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- [Narrator] The King of High-Ticket Sales.
Worlds Highest-Paid Consultant.
Media Celebrity.
Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneur.
Acclaimed TEDx Speaker.
International Best-Selling Author.
Dan Lok.
You have what I call mercenaries, mercenaries.
So lets say when you conduct an interview
with a potential employee.
Now very often after the interview you ask them
do you have any questions for me?
Right, at the end of interview and you ask them,
a potential employee, do you have any questions for me?
And they would say sometime no,
now if they asking questions like,
well, do I get overtime, and when, how they get a raise.
And how many hours do I have to work?
Their asking money type questions.
How much money can I make, their mercenaries.
It means they work for money.
It means they work for money.
Nothing wrong with that.
If your hiring mercenaries,
like mercenaries are great for sales positions.
Cause they're driven by money.
So mercenaries, awesome for sales, let them have it.
They are like hungry, they make stuff happen,
they close sales, yeah good.
And the second type of employee is what I call a grunt.
A grunt, a grunt is just...
Doing my thing, they wanna do the minimum,
and just get paid, go home, that's about it, mediocre.
So a grunt, if you ask them,
do you have any questions for me?
They will be asking questions,
well how many vacations do I get?
Do I get holiday pay?
How many hours do I have to work?
And you ask them I kinda don't want part time.
No I don't want full time, I just kinda want part time.
That's a grunt, okay it's a grunt.
And there's a place for grunt in business.
I'm not saying everybody.
So but knowing that's a grunt
just by the way they ask you questions.
cause you can see, that's what drives them.
Mercenaries driven by money, greed, right.
Grunt is driven by comfort, security.
I just want to do enough, bare minimum.
And then you have what I call a patriot, a patriot.
A patriot after the interview and you ask
do you have any questions for me?
The patriot will say,
I'm interested in your training program.
I'm interested in your team, and your culture,
and what's your vision for the company?
And if I was to rise up
and want to take on more responsibility,
what does that look like?
You know what, I've also done some research for a company,
I think I have some ideas I want to contribute.
Or I know you're hiring for this position,
but I think I could actually help you in this area.
They're giving you ideas, that's a patriot.
Because they are driven my mission.
They're not driven by money,
they're not driven by minimum amount of work,
they're driven by mission.
They join the company because they can see your company
that's going places, they want to be a part of that.
That's very very different.
Very very different.
So as an entrepreneur you want to have
mercenaries doing sales.
With all the roles, especially operation,
important management roles you want to have patriots.
Because those people is the ones that
understands your value, and your vision, and your mission,
and they gonna make that happen.
They're thinking about your business
when your not thinking about your business.
And that usually is something that you can not teach them.
It starts with their upbringing.
It starts with their childhood or how their parents are.
My job is not to change them from mercenaries or grunt.
How many of you try that?
Try to turn a grunt into a patriot.
Alright, that shit does not work.
Its a sure fire way to drive yourself insane.
They're a grunt.
You either use them for what they do,
but don't try to change them into a patriot.
Higher a patriot day one.
Talk with them, go through different scenarios.
Let me give you, would you want a kick ass interview tip?
- [Crowd] Yes.
- That's the response, I'm gonna give it to you.
Do you want a kick ass interview tip?
- [Crowd] Yes.
- Okay that's better.
Sometimes what I do,
when I interview someone who's in key position.
key position, a directors position,
I would give them what I call a difference test.
To see if they have difference.
And the way I do it is,
I would get them to do stuff that's out of the norm.
Let me give an example,
well you know, we are gonna have this interview,
meet me 5 AM in downtown.
What the fuck.
If they make excuses, I can't do it, this and that.
I don't want you.
Because how you do anything is how you do everything.
If I ask you to do something kinda out of norm,
go the extra mile, day one,
I haven't even hired you yet, you give me excuse.
Imagine what happens after you hire them.
Same, it's the same.
Human beings are interesting.
They say na I don't want to do that.
Now, here's the thing,
I would say meet me at 5 AM in downtown.
Sure I'll be there.
Actually you know what lets not do that,
lets meet me 9 AM at this place.
Its a test.
Not showing up 5 AM downtown, its a test.
Another thing I would sometimes as them to do is,
you know what when you showed up,
why don't you get me the sports section
from the Vancouver Sun.
Okay, that's kinda weird, but yeah get me that.
Now that's what happen when they showed up,
some of them will not have the sports section
of the Vancouver Sun.
It means what?
- [Audience Member] No attention to details.
- No attention to details, not coachable.
I don't have to work with them for one minute,
I know their not coachable.
I just said purposely, bring me that.
Or if they say, why do you need that?
Why do you need sports?
Don't you have a cell phone?
If that's the attitude that you get, guess what,
when you hire them, when you ask them to do stuff,
its the same attitude that you'll get.
Okay, so lets say that they showed up and say,
hey you know, Dan here's the sports section
of the Vancouver Sun.
Awesome, their coachable right?
That's not the one you want to hire.
Why, because it means that they only do
what they're asked to do.
For a key position I need someone who can think.
Who would go the extra mile.
I don't want you to just do what I ask you to do.
I'll need you do extra.
So if someone shows up, I've had experience,
someone shows up, I'll tell you different scenario.
One candidate shows up with the Vancouver Sun sports section
also the Province sports section,
just in case I might need it.
Hmm, that's interesting.
They see that that person goes the extra mile.
Just to be, cover all the bases.
I have another candidate shows up Vancouver Sun, Province,
she actually memorized all the scores.
She thought I was gonna test her.
I have another candidate showed up with the sports section,
and also a summary on the excel spreadsheet.
Isn't that interesting.
I didn't ask them to do that.
That's what you want to do.
You didn't ask them to do that, and they did it.
Guess what, when you hire them, when you work together,
they will do the same thing, they will do the same thing.
And then when I sit down with them,
I'll role play with you, its really interesting.
So I would sit down with the person,
and they would bring me, imagine this is the sports section.
Yes, okay.
So I've had scenario where I sit over here,
and the candidate sit over here.
They say hey Dan here's the sports section.
I say great, I sit, I put newspaper.
I say please have a seat, I'll be right back.
And she was like...
Well he asked me to sit down, so...
What does that tell me?
She does do what I told her to do,
but chances are after I hire her,
she do stuff behind my back, when I'm not there.
She just did it.
This is pretty common sense,
and say you know what, that's a newspaper,
that's a lousy idea, let me pick it up and put it here.
She could have done that, but no, like hmm.
Hopefully nobody looked.
So how you do anything is how you do everything.
Through that interview process there's so many thing
that I don't have to read their fucking resume.
Really, its not important.
I do a few of these difference test,
it tells me an awful lot about who they are.
I don't care what they say.
There are people who sound pretty good in interviews.
Like they sound like they're awesome, right?
You interview them.
Why do you think they're so good at interviews?
- [Crowd] (answering)
- That's all they fucking do.
They're not doing their job,
they're good at doing interviews.
That's why they sound perfect,
they say the right thing and all.
you don't want those people.
I want people, show me the habits.
And I would ask all kinds of questions,
and some of them, you know the typical interview questions.
But I asked a lot of question, and its like hmm,
I say what kind of ice cream do you like?
I ask crazy things like that.
And if they're like, (stammering)
green tea.
Why the hesitation?
I just asked a simple question.
Like what are you hiding from me?
What's there to be scared of?
Right, if they say, oh yeah vanilla.
Oh cool, I like vanilla too.
So as I'm talking with them,
I'm testing them and asking them questions.
This simple interview technique,
I'm telling you if you use it, it'll save you so much money.
So much money.
just little test.
Is that good, yes?
Yeah, try it out, try it out.
Ask them to do some, you'll be surprised how people behave.
And that's why most of them are not
cut out to be on your team.
You've been watching my videos for some time now
and you might be wondering,
Dan, how do I go to the next level?
Or how could I be mentored by you?
Here's what I want you to do,
my very first assignment to see if you qualify,
I want you to go to fumoney.com
to download a copy of my book.
You can't even do that, I can't be your mentor.
The second step is after you download my book
I want you to read it,
and you also get an invitation to register
for one of my upcoming webinars.
I warned yo to register and show up for that webinar.
During the webinar I go through all the details
of how you can possibly be mentored by me.
Go there right now, fumoney.com