字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Fellow Human Beings, US Citizens, 人類同胞、美國人民 brothers and sisters of the Humane Party. 《人道黨》的弟兄姐妹 The Humane Party Board of Directors, 《人道黨董事會》 All compassionates and agents of root cause change; 所有慈悲的朋友 和共同創造改變的各傳媒單位 Those seeking the end of the exploitation of other species by humans; 為終結人類對其他物種剝削的人 Those seeking the elimination of the torture, mutilation, 為終止動物朋友 受折磨、被支解、遭屠殺的人 and slaughter of our non-human animal friends; 為所有有情眾生爭取立法 認可其個體性的人 And, who seek the granting of legal person-hood 為率領實踐言行一致之慈悲生活的人 to all sentient beings; 為禁止非緊急情況下 使用的有毒危險燃料的人 Those leading their lives in accordance with 為消滅囚禁人們的 金錢導向的體系與生態的人 what it means to be a humane person; 為保護土壤、水源 和空氣不再受汙染、受破壞的人 Those seeking to end the non-emergency based use of toxic fuels; 為禁止基因改造動物、食物的人 Those seeking to eliminate systems and practices 為禁止基改一切大地 為人類與動物所創造之事物的人 that create profit motives to incarcerate people 為認知成熟、樹立正義 確保國家安定的夢想創建者 and to keep them incarcerated; 為實現這些共同的福祉、最愛和平、 To those seeking to defend our air, land and water resources 堅毅及完善的方式 處理衝突、化解爭執、面對合作的人 against on-going contamination and depletion, 我非常榮幸為你們 獻上我的熱忱與責任 as well as ban genetic modification of animals, food or any item 接受《人道黨》的提名,參選美國總統 designed by the universe to be consumed by humans or other animals; 我毫不猶豫接受提名 And to those who are mature enough to understand 因為我深受鼓舞立下志願,滿懷夢想 that establishing justice and ensuring domestic tranquility, 並有18年來清白的一身 as envisioned by the founding architects of this common wealth, 不受充滿死亡、謀殺、折磨的靈魂所污染 are best achieved by a peaceful, resolute, and skillful approach 我接受這項提名,目標非常全面 to conflict disagreement and (by) cooperation. 我將成為支持者的代言人 It is my great honor and passionate sense of duty to you, 我將表達支持者堅定的渴望 改變這個國家的方向 that I accept the Humane Party's nomination for the office 我將具體化支持者的憧憬 一個滿懷慈悲的民族 of the president of the United States of America. 我將實現支持者的夢想 將國民的集體智慧發揮到極致 Without hesitation, I accept this nomination with an inspired heart, 重新定位國家的力量 終將由智力引領,而非武力 with a determined mind, a soul filled with hope, 重新確立國家終將由 道德的力量所引領,而非強迫與鬥爭 and a body free of, for the last 18 years of my life, 我將為支持者發聲 any deceased, murdered, or tortured soul. 我將為這塊土地上 每年700億隻被虐殺的非人類動物發聲 I accept this nomination with an over-arching objective: 這塊土地上,只有少數像你我 這樣慈悲的哀悼者憐憫牠們 To embody your voice; 亞伯拉罕·林肯曾說過: To manifest your unwavering desire to change our country's course; 「我贊同動物均有其權利 如同人類均有人權一樣 To personify your vision of a passionately compassionate nation; 這才是擴充仁心之道」 To realize your dream of a nation that leverages 帶著這個信念,我代表《人道黨》為此發聲 the collective intelligence of all its citizens; 我黨提出的鋼領 具創造力且耳目一新 That will finally position our country as a force that 服務你我、動物朋友及受蒙蔽的樸實百姓 leads with intellectual power instead of coercive strength; 向他們揭露我黨針對的議題 與提出的解決方案 That will finally situate our country to lead 這個鋼領集結眾人的智慧 with moral and ethical might, 這個鋼領有遠見且實際,值得為之奮鬥 instead of leading with the compulsion and impulse to fight. 我願意為之生,也無疑願意為之死 I would like to be your voice. 愛因斯坦曾說過: As I am the voice of over 70 billion non-human animals 「全天下最愚蠢的事就是: that are tortured and murdered every year on our lands. 每天不斷地重複做相同的事 Our lands where only small amounts of remorse 卻期待有天能有不同的結果」 can be found in doing so; 我們都在現實中印證了這句名言 remorse and compassion only from people like you and me. 每四年就有人向我們承諾改變 Abe Lincoln was quoted as saying, 過了四年,這些承諾由不同的人取代 “I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. 每四年我們就有一個新的代表 That is the way of a whole human being.” 而四年後,這個發話筒早消失不見 With this in mind, like you, I am a voice of the Humane Party. 歷史告訴我們 A party that offers you, me, our non-human animal friends 總統選舉的勝選人 總是用引人入勝的故事吸引選民 and citizens that are naive or unaware 關於這點,《人道黨》也有相當吸引人的故事 of the issues it addresses, and the solutions it offers, 在這個故事中,我們就是主角 an inspired and refreshing platform; 我們是對抗巨人歌利亞的英雄 A platform of which offers the culmination 這個史詩般的旅程 交織著大大小小的難關 of our collective intelligence; 追尋美好的結局 A visionary and practical platform to fight for; 任何政治界現有的政黨 都沒有比這更精彩的故事 A platform to live by; 先人的遺產啟發後人 如同文化的保存供人學習 And a platform that I would surely die for; 然而遺產與文化 注定要正確地與時俱進 Albert Einstein once stated that the definition of insanity 因為我們正面臨 史無前例的問題與困境 is doing the same thing over and over again, 我們別無選擇,只能解決 while expecting different results. 我全心全意代表支持者,為您使勁傳話 You and I have witnessed the reality of this definition: 我將向國人宣導 Every four years, we are promised change, 我們不當對待動物朋友的 根源與其造成的影響 and every four years, those promises are exchanged. 正是這不當地對待方式 Every four years, we are offered a choice, 加深了人與人之間的暴戾之氣 and four years later, we have lost our voice. 造就了缺乏理解力的人心 History has taught us that the winning candidates 人們持續吸收死亡與擾動 in presidential elections of the past 便會玷污我們的靈魂、遮蔽我們的意識 had a very compelling story told to the most people. 侵蝕我們的理性、削弱我們的慈悲 Well, we the people of the Humane Party have quite a story. 在科學、科技與政治的領域 In this story, you are the protagonist. 我將拓展、增進政府與民間的合作 The hero facing a giant of a Goliath, on an epic journey 徹底運用這些合夥關係 with a set of challenges interwoven throughout a story... 終止萬惡的根源、解決當前的問題 a story in search of a happy ending; 我的決心將會促成更多全球的改革 A better story than any other political party 會增強我們的國家安全 that exists in our political and social landscape today. 會使人民適應 經濟與生態並重的發展 Legacies are meant for us to discern, 就能將夢想化為行動 just as culture is preserved for us to learn; 因此,我懇請您支持我這名自由人 Nonetheless, legacies and cultures are meant to, 支持我這名您心目中的總統候選人 and rightfully should, evolve; 在您的支持下,我承諾即使我從未參政 Evolve as we are facing unprecedented problems and challenges 身為國民我全心全意 將自己交付給國家 that we have no choice but to resolve. 如同目前的掌權者 無論是社會、政府或經濟方面 I intend fully to represent you and amplify your voice; 我將擔起所有的 管理職責與一切的後果 To demonstrate to the people of this country 我也承諾 the root cause effects of our mistreatment 每一天,我將向科學、哲學領域的 學者與政治、科技的領導者交涉 of our non-human animal friends; 以討教新知 That this mistreatment gives rise to our aggression; 我期許您也大膽地從享樂的舒適圈踏出 Gives birth to our lack of reasoning and understanding; 開始關注嚴肅的議題 開始找出各種問題的源頭 That as a people, our continued consumption of death and turmoil 我將誠心歡迎 並持續開啟與孩子間的對話 soils our souls and darkens our conscious; 教導他們慈悲與和平的真諦 leeches onto our logic, and compromises our compassion. 同時也從他們身上學習孩子的無邪 It is my intention to re-energize the marketplace of ideas; 尤其是對待動物這方面 這是我們該保留的重要特質 To expand and enhance collaboration 學習孩子的想像力和好奇心 between public and private sectors, 這些重要的特質同樣該延續 並融入在生活中 in the areas of science, technology, and government; 在這些政策下 And to utilize, fully, these partnerships to determine 你我能共同策劃、共同發展 可行的、永續的問題解決之道 root cause and solve issues; 讓我們一起努力 Resolutions that will instigate much needed global change 感謝您的聆聽,期待與您攜手合作 and evolve our national security; And will acclimate our citizens to evolving economics and eco-systems, so that we can bridge hope to action. Therefore, I ask that you stand with me as a free human being; Stand with me as your presidential candidate, and in doing so, I promise you that, although I have never been a politician, I am fully vested as a citizen, in the direction of our country; And I own, just as much as those currently in power, the management and outcomes of our political, social, and economic discretion; I also promise you that I will challenge, every day, my intellect to engage scientists, philosophers, government & technology leaders, and you; Engage you to be courageous in ignoring the distractions from critical issues; To figure out the root cause to issues; And consistently create, welcome, and embrace dialogue and conversation, to teach our children what it truly means to be humane and peaceful; While also learning from them, learning from our children how important it is for you and me to maintain a child's sense of innocence, especially regarding animals; And the importance of preserving a child's sense of imagination and curiosity in how we interact with others; In doing this, you and I can collectively design and develop solutions that will work and stick. Let's do this together! Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with you.
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 慈悲 支持 動物 提名 夢想 國家 克里夫頓-羅伯茨人道黨總統提名人接受採訪時的講話 (Clifton Roberts Humane Party Presidential Nominee Acceptance Speech) 130 1 羊奶 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字