字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 There are three books in the Bible known as the wisdom literature 有三卷書在《聖經》中被稱為智慧書 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job 《箴言》、《傳道書》與《約伯記》 The first proverbs showed us that God is wise and just 首先,《箴言》向我們表明上帝是智慧和公義的 Yeah we learned that God has ordered the world so that it's fair 是的,我們認識到神整理世界的秩序,使到世界是公平的 the righteous are rewarded the wicked are punished 公義的人會得獎賞,作惡的人會受懲罰 in other words you get what you deserve. 換句話說,種的是什麼收的也是什麼。 But then we meet Ecclesiastes who observes people don't always get what they deserve 但後來我們看到《傳道書》的作者觀察到, 人們並不總是得到他們應得的... Yeah he said the world isn't always fair. 是啊,他說:世界並不總是公平的。 The life is unpredictable and hard to comprehend just like smoke. 生命中有些事無法預測、難以理解 就像煙霧一般 And this makes you wonder okay well is God wise and just? 這些無法預測、難以理解的事使人們疑惑 上帝真的是智慧和公義的嗎? Exactly and so it's that question that is being 沒錯,這個問題 在智慧書的最後一卷書《約伯記》中被徹底探討 explored in the final book of wisdom Job. 沒錯,這個問題 在智慧書的最後一卷書《約伯記》中被徹底探討 Alright let's dive in. 好吧,讓我們進入這卷書 So Job begins with the strange story that takes place up in the heavens which are described 首先,《約伯記》以非常不可思議的故事開始, 故事發生在天堂 something like a heavenly command center. 場景有點像是天上的指揮中心。 So God is there with these angelic creatures called the sons of God and 被稱作神的眾子的天使活物侍立在上帝的面前, they're all their reporting for duty. 當時他們都在報告他們的工作 And God points out this guy Job his servant showing our righteous and good he is. 神指出他的僕人約伯,是一位完全正直 、敬畏神、遠離惡事的人 Then one of these angelic creatures approaches He's referred to in Hebrew as 而在這些天使活物中,有一位近前來, 用希伯來文他被稱為 The Satan. 「撒旦」 The Satan, who is this? 「撒旦」,牠是...? Well, this word is actually a title which literally means the one who is opposed. 恩...這個字實際上是一個名銜,字面意思是「反對者」。 So out of this whole crew he is the one questioning how God is running the world. 而在這個群體中,撒旦一直在質疑上帝掌管這個世界的方式 And he proposes that Job might not actually love God 他說到:約伯有可能並非真的愛上帝 that he's only a good person because God rewards him. 他認為,是因為上帝獎賞了約伯, 約伯才成為了敬畏神的人。 If God were to take away all of the good things he gave to Job then 如果上帝拿走約伯生命中這些蒙福的事情 we would see his true colors. 我們就會看到他的真面目。 So he thinks Job is just working the system? 換句話說,他認為約伯僅僅是在利用上帝 來獲得福分,是嗎? That's exactly right. Maybe he's obeying just to get what he wants. 是的,撒旦正是這意思。也許約伯的順服 只是為了能得到他想要的事物。 So God agrees to this experiment and allows the Satan to 因此,上帝同意這個測試,並允許撒旦 inflict suffering on Job. 給约伯帶来痛苦 And Job losses everyone and everything that he cares about. It is devastating. 接著,約伯失去了所有人、並失去了一切他所在意的。 這是毀滅性的 And remember he deserves none of this God himself said so 而要記住,這下場不是他應得的,神自己這樣說的 The remarkable thing is that in the midst of all this suffering, 引人注目的是,在如此巨大痛苦的環境中 Job still praises God. 約伯仍選擇讚美上帝。 At least for chapters one and two. 恩...至少在《約伯記》的前兩章是這樣.. But then in chapter 3 we find out how he's really feeling inside. 但隨後在第3章,我們看到了他內心真實的感受... He unleashes this palm that reveals this devastation. 他攤開的雙手揭示了這份莫大的悲痛, It's a long elaborate curse on the day that he was born 他甚至開口詛咒自己出生的那日... After this some of Job's friends come to visit him 在這之後,約伯的一些朋友前來探望他 to offer their help and all of them are like 他們想用自己的智慧來為約伯提供幫助,並且對約伯說 Job, you must have done something horribly wrong to deserve this. 約伯啊,你肯定是做了十分錯的事,才落得這樣的下場。 After all, we know God is just and we know the world is ordered by God's justice and fairness 畢竟,我們知道上帝是公平的,世界的秩序 都是按照上帝的公平與公義所安排。 so you must be getting what you deserve. 所以你一定是罪有應得。 And for the next thirty four chapters the friends and Job go back and forth 而接下來的整整34章,都是約伯和他朋友們的辯論 in very dense Hebrew poetry. 十分緊湊的希伯來詩詞。 His friends keep speculating about why God might have sent such suffering 他的朋友們一直在猜測,為什麼上帝會降下這些苦難? and even start making up lists of hypothetical sins that Job must have committed. 甚至開始編造一些他們認為約伯必定有犯的罪名 But after each accusation Job defends his innocence. 而面對每一個指控,約伯都辯護自己的清白。 And Job is innocent. 而約伯是無辜的。 He is! He's also on an emotional roller coaster 的確!他的思緒也像是在做雲霄飛車 At some moments he's very confident that God is still wise and just. 在某些時刻 他相信上帝的智慧與公義,並且充滿信心。 Yet another moments he's doubting God's goodness. 然而某些時刻,他懷疑上帝的是否良善。 He even comes to accuse God of being reckless unfair and corrupt. 甚至轉而指責上帝是不公不義的神。 So by the end of the dialogue Job demands that God come and explain himself in person. 在這些對話結束後 約伯吶喊、要求上帝親自來解釋 And God does so he comes in the form of a great storm cloud 而上帝真的做了,祂從旋風中回答約伯 Now God doesn't give Job a direct answer. 然而,上帝並沒有給約伯一個明確的答案 He doesn't tell Job about the conversation with the Satan 祂沒有提到有關與撒旦的對話 Yeah he does something very different . He takes Job on a virtual tour of the universe. 祂卻做了很不同的事情 祂帶著約伯在宇宙中進行了一場虛擬的旅行。 He shows Job how grand the world is. 上帝向約伯展示了整個受造界的複雜與偉大 And he asked him if he's even capable of running it or 然後上帝問他,是否能使這一切運行? 或一天之內就明白一切萬有? understanding it just for a day . 祂向約伯展示了這個世界很多隱藏的事物與奧秘 He shows how much detail there is in the world. 有些,我們可能每一天都會看到,但卻不甚明白。 Things that we might see every day but really don't understand at all. 但是上帝測透萬有,知曉這一切。 But God does he knows it all intimately. 上帝所展示的宇宙,其美麗與宏偉是我們無法想像, 甚至無法形容的。 He pays attention to the beauty and operations of the universe in ways that we haven't even imagined 甚至很多地方,我們也永遠看不到。 and in places that we will never see. 在總結時,神向約伯提到了二隻奇幻的野獸 Then to conclude God shows Job two wonderous beasts and 宣稱牠們是怎樣的巨大 brags about how great they are. 是的,而且牠們也相當的危險。 Yeah they are dangerous. 我的意思是,可能還沒等你回過神, 牠們就已經殺了你。 I mean they would kill you without even thinking about it 然而上帝卻說,牠們不是邪惡的。 And God says they're not evil. 牠們實際上是神所造的這美好世界的一部分。 They're actually a part of his good world. 然後...這就是上帝所有的回答。 And then that's it that's God's whole defense. 這...真的是很奇怪。 我說這到底是怎麼一回事? It's kind of weird. I mean what was this all about? 看起來是這樣,從約伯「單方面」的角度來看, 上帝並不公平。 It seems to be this. From Job's point of view it looks like God is not just. 但上帝的角度卻能看見 近乎於無限的「多個面向」 But God's perspective is infinitely bigger. 當祂下決定時,是經由一直與整個複雜的宇宙進行互動交流 He is dynamically interacting with a whole universe of complexity when he makes decisions. 而這就是上帝的智慧。 And this is what God calls his wisdom. 在這之後,約伯要上帝為祂自己辯護是一件很荒謬的事。 So Job asking God to defend himself is actually kind of absurd. 因為他無法理解這種複雜性,即使他很努力想去理解 He couldn't comprehend this kind of complexity even if he wanted to. 那麼,這給我們帶來什麼啟示? So where does this leave us? 你知道的,這讓約伯學習謙卑, 他永遠不會明白他為何受苦 Well, leaves Job in a place of humility. He never learned why he suffered. 但他活在耶和華的平安和威嚴下 And yet he's able to live in peace and in the fear of the Lord 但這並不是故事的結局,因為在最後 約伯原先所失去的,上帝都補足甚至加倍的賜福。 But that's not where the book ends because after this God restores to Job double everything he had lost. 再一次,這令人驚訝。我的意思是,這是一個獎勵嗎 And this again is surprising. I mean, is this a reward, is God saying 上帝是說恭喜你約伯, 你通過了這個精心設計的試煉嗎? "Congratulations Job you passed this elaborate test." 不是的!我的意思是整本書剛才指出,約伯所遭遇的苦難並不是一個懲罰,而現在被上帝加倍的祝福,也非通過考驗的賞賜 No I mean the whole book just made the 那麼,為什麼他又會再次蒙福? point that Job losing everything was not a punishment and so now getting it back isn't a reward. 很顯然,智慧的上帝決定給約伯這樣的賞賜 So why is he gonna get back? 我們不知道為什麼,但我們可以知道的是 Apparently God in His wisdom decided to give Job a gift 約伯的生命在經歷這些後, 已經成為一個「無論發生什麼好還是壞的事」 we don't know why but what we do know is that 他都能相信上帝是全然偉大、智慧的。 Job is now the kind of person who no matter what comes 這就是約伯記這本書,也是我們智慧系列的結尾。 good or bad he can trust God's wisdom 這些智慧的書卷真是驚人。 And that's the book of Job and the end of our wisdom series. 每卷智慧書都用一個獨特的視角來描繪蒙福的生活。 These biblical books of wisdom are amazing. 並且你需要聽這所有書卷上的話 Each one offers a unique perspective on the good life. 學會如何有智慧地生活,並且敬畏耶和華。 謝謝收看 And you need to hear all of them together 嘿,大家好,謝謝你們收看本集 as you learn to live with wisdom and in the fear of the Lord 從聖經項目的視頻 hey guys thank you for watching this 你可以找到更多的視頻 video from the Bible project you can 在我們的YouTube的頻道上 find a lot more videos just like this 或者你也可以訪問我們的網站 one on our youtube channel the Bible jointheproject.com project or at our website join the Bible 這是我們智慧系列視頻的最後一集 project.com this was the final video in 非常有趣,我們希望也這些視頻能夠有幫助 our wisdom series it's been super fun to 因為我們相信聖經是一個完整的故事 make we hope they were helpful for you 因為我們相信聖經是一個完整的故事 for making videos like this because we 都指向耶穌,而且對這個現代的世界產生影響 believe the Bible is a unified story 所以我們正在製作的視頻 that leads to Jesus and has wisdom for 即探索聖經中的每一本書它獨特的設計和主要思路 the modern world so we're making videos 即探索聖經中的每一本書它獨特的設計和主要思路 that explore every book of the Bible its 我們也正在製作主題式的短片, unique design main ideas 探索通過一些關鍵點 we're also making themed videos that 將聖經的故事情節傳達給我們 explore key ideas that run through the 我們也計劃製作的更多視頻,因為有你們的支持 whole storyline of the scriptures we 我們也計劃製作的更多視頻,因為有你們的支持 have more videos planned and we can do 你也可以一次性地成為我們的支持者 it because of your support you can give 幫助我們完成整個項目 a one-time gift for you become a monthly 項目 supporter and help us with this entire 我們的目標是使整個視頻 project 免費提供給任何人 the goal is to make the whole video 任何地方都可以加入聖經項目 library available for free to anybody 你在網站中可以下載各種版本 anywhere go to join the Bible project 各種分辨率的視頻 com you can download full resolution 它的資源免費提供給您 version of this video all kinds of other 感謝您的支持 resources it's there for free for you thanks for your support
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 上帝 撒旦 聖經 視頻 公義 公平 約伯記 (The Book of Job) 199 13 小驢 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字