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- Three sisters.
- How are they?
Oh, are we three sisters?
I thought you were saying you have three sisters.
- I was like, okay, cool.
- I do, but--
(jazz music)
- Hi every, I'm gonna say hello.
Hi everyone.
Oh, oh okay.
I'm joined today by my dear friends, Colton and Kevin.
Say hello.
- Hi!
- What's up?
- We're here in a cat cafe because why the fuck not?
We're here at Crumbs & Whiskers.
It's the first and only cat cafe in Los Angeles, and there's
also one in D.C.
so you can go there if you wanna go.
Kevin, what do you know about these cats?
- So here's what I've learned about them.
- I've learned that Crumbs & Whiskers have saved over 1,000
cats from the shelter, and they take some of the cats.
And they're here.
And people can come in and play with them
and get to know them, and they can adopt them.
- Are you gonna get one?
- No.
- Oh.
- Why do you hate the cats?
- I love the cats.
I speak cat.
Sometimes I'm walking down the street I, yeah.
- No!
- I've meowed by myself to cats,
and they turn the other way.
- Oh, I thought it was like to people.
- Dude, was that you or the cat?
- Yeah, see?
- It sounds just like it.
- Thank you.
- Boys, how are you?
- Good.
- How good?
- Like really good.
- A scale from one to 10, I'd say I'm a hard eight.
- How hard?
- A hard eight?
- Extremely hard.
- A hard eight?
At this hour?
- Good for you.
- So, are y'all cat people or dog people?
- Dog, but there's one cat I love
my ex's cat.
But since I've started to love his cat,
I now like cats more.
- I used to hate cats, I think.
- Do you still hate cats?
- I think I still do.
No, I mean as of right now, they're fine.
Nobody's pissing me off.
I grew up with a cat, and my cat sucked.
- Were you mean to the cat though?
- Everyone was mean to everyone.
- What was her name?
- My home was a broken home.
Everybody was--
- Oh yeah she had the--
- She looked like a pirate.
But she was gendered as such, Pira.
What's new? What's going on boys?
How's married life?
(all talking)
Thanks for the transition.
- Married life is amazing.
It's so much fun and you just feel-
- Shut the fuck up.
This aint The Talk.
How was the wedding?
- It was incredible.
- Did Kris Jenner officiate it?
- Kris Jenner did yep.
- What the fuck?
- Jeff's been working, you know, been friends with that
whole family for years and years and years
and yeah so she did the wedding and everyone was balling,
crying she was so good um she's so nice.
- That's the most LA wedding--
- They're a nice family.
- Yeah, they are such a nice family.
Let me just explain the story okay?
So at the wedding my mum
may have taken a little bit too much Xanax
and drank a little too many bottles of wine.
Prior to walking down the aisle.
- Kevin every day.
- Yeah.
So there were petals,
bags of petals to throw as we walked back down the aisle.
And my mum didn't know that
you open the bag to throw the petals.
So there's a slo-mo video of me walking down,
everyone's saying congratulations,
and this bitch fucking chucks the bag
and hits me in the fucking face.
Hits me in the face and I look at her like this
And I was like, it's on camera
and then I had to like smile and walk down the aisle
and she chucked a bag of flowers at my face.
- Amazing.
- And she was like I panicked I didn't know what to do.
Mum, like what are you doing?
- What do you hate the most about married life?
- It's been like a week.
- Exactly you must hate something
- I think the thing I hate most is I like to feel
like in a lived in situation
and I sometimes I get in trouble
if I leave a cup that's not washed in the sink.
Or a fork.
- In trouble?
- Not in trouble but just I get reminded.
- What happens?
- There's two safe places for me-
- Safe places?
- Is this a cry for help?
- It's not a cry for help.
- Safe places to be dirty.
- I'm a little messy so I can be messy in my car
- Messy, messy boy.
- This is gonna turn into some thing that it's not.
But he's really awesome and just like fun.
- He's so nice.
- Well I'm jealous of your love life.
Good for you.
- I mean, it's about damn time.
I was single for like five years.
- Well if you know anyone to set me up with hello.
- What's the type?
Have you got types?
- No types, help me.
- Do you go on a lot of dates?
- How do you meet people?
- Are you a serial dater?
- Can the 411 please cease and desist?
- Tell us more about this
- Get out of here.
I feel my face going red, I hate the two of you.
- All of us can turn red really easily so this is good.
- I haven't seen you go red.
- You haven't gotten to me yet.
- So Kevin--
I just joined Bumble.
- What is that?
Do you do like the famous one?
With like where you sign up and-
- Yeah but it's all models.
Are you on it?
- I used to be.
- Uh huh.
Did that work out for you?
- I made a lot of really good friends.
- Okay so if you were single
what would be your dream first date?
Do you want it to be like mushy or would you want it to be?
- I want to go like hiking or I dunno, go to Yosemite,
or like do something active.
- Yosemite's a commitment.
What if they're a murderer?
- Yosemite? That seems like a trip.
- They take you to the woods and then--
(all talking)
- I like the idea of like, you know, long dates.
- Oh my god, no.
- And just like really getting to know that person.
- Hell no bitch, I did Disneyland as a first date.
Like a three hour drive there
and then like while we were there just waiting in line
being like well we've touched on everything
this is not going anywhere.
- Oooh that's terrible.
- It was not good.
- I think I like to be connected--
- And you're like we should go on a trip.
(all talking)
- Yeah I went on this date,
hopefully she doesn't watch this.
She's kind of famous, no.
- (laughs) what?
- I went on a date with her and then like bailed.
I took her to Wendy's
- That's my favorite place in the whole world.
- My mum and dad met at Wendy's.
- Well if someone took me to Wendy's I'd be like 'fuck yeah'
I then ditched her cause I was--
- Oh well that's--
- I was like 'We're going to Wendy's
uh I'm going to take you home now'
- Nooo.
- Yeah I was like 'I can't, I can't'.
I was rude and she was so nice,
like one of the sweetest people but I was just like--
- Wow.
- Do you want to be in a relationship?
Or do you want to be single?
- That felt pointed.
- Do you think that right now, with your schedule
and your fame and all your success,
that you can hold down a relationship right now
if it were to happen?
I'm just asking for the people,
like possible suitors out there watching.
Tyler is available and he's ready to, you know--
- Are there any sort of qualifications.
- They must be nice.
- Do they need to have like a job?
- Please.
I don't care how far along you are
as it comes to like achieving your dreams
but just have some dreams.
- Is there an age-ish?
- I would like my age or older.
- Okay, cool.
- Definitely not trying to date like a 21 year old.
- Okay, 34 on is okay.
- 34?!
- I know, 36.
- 28
(jazz music)
(no dialogue)
- Thanks everyone for watching.
We wish you a good life.
- Subscribe, like, um comment below
if you guys have any other questions for us to do you know,
- Oh god
- Cause we're gonna do more of these videos.
- No we're not.
- Yes, we are.
- So many more.
- Tyler says it--
- It's gonna be a series.
- Yeah, we agreed, there's a contract.
- Tyler said he's like investing all his time
and research into making this happen.
- Kevin, Colton, Tyler
- It's a really great way to just express,
you know, ourselves through Tyler's youtube video.
- Bitch!
- And there's gonna be a weekly segment just of like
- Called Kevin and Colt
- Yeah Kevin and Colton's confessions
- Oh
- Where we talk about things about Tyler.
- Yeah
- Great
- We tell all of Tyler's secrets
- Well this has been great.