字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 YOUTUBE AND RIDLEY SCOTT AND TONY SCOTT PRESENT IN ASSOCIATION WITH LG YouTube 與 Ridley Scott 和 Tony Scott 協同 LG 隆重呈現 A SCOTT FREE FILMS PRODUCTION Scott Free 製片公司 LIFE IN A DAY 「一日人生」 [solemn music] 我們邀請世界各地的人們拍攝自己的生活,並回答幾個簡單的問題 WE ASKED PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD TO FILM THEIR LIVES AND ANSWER A FEW SIMPLE QUESTIONS 我們收到來自 192 個國家、總長為 4500 小時的影片 WE RECEIVED 4500 HOURS OF VIDEO FROM 192 COUNTRIES 這些影片全在同一天拍攝:2010 年 7 月 24 日 ALL SHOT ON A SINGLE DAY: 24TH JULY 2010 女:寶寶很可愛吧? woman: Isn't he pretty? [男子模仿狼嗥聲] [man howling] [持續模仿狼嗥聲] [howling continues] [咯咯笑聲] [chuckles] 女:不好意思 男:你好 woman: Can you-- man: Hello. 女:你會說英語嗎? woman: Can you speak English? 男:會啊 man: Yes. 女:請問 男:[咯咯笑聲] 呵呵 woman: What-- man: [chuckles] Oh-ho. 女:今天是什麼日子? 男:嗯 woman: What day is it? man: Yes. 我想要跳個舞 I like to move it move it. 女:不是啦 男:好啦,我認真說... woman: You know. man: All right. 今天是我人生中最棒的一天 This is best day of my life. 女:其實我是要問 男:哪一天? woman: No. I'm asking-- man: Oh, what day? 女:對 男:這個嘛... woman: Yes. man: Uh, it's, uh... 我想一下 [笑聲] Wait a minute. [laughs] 真是個笨問題 「今天是幾月幾日?」 A stupid question. "What day is it?" 抱歉啊 女:沒關係 Ah. Sorry. woman: Okay. 男:今天是 7 月 24 日 man: It's 24 July. [笑聲] [laughs] 女:今天真是不平凡的一天 woman: And what a day it is. 男:是最棒的一天 man: It's the best day ever. 女:你也許感到好奇 為什麼我一大清早就起床 woman: You might be wondering why I'm up at this ungodly hour. 和某些人一樣 我相信一種說法 Like others, I believe that the time 認為凌晨 3 點到 4 點之間 between 3:00 A.M. and 4:00 A.M. 是最容易感應到另一個世界 is one where the veil between this world and the next 的時刻 is the thinnest. 我常在每天這個時刻 Often during this time of the day, 聽見冥冥之中 I hear the sound of my name uttered 有人在呼喚我的名字 by an unseen presence. [狗吠聲] [dog barks] [雞啼聲] [rooster crows] 甲女:早安 woman: Good morning. [乙女說母語聲] [woman #2 speaking native language] [女子的笑聲] [woman laughs] 男:哇 [笑聲] man: Whoa. [laughs] [說母語聲] 這一幕真棒 [speaking native language] That's nice. 男:我們現在進入停車場了 man: And here we go into the garage. 到了 That's right. 我們要搭乘這部電梯 We're going to ride in the elevator. 準備搭乘電梯了 All right. Let's ride it. 電梯來了 Here it is. 沒錯 That's right. 這是一部位於市場停車場的電梯 This is the elevator at the Market Parking Garage 位於維吉尼亞州羅諾克市 in Roanoke, Virginia. 這裡的人都知道這部電梯 This elevator has been made famous right here. 上樓囉 Here we go. 到了六樓了,這裡已付之一炬 Here we are at six, which is burned out. 這部電梯是多佛公司製造的 Just your basic Dover elevator. 在此向多佛電梯公司全體員工致敬 For all of those of you at Dover Elevators, 多佛確實是電梯界的佼佼者 a good brand of elevator. 現在我們坐回一樓吧 Now we're gonna go back down to one. 好了,該去上班了 All right. Now it's time to go off to work. [引擎發動聲] [engine turning] 是不是很有趣呢? Wasn't that fun? 葛雷:你知道要經歷多少事 才會讓人憤世嫉俗? Gray: You know how much strength it takes to rebel? 這就是我平時夜晚時的生活寫照 Ha. So this is a night in the life of S. Gray, man. 你知道我在說什麼嗎? You know what I'm saying? 一個人獨自睡在沙發上... Sleeping on the coach... with nobo-- 屁股都快坐麻了 Grinding my ass off every day. 孩子們不喜歡自己的媽媽 Shorties not enjoying their mother. 做老公的也不喜歡自己的另一半 Man not enjoying his wife or his woman--his lady. [小孩哭嚎聲] [baby wailing] 整個生活就是一團糟 Just bullshit, man. 一說到宗教或政治 Alpha male trapped in and locked in 也沒你說話的份 through religion and politics. 我相信在不久之後 Soon enough, man, my plans 我就可以實現我的完美構想 will all come into perfection. [教會聖歌聲] [celestial choir] [男子打鼾聲] [man snores] [電話鈴聲] [phone rings] [玩具聲響] [toy rattles] [鬧鐘鈴聲] [alarm beeping] [雞啼聲] [rooster crows] [電話鈴聲] [phone rings] [教會聖歌聲] [celestial choir] 女:[細語聲] 我愛你 男:[細語聲] 我也愛你 woman: [softly] I love you. man: [softly] I love you too. [男子咳嗽聲、清喉嚨聲] [man coughs, gags] [凱旋交響樂結尾樂聲] [triumphant orchestral finale] [輪船鳴笛聲] [boat horn blows] 男子以母語說道: 快去尿尿 man speaking native language: You need to have a pee. 小太 Tai-Chan. 如果不去尿尿 就不給你看電視 If you don't pee, you can't watch TV, can you? 聽見沒? Hmm? 好了,穿上褲子吧 Hey. Here we go. 小男孩:為什麼你滿臉都是鬍子? boy: Why do you have lots of hair growing? 男子以母語說道: 男人都會長鬍子呀 man speaking native language: Because I'm a man. 男孩以母語說道: 那女人呢? boy speaking native language: What about women? 男:女人不會長這麼多鬍子 man: Women don't have hair, not as much. [男子說母語聲] [man speaking native language] 跟媽媽說一聲早安 Say good morning to mummy. 男孩以母語說道: 早安 boy speaking native language: Good morning. 男子以母語說道: 來這上柱香 man speaking native language: Here's the incense. 小男孩以母語說道: 我不要 boy speaking native language: I don't want to. 男:那爸爸自己上香吧 man: Daddy will do it alone then, Tai-Chan. 小太,然後你敲一下缽 Tai-Chan, here, sound the bell. 等爸爸把香插好後 When daddy has put the incense in, 你才能敲缽 you can sound the bell. [敲缽聲] [bell rings] 等會,時間還沒到 Not yet. 要等到爸爸把香插進香爐後才能敲缽 When daddy has put the incense in here. [敲缽聲] [bell rings] 這樣就對了 媽媽早安 That's it. Good morning, mummy. 男孩以母語說道: 媽媽早安 boy speaking native language: Good morning, mummy. 男子以母語說道: 現在可以把香熄滅了 man speaking native language: Good, now put the incense out. 很好 Good. 男孩以母語說道: 好了 boy speaking native language: All done. 我要喝點水 I want some water. [男子說母語聲] [man speaking native language] [女子的笑聲] [woman laughs] [男子咳嗽聲] [man coughs] 男:今天我們要拍攝沙夏 man: Today we're gonna videotape Sasha 第一次刮鬍子的片段 doing his first ever shave. 沙夏:天啊 Sasha: Oh, boy. 男:沙夏你幾歲了? man: Sasha is how old now? 沙夏:15 歲吧 男:好的 Sasha: Uh...15. man: All right. 沙夏:15 歲沒錯 Sasha: 15. 男:他首先要 man: The first thing Sasha's doing 用熱水潤濕毛巾 is getting the water hot to put a hot cloth 拿來敷臉 on his face. 沙夏:好 Sasha: Yes. 男:這樣就可以讓臉變暖和 man: So that it'll warm up your face 讓皮膚變濕潤 and moisturize your skin. 現在臉有變得比較濕潤暖和嗎? Does he have, like, a nice, warm face now? 沙夏:本來就是溫熱的了 男:好吧 Sasha: It's always been hot. man: All right. Yes. 隨你怎麼說囉 Whatever you say there, dude. 其實我們應該為你的鬢腳 Actually, we should probably do a close-up of your-- 拍點特寫 those whiskers. 又留長了 They're really long now. [咯咯笑聲] 沙夏:多謝 [chuckles] Sasha: Thank you. 男:你必須將刮鬍泡抹在臉上 man: You need to, like, really lather it up. 沙夏:好 Sasha: Okay. 男:應該不用抹在鼻子上吧 man: I don't think you need to put it on your nose. 沙夏:好啦 男:[笑聲] Sasha: Yeah. Yeah. man: [laughs] 沙夏:五片式刮鬍刀 是我們今天使用的刀具 Sasha: Five-blade razor, which we got as a sample. 咻!開始刮了嗎? Schwing! Is it time? 男:動手吧 man: Go ahead. 沙夏:你在幫我刮鬍子嗎 Sasha: Okay, you're shaving for me. 真不好意思 This is embarrassing. 我刮到流血了 男:是呀,不過別擔心 I'm bleeding. man: Yes. Don't worry. 你不會死的 沙夏:天啊 You will survive it. Sasha: Wow. 男:放心吧,很快就沒事了 man: Don't worry. It will be all right. 沙夏:我的天哪 Sasha: Oh, wow. 這簡直是酷刑 This is torture. 真痛! Ow! 男:很痛嗎? 沙夏:不痛才怪 man: Does it hurt? Sasha: Yes. 男:會刺痛好一陣子 man: It'll sting for a little while. 用毛巾擦乾臉龐吧 There, just dry yourself off. 讓我們仔細瞧瞧 And let's take a look at the nice... 沙夏:唔 男:刮得挺乾淨的 Sasha: Meh. man: Nice clean shave. 帥喔,看這裡 沙夏:這一點也不乾淨 Good job, buddy. Here. Sasha: This is not clean. 男:來吧 沙夏:不 man: Here's what we do. Sasha: Agh. 男:別亂動啊,看鏡頭 man: Don't--give me-- face the camera here. 把衛生紙撕成一小塊覆蓋在傷口上 And we put a little piece on there. 衛生紙會黏在刮到流血的傷口上 看到沒有? See? And it sticks to the bloody part. 大功告成 And voila, he's done. 等等,擊掌一下吧 Hey, wait. High five, buddy. 你通過考驗囉 You survived it. [動物的鈴鐺聲] [animal bells ring] 男:告訴大夥,愛上女人一點都不好 man: Guys, it's not good to fall in love with girls 你結婚了,當然會這麼說 You have wives, so you are all right. 但我未婚喔 Whereas I don't have a wife. 去你的 Bitch. 甲男:今天是幾號? 乙男:24 號 man: What day is it today? man #2: The 24th. 男子以母語說道: 不是吧