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  • The Theory of Everything is a movie based on the true story of the theoretical physicist and cosmologist

  • Stephen Hawking and his life with ALS. It told the story about the

  • progression of the disease from the beginning when he is diagnosed until very recent years

  • He was first diagnosed at 21 and wasn't expected to live much longer than two years.

  • Though his mobility became much more limited as time went on, he was able to discover and develop his theory on black holes

  • which has made him very well known in the cosmology and physics fields.

  • These things weren't accomplished without a lot of determination on Stephen and his wife Jane's part.

  • There were many physical boundaries that Stephen had to face but those didn't stop him from communicating all the brilliance inside his head.

  • According to the ALS association, ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative

  • disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

  • Over time, the degeneration of motor neurons causes the brain to have less and less control over motor movements muscles.

  • This often leads to full paralysis in the later stages of this disease. The average survival time is about three years for most people.

  • According to the Mayo Clinic, some symptoms of ALS that typically occur includes difficulty walking, weakness in hands, slurred speech,

  • muscle cramps or twitching, and difficulty keeping your head up. From my knowledge and research of ALS, the portrayal of ALS was very well done.

  • According to Jane's book, Traveling to Infinity,

  • She writes how "Steven's absolute rejection of any outside help with his care was a stumbling block" for a long time.

  • At a dinner in the movie, Jonathan overstepped boundaries by trying to feed Steven.

  • While the effort on Jonathan's part was with good intentions,

  • you cannot always assume that people who, even though they might benefit from help, might not always want it.

  • One main lesson from this movie that I learned is you can never judge a book by its cover.

  • While Stephen isn't able to maneuver and communicate in the same way as the majority of the population, he has

  • overcome so many obstacles to bring forth amazing scientific discoveries. The disease is not who Stephen Hawking is.

  • Steven Hawking is an amazing theoretical physicist and cosmologist that happens to also have ALS.

The Theory of Everything is a movie based on the true story of the theoretical physicist and cosmologist


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B1 中級 英國腔

萬物理論》影評 (The Theory of Everything Movie Review)

  • 186 9
    kwokwinglampamela 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日