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  • In Season One of The Story of Stuff, we looked at a system that creates way

    在第一季東西的故事裡, 我們看到一個

  • too much stuff, and way too little of what we really want. Now we're going to start looking at

    創造太多物資的系統, 而這些物資裡鮮少是我們真正需要的. 現在我們將要看看

  • the stories behind the Story of Stuff.


  • That's where we'll find ways to turn this situation around.

    在那裡, 我們將發現改善這種情況的方法.

  • Welcome to Season Two!


  • These last few years, I've had to get a lot more careful about how I spend

    這幾年來, 我變得很注重我

  • my paycheck. Everyone has.

    薪水的花費. 每個人都是這樣.

  • Like I'm eating out less often,


  • holding back on expenses I don't really need, saving for my kid's college.

    減少不必要的支出, 存下我孩子的大學基金.

  • I'm getting more responsible, taking control of how I spend.

    我變得越來越負責, 掌控我的消費習慣.

  • But one thing I can't control is that every month a big chunk of my paycheck

    但有件事我無法掌控: 那就是我薪水裡有一大部分

  • goes off to the government.


  • It's not the most fun part of my budget, but I believe in paying taxes.

    這對我的開銷而言絕不是件好事, 但我相信繳稅是好的.

  • Not just because it's the law


  • but because that's how I invest in a better future that I can't afford


  • to build on my own.


  • You know that future we all want and nearly every candidate promises us

    你知道的, 那種每個候選人都向我們保證的美好未來-

  • great schools,


  • a healthy environment,


  • clean energy, good jobs. But a funny thing happens to our money on its way

    環保能源, 更好的工作機會. 但一件有趣的事發生在那些用來

  • to that better future.


  • It seems to disappear.


  • And by the time we get around to investing in it, all we hear is,

    而每次我們投資的錢, 得到的回應卻是,

  • "sorry, not this year, we're broke."

    "抱歉, 今年不行, 我們已經破產了."

  • In fact, we're so broke, they say,

    事實上, 根據他們的說法,我們已經透支到

  • that we have no choice but to slide backwards,


  • cutting things that made this country greatlike schools and the EPA,


  • maybe even Social Security and Medicare.


  • Wait a minute. Broke?

    等一下. 破產?

  • I'm sending in my share of hard-earned cash every month and so are you!

    我和你們一樣, 把每月辛辛苦苦賺的錢上繳給政府!

  • If everyone did, we'd have plenty of money.

    如果每個人都這麼做, 我們應該有不少錢.

  • Now, what we've got to work with shrinks a lot thanks to corporate tax loopholes

    現在, 我們投入的工作被許多企業避稅

  • and unprecedented tax breaks for the richest 1%.


  • But even after those, we've

    但即使如此, 我們

  • still got over a trillion dollars.


  • So if we're broke,


  • what's happening to all that money?


  • I decided to look into it and it turns out this whole "broke" story hides

    我決定深入分析, 而發現整個"破產"故事背後藏著

  • a much bigger story


  • — a story of some really dumb choices being made for us

    - 一個對我們做出各種愚蠢決定的故事-

  • truth is actually work against us.


  • The good news is that these are choices,

    好消息是, 這些只是決定而已,

  • and we can make different ones.


  • So, where is all that money going? Well first the military takes a biggest chunk --

    所以這些資金究竟流到哪裡去了? 第一項是軍事支出占了最大部分 --

  • $726 billion in 2011. Wow!

    2011年花了7260億美元. 哇!

  • We could build a lot of better future with that kind of money.


  • Spending billions on fighter planes we don't need or wars with no end, and

    把數十億的美金砸在那些我們根本不需要的戰鬥機, 或永不停止的戰爭上, 然後

  • then saying we're broke, just isn't honest.

    他們就說我們破產了, 根本不誠實.

  • It's like calling your kid from your billion-dollar yacht to say you can't

    這就像在你花了數十億美金打造的遊艇上打電話給你的孩子說, 我沒辦法

  • afford her lunch money.


  • Then hundreds of billions more go to propping up the dinosaur economy.


  • You know, the obsolete system we talked about in The Story of Stuff

    你知道的, 我們在東西的故事裡提到那些過時的製造系統-

  • the one that produces more pollution, greenhouse gasses and garbage than any

    那些製造更多汙染, 溫室氣體和垃圾, 相較於其他

  • other on Earthand doesn't even make us happy.

    地球上的企業- 還無法讓我們感到高興.

  • In so many ways, it's just not working,

    在這麼多方法下, 沒有一項有用,

  • but we're keeping it in on life support instead of building something better.

    而我們還拿這些錢來貼補這些企業, 而不去建設些更好的東西.

  • A lot of that life support comes in the form of subsidies.


  • A subsidy is a giveaway that gives some companies a lift over others.


  • That's not necessarily a bad thingwe should help companies that are

    那其實不是件壞事- 我們的確應該幫助那些

  • building a better future.


  • The problem is the government keeps lifting up companies that are actually


  • dragging us down.


  • Everywhere you look along the dinosaur economy, you'll find these subsidies.

    每當你看到這些恐龍經濟, 你就會發現他們都有補助款.

  • There's spending subsidies: where the government just gives our money away

    另外有消費補貼: 也就是政府直接將錢給出去-

  • like payments that benefit big agribusiness, while helping drive family

    像是給大型農業綜合企業好處, 同時再去把那些家庭

  • farms off a cliff.


  • Or the less obvious version where the government foots the bill for things

    或是一個比較不明顯的版本是, 政府資助那些

  • corporations should pay for themselves


  • like cleaning up toxic chemical spills or giant livestock manure ponds.

    像清除有毒化學物, 或巨型的牲畜肥料池.

  • Or building roads that go to only one placelike a new Walmart.

    或建設些只會通向一個地方的公路- 如一間新的沃爾瑪.

  • Or paying for polluting and wasteful garbage incinerators that would never

    或是資助些會汙染且浪費的垃圾焚化廠, 這些即使

  • make financial sense to build on their own.


  • Then there's tax subsidies:


  • which excuse big corporations from contributing their fair share


  • like the enormous tax breaks granted to oil and gas companies


  • even in times of record profits.


  • These subsidies amount to billions of dollars we should be collecting


  • and putting to good use.


  • And there's risk transfer subsidies: where the government acts as an

    接著還有風險轉移性補助款: 政府扮演

  • investment bank and even an insurance company for corporations doing risky


  • things, like building nuclear reactors.

    事, 像是建核電廠.

  • If anything goes wrong, we have to cover for them.

    如果發生意外的話, 我們還要替他們收拾殘局.

  • There's freebie subsidies:


  • where our government gives stuff that belongs to all of us to corporations


  • for cheap or even free.


  • That's billions more we should be collecting but never see!


  • Like permits to mine public lands, granted at prices set in the Mining Law of 1872.

    像是發放礦業開採公共領地的許可證, 在1872年礦業法裡訂定可出售的價格.

  • Really. 1872.

    真的. 1872年就開始了.

  • President Grant signed this law to encourage settlement of the West.


  • News flash:


  • it's settled.


  • And all this doesn't even count externalized costs. They

    然而上述這些都還沒考量到外部成本. 它們

  • don't show up on any spreadsheet and could amount to trillions of dollars

    不會在任何的試算表上顯示, 且可能價值數兆美元-

  • include the damage to the environment,


  • public health and the climate that this dinosaur economy causes.


  • Without laws that make the polluters pay, we all pay with the loss of clean air and water,

    在沒有立法要求汙染者付費的情況下, 我們通通必須付出失去乾淨的空氣和水,

  • or increased asthma and cancer.


  • By the time we've handed out all these subsidies, there isn't even enough money

    當我們支付完這些補助款後, 我們根本沒錢去

  • to pay our bills


  • forget about building the better future.


  • So why is there always enough money for the dinosaur economy, from big oil to

    所以究竟是為什麼我們總是有足夠的錢給這些恐龍企業, 從大煉油廠到

  • bailouts for big banks, but when it

    紓困大銀行, 結果

  • comes to building a better future we're supposedly broke? Maybe it's because

    說到要建設更美好的未來時就說我們破產了? 或許是因為

  • these guys know how to ask for it.


  • Their lobbyists and giant campaign contributions let the government know


  • what they want,


  • and what they'll do if they don't get it.


  • And it works.


  • US Senators who voted to keep big oil subsidies in 2011 had

    2011年, 美國參議員投給支持大型煉油廠補助的票數

  • received 5 times more in Big Oil campaign cash than those who voted to end them.


  • So, while subsidies should be a tool to help

    所以, 補助款原本應該是一個工具可以幫助

  • companies that are helping us all, they've become a prize for

    會對我們有益的公司, 反而變成

  • those with the most power to get on the handout list.


  • But you know who has the real power?


  • We do! What if we got as protective of our tax dollars as we are with

    我們才有! 如果我們挺身而出去保護

  • the rest of our money?


  • What if we told the government what we want and what we'll do if we


  • don't get it -- starting with voting them out!

    如果我們會訴諸什麼行動如果沒有得到的話- 我們就不投給他!

  • We could re-direct these dinosaur subsidies,


  • freeing up hundreds of billions of dollars. Forget broke, we could

    放出數百億美金. 別再說我們破產了, 我們可以

  • build a better future right now!


  • We could start by reinvesting the $10 billion in oil and


  • gas subsidies to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.


  • With just half of that amount, we could put solar systems on over two

    只要拿回一半的錢, 我們就可將太陽能板裝設在超過

  • million households. Then use the rest to retrofit half a million homes,

    2百萬戶上. 然後將剩下的錢來更新50萬住戶的房子.

  • creating jobs and saving energy year after year.


  • The average cost of cleaning up a toxic site on the Superfund list is

    在環境保護局的超級基金計畫名單中, 平均用來清除有毒廢棄物的成本是

  • $140 million.


  • Let's make the polluters pay and instead invest our money in developing safer

    讓汙染者自行負擔這些成本, 而我們將這些基金投資在更安全

  • materials so we don't have to worry about them spilling in the first place.

    的材料上, 這樣我們就不用因它們洩漏而頭疼.

  • Most chemicals today are made from oilthat's why they are called petro-chemicals.

    現今大部分的化學物都來自於石油- 這就是為什麼他們被稱作石化物.

  • Switching just 20% of them to safer bio-based materials


  • would create over 100,000 new jobs.


  • Instead of subsidizing garbage incinerators, let's subsidize

    與其補助垃圾焚化廠, 不如補助

  • real solutions, like zero waste.

    在真正能解決問題的方法上, 如零廢棄.

  • Raising the US recycling rate to 75% would result in one and a half million


  • new jobswith less pollution, less waste,

    新的就業機會- 順帶減少污染, 廢棄物,

  • less pressure to harvest and mine new stuff. What's not to like?

    及降低開採新物資的壓力. 這有什麼不好?

  • That would still leave billions of dollars for improving education


  • the best investment for a healthy economy.


  • With $100 billion, we could increase the number of elementary school

    只要1千億美金, 我們將可提高40%小學

  • teachers by over 40%


  • and give college scholarships to over 6 million students.


  • See, we can rebuild the American Dream;

    看吧, 我們可以重建美國夢,

  • we can afford to have a healthy environment, good jobs, and top-notch public education.

    我們可以負擔一個健康的生活環境, 好的工作, 以及頂尖的公眾教育.

  • But not if we continue subsidizing the dinosaur economy.

    但如果我們繼續補助恐龍企業的話, 這些都無法做到.

  • So next time you have an idea for a better future and someone tells you,

    所以下次如果你對更好的未來有新的看法, 而有人告訴你,

  • "that's nice, but there's no money for that,"

    "想法不錯, 不過沒錢就是了."

  • you tell them we're not broke.

    你可以告訴他, 我們沒有破產.

  • There is money, it's ours, and it's time to invest it right.

    是有錢的,且是屬於我們的, 而正是時候去將其投資在對的地方.

In Season One of The Story of Stuff, we looked at a system that creates way

在第一季東西的故事裡, 我們看到一個


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