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  • Hi i'm Joel and I'm Lia and today we're gonna be talking about the British health care system, the NHS.

    嗨,我是 Joel,我是 Lia,今天我們要來談談英國的健保體制

  • So as you may or may not know England has one of the best health


  • care systems in the world and it's something that we get asked a lot about


  • because it's quite interesting it's not the same as it is in other countries and


  • just in case any of you don't know NHS stands for national health service so if

    如果待會對話中有提到 NHS 的話

  • we're saying NHS it just means our healthcare system in the UK in England


  • in England they do have similar health services in Wales Scotland and Ireland I


  • think they do differ slightly so we're just gonna say this is what happens in England


  • because we know that this does happen in England yes


  • the only one amazing thing that did happen to me in Scotland was that I had


  • tonsillitis so I went to the NHS obviously I was seen very - I think

    我得了扁桃體炎,去了 NHS,馬上就見到醫生,非常的快,

  • within an hour I was seen and I was given a prescription and I was given


  • antibiotics containing penicillin which usually would cost around seven eight pounds...

    藥裡的抗生素含有的青黴素,這一般通常要花 7 或 8 英鎊

  • for free so Scotland had free prescriptions yeah so that's


  • just one little tip fact yeah. -Well that's the first main thing about the

    這就是 NHS 這裡首要的功能

  • NHS here is that any prescription one prescription will cost you seven pound

    任何的處方籤,一次都會跟你收 7.85 英鎊

  • eighty-five I think it is so no matter how much that medicine costs that


  • medicine will cost probably hundreds of pounds but it's subsidised by the

    即使是要花費上百英鎊,NHS 都會幫我們部分負擔

  • NHS so we just pay seven pound eighty-five per prescription exactly and

    我們只需要支付一次 7.85 英鎊的處方籤

  • it does not cost at all to go and see a doctor


  • it's completely free I say free we all pay our tax here and part of our taxes


  • go towards funding the NHS and still it is a system that hasn't got enough

    會運用到 NHS 這裡,但畢竟事個健保體制,資金還是不夠

  • funding behind it although we've only had positive experiences with the NHS

    儘管如此,目前我們對 NHS 只有好的體驗

  • there are some people in the UK in England that have not had so many


  • positive experiences and you'll still find people out there that are slating


  • the NHS when the people inside the people that are working so hard the

    你會發現到有些人叱責 NHS 不夠好

  • doctors and nurses do an incredible job they are the unsung heroes definitely


  • there's not enough people working for the NHS so I know that there are

    因為 NHS 的人手不足,我知道些課程是有補助的

  • things like courses that are subsidised and so for example university will cost

    像是一年的大學要花費你 9000 英鎊

  • £9000 a year but if you want to train to


  • become a nurse there's no cost at all because they want to encourage people to


  • come and study and work for the NHS but yeah even using hospitals is free so if

    來讀書然後幫 NHS 工作,甚至是讓你免費就醫

  • you have a last minute emergency and you need to call the emergency services and


  • you need a big treatment going to the NHS for that is completely free. I think

    如果需要去 NHS 做大手術的話,可以免費

  • my brother when he got seriously ill he went to intensive care for like three

    當我哥哥生重病時,去了加護病房 3 個月

  • months and then was in rehab for like three months that ultimately would have

    然後又在勒戒中心 3 個月,如果是在美國的話

  • cost our my family millions if we're in the U.S. like my parents would have had


  • to sell the house because it would cost something


  • ridiculous like a hundred thousand pounds per week or something to keep my


  • brother... no way! On all the machines, to pay for all of the fees and all the medication so it's just so


  • foreign to us to think of a healthcare system where you would have to pay for


  • it like you you've said I think about in American films and things you see


  • families that can't afford to pay the bills for health care but that's just


  • not a thing in the UK so it just seems really really odd that that's a thing to


  • us obviously it's not odd but it's just not something we can relate to and


  • similarly I think another thing that seems odd to me like when I'm watching


  • an American film is the idea of say for instance we're in a scene and I'm like


  • you lost your job you're fired with that you lose your health care in


  • America there's no health care, yeah because losing their job they lose their healthcare benefits but in in the UK in England specifically


  • you can't just fire someone remove all of their health care privileges you have


  • to like give someone a reason give them a certain amount of time, like a notice period


  • and like I just think that that makes us probably different as people because


  • like we're not so much on edge yeah maybe we're more on edge, maybe that's a


  • big statement like you know just the idea of like absolutely nothing is


  • certain ever you could go into work today and you could lose your job and


  • you could not have a job tomorrow I think that's the scary thing cuz


  • my parents have a house in Florida in the US and there's been talk of being


  • like "oh maybe we'll move here one day" but my parents, the main thing holding


  • them back is the fact that if they did move there they wouldn't have any health


  • care they would have to pay for their own health care yeah they wouldn't move


  • out there and get a job and health care included in a job because


  • they'd be retired by then, so yeah it's just that's the main thing


  • I think that puts people off moving to not just America but other countries


  • that don't have national health care systems is the fact that health care can


  • cost so much money yeah and we don't realise how lucky we are no I mean I


  • don't have any idea how much it would have cost ... don't if anyone's been


  • following us this long but back when I had my throat surgery


  • in 2012 I had vocal nodules on both sides of my vocal cords and I was

    那是在 2012 年,我的聲帶兩邊長了兩個結

  • on a wait list for about six months with the NHS so I had my initial appointments

    我當時在 NHS 掛號排隊等了 6 個月,所以我看了初診

  • and I said oh this is the problem they put cameras down my throat they were like


  • yeah you've got this problem we can do an operation and fix that you can go


  • private you can be seen immediately if you pay £12,000 pounds something like

    你可以選擇私下開刀,如果能夠支付 12,000 英鎊,馬上就可以動刀

  • that or you can be on our waitlist and we'll get round to you when we can it


  • wasn't a tragic problem it was not life-threatening


  • it was just something that was affecting my vocal quality, my ability to sing and


  • just my ability to talk without feeling exhausted yeah I had sort of like vocal


  • therapy a couple of times after the operation and that was all included for


  • no money all just money that we as taxpayers all put into this big pot yeah


  • and everybody is looked after. Yeah I think that's what some British people


  • resent is having to pay extra taxes for the NHS we don't know we're going to

    有點不高興的地方,幫 NHS 支付額外稅金,我們不知道我們要做個調查

  • research and do a video on UK tax but I do think that we pay slightly more tax


  • than people do in America for example but I would have thought it more than


  • pays for itself when you think that we don't have to pay


  • anything except £7.85 per item that we get from the chemist yes and the way

    我們跟藥劑師拿藥、每一項藥品要支付 7.85 英鎊

  • the prescriptions work is that every time you need to get your prescription


  • again, so for instance say you're given a prescription of special tablets


  • for migraines sometimes I get migraines so I have a prescription from the doctor


  • and every time I go to collect 30 migraine tablets I pay £7.85

    每次去拿 30 顆偏頭痛的藥,我一次支付 7.85 英鎊

  • once they run out I get my prescription renewed I go to the chemist

    30 顆吃完,我又跟醫生拿新的處方籤,再去藥劑師那裡

  • and I say here's my prescription I pay £7.85 again yeah and that's it

    出示新的處方籤,支付 7.85 英鎊,就是這樣

  • and that is kind of capped it's been £7.85 for a while I think yeah it's

    價格似乎有被固定住,7.85 英鎊已經有好一陣子了

  • been around the £7 mark yeah exactly but if you are under 16 or if

    我認為大概是 7 英鎊左右,但如果你低於 16 歲

  • you're over 60 then your prescriptions are free I think as well if you are

    或是超過 60 歲,你的處方籤就不用錢,我認為如果你正處於

  • unemployed then they're free and there are certain other things as well yeah if


  • you're in full-time education and you're sort of and 18 as well, there's all sorts of

    如果你是全職學生剛好又是 18 歲,

  • things if you're receiving Jobseeker's Allowance or if you're receiving any


  • benefits from the government because you're not able to support yourself


  • completely on your own then you're also able to get free prescriptions yeah


  • so there are... well I think the NHS is amazing yeah it's great it's actually the

    我覺得 NHS 真的很棒,它其實是英國最大的公司

  • biggest employer in the UK and it's apparently I think it's the fifth largest in the


  • world which is incredible it's a massive machine and I think it's really great I

    規模大到令人難以置信,我真的覺得 NHS 很好

  • just realise that I take it for granted all the time yeah like right now I need


  • to get - I do need to go to the doctors for something and all it's just a case


  • of me getting on the phone and just making sure I can get an appointment


  • I'll probably be seen within a week yeah in London it's harder you know sometimes


  • you have to wait a bit longer for an appointment but you'll get seen yeah and


  • if you really need to be seen immediately you can go to A&E which is

    但如果你需要醫生馬上幫你看的話,你可以去 A&E 診

  • like accident and emergency and you can just sit in line and get seen, or if it's not


  • quite an emergency you can go to a walk-in clinic which there may be like


  • an hour wait or something depending how many people are there but you can just

    它可能需要等上 1 小時,依照當時看病的人數

  • walk up and see a doctor that day yeah even if it's not quite an emergency


  • another great thing that I will try and link down below if I remember is an


  • article from an American that's moved to the UK and I remember he was comparing


  • the health care systems yeah and was saying like the pros and cons of


  • both of course there are cons to the NHS but overwhelmingly he said he would

    當然 NHS 也是有些不好的地方,但他說他還是會

  • choose a National Health Service over the private healthcare just because of

    選擇 NHS 來看病,

  • the the worry of being able to make those payments and paying for health


  • insurance it's just not worth you know the angst that it causes I can just


  • about afford my phone bill let alone a health care bill and and that's the other


  • thing isn't it that people just say your health is the most important thing yeah


  • so how could you live with the fear of potentially having


  • like a £30,000 bill or more to keep yourself alive, to keep a family member alive


  • it's just so stressful yeah and not just that like obviously if you've


  • got insurance you probably wouldn't have to pay that much but the fact of then


  • having to pay insurance every single month just in case something goes wrong


  • the insurance companies are making a killing yeah they definitely are that's probably

    保險公司也因此賺了不少,是啊 ,他們的確賺得不少

  • why they're not going to change anything in the U.S. is because these massive companies are making


  • so much money from it yeah yeah but it was established in the 40s

    NHS 它是在 40 年代成立的

  • so we've had it all our lives our parents have had it all their lives yeah so um


  • yeah it's just something that you don't tend to think about every day yeah like


  • right now my dad needs to have keyhole surgery in his knee and there


  • are two options he can stay on the wait list that he's on with the NHS and they

    他有兩個選擇,他可以在掛號排隊,NHS 會告訴你看診時間

  • offer you an appointment and if you can't make it then that sucks for you


  • you've got to wait for the next one or you can just pay to be seen privately


  • and go and get seen you have the option of both you always have the option and


  • the NHS don't have anything against anyone working privately in fact a lot

    NHS 並沒有對想要付費任何人有限制

  • of NHS doctors also work in private clinics

    事實上有很多 NHS 的醫生在私人診所上班

  • just to double up their salary a bit more because they don't get paid a very

    只是為了能夠多賺點, 因為他們在 NHS 沒有領多少

  • good amount from the NHS it's not a great salary so they have to pick

    NHS 給的沒有很多,所以他們會私用額外的時間

  • up these extra shifts privately also that's a nice fact as well that if you

    另外如果你在 NHS 工作,也是有打折的優惠

  • work for the NHS you get discounts across the country loads of restaurants,


  • shops, experiences give NHS employees discounts yeah so lots of my friends

    都有給 NHS 員工折扣,我有很多朋友

  • when we're going out for meals say like oh do you do NHS discount?

    我們出去吃飯時他們會問店家說:『你們這 NHS 優惠嗎?』

  • and some don't but lots of them do yeah and I think it's a nice way to


  • reward people who do work for the NHS who don't earn a huge amount of money by

    回饋在 NHS 辛勞又賺不多的員工

  • giving them discounts and just showing your respect to them that do that yeah that's really


  • sweet but I hope that was informative for you guys I'm sure we've missed out


  • certain things and if you'd like to see more on that then let us know and


  • I'm sure we can do another video on it we just thought it might be helpful for


  • you