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  • This episode is supported by Skillshare.

  • Do you ever wonder how your brain stack up to those around you?

  • Well, if you are standing tall beside them, you might be smarter!

  • Researchers have already uncovered that tall people are often higher earners - which was

  • hypothesized to be linked to self-esteem, social dominance, or discrimination against

  • shorter people.

  • However, a 2009 study revealed that taller children have higher average cognitive test

  • scores.

  • Or maybe you are the oldest sibling?

  • A study of 250,000 Norwegian military personnel found that the first born had an average IQ

  • 2.3 points higher than younger siblings.

  • This wasn't genetically based, but rather the benefits of full parental attention.

  • When you were a baby, were your breast or bottle fed?

  • A Brazilian study tracked over 3000 babies to the age of 30.

  • Researchers found that breastfeeding duration and amount was positively associated with

  • IQ, education and income.

  • Speaking of drinking, alcohol is bad for your brain, right?

  • Maybe so, but the intelligent among us are more drawn to booze.

  • A study found that intelligent children in both the UK and US were more likely to grow

  • up to consume more alcohol.

  • Similarly, a study that assessed the IQ of 6713 11 year olds and then followed them to

  • age 42 found the same to be true for drug use like cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines and

  • magic mushrooms.

  • Why would smart people seek substances that could harm them?

  • Known as the Savanna-IQ Interaction Hypothesis, it suggests that more intelligent people have

  • evolved novel values and preferences.

  • For example, while the majority of us function best during the daytime the novel environment

  • is night time.

  • Therefore the hypothesis predicts that night owls are the more intelligent among us, and

  • an analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health confirmed this prediction.

  • If you find this information worrying, you are likely...pretty bright.

  • A sample of 126 undergraduate students found verbal intelligence was a unique positive

  • predictor of worry and rumination.

  • However, people who didn't worry scored higher on tests of nonverbal intelligence.

  • Like daydreaming?

  • A new study has found that daydreamers may be more intelligent, suggesting that people

  • with efficient brains may have too much brain capacity to stop their minds from wandering.

  • Lefty?

  • A study of 96 left handed and 96 right handed individuals found that lefties scored greater

  • creativity as well as measures of 'divergent thinking', the ability to generate new ideas

  • from a single principle.

  • You have little control over being a lefty or righty, but if you want to take your intelligence

  • into your own hands consider a music lesson.

  • After only 20 days of music training, a study found that 90% of the preschool aged children

  • showed improvements in verbal intelligence.

  • While you are at it, quit smoking.

  • Unlike other risky behaviours a study of 20,221 18 year old males serving in the Israeli army

  • found IQ scores are lower in male smokers than nonsmokers.

  • Maybe abstinence is key?

  • A study that assessed 12,000 teens from grade 7-12 found that high schoolers with a higher

  • IQ are more likely to be a virgin.

  • A separate survey found this extends into later years as well.

  • By age 19, 80% of US males and 75% of females have lost their virginity and 87% of college

  • undergraduates have lost their virginity.

  • However, when assessing elite colleges this number becomes much lower.

  • 56% of Princeton undergraduates have had sex, 59% at Harvard, and 51% at MIT.

  • Finally, do you find this picture funny?

  • Congratulations, your dark sense of humour is positively associated with intelligence

  • regardless of age and gender.

  • It is important to remember correlation doesn't equal causation, but it is interesting to

  • investigate the variables related to intellect.

  • So how many categories did you fit into?

  • Let us know in the comments, and tell us if it matches up with your experience of smart

  • people that you know.

  • If you want to become smarter than average you need to check our amazing sponsor for

  • this video Skillshare.

  • And they're giving away three months for only 0.99 cents if you sign up in January.

  • Skillshare is an online community for creators with over 17 thousand classes in things like

  • design, photography and even like cooking classes.

  • I've personally used it for visual effects and improving my After Effects skills.

  • It's been a huge asset for me.

  • I actually took a writing course.

  • I'm trying to write different things, like comedy and sketches.

  • And this helped me so much.

  • Anyone can take a class.

  • You can even teach a class with A premium membership starting as low as $10/month for

  • unlimited access.

  • Head to the link below in the description and start learning.

  • Thanks for watching and subscribing and we will see you all next Thursday for a new science

  • video.

This episode is supported by Skillshare.


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    chung 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日