are going plant based in Finland. 芬蘭多家托兒所改供應蔬食 Vegan medical clinics have opened up in the US. 美國也出現純素醫療診所 And the largest organisation of nutrition professionals declared 全球最大的專業營養協會也宣告 vegan diets to be healthy, and can prevent and treat chronic diseases. 純素飲食不僅健康,還能預防、治療慢性病 Medicine is on the absolute cusp of a seismic revolution in health. 醫學正即將要發生一場,改善人體健康的歷史性變革 Also this year, the Netherlands placed a hard limit on the recommended meat consumption. 荷蘭也在今年對肉類的建議攝取量,設下嚴格限制 The environmental organization Greenpeace have started to talk about the benefits of veganism. 環保組織綠色和平開始談論純素的益處 The World's happiest man became vegan. 世上最快樂的人 (僧侶 Matthieu Ricard) 改採純素 And national awards have gone to Vegan Butcher Shops and Pies this year. 熟食店 「Vegan Butcher Shops and Pies」榮獲 (美國) 境內最佳餐飲獎 With vegan products coming out all the time 純素產品不斷推陳出新 and plant based foods predicted to be a top trend next year, 蔬食預測將為明年的一大主流 it is clear that veganism is starting to disrupt our economic system. 顯然純素主義正開始撼動我們的經濟體系 I'm a street fighter. 我是一位街頭鬥士 I'll get down and dirty with you. I'll do whatever I can to save your children, 我會毫無顧忌、不擇手段地拯救你的孩子 to save your community, 拯救這個社會 to save our medical care system, 拯救我們的醫療體系 and to save the environment. 拯救環境 And even these days to save the animals. 時至今日,甚至拯救動物 But there were some odd events in 2016. 但 2016 年卻發生幾起怪事 Seaworld employed a number of staff, but it was revealed many worked to spy on vegans. 海洋世界雇用的員工遭批露多位職員的工作竟是監視動保人士 Singing star Christina Grimmie continued her animal rights activism 歌手 Christina Grimmi 持續推廣動物權 but was shot dead in June. 卻在 6 月遭槍殺而身亡 Hunting videos were actively promoted by youtube, YouTube 大力鼓吹狩獵影片 but vegan educational videos were often censored. 卻時時審查教育性的純素影片 Turin in Italy was tipped to be european's first vegan city, 義大利的杜林據報原要被打造為歐洲首座純素城市 but an Italian member of parliament wanted vegan parents jailed. 某位國會議員卻想將一對純素父母送去吃牢飯 Law makers in Italy are drafting a law 義大利的立法機關正研擬法案 that could put parents in prison if they impose veganism on their children. 父母若強制孩子吃純素將可能坐牢 It sums up the strange mood of our time, 五味雜陳是這世代的我們所能下的結論 where even though the vegan lifestyle has never before been more popular, 即使純素生活的接受度比從前都高 there is still so much resistance. 但仍遭逢許多打擊 The movement and the message is happening, 這場運動與這股思潮正逐漸高漲 but in the other direction I've seen a tremendous amount of hurdles and difficulties. 但另一方面,我卻見到許多障礙與困難 Listen, I just, I don't know what it really, what it means, 我不知道純素主義到底是什麼鬼 I just know that I'm supposed to hate it. 我只知道應該要討厭它 Why are you supposed to hate it? 為什麼要討厭它? the internet tells me to hate it. 因為鄉民都這樣說 Vegan is basically no animal products, period. 它只是不消費動物產品,這樣而已 There are a number of political economic and certainly cultural hurdles that we need to continue to work on. 我們必須持續克服政治經濟學與文化上的重重障礙 There is a constant drum of indoctrination into carnism. 我們不斷被灌輸肉食主義 So you're hit with billboards as you're driving, and you're hit with commercials 於是開車你看到看板、看到廣告 that subliminally connect eating meat to everything from sex appeal to patriotism to status to all sorts of things. 它們使你下意識將肉與性感、愛國、地位等任何事物連結 And these are just subliminal manipulations to keep people eating meat 這些隱性操縱讓大眾繼續吃肉 because people are making money off of it. 因為業者靠這賺錢 I'm in despair over the deception that's, uh, 我對那些謊言感到非常灰心 you know, misleading the public with all this propaganda. 那些誤導大眾的宣傳手法 The animals don't have a chance. 動物們只能任人宰割 We're running up against some really really, 我們要面臨的是非常、非常…… we're walking in some tall grass. 我們正走入未知的世界 We're fighting, you know, big, big pharma and big dairy, 我們正在對抗龐大的藥廠與乳廠 and, and that's going to be hard. 這是場硬仗 It's a steep hill to climb sometimes, 有時這像攀登一座陡峭的山丘 but it's just worth it because this is the truth. 但為真理奮鬥卻是值得的 The karmic death that we're accumulating by this massive slaughter is unjustifiable on every level. 我們大量宰殺動物所累積的龐大業障已罪無可逭 We're at a crisis point. Um, I think we are also at a very interesting and exciting moment 我們正處於危急卻又新鮮而振奮的時刻 where openness to the vegan movement, to the vegan lifestyle, 人們敝開胸懷接受純素運動、純素生活 to try to live our life in a more sustainable sort of, you know, karmically aligned way 永續或更依循因果善惡高道德標準的生活模式 has never been more well received or in vogue. 前所末見地受歡迎且風行 The single most effective thing anyone can do to 每個人所能做的最佳選擇 both improve their own personal health as well as improve the chances of healing this environment 不管是想改善自身健康、藉機修復環境 and having our species survive on this earth 或讓人類物種繼續在地球上生存 is to reduce or preferably eliminate your consumption of animal flesh and dairy products. 就是少吃,或最好完全不吃肉與乳品 It's the biggest, most urgent secret 這個最大、最危急的秘密 that finally, thank goodness, is getting out. 終於要公諸於世了,感謝老天 Looking back at the last 12 months, 回顧過去 12 個月 2016 like last year, 2016 年如同 2015 年 showed significant progress in the way the mainstream started to adopt veganism. 社會對純素的接受度有大幅進展 However, vested interests impeded momentum more than ever. 但既得利益者的反擊也是空前的猛烈 But Plant Based News will continue to follow this struggle over the coming years, But Plant Based News 將持續追蹤後續幾年的苦戰 so join us, 加入我們吧 as we gather the stories shaping this movement and endeavour to document the rise of justice. 一起搜集新聞,拼湊出這場革命運動的全貌,努力記錄正義伸張的過程
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 純素 動物 飲食 食品 植物性 市場 純素潮流,始於 2016 (VEGAN 2016 - The Film) 591 43 羊奶 發佈於 2018 年 01 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字