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  • - Do you know what that is?

  • - It looks like what, I think it's a vagina.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Today, we are going to talk about the female hoo-ha.

  • - I remember laughing and giggling a lot in health class,

  • I didn't pay attention much.

  • - I could see that from you.

  • - I had to really inform myself about vaginas

  • because I went through the process of

  • having surgery to have a vagina.

  • Being transgender and actually having and going

  • through the process, you have to really inform yourself

  • of what it should look like, how it should work.

  • - I'm pretty high level when it comes

  • to vagina knowledge, I think.

  • - We went to the gynecologist together,

  • and I was like, well, if you want this,

  • you're gonna have to know about it.

  • - How deep, let's see.

  • - I think it's four to six inches deep, undilated, maybe.

  • - I would have to say...

  • - About seven inches, possibly.

  • - You looked at me like I know,

  • and I don't know that one.

  • - Three, four inches.

  • - What do you think, people just get

  • like this much of your penis in there?

  • Do I have a shallow vagina?

  • - What?

  • - Yes!

  • (laughing)

  • - Some people have deep-set vaginas, though.

  • - I think this is the cervix.

  • - No.

  • - That is the cervix.

  • - Here.

  • - I don't think so.

  • - Here? This general area.

  • - God, I don't know much about vaginas either.

  • - It's within this circle.

  • - It's that bumpy part.

  • - Well, the pointer was off, it's kinda big.

  • - It looks like you could work that area out.

  • - It's like the muscles that push that baby out.

  • Some people are unfortunate

  • and don't have that good of muscles,

  • so they have to have a C-section or something.

  • - Or they have a child with a big head, like you.

  • (laughing)

  • - Oh, yes.

  • - Are you gonna help me work out my cervix?

  • - I guess so.

  • - Man, I never really delved into one or anything,

  • but I know, not like sexually, but like,

  • far as looking into it.

  • - Let's see, some sort of bacteria growth inside there

  • that doesn't feel good?

  • - I think temperature has something to do with it.

  • - Fairly ugly when it comes out,

  • and it does smell really bad and you can't really have sex.

  • - That you can cure.

  • - You are so good with this,

  • you're doing better than I thought.

  • - I think a vaginal discharge is when,

  • I have no idea, it must discharge something.

  • - Would that be like when a girl's horny,

  • and she gets wet when she's about to have sex or something?

  • - Yeah, Vaginal Discharge,

  • they're a pretty good hardcore band from like the '80s.

  • - It's not pee, right?

  • Wouldn't be pee.

  • - Inside, comes from a few different reasons,

  • I think there's certain diseases you might have

  • like a yeast infection, you can get it from that.

  • - If a male decides to ejaculate inside of a female,

  • the vagina can push it back out, possibly?

  • - All vaginas have discharge.

  • There's healthy discharge and there's unhealthy discharge.

  • - There's a lot to it.

  • - Yeah.

  • - And plus, it costs a lot.

  • - A vagina, it's a whole biome inside you gotta keep clean.

  • - Is this how my vagina is?

  • - It's so easy being a dude.

  • - There is no one vagina, there's a whole bunch

  • of variety of vaginas.

  • - It's such a beautiful thing to have.

  • The vagina's like power, like woman power, yeah!

  • - Yeah, vaginas are like, that's what's up right there.

  • You gotta love vaginas no matter what.

  • (energetic music)

- Do you know what that is?


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B1 中級 美國腔

夫妻間談論陰道 (Couples Talk About Vaginas)

  • 24 2
    Hhart Budha 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日