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  • Hi.

  • I'm David Shaw and welcome AI News.

  • In this episode, we will cover the first ever Intel student

  • ambassador forum, learn how Intel

  • is helping deliver real-time AI in Microsoft's new Accelerated

  • Deep Learning Program, and lastly,

  • the outcome of Intel's Kaggle Competition.

  • Make sure to check out the links provided to learn more.


  • The Intel student ambassadors recently

  • held two student run forums.

  • One in New York and one in Hawaii.

  • During these events, they give technical presentations

  • of their work and research.

  • Student ambassador Pallab Paul of Rutgers University

  • showcased his early innovation project at the forum

  • in New York.

  • Pallab and his team are working on an app

  • that men can use to find the right hair

  • and facial hairstyles based on their face shape.

  • He used Intel's OpenCV library, Haar Cascades classifiers,

  • and Intel optimized TensorFlow, Java, and Python

  • on Intel Xeon Phi cluster to create a neural network

  • to train their data set to give accurate results.

  • At the forum in Hawaii, multiple universities and hundreds

  • of people attended to collaborate on projects,

  • discuss industry trends, and learn

  • what to expect in the next generation of AI.

  • Check out the Intel Developer Mesh

  • to learn more about the student projects.

  • Next, Microsoft has selected Intel Stratix 10 FPGAs

  • as a key hardware accelerator in its new deep learning platform,

  • codenamed Project Brainwave.

  • Today, systems are often required

  • to process live data streams like video

  • and rapidly deliver the data back to users.

  • The Project Brainwave is capable of delivering this real time

  • AI, and with the help of Intel's AI technologies,

  • will allow cloud infrastructure to process

  • and transmit data as fast as it comes in.

  • The Intel MobileODT Cervical Cancer Screening Kaggle

  • competition is done and the winner was just announced.

  • This competition challenged participants

  • to use AI to develop an algorithm that accurately

  • identifies cervix types.

  • This can help prevent ineffectual treatments

  • and allow health care providers to offer

  • correct referrals for cases requiring

  • more advanced treatment.

  • Thank you to all who participated

  • and congratulations to all the winners.

  • Don't forget to like this video and subscribe to the Intel

  • Software YouTube channel and follow

  • the links provided to learn more about what's new in AI.




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AI新聞|2017年10月|英特爾軟件 (AI News | October 2017 | Intel Software)

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