字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I think it was honestly—out of everything I've ever done in my life—the greatest 我想這是老實說,在我一生中做過的所有事情中,最偉大的一件事 experience of my life, this whole thing. I've never done anything like that, never lived with strangers 我生命中的經驗,這整個事情。我從來沒有做過這樣的事,從來沒有和陌生人住在一起。 never expected a stranger just to pick me up from the airport and be there just because they 從來沒有想過一個陌生人只是來接我從機場,並在那裡只是因為他們。 like my music, and look after me, and open up their home to me. 喜歡我的音樂,照顧我,並向我敞開家門。 So that was a whole new thing, just even that. 所以,那是一件全新的事情,只是連這。 I played free gigs every night which definitely, 我每天晚上都打免費的演出,這絕對。 I have ongoing battles with every promoter that puts on a gig for me 我和每一個為我舉辦演出的推廣人都有爭執。 that I want tickets to be cheaper because I find it really difficult 我希望票價能便宜點,因為我覺得真的很困難 that I've come all this way, and traveled so far 千里迢迢來到這裡,走了這麼遠的路 Even If I got one tweet from someone today saying 即使我今天收到某人的一條微博說 “I wish I could come tonight, but I'm just too poor to come” "我希望今晚能來,但我太窮了,來不了" That just breaks my heart because 這只是打破我的心臟,因為 I haven't come just to play to people who can afford music 我不是來給買得起音樂的人演奏的 I guess that's why the entrance was free entry. 我想這就是為什麼入口是免費的原因吧。 Well, it kind of, it spiraled when I woke up one day 有一天我醒過來的時候,它就變成了螺旋形的了 I definitely wanted to go to Latin America, and wanted to go and tour there 我肯定想去拉丁美洲,想去那裡旅遊。 I think then when I couldn't get any gigs, 我想當時我找不到任何演出的時候。 no one would book me gigs because I wanted them to be free entry so no venues would book me 沒有人願意為我訂票,因為我想讓他們免費入場,所以沒有場地會為我訂票。 then it became difficult, then it sort of all spiraled into my fans are going to have to help me 然後,它變得困難, 然後它排序的所有螺旋成 我的球迷將不得不幫助我, And then fans from tiny places, tiny towns in the middle of Argentina 然後是來自小地方的粉絲,阿根廷中部的小城鎮。 or in the middle of Chile were asking me to come to their towns 或者是在智利中部,他們要求我去他們的城市。 and then I felt really bad because the whole point of the trip was to try to make fans feel important 然後我覺得真的很糟糕 因為此行的重點是讓球迷感覺到自己很重要。 in places where they might not feel important, just for that one moment 在他們可能覺得不重要的地方,只是那一瞬間 If I got a message from someone saying 如果有人給我發來消息說 “Look, I've never been able to go to a live gig ever, because I can't afford to get on a plane "聽著,我從來沒有去過現場演出,因為我沒錢坐飛機 and everyone always goes to Rio, or they go to Sao Paulo, 大家總是去里約,或者去聖保羅。 but I don't live there” 但我不住在那裡" that again feels like "Jesus! Man. I need to do something about that" 這又讓人覺得 "天啊!天啊 我需要做一些事情" so then I ended up 於是,我結束了 in tiny towns, and unexpected things happened, I guess. 在小城鎮,和意想不到的事情發生,我想。 I never really realized that I had any power to make my fans feel anything 我從來沒有意識到,我有任何權力 讓我的粉絲感覺到什麼。 and just by turning up to their house, and getting on a bus, and then being there, 而只是通過轉身到他們家, 並得到一個總線,然後在那裡。 can make someone feel something so strong 濃情蜜意 and that, I never realized that was possible. 而這,我從來沒有意識到這是可能的。 Do I believe in second chances? 我相信有第二次機會嗎? Yes. 是的,我知道 I do, but I think they're harder than you realize. You kind of go 我是這麼想的,但我覺得他們比你想象的要難。你有點去 “No, I'm going to be different this time. It's going to be different" "不,我這次要不一樣。這將是不同的" but actually sticking to it is also really difficult, I think, and a lot of times, with 但實際上堅持下去也是非常困難的,我想,很多時候,與。 second chance, I think there's a lot of change that needs to happen 第二次機會,我想有很多變化需要發生。 and that's what's difficult about it, but I do believe them. 這就是它的困難之處,但我確實相信他們。 I always want to go for the song that I think would mean the most to somebody. 我總是想選擇我認為對某人最有意義的歌曲。 I think Moirai 我想莫伊萊 is a song that I'm most proud of writing 是我最引以為傲的一首歌。 because it's talking about something that I think a lot of people 因為它所談論的東西,我認為很多人的 or some people would have experienced what I'm trying to say in it. 不然有些人就會體會到我在裡面想說的東西。 I feel very sad that people have experienced it, but I guess 我覺得很悲哀,大家都經歷過,但我想。 Moirai is the Greek god in charge of your fates 莫伊萊是希臘神話中掌管你命運的神靈。 and sometimes they say use to like say 有時他們說使用喜歡說 "It wasn't meant to be if, things didn't turn out the way I wanted to." "如果,事情沒有按照我想要的方式發展,那就不是我的本意了。" The more people I've met in the world, and the more stories I've heard about real heartbreak and sorrow 我在這個世界上遇到的人越多,聽到的故事也越多,真正的心碎和悲哀也越多 people have had to go through with their lives 人命關天 it really made me question the whole thing, really 這真的讓我質疑整個事情,真的。 You know, fate, if that really is somebody's fate? I'm not sure if it is. 你知道,命運,如果這真的是某人的命運?我不確定是否是。 I also think a lot about lost love, you know? 我也想了很多關於失戀的事情,你知道嗎? A great book as well—A Thousand Splendid Suns 還有一本好書--《燦爛的太陽》。 — which kind of talks about that, about maybe that was the one, maybe you should have been together - 其中一種會談到這一點, 關於也許這是一個, 也許你應該一直在一起。 but then it just, it was a wrong time 但後來它只是,這是一個錯誤的時間 I don't believe that was meant to be, in a way. 我不相信這是故意的,在某種程度上。 I just think that sometimes, it could just be plain and simply unfair. 我只是覺得,有時候,這可能只是單純的不公平。 So that song, I feel like when I ever would explain it on stage 所以那首歌,我覺得當我在舞臺上解釋它的時候。 or play it for people who have never heard it before 或為從未聽過的人播放。 I can see the person deeply connected to it, and for that 我可以看到這個人深深地與它聯繫在一起,為此 I think that'my favorite song just for that person. 我想那是'我最喜歡的歌,只為那個人。 All the time. 所有的時間。 I had this really bad jet lag, not last night, but the night before 我有這個非常糟糕的時差, 不是昨晚,但前一天晚上。 before we flew to Osaka 在我們飛往大阪之前 I was lying in bed, just thinking. I can't remember what happened, I was thinking 我躺在床上,只是在想。我不記得發生了什麼事,我在想。 "I'm so terrible", "No one's gonna come to my gig", and "What am I doing?" "我太可怕了","沒有人會來參加我的演出","我在做什麼?" All the time. I'm probably 90% doubtful and unsure of my ability, and 10% feel good about it 所有的時間。我可能90%的人對自己的能力有懷疑和不確定,10%的人感覺良好 Having someone sit down, and talk to me about my music 有一個人坐下來,和我談我的音樂。 It's like a, kind of, self-indulged trip 這就像一個,有點,自娛自樂的旅行。 because I really needed that, because I was at a point when 因為我真的需要,因為我在一個點上,當... I don't know if I was any good at this, and whether I should just quit music 我不知道我是否擅長這個,我是否應該放棄音樂? or does the world even want it? 還是這個世界根本就不需要? So I really needed that at that point in my life to be told that somebody did. 所以我真的很需要在我生命中的那一刻被告知有人這樣做。 I guess it's the same message that I'm giving myself every morning, in a way. 我想這也是我每天早上給自己的資訊,在某種程度上。 I guess this kind of message of a second chance 我想,這種第二次機會的資訊。 which is saying you know 這是說你知道 "When you get older, and you look back at photos of yourself "當你老了,你回頭看自己的照片時 you will 100% say “look how lovely I was” 你百分百會說 "看我多可愛" and you'll look at yourself adoringly when you're older at your younger self 等你老了以後,你就會崇拜地看著年輕時的自己。 So try just have that hindsight now, and believe in the good you are 所以,嘗試只是有現在的後知後覺,並相信你是好的。 and believe in the person that you are 並相信你是的人 but it's really hard 但這很難 I wish I had the answers. 我希望我有答案。
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 命運 困難 球迷 某人 城鎮 免費 英國歌手 Lucy Rose - 訪問 (THE VEIN | Interview with Lucy Rose) 57 5 邱文葶 發佈於 2018 年 01 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字