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  • The world is running out of oil.


  • At least that was the idea behind the "peak oil" hypothesis


  • that dominated economic thinking for decades.


  • But it turns out that with fracking,


  • deep-water drilling, and oil sands, there's a lot more oil in the world than we once thought.


  • The old "peak oil" theory ain't happening.


  • But what if instead of running out of oil we just stopped buying the stuff?


  • Most oilmen scoff at the idea.


  • There are one billion gas guzzling cars on the road worldwide today,


  • and only one tenth of one percent of them have a plug.

    其中只有 0.01% 的車屬於插電式混合電動車

  • OPEC contends that even in the year 2040, EVs will make up just one percent.

    石油輸出國家組織認為即使到了 2040 年,電動汽車也只佔 1%

  • But don't be so sure.


  • Consider the "S Curve.”

    想想所謂的「S 曲線」

  • S Curves are used to describe the spread of new technologies over time,

    S 曲線 (生長曲線模型) 是用來描述新技術隨時間推移的成長幅度

  • like early refrigerators and color TVs.


  • Growth starts off slowly at first,


  • and then when the product really starts to connect with everyday people. We have liftoff.


  • Eventually the market gets saturated and growth tapers off, forming the top of the "S".

    最終市場飽和,成長趨緩,形成 S 曲線的頂端

  • Predicting the S Curve for electric cars is extremely difficult, because we're making

    預測電動車的 S 曲線極為困難,因為我們是在對

  • assumptions about demand for a type of vehicle that doesn't even exist yet:


  • fast, affordable, and spacious cars that have an electric range of at least 2 to 3 hundred miles.

    一種快速、經濟實惠、寬敞,且續駛里程至少 200 到 300 英里的電動車

  • But here's what we know: In the next few years Tesla, Nissan and Chevy plan to start

    但我們知道的是,在未來幾年內,Tesla、Nissan 和 Chevy 等汽車公司都計畫要開始

  • selling long-range electric cars in the $30,000 range. And other carmakers and tech companies


  • are investing billions on dozens of new models due out in the next four years.


  • By 2020, some of these will be faster, safer, cheaper, and more convenient than their gasoline counterparts.

    到了 2020 年,其中一些電動車可能會比原本的普通耗油車更快、更安全、更方便

  • That sure seems like the point when the S curve goes vertical.

    那就會像當 S 曲線趨於垂直時的情況

  • To start an oil crash, you don't need to replace all of the cars on the road today.


  • You just need to reduce demand enough to cause a glut of unwanted oil.


  • Consider the oil crash that started in 2014. That was caused by too much supply,

    想想 2014 年開始的石油危機,就是供給過剩所導致的

  • when producers started pumping out an extra 2 million barrels a day.


  • So when electric vehicles are able to displace that much on the demand side, it should also


  • cause a crash. When might that happen?


  • Tesla is building factories to go from about 50,000 sales last year to 500,000 in 2020.

    Tesla 正在建設工廠,就是為了讓銷量能從去年的約五萬輛擴增到 2020 年五十萬輛

  • Let's assume for a minute that Tesla can meet its own forecasts. And let's assume

    假設 Tesla 可以達到自己所預測的銷量

  • that other carmakers maintain their current combined market share for plugins.


  • If each electric vehicle displaces about 15 barrels a year, here's the

    如果每輛電動車一年大約能取代 15 桶油

  • impact on oil from all the EVs worldwide. At this rate we hit our benchmark of 2 million


  • barrels of oil a day displaced as early as 2023. That's an oil crisis. And the thing

    2023 年就會達到取代兩百萬桶的基準,石油危機就此發生

  • is, it's just the beginning. It's not at all unreasonable to assume that by 2040

    重點是,這只是一開始,若要假設 2040 年時全球將近一半的的新車都

  • nearly half of the world's new cars will have a plug.


  • Sure you're skeptical. The price of electric cars still needs to come down, there aren't


  • yet enough fast charging stations for convenient long-distance road trips.


  • Many new drivers in developing countries like China and India will still choose gasoline and diesel.


  • But imagine a future when the rumbling streets of New York and New Delhi suddenly fall


  • silent with electric engines. What if global demand for oil starts to fallat first by


  • a trickle, but then in a rush. Trillions invested in oil will be lost, while trillions in new


  • energy will be won. The power of nations will be shuffled.


  • That's the promise of the new peak oil, and it may be coming sooner than you think.


The world is running out of oil.



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