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  • Learning to think in English will make you more confident speaking English

    學會用英語思考會使 你更有信心說英語

  • because you'll speak more naturally and fluently with less hesitation.

    因為你說話會更自然,更 流暢,少了些許猶豫。

  • I can already hear you saying "But Emma, I need to think in my native language to


  • translate! It's too hard, I don't know enough vocabulary to do it!"

    翻譯!太難了,我不知道。 足夠的詞彙量來做!"

  • But listen, that is the long, slow and painful road to English fluency. When you do this, your


  • English sounds unnatural because the sentence structure is different in your

    英語聽起來不自然,因為 句式不同

  • language and it probably takes you a long time to say what you need to say

    語言,可能需要你 欲言又止

  • because you're translating in your head as you speak. We're going to learn a few

    因為你在腦子裡翻譯 當你說話的時候。我們將學習一些

  • strategies to help train your brain to think in English.

    策略,幫助訓練你的大腦 用英語思考。

  • So start with very


  • simple vocabulary. When you're at home, think about the English word for things

    簡單的詞彙。當你在家裡。 想想看

  • that you see around you. Shoes, flowers, desk, door.

    你在你身邊看到的。鞋子,花。 辦公桌,門。

  • When you're on the train or you're driving to work, look out the window and think of the English word for


  • the things that you see. Dog, factory, busy, windy, people.

    你所看到的東西。狗,工廠,忙。 風,人。

  • In fact, we're going to try it right now!


  • So, I want you to close your eyes, take a deep breath. Because when you

    所以,我要你關閉你的 眼睛,深呼吸。因為當你

  • open your eyes you're going to look around the room in front of you

    睜開你的眼睛,你會看到 繞過你的房間

  • and think in English - only in English - not in your native language. You're going to

    用英語思考--只用英語--不用英語。 你的母語。你要

  • think in English of the words for everything that you see around you.

    用英語想一想 你所看到的周圍的一切。

  • Okay, so take that deep breath again. And open your eyes and look around you.


  • Thinking of the English words only.


  • Great! Now, if that was easy, we can move on to the next level. If it was hard

    太好了!現在,如果這很容易,我們就可以移動。 上一個層次。如果這很難

  • that's okay too! But you'll need to practise every day


  • doing the same thing in different places - it will become easier. You're training

    殊途同歸 它將變得更容易。你在訓練

  • yourself to think in English. So you can do it at home or at work, on the train or

    自己用英語思考。所以你可以 在家裡或工作時,在火車上或

  • when you're at the cafe waiting for a friend.

    當你在咖啡館裡等著喝咖啡的時候。 朋友。

  • Then you can move on to simple


  • sentences. For example, your hair's really long or what's he eating for lunch?

    句子。例如,你的頭髮真的 長或他吃什麼午餐?

  • Or that chair looks really uncomfortable.


  • So do the same thing now. I want you to look around the room and make three

    所以現在做同樣的事情。我想讓你 縱觀全局

  • simple sentences about what you see. Remember, no translating! You're not

    簡單的句子說說你所看到的。 記住,不要翻譯!你不是

  • allowed to think in your native language at all. And if this is too difficult, go

    暢想 完全沒有。如果這太難了,去

  • back to thinking of simple vocabulary words. Okay, so close your eyes,

    回想簡單的詞彙 詞。好了,閉上眼睛吧。

  • take a deep breath, go.


  • Okay, if that was easy, you can move to the next level which is to plan your day

    好吧,如果這很容易,你可以轉移到。 下一階段,就是規劃你的一天

  • in English - thinking in English. So when you wake up in the morning and you're

    用英語--用英語思考。所以當 你早上醒來,你是

  • still lying in bed, think about everything that you need to


  • do that day - in English.


  • After I eat breakfast I'll walk to the bus stop


  • and I'll catch the bus to work. On the bus, I'm going to read my book.

    然後我就去坐公車上班。在公車上。 我要去看我的書了。

  • I'm meeting Matilda for lunch today and I think we're going to get takeaway and eat it

    我今天要和瑪蒂爾達一起吃午飯,我想... 我們去買外賣吃吧

  • in the park. It's going to be such a nice day.

    在公園裡。這將是這樣一個美好的 一天。

  • So when thinking in English


  • sentences and planning your day with simple sentences becomes easy, move on to

    句子和計劃你的一天與 簡單的句子變得容易,繼續

  • thinking in conversation. Now, this is great when you're sunbaking on the beach

    在談話中思考。現在,這就是 當你在沙灘上晒太陽的時候,你就會覺得很舒服

  • or hiking up a mountain or you're in the shower getting ready for your day

    或遠足上山,或你是在 沐浴準備

  • and you have some time alone in your head. So there's nothing to distract you!


  • Now thinking in conversation is really great because you're asking the questions then

    現在在對話中思考真的很好 因為你在問問題,那麼

  • thinking of answers to those same questions and also ways to keep the

    思考同樣的答案 問題,同時也是如何保持

  • conversation going, so it's really great conversation practice.

    聊得來,真好 對話練習。

  • Now, if talking to yourself in your head sounds strange or silly...

    現在,如果自言自語 在你的腦海中,聽起來很奇怪或愚蠢... ...

  • well I guess it probably is! Get one of your friends to help. And no, I don't mean

    我想它可能是!得到一個 你的朋友來幫忙。不,我不是說

  • ask one of your friends to have a shower with you, that would get maybe a little

    邀約 和你在一起,這將得到也許有點

  • bit weird and awkward. You might not have the same relationship again after that.

    有點怪異和尷尬。你可能沒有 之後又是同樣的關係。

  • I just mean, imagine that they are part of the conversation in your head,

    我的意思是,想象一下,他們是一部分的 腦子裡的對話。

  • so when you're asking the questions, how would they answer?

    所以當你問問題的時候,你會怎麼做? 他們回答?

  • What would they think about the things you're saying?

    他們會怎麼看待這些事情 你說什麼?

  • As you're walking down the street, in your head you could be saying "It's so hot today, isn't it?"


  • "Yeah it is! I wish I brought my hat, that sun is scorching! It reminds me of a week that I


  • spent in Dubai actually. It was over 40 degrees Celsius!"

    在迪拜度過的其實。它是40多個 攝氏度!"

  • "Hey are you sure that Sally's meeting us here? We've been waiting for so long now!"


  • Practising this skill and doing it regularly will help train your brain to think in English.


  • I recommend that you find a time in your day where you always do this every day.

    我建議你找一個時間在你的 你每天總是這樣做的日子。

  • So for example, every morning after you brush your teeth, spend five minutes

    所以,比如說,每天早上在你 刷牙,花5分鐘

  • thinking in conversation or planning your day. Or it could be on your lunch

    籌謀 你的一天。也可能是在你的午餐上

  • break. Work on it every day and you will make it happen! You will train your brain

    斷。每天都在努力,你會 讓它發生!你將訓練你的大腦

  • to think in English so that when it comes to speaking in English, it flows

    用英語思考,這樣當它 說到用英語說話,它流

  • naturally. Your words flow naturally because you're not translating in your

    自然。你的文字很自然 因為你沒有在你的翻譯

  • head. You're thinking in English.


  • Now, there's heaps more videos to watch on my


  • YouTube channel and if you sign up for my emails on my website, you'll get five

    YouTube頻道,如果你註冊了 我在我的網站上的電子郵件,你會得到五個。

  • free pronunciation lessons so visit


  • See you soon!


Learning to think in English will make you more confident speaking English

學會用英語思考會使 你更有信心說英語

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