字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 You want some dinner? Huh? 想吃晚餐嗎?想嗎? Hang on! 等等喔! Okay honey. Okay. Here. Here you go. 好了,寶貝,好了,在這,吃吧! It does sound strange. 聽起來確實很怪 I mean if you hear somebody say we rescued a chicken 如果你聽到我們救了一隻雞 If you say we rescued a pit bull, or if we rescued a cat 如果我們救的是鬥牛梗或貓 People will be like that's so wonderful. That's so great 大家會說 「哇,好棒,好溫馨喔!」 But you say you rescued a chicken....from what? 但如果救的是雞,就變成「救雞…要幹嘛?」 Right? 對吧? Is there a chicken in there? 有沒有看到一隻雞呀? Do you worry about being a crazy chicken lady? 你會擔心自己變成狂熱的愛雞女士嗎? Ah...I just never thought that I would be a chicken person 嗯…我真從沒想過我會喜歡上雞 I don't know, I have never connected with a chicken before 不知道耶,我以前對雞完全沒有感情 I never had the opportunity to.... before Penelope 沒機會能跟牠們相處,直到遇到潘妮洛普 They are flock animals 雞是群居動物 And we are her flock! 而我們就像她的同類 I mean she really does treat us like family 因為她真的把我們當家人 She's with us all the time 整天跟我們黏在一起 Those are big nails 她的腳腳好大 Who's in there? 那是誰呀? Super curious, very interested 她是好奇寶寶,什麼都覺得好玩 Penelope, where's it going? 潘妮洛普,紙去哪了? Where's it going? 紙去哪了? Will you play video games with daddy? 你要陪把拔打電動嗎? Good job! 好厲害! Her nickname is Penela-poop 她的綽號叫潘妮烙賽 Because she is a machine 因為她超會大便 This is Penelope's diaper 這是她的尿布 It goes up around her tail, nice and high 拉到她的尾巴附近,服服貼貼 Okay... go for a walk 好囉,走幾步看看 There you go, good girl. 去吧,乖女孩 We are convinced that sometimes she gives us like vengeance poops 我們很確定她有時會故意亂大便 -You know, if we are not giving her we're not giving her enough attention -Please stop talking about the poop, please.. - 如果我們不夠關心她的話 - 可以不要再說大便了嗎? She loves chin rubs 她喜歡被摸下巴 She has so much personality 她非常有個性 And she is so loving 而且充滿愛 Do you burp? 妳剛在打嗝嗎? Did she go blind or did she lose her eye? 她是失去視力還是失去眼睛? She went blind, her eyes had sunken in 失去視力,她的眼睛凹下去了 She's doing a pretty okay job though. All things considered, that she has been through 但跟她過去種種的遭遇相比,這對她來說算小事 News in Brooklyn. 布魯克林新聞快訊 A group of residents there tried to stop the systemic, and bloody slaughter of chickens right in the streets 一群居民試圖當街阻止一場血腥的大規模宰雞儀式 But they are facing a big obstacle 卻面臨重重障礙 This is an annual religious ritual. Practice by Hasidic Jews. 因為這是極端正統猶太教一年一度舉行的宗教儀式 In the days leading to Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement 在猶太教的贖罪日來臨前 cage chickens are brought by the hundreds to ultra-orthodox neighborhoods 數百隻格籠雞被運送至極端正統猶太人社區 for the performance of the Kaporos ritual 為贖罪儀式做準備 We take the chicken, and we say, (猶太教拉比Eliyahu Soiefer) 我們一邊抓著雞,一邊頌唸 "God, I know we've done some things this past year 「主阿!我知道過去這一年 that maybe if you were being strict with me, you would maybe want to punish me 主若對我非常嚴厲,我的罪孽或許將使主懲罰我 god forbid, but taking away my life. 求主別帶走我的性命 I'm asking you, don't take me 我懇求主,請赦免我,讓我存活 let me live, be kind, be merciful. 求主慈悲,求主憐憫 Take the chicken, I'm gonna give you the chicken" 帶走這隻雞,我獻上牠作為祭物。」 And I, three times, swayed gently over my head 接著拿著雞在頭上緩緩繞三圈 "This is my repentance 「我以獻祭作為悔改 This is my substitution 我以牠替我贖罪 This is my exchange 我以牠的死作為交換 May the chicken be slaughtered in a kosher way, 願這隻雞受到聖潔的宰殺 and then I go on to a good life of peace and health and happiness for the upcoming Jewish new year" 而我能繼續得享健康、平安、喜樂的下個猶太新年」 To serve the growing Orthodox community 為了供應持續擴大的正統猶太社區 the ceremony demands high efficiency 儀式講求高效率 At the expense of animal welfare 動物的福利便成了犧牲品 The birds were packed into small crates 雞被裝在窄小的籠子裡 And are often left without food or water for days 常常數天沒進水沒進食 See they're dead. See they are all dead. 你看,牠們全都死了 I remember 我還記得 my grandfather, who was ultra-orthodox, talking about it 我的爺爺身為極端正統猶太人,提起過這儀式 And ridiculing at himself. 他自我嘲諷 He thought it was ridiculous 認為這個儀式很荒謬 But when he spoke about it, I thought he meant that it was done in the middle ages, and it stayed there 那時我以為他說的,是停留在在中世紀的事 I didn't realize it was still going on in this day and age 我不知道時至今日仍在上演 You've got hundreds of people lining up to do this 數百人排著隊要歷經此儀式 And it becomes, like an assembly line type of situation 於是場面變得像生產線一般 and people are running, and here and there 人群東奔西跑 And things aren't being done so carefully 以致許多地方處理得不夠謹慎 and the chickens aren't being treated properly 雞也沒得到適當地對待 This was Penelope's fate 這原本會是潘妮洛普的命運 But in October 2014 但在 2014 年 10 月 Venessa was walking to the grocery store Venessa 去雜貨店的路上 when she saw the signs with chickens on them 看到了獻雞儀式的指標 So I turned the corner 於是我繞過轉角 and I go down this random street 延著那條街走 There were crates filled with chickens 看到了裝滿雞的籠子 And there were teenage boys that were standing on top of them 許多青少年還站在籠子上 We called through 311 我們打「市民熱線」 we called ESPCA 打給「美國愛護動物協會」 we called 911 打 911 you talked to police officers directly 你還直接跑去報警 and you know...oh...okay, we'll look into it...we'll look into it 他們都回覆「好,我們會處理…我們會處理…」 Not only is it cruel that they died 牠們的死不僅殘忍 But it's a public health issue 還攸關公共衛生 You could smell this all the way down the street 整條街上都聞得到腥味 Practitioners claim the flesh of the dead birds is donated to needy 猶太術士聲稱家禽的屍體會捐贈給貧民 In my over twenty years of monitoring this 以我 20 年來的觀察 I know for a fact that's not true 我知道那並非事實 Many, if not most of the birds' bodies, are thrown directly into trash bags 多數被宰殺的雞都直接被丟進垃圾袋 often still alive. 很多雞甚至還沒斷氣 It just kept getting more and more shocking to us 那場面讓我們越來越震驚 I just kept like I gotta do something. I have to do something 我不斷想著,我非做點什麼不可 If I can get just one chicken out, it would be worth it 就算只能救出一隻雞也值得 And we tried to just buy one 我們原本想用買的 And we did just try to get in line 我們真的跟著排隊 and purchase one and bring it home 想買一隻帶回家 And we weren't allowed to do that 但他們不允許 because I was clearly not a member of the community 因為我們很明顯不是猶太教徒 I decided that I was going to go in disguise 所以我決定喬裝成教徒 and pretend to participate in the practice 假裝要參加儀式 I arrived at the site, 我去到現場 I paid my 20 dollars, at the registration 在報到處繳了 20 塊 And then I had to come and stand in line 再到這邊排隊 A guy brings me out this chicken 接著有一個人拿出一隻雞給我 They pulled her wings back behind her 他們都把雞的翅膀往後抓著 Because that's the way that they don't struggle 雞才不會掙扎 So I kept trying to hold her like...in a different way 我試著用不同的方式拿 and they're just all like looking at me 但大家好像都在看我 but I was just like....well...I'm playing a part 於是我想「好吧,我必須假裝一下 I'm sorry chicken ...you know...I just have to ...hold you like this 對不起,小雞,我只能先這樣抓著妳。」 I stood in line and I'm standing here 我排著隊,站在這裡 And people are swinging them 大家搖晃著雞 And I took her, and I just walked away 我抓著我的雞掉頭就走 and I kept walking ...I kept walking with her 我一直走,帶著她一直走 and said no one's following me 跟她說沒人追來 You know, I'm just going to keep following ....just keep going 我就這樣一直走一直走 Okay...I called Steve at work and said 然後打給在上班的Steve說 "Steve...I got one! I got one...Oh my god!" 「Steve,我救出一隻雞了!我救出一隻雞了!天啊!」 Very good, it's okay... 很棒喔,沒事沒事 Stay with me... stay with me... stay with me beautiful 加油,撐下去,撐下去阿!寶貝 She was unbelievably sick when we got her 我們救出她時,她非常虛弱 Hi, you're back! 嗨,妳回家了唷 Is that all you need is some water? 妳只需要一些水嗎? We were holding on to hope that she would just make it through the first night 那時我們只希望她能撐過頭一個晚上 When I brought her in 我帶著她進去時 they kinda looked at me like I was crazy 大家看著我以為我瘋了 This chicken is suffering 我說這隻雞受了重傷 And I didn't want for her to suffer 我不希望她受苦 But I just had a feeling that it wasn't the end for her 而我有預感她不會就這樣過世 They said that it looked like somebody had either stepped on her head 他們說她看起來不是頭被人踩到 Or a crate fell on her 就是被籠子砸到 something had crushed her face 某個東西撞擊到她的臉 She was there for a solid month 她在醫院待了整整一個月 We were set to bring her to this sanctuary 我們原本要帶她去收容所 and this is when they had told me 卻在這時接到院方通知 "Well...something was going on with Penelope 「潘妮洛普出狀況了… We don't know what's happening, but she's not standing up anymore" 我們不清楚原因,但她變得無法站立。」 She actually seemed to be getting worse 她的病情看來惡化了 She lost total feeling for both of her feet 她的雙腳完全喪失了知覺 It was like watching her rot 我們只能看著她越來越衰弱 We had to do the compassionate thing, 我們必須好好照顧她 we couldn't just let her suffer and suffer 不能放任她受折磨 Part of our thinking was that if she does have to die 我們的想法是即使她會死 let her die with people who love her 也要死在愛她的人身邊 A lot of these sites would "just oh, just cull them" 很多網站上說「直接淘汰牠們。」 Which is to kill them 意思就是殺了牠們 When they get to this point..."oh... they end up in the freezer" 甚至直截了當地說「反正最後都是放進冰箱。」 And I said okay, what are some natural cures for Merek's... 我開始尋找是否有天然的療法 Because the vets don't have a cure for it 因為連獸醫也幫不了我們 And sure enough 果不其然 there were all of these other chickens that have recovered from Marek's disease 真的有其他雞戰勝了馬立克病 yeh....that's a purr 在呼嚕嚕囉 She's been trying to use her legs a lot more today 她今天一直試著動她的腿 so we hope that she is on the mend 希望她正在康復中 I had to go out of town for a wedding 某天我要出市區去參加婚禮 It was interesting being home alone with Penelope 跟潘妮洛普單獨在家很新鮮 I have ...ah ...absolutely no background in taking care of a chicken 我完全沒有任何照顧雞的經驗 I had a Parakeet when I was a kid, and it didn't last long 我小時候養過鸚鵡,不過很短暫 So I did...my string of luck with keeping birds alive wasn't good 所以要我把鳥類顧好似乎不會很順利 It was college football season, 那時是大學足球賽季 so she would sit next to me on the couch, in her box 她便坐在我身邊沙發上的箱子裡 and I would give her the play by play 我原本要跟她解說賽事 But I think it wasn't very fair that she couldn't see the TV 但覺得不妥,因為她看不到電視 So I tried to think of a way that I could elevate her out 所以我試著想辦法把她抬高 And I had found out that people had made these therapy swings for their chickens 然後我發現別人為自己的雞做了這種復健用的鞦韆 Out of like... a big container box....and a towel 用大收納箱與毛巾做的 I stuck her in there 於是我把她固定在上面 and she started to push with her feet 而她卻開始動她的腿 And she started to use her feet again 她又開始用她的腿了 Steve was calling me and he said Steve 打給我,跟我說 "Venessa...she's trying to stand up 「Venessa… 她試著要站起來, She's trying to stand up right now... 她正試著要站起來! I think she's gonna ...she's gonna walk" 我覺得她… 她快要能走了!」 Okay....almost there... okay 加油!快成功了! If she could only do spurts 她原本只能猛地走幾步 she would walk a few steps and then she would sit down, walk a few steps and sit down 走了幾步就坐下來,走幾步,坐下來 But I mean it was obvious that something miraculous had happened in this little bird's body 不過很明顯這隻小雞的身體有神奇的變化 and she just kept getting better 她的情況越來越好 Come one, let's go! Come on Penelope, 加油!我們走吧!加油!潘妮洛普 come one! 來!來這邊! careful 小心喔 Where's Penelope? Hi Penelope! 妳在哪裡?嗨,潘妮洛普 And at this point we knew she was gonna make it 直到那時我們才確定她會挺過去 that she was gonna survive 會活下來 And now all of a sudden it was like.... well now what? 而我們卻突然之間不知道下一步要幹麼了 Here you go! 去玩吧! She's gotten so beautiful 她變得好漂亮 She's grown honey, she's great 長大了,好健康 The way in which Kaporos's done these days is.... pretty bad 如今獻雞儀式的做法是很糟糕的 It is intrinsically violating our very own tenets of our religion 它違反了我們教義的本質 of cruelty to animals... absolutely 違反了虐待動物,無庸置疑 There's a better way to do this 我們有更好的做法 But change doesn't come easily 但改變絕非易事 Especially for strict orthodox, Jewish people in insular community 特別是對正統猶太教徒、保守的猶太團體 and we have a lot of historical anxiety and stresses upon us 我們背負了沉重的歷史傷痛 and our relationship with the non-Jewish surrounding community 還要與周圍的非猶太人建立關係 So we have to work together peacefully 所以我們必須為共同的目標 to the common goal and to the common good 與共同的福祉和平攜手合作
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 儀式 籠子 猶太 大便 打給 猶太人 佩內洛普。拯救的故事 (Penelope: A Rescue Story) 192 8 羊奶 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字