字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 Hello everyone today We'll find out what happens when you combine two active alkali metals, for this I took a piece of sodium and potassium and began to rub them against each other within the evaporating dish to provide the alloy from oxidation by being exposed to Air [I've] Decided to conduct the melting [of] sodium and potassium under a layer of Kerosene since potassium is a very soft metal it immediately deforms and wrinkles over. Overtime, a liquid array of sodium and potassium is formed as a point of contact of the two metals Which is instantly being covered by Gray oxide [film] this [alloy] remains in liquid state from minus 20 [to] plus 785 degrees Celsius, it's a very dangerous alloy because it's more active than sodium or potassium in the round I Fill in the syringe with a little bit of alloy alloy has a glassy surface inside the syringe such as mercury. Now I'm dripping stored in potassium all into the water As can be seen, [color] instantly ignite in water forming burning droplets. If you drop this alloy on the wet surface the alloy will also light up, sometimes with an explosion Its then I pour in the remaining alloy into the water Sodium potassium alloy is used in Nuclear reactors as coolant as Well in metallurgy subscribe to my channel to see many more new and interesting experiments Pull that trigger right from your face Wow, he'll be all right
B2 中高級 鈉+鉀=奇怪的液體金屬! (Sodium + Potassium = Strange Liquid Metal!) 36 1 Wongwl 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字