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[BATGAP theme music playing]
Darryl Anka (Bashar) July 14, 2014
Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Welcome to Buddha at the Gas Pump.
My name is Rick Archer and my guest today is Darryl Anka, who channels an entity known
as Bashar.
Well first of all, welcome Darryl thanks for doing this.
Thank you Rick, my pleasure.
Thank you for having me, I really appreciate it.
Yeah well this is gonna be fun.
Those who have been watching this show for some time know that I have a fairly eclectic
understanding, or orientation, towards spirituality.
I feel that the universe is far more vast and diverse, and complex and mysterious than
most of us realize, and that it's all pervaded by Divine intelligence, and that Divine intelligence
has a lot of tricks up it's sleeve [chuckles].
You know, a lot of different ways of enabling people to more fully realize that deep reality.
So I don't rule out much of anything as a valid spiritual path, and I think that people
choose the paths which they feel the most resonance or affinity, and that's cool with
So I feel that the purpose of this show is to expose people to a variety of teachers
and teachings and paths and spiritual orientations, and let them use their own judgment as to
what works for them.
So I say that as, you know, a little bit of an introduction because I know that some of
my audience will think, “Oh, channeling, aliens and all this stuff.
What does this have to do?– I'm into Vedanta.”
And so I'd say, great.
Enjoy Vedanta but Vedanta isn't the only game in town.
And if you happen to resonate with what we're going to talk about today, and I'm sure
many of you will, then that's good.
And if you don't, then I'll do another one next week on a different topic [both laughing].
So Darryl, one thing that when I was listening to your various recordings of Bashar, there's
one in which he distinguished between, I believe it was, skepticism and cynicism.
Yeah, I like that one, and correct me if I'm wrong, but he defined skepticism as a sort
of a healthy, open-minded inquisitiveness, which you're free to ask questions that
may arise, but you keep an open mind and you're willing to revise your perspective if new
evidence is presented.
Whereas cynicism is more like a rigidity, or a closed-mindedness, where you feel like
you've got it all figured out, and you reject evidence that clashes with your world-view
as being kooky or erroneous, or fallacious, or whatever.
So by that definition, I would consider myself a skeptic - and it's sort of a complimentary
term - and I'll probably be asking some questions that may seem skeptical, but they're
asked in all respect and appreciation for what you do.
Yeah, that's fine.
Yeah, they may be questions that people we're talking to have in their own minds, so we
want to cover them.
So with that introduction, I think this interview will probably breakdown into two main sections,
and there may be sort of, inter-mixture between the two sections, but one will be about your
You know, who you are and how you got into this, and how that whole thing unfolded.
And the other is about Bashar himself and the knowledge that he is bringing forth.
And so those two are intertwined but somewhat separate.
So let's start with the first one first.
As I understand it, you've been doing this for decades now.
30 years.
30 years, yeah, long time.
I know you've covered this in other interviews; there was a great interview on something called
'Waking Universe'.
I really appreciated that one, that guy did a good job.
But since the people listening to this will probably not have listened to that, let's
cover some of the same ground, and maybe I'll ask some different questions.
Sure, absolutely.
So let's start by just, how did this whole thing start?
Well, for me it began back in 1973.
I actually had two, very close, broad daylight UFO sightings here in Los Angeles.
First time, about 150 feet away, the second time, only about 70 feet away.
Both times it was an equilateral, black, triangular ship - about 20 or 30 feet on each side.
Now fortunately I had witnesses with me both times, so I knew I had some collaboration
and some corroboration in that experience – in both those experiences.
But it was those UFO experiences that started me investigating what's this all about?
Because now I'd seen something like that, I knew that the world wasn't exactly as
I had been taught it was, and I needed to find out what was going on.
So in that investigation in the following years – of course back then there weren't
a lot of books on a lot of metaphysical subjects.
So you kind of walk into a bookstore looking for UFO books and books on psychic functioning
or channeling, or things like that, would all be on the same one shelf in the back of
the store.
So I just kind of went down the line and picked up on these different books, and tried to
ascertain if one had anything to do with another.
I became familiar with channeling through the Seth material from Jane Roberts, and I
found it to be…
Hang on just one second before you proceed.
About the UFOs, Los Angeles is a populous place.
I mean, was this broad daylight, did you say?
Both of them were in broad daylight, yes.
I was on the freeway the first time.
We were actually looking around to see if anyone else in any of the other cars, while
we were driving, were looking up at this thing.
Everyone in my car saw it, but I couldn't tell if anyone else was looking up and seeing
this thing.
It was hovering just above and outside of this hotel, which was maybe about 12 stories
And it didn't make the news or anything?
Well not that I was aware of, although I have subsequently seen more and more reports of
triangular UFOs since that time.
But I think it took about 2 or 3 years after my sighting before I actually heard of another
report of a triangular UFO.
They seem to be pretty rare back then; now they seem to be more and more common.
Did you have any spiritual or esoteric tendencies before this, or was that the catalyst that
got you going?
Not really.
That was the really the catalyst.
I mean my family had raised me Catholic.
You know, I didn't really resonate with the idea of
religion in that sense; it was just kind of surreal to me.
And so no, I didn't really have any leanings in any particular spiritual direction, but
this really ignited my curiosity about what was going on.
Ok, good.
And so later on we'll talk a lot more about the UFO phenomenon and all that.
But you were about to talk about your exploration and you mentioned you stumbled upon the Seth
material – Jane Roberts.
Yes, yes, and so that gave me some degree of introduction to the idea of channeling.
And 10 years after the UFO sighting, I was actually introduced to a channel who was holding
seminars at the time.
And I went to listen to the information coming through that channel, and after a few months
I thought, it's interesting information, it seems to be constructive, it seems to have
the capacity to help people make positive and constructive choices in their lives.
Now eventually, that entity offered to teach a channeling class.
I went into the class, not because I thought I was going to become a channel; I was just
trying to further my research, 'cause I didn't understand how channeling could be
taught to someone.
My understanding at that point, was that it was just sort of something that happened to
you out of the blue.
But in the class, which was basically a series of guided meditations to put you in touch
with whatever you wanted to get in touch with, be it more creativity, your own higher mind,
or you know, whatever, I received what I can only describe as a telepathic hit.
And in that one instant, an actual memory came back of having made an agreement of doing
this channeling with Bashar, in this life.
In that instant I understood the UFO had been shown to me on purpose, to get me to start
doing the research I was doing so I would be ready by the time it came time to do the
And the information in my head was, “Now that you know you made this agreement, now
you know it's time to begin.
Is this something you would still like to do?”
So this is an agreement that you made before your birth?
And so maybe that's why the other people on the freeway didn't see the UFO, because
it was really meant for you.
And maybe they couldn't isolate out the other people in your car [chuckling].
And I've heard this happen many times from other people who've reported UFOs.
Sometimes they'll be standing around a group of people, and only 1 or 2 people in the group
will actually be able to see the UFO.
So they may have a way of tuning the frequency to a particular person and making themselves
essentially invisible to anyone who's not on that wavelength.
Maybe the people in your car were somewhat like-minded, you know, more open-minded, higher
consciousness kind of people, or something.
Somewhat, …Sure, well you know, like attracts like.
They were my brother, my sister, a very, very close friend of mine and her brother.
So in a sense we were all family.
Ok good.
So you got this hit.
You realized, “Ooh, I had made an agreement to do this,” and continue.
Yeah, so for a little bit I thought, “Ok, maybe I'm hallucinating here.
Maybe this is just my imagination.
It's a side effect of the meditation we're doing, I don't know.”
But, the instant this actually happened in my head, the entity coming through the teacher
stopped talking to the class and turned to me and said, “There's an entity here for
you, now, if you're ready to begin.”
And at the same moment, I glanced over and noticed that one of the other classmates was
actually, had also, somehow, picked up on this peripherally, what was going on, and
was actually sketching an image of Bashar that I had seen in my head.
So I already had 2 external validations that this wasn't just going on inside me.
So for that reason I decided, “Ok, let's explore this and see what it's all about.”
So I went further in the class.
I did well enough that the teacher actually asked me to co-channel the next class with
And after that class, I was introduced to a woman who was doing the first doctoral thesis
on the connection between psychology and channeling, and I became one of her subjects and started
channeling at her house for her friends, while she wrote notes to write her paper.
But the first week you know, it was like 5 friends, and then the second week was 20,
then the third week was 40.
And then we had to start doing it like twice a week, and then renting auditoriums, and
then people would pass the recording around.
And before you know it, I was being invited to different cities, different countries,
and it just took on a life of its own, and here I am 30 years later.
Now I heard you say that you pretty much don't remember, or while it's happening you're
not very cognizant of what's going on.
It's like you're off in some daydream or something.
Yeah, I don't hear the words so much.
It's kind of like if you're really lost in a daydream, and somebody walks in the room
and tries to get your attention.
And they have to call your name 3 times before you actually hear them?
Happens all the time with my wife [laughing].
So it's like that.
It's like the conversation might as well be in the house next door; it's so secondary
and so far away.
I'm paying attention to what I'm experiencing, which is a lot of energy, a lot of imagery,
a lot of feeling, but I'm having my own experience.
And whatever's going on with the translation in my brain, for the person sitting in front
of me, really in a sense is none of my business, so I just don't pay attention to it.
Seems that happens to different degrees with different channels.
Like Edgar Cayce, as I understand it, was really checked out, you k now?
Some other channels, if their house was on fire, you'd say, “Hey, your house is on
fire,” they'd get up and jump.
I don't know, maybe you're just wired in different ways.
Yeah but I've also noticed in talked to other channels, observing other channels,
I've noticed a progression, let's say generationally.
I think we, those who choose to channel in this way, are becoming more and more involved.
So it's like, I'm conscious, I know there's something going on, and I could probably stop
it if I wanted to, but I just don't choose to stop it.
But I'm more conscious and more aware than I think like people like you're mentioning,
like Edgar Cayce or Jane Roberts.
Because I think it's important for the channel to now know – at least to some degree – to
participate to some degree in what's happening, because the information coming through is
also to be applied to yourself as well as to the people that you're talking to.
So I think that you're going to see more and more and more involvement in a conscious
And as I become, let's say, more my own version of Bashar, by just simply using the
information that he brings through, then I can tap into my own higher mind, and I don't
have to go into the altered state at all; to bring a lot of the information through,
myself, at this point.
So I think that's part of the idea, is that we become more conscious, and still are capable
of tapping into that level of reality and bringing through what we need.
Seems like some channelers, well you in particular, you adopt a very different voice while you're
doing it.
I do a pretty good imitation of it actually [laughing]
Here's the irony: I actually can't imitate that voice.
I have trouble imitating it, but something that absolutely happens naturally.
The breathing that you hear happens naturally, by going into the altered state.
The voice changes and the energy changes happen just as a side effect of going into that state
and allowing his personality to be translated through me.
One of the things – I don't know, we can touch on this later – but right now we're
actually in the middle of…my other life is [that] I'm in the film business.
And right now we're making a documentary about how I became a channel and who Bashar
One of the things I'm most excited about in this documentary is, I actually did a channeling
session with my head wired to an EEG machine.
So for the first time we're actually going to be able to demonstrate physically, what
are the differences going on in the human brain in the normal waking state, and in the
channeling state.
And without giving a lot of stuff away right now, I will definitely say people are going
to see, for the first time, that there are profound differences between the two states.
And for the first time, I think we're going to be showing some scientific
evidence that this is truly, a real altered state.
Not that anyone has to believe that Bashar is real, but the channeling state is a true
altered state that we all actually have the ability to get into, and that a lot of us
actually do get into from time to time, when we're in that zone, or doing what we love
to do - where we're just doing it, we're not thinking about it, we don't notice the
passage of time.
That's a channeling state and we all do that.
So for the first time, I think, the documentary is actually going to show the scientific side
of what's happing in the brain, in that state.
So we're really excited about that.
Yeah, it's interesting.
And of course, a lot of that kind of research has been done with meditation.
And they've identified that meditation evokes a really distinct state that you can't be…it's
not just some minor modification of waking state; it's a major state, as waking, sleeping,
dreaming are distinct from one another.
Yes, there's some similarities we discovered to the meditation state, but there are also
some profound differences that are in addition to the meditation state.
When you say we all channel from time to time, perhaps without even knowing it, I'm wondering
if like…well like, you're channeling someone whom you say is actually a future version
of yourself – Bashar is some future version of yourself.
Yes, that's the way he presents himself.
And that's something we can get into later in more detail also, is time is not so linear
as we think, and we'll get into that.
But then how about great geniuses like Mozart, Beethoven, Einstein, do you think they were
They're in the channeling state.
It's really just expressing more of yourself, more connectivity, more accessibility to knowledge
which exists throughout creation.
It's just knowing that everything exists in the moment and tapping into that present
moment so strongly, that you can bring through what you need to bring through without really
thinking about it.
Yeah, and there's the ancient idea of a muse, you know, who inspires a great musician,
or artist, or something.
So do you think that these guys like Einstein and so on, were just tapping into a deeper
aspect of their own creativity, or do you think that some higher being or power said,
“Ok, it's time for humanity to know about relativity and here's a good candidate.
This guy's smart enough, let's bring it in through him”?
Well it could be both.
It could be both, and in a sense I feel it has to be both.
Information permeates existence itself, and whether another entity is involved in helping
deliver it, the person receiving it still has to be on the right wavelength, still has
to be in the right state of being, or the right vibrational frequency to receive it.
So I think it's gotta be a two-way street.
You gotta be able to tap in and be open to receiving whatever it is that's available
to be received.
Whether someone is intentionally sending it to you or not, or whether you're reaching
out and getting it, to me is just sort of an issue of what mechanism is being used,
but you still have to be in the right state to be able to translate it through.
Not only the right state, but you also have to have the right education.
I mean, Mozart knew about music and so therefore he could channel all these beautiful things.
Einstein knew about mathematics and so on.
Exactly, but one of the things that I've noticed in my life early on, and one of the
things that people often say when they hear the channeling is that, I have, I guess [chuckling],
a relatively large vocabulary, so that Bashar can really translate a lot of what he's
saying into the necessary words.
And I noticed that in my life, growing up, it was kind of one of the things that happened
for me automatically – my parents said that I was reading magazines when I was a year
and a half old.
And English in school for me was never a problem.
I never understood why people could't understand punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, you know
– things like that.
And so I think it was now, in hindsight, I needed to program myself with a large enough
vocabulary so that very esoteric concepts and ideas could translate through me into
language we would understand.
And so yeah, I think there's a lot of preparation involved in these things, but a lot of times
it just happens in your life where you gravitate to that thing, to give you the tools you need
to be able to function on that level, or translate those concepts at some point in the future.
Yeah, and obviously you wouldn't be a very useful channel in Brazil or speaking in Afrikaans
of something [chuckling].
That Bashar, if he wanted to talk to those people, is probably going to have to go through
somebody who speaks Portuguese, or something.
Yeah, because that's a common misunderstanding that people have about the idea of channeling.
Is, it's not that it's impossible for an entity to sort of “override” the consciousness
of the channel's programming and sometimes by actually capable of pulling another language
through, but it's really not what's easiest for the channel's brain.
Because the channel has been programmed with a particular language, and therefore yes,
you're right, in some sense it's easier for the entity to actually go through a person
whose already programmed with a different language.
And I've actually seen that happen with Bashar.
At one point, many, many years ago, while he was helping someone else learn how to channel;
he was acting as a mentor for them temporarily, and allowing them to bring him through just
temporarily, until they could get a handle on what channeling was and then channel their
own entity, he actually came through a woman in Japan!
And therefore he was speaking through a female, in Japanese, but it was still distinctly his
personality, his cadence, his style, his mannerisms.
So that was kind of a very odd thing for me to experience, personally.
But yeah, most people have a misunderstanding – because see he's not speaking anything
at all; he's just sending thoughts.
The thoughts are being translated by the biological translator that we happen to be, and I'm
programmed with English, so that's what you get.
Yeah, how about on the dark side?
I mean, were guys like Hitler, Pol Pod, Idi Amin, and Charles Manson channeling something?
Well [chuckling], I suppose you could say they were channeling their negative egos,
or their fear-based egos.
But the idea of channeling is something that, by definition integrative, and connective
and expansive.
And things that are perceived more negatively are segregative and disconnective, and reductive
and destructive.
So the idea is not so much to say that they might have been, quote on quote, “channeling”
in the sense of an integrated, positive, expanding, mechanical concept, but that perhaps they
were experiencing so much disconnection and fearbased belief systems, that they were simply
bringing through more and more of their own negative ego, without actually really being
able to express a connection to a higher source.
Well I guess maybe to rephrase the question, are there negative forces in the universe
who would like to use men like them, as means or channels to bring about negative impacts
on humanity?
It's possible.
You know, the universe is both positive and negative, and I'm sure that there are entities
out there somewhere that don't necessarily have everyone's best intention at heart,
but the thing I'm saying is, the person has to already be kind of be gravitating towards
that wavelength to attract something like that.
And the idea again is that, negative energy, by definition, is segregative instead of connective,
so even though they might be aligning with a negative entity, or a negative entity may
be aligning with someone on Earth that is negatively oriented, there's not much connection,
because connection by definition is positive.
So to align with something like that is probably very difficult.
And I think when people talk about things like
“possession,” you know, and “is a negative entity taking over,” to me it's really
simply more a matter of - in terms of speaking of it as if it were physics – it's more
a matter of the person, based on their own negative belief systems, is putting themselves
in a negative vibrational frequency.
And by doing so, they may be emulating another negative frequency that might have a similar
negative intention.
But it's not like they can really be controlled or possessed; it's simply that for whatever
reason, their belief system is getting them to agree to function on that same low vibration
or wavelength.
And so they're emulating or mirroring what another negative entity might also want to
do, but they're doing it themselves.
They're totally in control of that.
And if they change their mind about being on that wavelength, they would sever that
experience in an instant, but their belief system doesn't allow them to do so.
So you're saying that a negative person like Hitler, for instance, is not the polar
opposite of somebody who's channeling a lot of positivity and wisdom and knowledge,
and so on; he's more mired in his egotism and has just assumed some kind of role, and
has some kind of charismatic personality that enables a lot of people to get all enthusiastic.
Yeah, it's a fear-based belief system.
It's a belief system based on limitation, on lack, on fear – the negative definitions
that you're somehow disconnected from Source.
And if you feel like you're disconnected from Source, then the ego sort of goes into
this negative space where it feels like it has to now control everything, and manipulate
everything in order to feel the power that it doesn't allow itself to feel, because
it believes it's disconnected.
People that feel connected to Source, that know that they are connected – it's not
that anyone can actually be disconnected, but you can have a belief that you're disconnected.
And if you believe you are, it's like being abandoned, it's like being isolated.
Well, you're going to try to do everything in your power to try and find that connection
But if you don't understand that the power is within you, you're gonna assume that
it's out there, and you're going to manipulate your reality and manipulate other people,
and force yourself on them in order to construct a reality that you feel is making you feel
powerful or comfortable.
But really, anytime anyone forces something on anyone else, it's just a sign that they
don't feel their power at all and they're trying to make up for it in some sort of artificial
Great power, as Bashar said, really requires the very gentlest touch.
So anytime anyone is forcing something on anyone, what they're actually saying is
that they don't believe they have self-empowerment.
Just to belabor this point a little bit more, from what I'm gathering, you would probably
say that what we see in terms of humanity - all the dramas that have played out over
the hundreds and thousands of years – is not necessarily a surface manifestation of
a tug-of-war between positive and negative forces, sort of like Star Wars.
The negative forces, at least in the examples I've mentioned, are just the manifestations
of human ignorance and ego, but the positive forces, you seem to be saying, could actually
be a channeling of some higher intelligences which…?
Well what I'm saying is that, creation has both positive and negative energy in it.
And so in that sense you can say, yes, there's both positive and negative forces, based on
what beings choose to align themselves with.
But what I'm saying is the expression of positive or negative, has to do with what
an individual, based on their belief systems, chooses to align with.
So if they are in fear-based belief systems, they're going to align with a negative side
of reality and express it through themselves.
If they're in positive-based belief systems, they're going to align with the positive
side of reality and express that.
So basically what I'm saying is that, it still comes down to the fact that individuals
have a choice as to what to align with, and it's not necessarily even that the so-called
positive and negative forces, on a very basic physics level, even necessarily have an agenda,
it's just that this is what positive energy is, this is what negative energy is.
And if you align with one or the other, you're going to express what is relevant and reflective
of that energy, through yourself.
So the real battle is really just taking place within yourself, more than the idea that the
battle is taking place “out there” somewhere.
Because creation contains both sides, and it's not that it's battling with itself,
but depending on what you lock into, the expression of love, or the expression of fear, can be
personified through any particular individual, based on what they align with.
Yeah I mean, just in mythology and scriptural accounts, especially in the East, there's
so many accounts of the gods and demons battling it out, you know.
Sure, sure, but I think that's symbolic of what's going on within us.
It doesn't mean that consciousness can't express itself archetypally in a seemingly
external, autonomous being – it can.
But I think that we only perceive that and experience that when we're on that vibrational
wavelength first.
Right, yeah, that's good enough.
And we align ourselves with one or another's tendencies in creation according to our proclivities
– according to choice, according to our makeup, and our karma, whatever.
Sure, sure.
So you'll get the experience you're on the wavelength of.
So you know, anyone who's in that fear-based belief system is going to experience an archetypal,
autonomous, demonic reflection that – because everything is conscious and made of consciousness,
of course will have its own consciousness, and will present itself as an external entity
with this agenda.
But it's actually activated by someone choosing to be on that wavelength, and then seeing
the reality, and experiencing the reality that they're on the wavelength of.
Okay, good.
One other thing, just looping back a little bit, I get the impression that some channelers
are very drained, and it even takes a toll on their health to do it.
I think Jane Roberts might have been a case-in-point.
Whereas in your case, you've found it nothing but energizing and enlivening, and it's
enriched and enhanced your personal life as Darryl.
Yes, yes, for the first couple of years it was tiring.
But I think what happens is it takes a while for a person to get used to the level of energy
that is coming through when you make a connection like that, to a higher-plane entity.
And so at first there might be resistance within the person and that resistance to that
energy is, I think, what causes the exhaustion.
But if you open up, eventually, ideally, I think the idea is to relax and trust it, and
open up enough so that when you really let that energy through without resistance, then
you find that it actually does start to sustain, support and energize you.
So if people are only experiencing the idea of exhaustion and being drained by it, that
might be an indication – I'm not going to say in every case, because I can't speak
for everyone, 'cause everyone has their own path, but – it might in general be an
indication, that perhaps more work needs to be done internally, to let go of any negative
belief in there that might be causing a resistance to that higher frequency.
And therefore, the channel working on themselves a little more might ease the resistance to
that energy and allow them to experience it in a much more positive and sustaining and
uplifting way.
And perhaps not even just belief, but neuro-physiological wiring might need to be kind of rearranged
a bit before you can really do it without obstruction.
Sure, well it goes hand in hand.
I think that anytime you change your belief system you actually do change your neurological
wiring, and it becomes more reflective of the fact you can handle more energy.
That's one of the reasons again, why you see me go into the altered state and you hear
the breathing and things like that change, because I think you're actually seeing a
physiological reflection of the different neurological state that the body is going
into to be able to sustain that energy, without causing a detriment to me.
You're probably familiar with some people who have been on television like Teresa Kaputo,
you know, the Long Island Medium and James Von Prague, and 3 or 4 others.
Sure, and John Edwards…
John Edwards.
Do you consider what they are doing channeling?
'Cause they don't really seem to check out at all; they seem to be all there and
they just say, “Oh, I'm just picking up something here,” and “I'm talking to
your mother.”
Yes, yes, and that's typically the form of channeling that's referred to as “mediumship.”
They're acting as a conscious medium.
They're sort of hearing or picking up on symbols in their own consciousness that are
translations of what a spirit entity might be sending, and they're just translating
it through, to you, as a medium.
In a sense it is a form of channeling, just maybe a different form of channeling.
But I think also they do represent what I was saying earlier, as kind of where channeling
might be heading in general.
Because the idea is not necessarily TO check out; the idea is to participate, but do so
in a way where you know you're not, let's say, filtering or interfering with the information.
So I think we're going to see more and more examples of people remaining relatively conscious,
while at the same time developing the ability to tap into those things, and still participate
while they're delivering the information, without really putting their own filters on
So yeah, it's a form of channeling.
And I guess you could say channeling is a form of mediumship.
It's just kind of different styles of the same idea.
Might it be the case that if someone like Teresa Kaputo is connecting with somebody's
mother, that that entity – her mother – is not so dissimilar from her or the people she's
conveying it to, that she doesn't really have to go into a deep kind of disassociated
Whereas if you're channeling some kind of alien from the future, maybe that life form
is so different, that you really, gotta, sort of…
Maybe, maybe, I mean it could be the case for me personally.
Again, based on maybe the belief system I was raised in, it just might be easier for
me to go into a state that way, to allow something that I consider to be so different to come
through more easily.
I don't think it has to be done that way, but that's just maybe the way it works for
I bet you some people have asked you – and I'll ask you this in case it's on some
people's minds – when you first began dealing with this stuff you thought, “Whoa,
what's going on?”
And you began reading a lot of spiritual books, and you probably immersed yourself and read
a ton of them – does Bashar say stuff that you couldn't have learned and didn't learn
in reading?
I mean, does he surprise you with things he comes out with, which you never even heard
of before and all of a sudden this thing is coming out?
Yes, all the time.
There are people who have spoken to him who are very well-trained psychologists, people
who have spoken to him who are physicists, and they've walked away happy with the information
that he's given them, that I wouldn't have a clue how to give them.
So yes, there are definitely perspectives, ideas, concepts, that he's come through
with that are beyond anything that I've ever studied.
Yeah, that does happen.
You eluded earlier to the fact that you say [that] Bashar is actually a future you, in
the future!
How far in the future are we talking here?
Well, here's where we get into some bizarre temporal mechanics, because from Bashar's
perspective everything really does exist at the same time.
But he understands we're perceiving things a little more linearly, so he's expressing
things in a more linear fashion.
In the way we think of time, he's saying that he would be considered about 300 years
in our future however, however, he's also saying that because he exists in a parallel
reality – another alternate dimension – his reality vibrates - for lack of a better term
– 10 times faster than ours.
So evolutionarily, they're actually 3,000 years ahead of us.
Oh I see. … in their civilization.
But in terms of how we would relate to them, in our linear sense, he says we would think
of them as about 300 years in the future.
Even if he weren't you, there are civilizations, I believe, that are functioning on different
levels or dimensions that we would consider to be thousands of years ahead of ours.
Yes, absolutely.
I mean, does he ever tell you how things have turned out?
What's happening with the climate change?
Well, that's when things get odd with temporal mechanics.
Because he's saying there's no such thing as a prediction of “the” future.
There are an infinite number of probable future realities, and depending on the decisions
we make in the present, then it determines which future probable reality we will choose
to experience.
But they all exist at the same time.
Now, he can sometimes look at the energy that exists right now, which is basically what
he's saying a prediction is - it's not a prediction of the future; it's a sensing
of the energy that exists at the moment the prediction is made – and if that energy
doesn't change course, then it might have a high degree of probability of coming to
If it does change course, then of course, another probability will come up.
So, that's always in fluctuation.
He has, from time to time on very rare occasions said, “Alright, I'm sensing right now
that there's something going on in your collective society, that has so much energy
and so much momentum behind it, for one reason or another, that it seems unlikely that it's
going to change,” but this happens very rarely and it has to have A LOT of energy
and A LOT of momentum behind it.
One of the ones I can point to is, I know that there's actually a recording that exists
that was made at a session, I think in 1998, where he did say that somewhere around the
year 2001 there would be a terrorist attack in New York City.
That came to pass.
So, the only reason that that was possible to be made by him as a prediction is, for
some reason when he scanned all the probable timelines, it seemed relatively inevitable
that we were heading down that path, somehow.
And so he felt it was unlikely to go into any other probable future reality.
So that's kind of how it works for them.
There are some other generalities that he said, “Yes, I can see this has a high degree
of probability of coming to pass,” but he'll never say, “This is an absolute.”
Because once you actually let someone know where the energy is going, we could decide
to change it.
So in a sense, a prediction can actually make itself obsolete just by becoming known.
Yeah, and there's all those sci-fi movies about going back and changing something in
the past.
And you know, your parents aren't born [chuckling] as a result, and so that kind of thing.
Yeah, and from Bashar's perspective it doesn't really work like that.
It's more along the lines, I think now he's saying of, what physicists are saying when
they talk about the “many worlds” theory – quantum mechanics.
Everything exists as a parallel reality and you can't actually go back in your own past.
You might shift over into a parallel reality that LOOKS like your past, and meet a VERSION
of yourself that looks like your younger self, but whatever it is you're doing in that
reality is another reality and has nothing to do with your timeline.
So would it be true to say, based on that point, that you and I are living parallel
lives in other parallel universes, that are similar to the ones we're living, or a little
bit different in certain respects?
Yes, or very different.
It can run the entire gamut according to Bashar.
You can experience or perceive a parallel reality version of yourself that is almost
indistinguishable from what you're experiencing, and you can perceive a parallel reality version
that's so different you almost probably wouldn't recognize it…and everything in-between.
Hmm, interesting.
So maybe one parallel universe I'm just wearing a different shirt, in another realm
I'm a professional baseball player or something.?
Right, and in another, you may be a different life form altogether.
[phone ringing in background] Interesting, okay, so before we lose the point
you were just talking about – sounds like you're saying that there are all these probabilities
and the future is malleable, the present is malleable, and that there are certain probabilities
which have a lot more momentum behind them, and others which are probably less probable.
But it's not cut in stone and it's not predetermined, and there is, you would say
I suppose, that we do have free will.
I mean, some spiritual teachers say that we don't have free will.
Well, I think it's a combination.
I mean, you can look at it really, paradoxically, from almost any point of view and be correct.
Bashar's recently talked about the fact that…okay, here's one level of it: you
can say that linearly speaking, before this life, your “soul” decided to experience
a certain thing, to explore a certain theme.
You could say that's your destiny, you will live this life.
Yeah, like you signed up to do the Bashar thing.
Yeah, but how you do it, how you get there, how you experience it, the way you go about
it, that's up to your free will.
It's up to what you prefer, how you feel best doing it.
So it's like saying well, you'll walk down this hallway - that you can't avoid.
But you can run down the hall, you can walk backwards, upside-down, left, right, slow,
fast, wearing this, wearing that, singing a song, being upset – how you do it is your
free will, up to you, but you will walk down that hallway.
So he's saying from that perspective, there's a combination of the idea of destiny and free
will working hand in hand to create your experience.
On another level, he's saying you could look at it and say well, you are your destiny.
In this particular theme you can't be anything but you, therefore that's your destiny.
How you choose to express who you are, again can come into the idea of free will, but it's
still always going to be YOU expressing that.
And therefore, you could say now you are fuzzing the borders between free will and destiny,
because you can't express yourself as anything other than you, so now they become a little
more blended.
On the third level he's saying, you could also look at it as the idea of, well, let's
say for example you come to a crossroads and you go, “Well, I can have a choice of turning
left or I have a choice of turning right.”
Now you say, “Okay, my destiny is to come to this crossroad, but my free will is to
choose to turn right or to choose to turn left.”
Well, he's also saying, well how do you really know that?
You could choose right and how do you know that wasn't your destiny?
And then you could change your mind and say, “No, no, no, I'm not going to go here,
I'm going to choose left,” well how do you know that wasn't your destiny?
So ultimately what he's saying is, it's kind of a moot point, because from this level
you can't really tell whether it's free will or destiny.
So it can be either, it can be both, and it can be neither.
It's really just about the experience that you are, and that experience informs you,
and you do what you do.
And it almost doesn't matter whether it's free will or destiny, because the ultimate
outcome is the same: you're having an experience that adds to the expansion of who and what
you are as a conscious being, and that's really the bottom line, and it doesn't really
matter what mechanism you're using – destiny or free will – to achieve that.
Would it be true to say then that, we have a certain destiny but most of us perceive
ourselves as having some wiggle room, some latitude in which we can choose this or that,
and it may be that from some ultimate perspective it is all predetermined, and there isn't
any free will.
But as long as you PERCEIVE yourself as having free will, then it's not helpful to sort
of philosophically play with the notion that it's all predetermined, because you perceive
yourself as having free will and you're responsible to exercise it intelligently,
as best as you can.
Yes, and that's the experience your're having.
See, I think what Bashar is actually saying is, the structure of existence never changes;
that's predetermined.
But your experience of the structure is what changes, and that's the idea of your free
will, is that you can experience the structure, the destiny, from any perspective you want
And as an experience, it's real, but it may not necessarily be representative of the
fact that the structure already exists and never changes.
So you're using a structure to create different “real” experiences of that structure,
and it's the experience that matters because that's what creates change, that's what
creates growth, that's what creates a difference of perspective, whereas the structure never
So, it's kind of both-in-one, and it's the experience that really matters; it's
the process that's the point.
Yeah, good.
At this point I want to interject a few questions that people sent in.
They're kind of related to what we've been talking about.
One person asked, “I'd like to know if Darryl activated his Merkaba,” – and you're
going to have to define that, 'cause I don't even know what it is [chuckling] – “before
he became a channel, after, or if it was always activated?
Bashar comes to and through him to give channeled information.
Does he ever travel to Bashar?
And if so, what happens?”
Is that all one question?
[laughing] I guess that's 2 questions from the same
person, so maybe the Merkaba one first.
Okay, a Merkaba, in general by a lot of people is sort of considered an energy matrix, that
is representative of a certain state of alignment that allows one to express more of your full
being into this reality.
How to answer that question?
I think looking at it from that perspective, because in a sense a Merkaba is just a translation
of an idea, it's a permission slip as Bashar says, it's a way of looking at a process.
Not necessarily an absolute description of the structure of existence, but it may be
a way of interpreting the structure of creation or existence.
And in that sense, yes, of course I think the so-called configuration of my theme – if
you want to refer to that as a Merkaba – was always there from birth, but certainly it
was activated by several incidents in my life.
And one of them of course - one of the strongest ones - being the UFO incident itself, that
may have activated my ability to bring through what was relevant to that particular matrix
or structure you're calling a Merkaba.
I have had experiences with Bashar in dreamtime directly.
The only thing I've ever experienced directly in physical reality is his ship, twice –his
But I've had about four dream experiences where I've either gone to his reality, or
we've had conversations all night long in some sort of other alternate dimension that
I know are not just normal dreams, because that's all that's happening, because I'm
talking to him like I'm talking to you right now, and certain things happen in that dream
state that are very unusual.
So I guess in that sense, yes, you could say there are times when I've gone to him, but
it usually happens when I'm asleep, at least so far.
Okay, so that I'd say answered both questions.
So that ship you saw back in Los Angeles many years ago, that was Bashar's ship?
Okay, and was it just sort of an interdimensional kind of ship that came up from some other
dimension, or did it come from another physical planet someplace that we can see through a
Well, it can do both.
It can do both.
Does he have a home planet?
Yes, yes, they have a home planet, but like I said, it's in an alternate reality.
So we can't actually see it unless we shift to that dimension, in the same way that they
can't really perceive our reality as physical unless they shift into our dimension.
But if we were to overlap our reality with their reality, his star system would be about
500 light years in the direction of the Orion Constellation.
But again, it's invisible to us unless we shift into their physical reality.
But yes, they do have a home planet.
That's interesting.
So the universe that we see through the Hubble telescope or whatever, we're just seeing
a layer of the cake, it's just one dimension.
And if we had a telescope that could not only see far away but could shift dimensions, we
would see whole different configurations of stars and galaxies and planets on those other
Yeah, in much the same way that here we have a visible spectrum of light.
And we can't really with our eyes perceive infrared or ultraviolet light, but we have
instruments that can do that for us and allow us to peer at something that our senses can't
naturally pick up.
So yes, Bashar's people have the ability to do that naturally.
They've developed and evolved to the point where they can perceive other dimensions with
their own actual senses, and that's one of the reasons why he can make connections
to his past self, which is me, because for them, time and space is not as rigid or fixed
as it is at this point for us.
But we're evolving to a point where we're gaining the same kind of flexibility that
his civilization already experiences.
You know how astrophysicists talk about that maybe 96% of the apparent matter and energy
in the universe is invisible – dark energy, dark matter – and they can't account for
the way the universe behaves based upon what we can see with our eyes; there's all this
mass that somehow causes gravitational effects –they call dark matter.
So is that mass actually related to these other dimensions of the universe that you're
just referring to?
Maybe, but what I'm actually referring to is something that looks similar to our own
universal reality - perhaps with its own matter, its own dark matter, its own dark energy - but
it's just in a different vibrational state.
Perhaps a better analogy would be the idea that Bashar often uses, which is like our
TV programs.
When you're watching a particular program on TV, you know there are hundreds of other
programs that are playing at the same time, but you don't perceive them because you're
not on that channel.
But if you switch channels then you're perceiving a completely different program, in much the
same way as the program you were just watching, but now you're no longer perceiving the
one you were looking at before, but it's still going on, so it's more like that.
Each is its own real reality, its own real universe, but they're on different frequencies
and so they interpenetrate and overlap, but we only see the universe that we happen to
be tuned to.
Yeah, and all the channels that you're getting on your satellite dish or your cable, they're
actually all coming in at once, and they're not conflicting with each other.
It's just that your tuner is selecting a particular one or another.
Right, so I think how dimensions function.
They're all real, they're all existing at the same time, they're all overlapping
all at once, but we have a very, very fine-tuned frequency that is relevant for this particular
reality experience.
And we need to expand our ability and become a broader spectrum antenna so to speak, before
we can really start picking up on these other realities.
Now I think that we do that sometimes, from time to time inadvertently, and this is where
people have experiences of other dimensions, of another reality, the spirit realm, what
have you – is that sometimes our antenna might get a little bit more broad-based for
one reason or another, and we start perceiving things that are going on at the same time,
and we get kind of a double exposure of the 2 different, or 3 or 4 different realties
that do exist simultaneously.
So it does happen from time to time, but for the most part, let's say 99% of the time,
we're focused in basically one particular frequency of a reality, because that's what
we wanted to experience.
And so would it be kind of simplistic or misguided to try to map the topography of one reality
to another; to let's say that if you could shift to a different dimension, there might
be another planet between here and the moon, or something, or are they really so much in
their own realms that it's not sensible or practical or meaningful to try to match
up or compare?
It depends.
It depends on whether or not that's relevant for the person doing that kind of exploration,
or that kind of research – it might be very relevant for certain people.
And maybe this in some sense is what -to use a general term - is what some shamans or enlightened
masters are able to do, is it's more relevant for them – they've made it more relevant
in their lives – to be able to perceive things that in general, others don't.
And therefore they can give you that…it's like: if you tune this way, you'll see this.
This is what I'm seeing.
But it may not be relevant for everyone again, because most people have a particular theme
they're exploring and certain things may not be completely relevant for them to explore
in that life.
But it may be very relevant for other people.
I have a few friends – several close friends – who do perceive these other realities
They see angels and stuff like that all the time, and they see them attending to people.
Like you know, you might be at a restaurant and see, okay, these subtle beings are attending
to that table or something.
So there does seem to be, in the case of those beings, there does seem to be an interface
or interconnection between their reality and ours, and they're serving some function
in our reality.
Yeah, and I think this is happening more and more.
I mean, I think this is actually part of what this transformational age is all about.
We're developing more ability to perceive what we heretofore could not perceive, and
that's a reflection of the expansion of our consciousness.
And I think that's one of the things that's going on in this age of transformation.
Here is another question that somebody else sent in.
We kind of covered this but I think there's something new here: “Darryl has said that
Bashar is him in the future and Bashar lives on another planet.
Does Darryl feel that he a starseed, in that he usually carries out his incarnations on
other planets and comes to Earth for specific tasks, at specific times?”
[silence pause] That's the question [laughter].
You can pass some of these questions if you feel like that's okay.
No, well I suppose that I could say that from a specific perspective, the answer to all
of that could be “yes,” but again because Bashar has explained that time is not really
linear, that everything exists all at once, I wouldn't necessarily put it in the same
Let's just say I know that like a lot of people, there are probably incarnations going
on simultaneously in other civilizations that I'm connected to.
There are probably other incarnations going on on Earth in different timeframes, that
I'm connected to.
And some of those lives in both areas probably serve certain functions that have to do with
the transformations going on here, on the planet, and some of them probably don't.
So I would say maybe the best answer is “all of the above.”
Okay, good, there's another one: “I'm in a similar boat, or perhaps spaceship is
a better term,” someone wrote this, “I found that experiencing life on different
dimensions, including knowing something about the jobs I do elsewhere, has completely erased
any of the doubt about what happens after we leave this incarnation, not to mention,
it puts this incarnation in perspective.”
That's more of a statement than a question.
Yes, I would agree with it.
Some people – that works for some people.
Some people don't need to do that, and I'm not saying that one is better than the other.
It's just again; it comes down to what theme someone is exploring.
There are people that don't want to know anything about their connections to other
realities, other lives, what have you.
They get along just fine because they need that focus, other people, it's part of the
expansion to be aware of those things, and I agree that it can put this experience in
a different perspective that can be very expanding and very helpful for people.
So that is sort of the same spaceship that I'm in, and so in that sense I
find a lot of familiarity with that statement, sure.
Yeah, personally I find it very - even if I'm not experiencing all that stuff – I
find it very gratifying to realize that there's far more to the universe than what meets our
mundane senses.
You know it's thrilling, it's exciting.
It is.
It's a much bigger reality than we think.
Yeah, and perhaps it also roots out the tendency to think, to say, “It's only this.”
Whenever anyone uses the word “just” or “only” about reality, you realize they're
kind of locked into a ridged view.
Sure, yeah, and that's okay if that's what they need, but there is more to it than
There's a line from The Incredible String Band, whom you're probably too young to
remember, but it was, “Whatever you think, it's more than that.”
[chuckling] I may be older than you think.
Can't tell with that bald head, you know?
[laughing] Okay let's shift a little bit more.
We've sort of been weaving around here, but let's shift from the Darryl story to
the essence and some of the details of what Bashar actually teaches.
If you had to sum it up in a nutshell, you know, the elevator ride version of what Bashar
is actually here to convey, what would it be?
Basically, the thing that I love about Bashar's information is, he takes a lot of [sound of
dog barking in background] metaphysical concepts and he really – no pun intended – brings
them down to Earth, with very pragmatic and practical understandings based on physics,
as to why they work.
And the one that I think is one of the most important things, is he talks about what everyone
has now been hearing for years: follow your passion, follow your bliss, act on your highest
The reason why he says that is so critical is because, the sensation that we experience
as passion, as excitement, as joy, as creativity, as love, that sensation is your body's physical
translation of the vibrational frequency of your true, natural, core being.
And so anytime you act on something that contains or expresses or reflects that energy of excitement,
that energy of passion, that energy of living-your-dreams kind of idea, or bliss, you are in alignment
with who you truly are.
The thing, as he explains it, about excitement, is that it is a complete kit.
And what he means by that is, excitement and acting on it is the driving engine of your
It is the organizing principle of your life, it's the path of least resistance in your
life, it's the thread that leads to all other expressions of your excitement, and
it's the reflective mirror that points out to you anything within your belief system
that might be out of alignment with your excitement, so you can identify it, integrate it, and
bring it back into alignment with your excitement.
So the formula that he's talking about when he says, “Yes, act on your highest excitement,”
is fundamentally 3 parts: Act on your highest excitement, to the BEST of your ability, without
any insistence or any assumption as to what the outcome of that action ought to be.
Following that formula allows you to take advantage of the fact that excitement is a
complete kit, and that it will bring you, synchronistically, everything you need, at
the right place at the right time, to allow you to continue to expand your experience
of living your excitement, and will support you however you need to be supported.
But you must use the tool in the way the tool was designed to be used, in order to get that
People are still, in many ways, “practicing” the idea of really acting on your excitement
and what that means, because a lot of times they will forget parts of the formula, parts
of the equation, such as letting go of what the outcome needs to be.
And thus they are in this state where they are learning what the physics of that idea
of following your bliss is all about, and allowing their actions to really use that
tool in the most precise way possible.
But I can guarantee that when you do, because I've experienced it myself over and over
again, it does work!
But you have to really use it precisely for it to work.
But I like that Bashar is capable of explaining WHY it works as an energy tool, and I think
that's probably one of the most important thing she has to say and has delivered to
Jim Carrey gave the commencement address here at the University in my town.
I saw that.
Did you see that, on YouTube or something?
It is very Bashar-like.
Oh cool.
Or Bashar is very Jim Carrey-like.
[laugter] I think the idea really is that when you tap
into that understanding, truth is truth.
You get the idea, and just about everything he expressed in that commencement speech was
very much in alignment with what Bashar has been talking about for 30 years.
Yeah, he talked about how his father wanted to be a comedian, I believe.
He said, but he chose a job as an accountant so he could support his family.
And he ended up losing his job and the family had to struggle.
And so Jim Carrey said, “You can fail at what you don't love, so you might as well
take a shot at what you love.”
Exactly, so why not?
Because at least you'll be doing something you love to do, you'll be experiencing joy
and happiness no matter what happens, because it is something that is more in alignment
with who you are.
And really, just by doing that, you haven't failed.
In some sense if you want to say there's any failure at all, it's being something
that you're not, or not being who you really are, so why not take the leap?
Because it really isn't an idea of a leap of faith; it's really knowing that this
is you, and getting the reflection that that's true.
And what would you say to a guy that, let's say, has a family and several kids and he's
working a job that he doesn't particularly like, but he doesn't have a lot of financial
buffer and he has to take care of his family, and he really wants to be a professional musician,
but he hasn't even begun to start moving in that direction?
I mean, it could be very irresponsible for him to just drop his job and become a musician.
Absolutely, and my response would be the same as Bashar's response.
And that is: as long as you're holding on to a belief system that says that your excitement
cannot support you as well as what it is that you're already doing, even if it's not
what you love to do, you have to honor your belief system.
Because it doesn't serve you to jump off a cliff if you don't believe you have a
[Chuckling] So by all means, you must hold on to whatever belief system you BELIEVE you
need to hold on to, so you can feel comfortable and safe and supported.
But what Bashar is encouraging us to do is, at least you have the ability, sometime, to
start taking action on your excitement, to the best of your ability, without any insistence
on what the outcome ought to look like.
And the more you are willing to at least take some steps in that direction, the more you
are able to prove to yourself, eventually, that your excitement can support you, and
that at whatever rate you are comfortable changing, you can let go of the things you
don't prefer to do, and only start doing the things that you do prefer to do, and see
that those things can support you.
Maybe even better than the things that you didn't prefer to do!
But it does not do anyone any good to just jump off that cliff if they don't really
believe that there is a pillow down there that they're going to land on.
So honor your belief system, be honest with yourself, really honest with yourself about
whether you believe your excitement can support you or not.
Hold on to the things that will support you until you know for a fact, for yourself, that
what you're really truly all about is also capable of supporting you, as I said, maybe
even better than what it is you're doing now that you don't prefer.
But it's gotta be a balancing act.
Yeah, and the transition doesn't have to be abrupt, necessarily.
It can be, but it doesn't have to be.
Absolutely not.
And you might actually suck as a musician [laughter] – you have delusions of grandeur,
you know?
Exactly, that's where the honesty comes in and you need to drop the expectation about
what you think is going to happen.
Because sometimes things that excite you don't necessarily excite you because the thing itself
has to come to fruition; sometimes you're lured by your excitement simply because you
need to move in that direction, and that's the only carrot that would get you moving.
Yeah, maybe something else will unfold.
Something else WILL unfold and may look absolutely nothing like the thing that initially lured
you in that direction.
That's why it's important to be very open about what the end result really needs to
be, because the physical mind doesn't really have the capacity to know how something actually
needs to happen.
Only the higher mind has that ability.
But the physical mind is designed to experience what's happening now, in the present.
And if you're open to the idea that the higher mind will bring you exactly what you
need in some way, shape, or form, even if it looks nothing like you expected it to look,
if you go along with that and align with that, you will see that whatever comes does actually
serve you, and does actually get you where you need to go, even though it might be in
a completely unexpected route.
But that's the surprise of life, is not to be so rigid that you think you have all
the answers about how you're going to get somewhere, and let life show you, and let
your higher mind show you the truly unexpected and surprising route that you actually will
Look at myself for example.
If somebody had told me 30 years ago I was going to wind up being a channel, and going
all around the world and channeling for thousands of people, something that presents itself
as an extraterrestrial entity, I would have said they're completely out of their mind.
[Laughter] But just by following my excitement, with no assumption how things were going to
turn out, I've had a pretty unusual life and it's brought me some pretty extraordinary
experiences that I wouldn't necessarily have had any other ways.
So you have to really leave yourself open for those surprises because that's the joy
of life, that's the delight in life, is to find something about yourself that you
didn't even think was possible, can actually happen.
Yes, it's a great point.
In my own case, very often I've wanted and expected and pushed to have things happen
in a particular way, and it's not working out, and what actually ends up happening is
far better than what I was trying for.
Exactly, exactly, the higher mind knows what's really best for you and what will really light
you up.
And when the physical mind insists that it knows better, very often it falls quite short
of what your higher mind could actually bring you, that could be many times, many times
more enjoyable than what you thought you could ever attract.
Someone defined humility as “not insisting that things happen in any particular way.”
There's a great verse from the Bhagavad Gita too.
It says, “You have control over action alone, never over its fruits.
Live not for the fruits of action, nor attach yourself to inaction.”
Exactly, it's exactly what Bashar says.
When you act on the thing that excites you, you have to act on that thing for its own
sake, not because of what you think its connected to, not because of where you think it'll
lead, not because of what you think it will get you.
Because very often, doing what excites you takes you down a very different path, but
that path will always truly be in the most alignment with who you are, and it will allow
you to experience the most joy in your life.
Here's a note that I wrote down when I was listening to one of your things.
It was, “Everything is God experiencing Itself as everything.”
Wanna comment on that?
Yeah, I agree.
I mean it's very similar, again, to what Bashar said.
It's like, we're made of God, we're made of all that is.
There is nothing else but all that is.
And you can say, from a certain perspective, that we are all the ways that God has of experiencing
itself, in all the ways that It can - all the different perspectives, all the points
of view, all the kinds of experiences that creation can have of Itself.
It doesn't take away from what we are as individual autonomous beings, but simultaneously,
we are all the different perspectives that creation has of Itself.
So, I would agree with this statement.
Hmm, here's another one: “Aligning with the vibration of who you actually are…”
– let me tag a question onto that.
Would you say that each of us, all 7 billion of us, ultimately, fundamentally, we're
all the same person - we just referred to that when we were talking about God – we're
all the same thing.
But in terms of our individuality, would you say that there's a core, unique quality,
or entity or seed of what we actually are, and we're all aligned or misaligned to varying
degrees with that, and that life is really all about getting aligned with that – with
that unique expression?
In addition to the universal consciousness, there's also a sort of unique dharma or
individual channel or flow through one's life – the Tao for one's own life that
needs to be attuned to?
Yes, I mean that's the point of having the experience.
It's the theme that you're exploring, is rediscovering yourself from a different
point of view.
That's in a sense why we forget who we are.
Because if we don't forget who we are, we can't remember who we are from another point
of view.
We can't rediscover ourselves in a unique way if we retain all the knowledge of what
we are.
So we limit ourselves on purpose, in a sense, in order to have a unique experience of rediscovering
ourselves in a new way.
And that's what adds to the expansion of creation - is that new perspective of ourselves,
that new discovery of who and what we truly are.
Kind of a cosmic game of hide and seek.
Yeah, kinda, but we're just playing it with ourselves.
[Laughter] A lot of the people listening to this show
usually focus on such concepts and terms such as enlightenment, liberation, self-realization,
God-realization – that's their whole orientation.
They don't usually think much about UFOs or entities form the future and all that,
but how does Bashar's teaching segway with that whole…?
Well, his teachings are all about enlightenment.
His teachings are all about understanding and knowing the self - the true being, and
knowing that you are always connected to Source, always connected to all that is, and that
what you're experiencing is just a self-created experience to rediscover yourself from a new
point of view.
To me that is enlightenment, so his teachings are very much in alignment with that.
And you of all people should have realized the self even more so than people to whom
you speak, since you live and breathe Bashar.
[laughter] So what is your experience in terms of that
kind of thing; self-realization, enlightenment, Godrealization?
Oh, it's definitely changed my life profoundly.
I mean, I'm a very, very different person today than if you knew me 30, 35 years ago.
I feel much more that I am the creator of my reality, I feel much more transparent,
I feel much more in tune with existence itself.
I see the structure more transparently every day -the underlying structure of existence
itself, and things become kind of - I guess for lack of a better term – they
become kind of obvious.
It's sort of like Bashar said one time, if you're holding a red rose and somebody
asks you what color the rose is, you say “red.”
Well, is that an opinion?
No, it's an observation.
So many of the things that people look at as opinions or theories, from Bashar's perspective,
the information he's delivering is not an opinion; it's actually an observation because
he can SEE the underlying structure of existence, and that's rubbed off on me more and more
and more, everyday.
So, certainly I feel that life is more joyful, less effort is expended, things happen much
more synchronistically, much more magically – if you want to use that word.
Sometimes the synchronicities that happen are absolutely ridiculous, one thing after
You'll think of one thing and moments later, suddenly you'll get that thing, or see that
thing, or it will just appear with absolutely no idea how it got there!
These things are really what the way life, in a sense, can be, when you allow it to be
that way.
And I'm experiencing more and more and more of that, everyday.
Of course, again, I was born here, I was raised with similar belief systems to a lot of people,
similar limitations, but again, that's MY journey, is to transform those limitations
in ways that are reflective of who I chose to be.
But I do feel that certainly after 30 years of channeling Bashar, I'm doing that with
far more ease, and far more joy, and far more understanding.
In other words, you feel like you're a work in progress, to some extent?
Of course!
I certainly feel like everybody is.
If you're breathing, you're still evolving [chuckling], or even if you're not breathing.
Yeah absolutely, because you know, the idea of progress and expansion still goes on even
on other levels, beyond this one.
And each level has its own idea of what that expansion contains, what kind of experiences
are relevant to the idea of expansion.
But of course, I think everything is always a work in progress.
I don't think that really every ends.
But I have people who say to me, “Well if you're really awakened, then you're settled
in some sort of ground state of existence – some unbounded awareness, and you're
just not seeking experiences anymore.
There's just this sort of complete peace and folding back into the self, from which
you have no inclination to emerge, to explore different things here and there.”
I don't know that I agree but I'm just throwing that out, you know?
Yeah, well I think what we get caught in is this idea of dichotomy; of things are either
this, or they're that.
And really, from the perspective that Bashar comes from, things are this and that.
So therefore yes, you can get into a state of perfect peace, perfect bliss, perfect centeredness
AND, I would say that when you are in that state, you actually start experiencing an
unbridled curiosity to explore even more.
[Rick chuckles] Because when you're in that state you become more aware that there IS
more to explore, and that exploration doesn't have to feel the same as it did from the other
level you were just in.
But I still don't think it stops.
It may not feel like an effort anymore, but I think that's just because you become more
aligned with it.
It's more representative of who you truly are, and so you don't feel the resistance
to it anymore, so there's not as much difference between you and what you're exploring, but
I don't think you stop exploring.
Because I think BECOMING is also the essence of being; I think it's one and the same
I think there's actually a Zen saying which is, “Always being, always becoming.”
That is the same thing.
It's this, and that.
Being your true self is always becoming something more, and becoming something more happens
more strongly from a state of centered beingness.
Very beautifully put.
It's inspiring to hear you say that.
It resonates with…my orientation anyway.
And wouldn't you say that established in being, as we've been saying, further exploration
doesn't imply that you're lacking in fulfillment and you need this, that, or the other thing
in order to complete yourself; it's more that, from a state of completion there is
plenty of icing to add to the cake, plenty of interesting things yet to understand?
Sure, because you could, in a sense - and I'll use the word you used, “completion”
– in a sense you will never be complete, but you can be complete in the idea you are
at that moment.
In other words, right now, you are the absolute perfect version of whatever you are at this
That doesn't mean you won't become something else.
And in that moment you'll be the absolute perfect version of whatever that is, that
doesn't mean you won't become something else.
So one does not contradict the other, one doesn't exclude the other.
You can be absolutely centered and absolutely perfect for whatever you are at this moment
of experiencing yourself, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you can become
something else that will be equally perfect for what it is in the next moment.
Yeah, and that way of putting it has an individual connotation, but to put it slightly differently:
you are the absolute, you are the ground state of the universe, but you are also an individual
And that individual expression has certain capabilities, and certain proclivities and
inclinations, and those can be enjoyed and exercised.
Yes, because that's the point of the individual perspective.
So it's like yes, every individual being is all that is, experiencing itself as a part
of all that is.
It's one and the same, but it's 2 different perspectives on the spectrum.
Yeah, okay, good!
[Chuckling] Did that one.
[Laughing] Moving on.
Here's one: “Bashar was talking about parallel realities during one of his talks,”
– and you and I have talked about it during this interview – “is there a Hiroshima
on which the bomb didn't drop?”
Of course.
Anything you can imagine, somewhere, somehow, it's playing out.
Now whether it's in the same kind of reality as ours, who's to say?
But, Bashar has basically said, “You can't imagine nonexistence.
So anything that comes in your imagination is part of creation, in some form or expression.”
So I would say that the example you just gave, has got a higher degree of being more literal,
in the sense of another physical parallel reality, because it's so similar to the
one we're experiencing, but sure.
I mean, science fiction has explored this idea for a long time, where you've got things
that happen in one reality can have a completely different history in another parallel reality,
and still seem to be a very similar kind of Earth.
So yeah, absolutely, there are parallel realities where that didn't happen, parallel realities
where the Nazis won World War Two, parallel realities where John Kennedy is still alive,
and all of the above.
Because there's an infinite number of those experiences so, sure.
Seems like they would diverge quite dramatically over time, if certain things didn't happen,
you know?
Yeah, right, exactly, so that's the whole point of having an infinite creation, is you
can experience every single possible variation that there is to experience, and it is being
experienced by some aspect of all that is.
And just as real to them as we feel we are real.
Okay, here's another one sent in by somebody: “Bashar talked about time and space in our
reality is created frame by frame,” and I know this guy, he's a friend of ours who
has computer expertise, so he says, “that would take an unbelievably amount of computing
power, processing power, especially at very high frame rates.”
[Laughter] Well, yes but, we are that powerful.
Creation is that powerful, but at the same time it's also exceedingly economical.
In essence again, this is a case of not 'this or that,' but 'this and that.'
Yes, the idea that there are billions of frames per second that are creating the illusion
of our movement and our physical reality, and that time and space are side effects of
our consciousness shifting through those billions of frames per second, like a projector light
projecting through different frames on a film strip to project an ILLUSION of movement on
a screen, you could say yes, that's one way to look at how the idea of physical reality
is created.
At the same time, no pun intended, there is only one moment in existence.
Everything is always now, but it's the same moment from a different perspective.
So in a sense it's this, and it's also that.
So the fact that there's only one moment means that there doesn't have to be an incredible
amount of computing power, because there really is only one moment being looked at from a
number of different perspectives, at a very high frame rate.
But the frame rate is a perspective of a particular reality, so it creates the illusion of a need
for a lot of computing power, which may not actually really be necessary.
But you're looking at it from 2 different perspectives, so you're using the terminology
and the language of 2 different perspectives.
It's true to say there's a high degree of frame rate and a high degree of computing
power from this perspective, but from the other perspective, where there's only a
single moment in existence, no computing power is needed.
So it's just again on that sliding scale of how you want to look at the idea, that
determines the terminology and the process that you believe is necessary to understand
that perspective, if that makes sense.
But yes, looking at it linearly Bashar has said, “Time is a side effect of our consciousness
shifting through billions of parallel reality frames per second, and that's what creates
the illusion of time, space, movement, and change.”
In fact, everything is just all happening at once.
It's all just one big frozen moment in which everything exists holographically, but we
are capable of creating an experience of looking at it from different perspectives in a linear
But that's just an illusionary perspective.
So we're like movie projectors which take the film that's going in many frames through,
and turn it into an intelligible movie.
Yes, yes, and all frames exist at the same time, as the projectionist knows.
So using the movie metaphor with a movie film – in fact I watched a thing on CNN last
night about the Kennedy assassination.
And they took a prover film and you could see frame by frame [speaking slowly] by frame
what was happening.
So if you take a single frame of this billions of frames per second that you say is the nature
of our reality – I don't know if this is a meaningful question but – what would
that frame consist of?
It would consist of a potential that has no experience and is timeless.
There is no experience, no change, no variation in that; it's a frozen snapshot.
Is it like trillions of atoms in my fingertip, all with their electrons just poised at a
certain point, and then the next frame is that the electrons have shifted slightly to
their next point?
You can look at it from an animation point of view and you say that is true as well.
At the same time, you have to also realize that the atoms you're talking about are
also frames.
Because there really aren't different atoms; it's all one thing expressing itself as
different atoms.
So it depends on the perspective you're looking at it from as to whether it looks
like millions of different atoms, or whether it just looks like one concept of potentiality.
It's really just about perspective.
And you can frame it, you can describe it with any kind of terminology you want, as
long as you understand that that terminology is just where you are on the sliding scale
of 'everything exists now' to 'there's
an infinite experience of time and space'.
It's just different perspectives of the same thing.
So yes, you can describe it the way you described it and that's perfectly valid, from “a”
point of view.
It doesn't discount any other way of describing it, on that timeline.
One other thing to throw into the mix here and perhaps you can comment on it is that,
physicists tell us that we shouldn't stop at atoms in our analysis of the universe,
if we keep going deeper we get down to sub-atomic particles, or get more and more to the point
where there's nothing of any material nature.
And you know, if String Theory is correct we eventually get down to these vibrating
strings, which are just potentialities with no physical components whatsoever, and that's
really what the universe is – is this nonphysical field of potentiality, or it appears to be
Or even something more simple than that.
One of the things that Bashar has talked about from his perspective – if you want to say,
it's a simpler version than that – is what he calls the “Prime Radiant.”
That's how it translates into our language.
And basically he's saying, alright, he still needs to - for the purpose of the conversation
- talk about this as if it is either a wave or a particle, so he's clear about the fact
that he's simply using analogous terms.
But what he's describing is a thought experiment, and basically he's saying this - imagine
this, this isn't necessarily, absolutely representative of what the reality is, but
it's an analogy that can help us.
So he's saying, “If you imagine that there's only a single particle in an infinite void
of emptiness.
And there's nothing else in that void, just that single particle.
Well, there are no laws of physics here.
The particle is not beholdent to do anything, because it's just hanging in an infinite
void and there are no limitations on it.
So if there are no limitations on it, that particle could actually move at infinite speed.
There's no speed of light law going on here.
So if a particle can move at infinite speed, that means it can actually be everywhere at
once, in that infinite void.
And that would create the illusion, by being so fast that it can actually appear everywhere,
it would create the illusion that there are a number of different particles, when in fact
it's all the same particle appearing next to itself, over and over again so quickly,
that you can't tell it's the same, single particle.”
Bashar is basically saying that's a better analogy, and it actually is a physical analogy
of how we actually are all one.
Because he's basically saying, if you want to even think about it as a particle, you're
actually all made out of the same, one particle.
Not the same KIND of particle; but literally, the same, one particle, in the ultimate timesharing
Where every single particle in me, is literally the same particle you are made of.
So that's the way they choose to look at it, as an analogy in the physics context,
in the quantum context, if you will.
I've actually heard physicists, as I understood them, say that very same things too.
So it's not like an unheard of notion.
I know you've talked about this in other Bashar sessions, but we introduced this interview
talking about the fact that you saw spaceships.
And there are some people who say, “Oh, that wouldn't be possible because it's,
you know, so many light years,” and “How could they get here?” and all that business,
so maybe just dispel that.
Yeah, I think that's really kinda an idea that's on its way out at this point.
I think that there are even now physicists who are coming up with an understanding, and
formulas [of] how there are ways around that idea.
There are ways of contracting space, warping space, and so on, that don't violate the
speed of light, they just get around it.
Because space itself can actually expand at any rate it wants to.
It's not subject to the speed of light, because light exists within that space.
But in a sense, the idea of space-time is above and beyond that, so it really has no
limitation on it in terms of how fast it can expand.
I think there are civilizations that have learned this trick, and although Bashar, in
describing how their spaceships get here from another dimension, or travel light years in
the blink of an eye, has actually expressed a very unique and very different kind of understanding
about how that works.
He's basically saying that we think of an object as existing in a location.
His perspective is that location is actually one of the variables of the object.
So in other words, if you have an object here, and then it moves to here, this represents
two completely different, let's say, vibrational equations.
They may be very subtly different, but they're different.
If you could isolate the locational x, y, z variable in the object here, and impose
on it, somehow, the locational variable of here, then the object has to stop existing
here and just instantaneously start existing here, without actually having travelled inbetween.
That's how their spaceships work.
So if they're in one location in their solar system, and they simply impose upon the ship
and everyone in it an overwhelming energy frequency, that is representative of the locational
variable in the equation of our solar system, their ship just pops out of existence in their
system, and pops into existence in ours.
They haven't violated the speed of light because they actually haven't travelled
in normal space-time; they just redefined the locational variable.
Because again, if everything actually exists all at once, then that means it exists, potentially,
everywhere at once.
So what they're doing is they're taking advantage of redefining that variable, to
stop existing here, and just start existing here.
That's how their ships travel.
And again, I think a lot of physicists on our planet are beginning to get the idea that
'you can't get there from here,' or 'you can't get here from there,' is
a very outmoded idea.
And we're actually learning now, even in our own science, that that is possible, and
how to do that.
Let's say they're 300 light years away, so how did they know how to fine tune the
locational variables so precisely, that they don't accidentally end up manifesting in
the middle of the sun, or something like that [Laughter].
Well, the basic idea is practice!
[Laughter] Practice could be rather disastrous [Laughter].
Well yeah, they actually have had a long time to get used to this idea, like any technology.
Bashar has actually, at one point I remember, did talk about the fact that in the beginning,
when they were learning this technology, they did lose people.
Like our airplanes you know - the Wright brothers in the early days, a lot of airplanes crashed.
So they have had to have their tests and perfect this technology for themselves, but they've
also had thousands of years to do that.
So at this point, it's not impossible that they still might go astray now and then, but
I think they've probably reduced that probability to a very small fraction of a percentage,
at this time.
They understand how to chart the universe as a series of vibrational equations, and
so basically now, I think it's just relatively formulaic for them to do this.
So if they wanted to chart a particular galaxy which they hadn't visited yet, they'd
have a way of charting that remotely, before actually teleporting themselves to it?
Yeah, they can extrapolate from the map they already have as to what the likely frequencies
are to be, over there.
At least to enough of a degree that they could probably get close, then perhaps refine it
from that point forward.
A friend overheard me yesterday at the grocery store, talking about the fact that I was going
to interview you, and he got very excited and sent in a question here, that's related
to the topic we're talking about, which is going to seem pretty far out to some people,
but whatever.
[Laughter] Take it or leave it.
He said, “I am already teleporting in my sports car.”
In other words he says, I can jump 40 or 50 miles.
And I say, “You sure you're not just spacing out?”
But he said, “I'm wondering if there's a similarity in teleporting in a spaceship
as the Ya-Yey do?”- [Rick trying to pronounce it correctly] whoever they are? [Chuckling]
Yes, Yaya.
It's another civilization Bashar has talked about, but yes.
I would actually say yes, it's identical.
If that is actually happening, it's identical.
In fact, again based on what we were talking about before, it's actually what we're
doing all the time when we even experience any movement at all, because in a sense we're
jumping from one frame to another.
There's no intervening travelling, we're just jumping from one frame to another.
All that Bashar's people are doing is doing it over a larger number of frames.
So you don't have any problem with believing that he actually may be teleporting in his
sports car?
You knew people who actually do that sort of thing?
I actually do know people who have done it.
It's not something that happens regularly.
I've experienced it in my life once.
I know someone else who did experience it more than once.
They were – let's see, how can I describe what happened to them?
They were in an apartment with a roommate.
They were standing in the bathroom brushing their hair, in the mirror.
It was a small apartment.
There is no way to get from the bathroom to the kitchen without going through the living
The roommate was in the kitchen.
Walked into the living room and into the bathroom to talk to her roommate.
When she got to the bathroom, the roommate wasn't there.
The roommate suddenly realized that they were standing in front of the fridge, in the kitchen,
with the hairbrush in her hand, staring at the fridge, wondering how she got into the
kitchen [Rick chuckling].
And the roommate came back into the kitchen and said, “How the hell did you get past
me and into the kitchen?”
She said, “I don't know.”
So I know that's one strong example where there was corroboration, that the person actually
popped from the bathroom to the kitchen with no intervening travelling.
I experienced this once in my life where I was with a friend, up near San Francisco.
And they were supposed to meet me – pick me up – and we were going to lunch in a
nearby small town.
Now neither of us knew anything about this area.
I'd never been there before; she had never been there before.
So when she came to the hotel, picked me up, went to the front desk and said, “How do
we get to this town?”
The person at the front desk gave us very simple, very direct instructions how to get
to this town to have lunch.
We followed the directions to a T, got to the town, had lunch.
On the way back, we reversed the directions and suddenly realized we were several miles
north of where we should be, and it didn't make any sense.
So we turned around, got back on, went back to the hotel and said, “Now wait a minute.
How did that happen?”
So we followed the directions again to retrace our steps to see what had happened, and we
realized that the person at the front desk had given us the wrong directions.
There was absolutely no way we could have followed those directions and gotten to that
town, but we did.
So in that instance we knew, by proving it to ourselves, that somehow we had just believed
her directions so strongly, that it didn't matter that they were wrong, we still got
where we needed to be.
And the directions were just too simple to have made a mistake; it was literally just
one off-ramp away.
So I had the experience myself of that whole slippage of space and time, that is possible
when you're in the proper altered state.
I'm sure that cynics, as we defined them in the beginning, would feel that there were
a lot of alternative explanations for what you just described, but I would encourage
cynics to keep an open mind.
Oh of course, but that's why we were skeptical, because we couldn't believe that that had
actually happened.
That's why we actually followed the directions again, but we absolutely proved to ourselves
that there was no way we could have gotten to the town by actually following her directions,
now that we knew the layout of the land.
It was only because we had no clue whether her directions were right or wrong, that we
actually wound up getting to the town following her directions.
But her directions were wrong, and it was absolutely too simple to have made a mistake.
This fellow further asks, “I'm wondering if the ability to teleport in a car, opens
an energy in the collective consciousness of the planet, that will allow teleporting
of the Ya-yey here, in their spaceships?”
Yes, because anytime anyone exhibits any example that stretches the boundaries of what we think
is possible, I think that adds something to the collective energy that makes it more possible
for other people.
I think this is what people generally refer to as the “100th monkey syndrome”.
So there is a collective consciousness, I believe, and when you do something in that,
when you do break a barrier, I do think you actually kind of set up, let's say, an energetic
lubricant that makes it easier for people to slide along that same path again, and again,
and again.
Another question he has: “Do you have any more information about teleportation that
you have not put in your previous YouTube posts?”
Anything new?
Um, no, it's really just about state of being.
It's really about letting go of preconceptions.
It's really about expanding your understanding that you actually are already, in a sense,
everywhere all at once, and just sort of reidentifying your perspective from another point of view.
So, is Bashar an optimist?
[Laughter] I know there are a lot of dire situations right now on the planet, and it
almost seems to be heating up.
You know, getting more and more dire.
And the heating up, literally with the global warming thing, and also geez, I mean, what's
going on in Syria and Iraq right now, and all kinds of things.
I mean, he's not…you say he's an optimist – yes, I could say he's an optimist because
he's always looking at how can this situation, regardless of how it looks, deliver a positive
outcome for you, a positive point of view, a positive experience?
He will always look at it from a positive point of view.
At the same time, that doesn't mean he's in denial about recognizing that many of these
situations have been created from a negative point of view.
But just because he observes that we may have created things from a negative perspective,
doesn't mean we still can't reverse them and turn it around, and get a positive result
from this.
So, he's encouraging us to redefine these things in a positive way.
So, for example, he understands that there's a lot of struggle and strife, and war and
conflict, and so on, but he says, “Here's another way to look at it: you're accelerating
these things on your planet, you're bringing more and more and more and more out into the
open, so that you can decide that you don't prefer this anymore.
You're giving yourself more examples of negativity to make yourselves so sick and
tired of it, that you finally start choosing only positivity.”
So from his perspective, that's a positive way to look at the negativity we've created,
is we're getting it all out on the table.
Where now able to see all in front of us, and have a dialogue between all of us, “Is
this really the direction we want to go in?
Is this what we prefer?”
Yes or no?
And if it's no, how can we do something about it?
How can we really change this?
How can we make a difference in a positive direction?
So, he's basically saying that all the negativity coming up, bubbling up to the surface now,
is us getting all our fears on the table, really examining our fears, and finally deciding
to let those fears go, so we can actually have a reality like we say we prefer to have.
So he's looking at it as an opportunity to be more in control, more responsible, more
self-empowered, and make decisions that are more in alignment with who we really prefer
to be.
This question is related to what you just said and perhaps will bring out another flavor
of it: “Does Bashar concur with the notion that the planet, as a conscious entity, Gaia,
is waking up, and all the beings on it are waking up.
And that it's kind of like when a dog wakes up and starts scratching its fleas, and it
starts to get a little turbulent for the fleas?
You know, things were kind of peaceful when the dog was asleep.
But now things are beginning to really shake…”
Sure, we're shaking ourselves awake.
Yeah, there's certain things which really don't belong on the planet, which need to
be somehow removed or purged, and the purging process is not necessarily going to be smooth
for those who are committed to those things.
It may seem things are really getting crazy but it's actually something good happening,
if you zoom out to see a big enough picture.
Yes, and another way again, is to go back to the idea of infinite parallel versions
of Earth.
Because Bashar is basically saying, “It's not that you're changing the world you're
on, it's that you're changing yourself, and shifting to a parallel version of Earth
that is already more reflective of the change you made within yourself.”
So the people that are staying, let's say, locked into the idea of resistance and negativity,
are simply shifting to versions of Earth that are more and more reflective of struggle,
strife and negativity, and may experience disastrous transformations.
People that are shifting in a positive way are more in alignment with themselves, are
going to experience themselves shifting to versions of Earth that are already more reflective
of that idea.
And so the people, ultimately, who are no longer vibrationally compatible with being
in alignment with yourself, may start to disappear from our lives and vice versa, over time.
And as we shift to more and more and more diverse versions of the Earth, that already
exist – it's more like that - rather than changing the world you're on.
Because that version of Earth will always exist, because everything always exists, it's
just a matter of what neighborhood do you want to live in.
What Earth do you want to live on, and changing yourself so that you shift to a reality that
is more representative of that change within you.
Yeah, I can see two interpretations of what you just said.
One is that, one might be feeling undergoing a spiritual awakening, upwelling of more bliss,
consciousness, all that, and might be feeling like, “Wow, life is really getting good
for me,” and yet at the same time, all hell could be breaking loose in various places
around the world.
The economies could be collapsing and so on, but from one's own perspective, life is
really getting quite heavenly.
That's one interpretation.
Another is that, as we finish these lifetimes in these bodies, are you saying that perhaps
people who are really attached to one version of Earth will take rebirth in a version of
Earth that's more in tune with their proclivities, whereas those who are going the other way
will take birth in a different version, much more positive, heavenly version?
And everything in-between.
Yeah, so there's like any number of varieties that one could choose to dwell on according
to which way you want to stir the boat.
An infinite number of experiences on an infinite number of realities, it's really what it
comes down to.
It's: choose what works for you.
Do you yourself do some kind of spiritual exercise other than channeling Bashar?
No, not so much, because the channeling process; the experience of being in that altered state,
for me, is extremely intense, and extremely capable of delivering a lot of information,
a lot of perspectives, a lot of concepts.
And I find that that's really what works for me.
Now I guess you could say that in making films, that's my way of expressing my excitement,
that's my way of putting myself as myself, into that state of acting on my bliss and
then expressing what Bashar is talking about in my reality.
So I suppose you could say film-making is my other way of being in the state of being
where I'm expressing these things in my life, as the person that I am.
Does Bashar offer practices that other people can do on a daily basis?
He does, he does, but he refers to all such practices as “permission slips”.
Basically what he's saying is: all tools, all techniques, all rituals, all formats,
and all objects, are basically permission slips that we're using.
We're attracting ourselves to these tools, these techniques, these rituals, because they
happen to be in alignment with the belief system that we have.
And for some reason in our belief system, we believe we need to use this tool to give
ourselves permission to be more of who we are.
It's not that the permission slip itself – the ritual, the practice, the object – is
really doing it; we're doing it, but for some reason, our belief system says we need
this thing in order to give ourselves permission to be more of who we are.
And that's fine.
But basically what that means is, any permission slip can work!
They're all valid.
If you think that religion is your permission slip, that's fine.
If you think Tarot cards is your permission slip, that's fine.
If you think crystals is your permission slip, that's fine.
If you think nothing is your permission slip, that's fine.
But they're all permission slips because they're all representative of what your
belief system is in alignment with that will allow you to relax a limitation, and give
yourself permission to be more of who you are.
So anything will work, and if you're attracted to it, you're attracted to it for a reason.
It's probably indicative of where you are in your belief system and what ritual will
work best for you, at that moment, that's why you're attracted to it.
And if you change your mind tomorrow and are attracted to something else, that's because
you've changed and now you're attracted to a different permission slip.
But ultimately the idea is to understand that they are just permission slips, and you don't
need any of them, to just give yourself permission to be more of who you are.
It can just be a decision; that can be a sufficient permission slip.
Yeah, so in a way that subtly dismissive of the value of practices and techniques, but
at the same time it also endorses them, if you feel attracted to them.
He's not saying, “Well, go ahead and do it if you feel attracted, but you really don't
No, no, no, he's not dismissing it because he's valuing the belief system that believes
that that's what will work, that that's the process, because again, the experience
and the process IS the point.
So it's not dismissive, it's just saying it's okay to use those things, because that's
the process you've decided you require to have this experience of yourself, and that's
absolutely valid.
He's just looking also at simultaneously, at the underlying mechanism that creates that
So he's revealing the simplicity of the mechanism, without invalidating the experience,
and at the same time simply saying that, when you achieve a higher level of understanding,
you realize, as part of your valid process, that you don't necessarily need that permission
slip anymore.
In the same way that as an adult, you don't need the same kind of things you needed as
a kid, but that doesn't invalidate the fact that you needed them as a kid.
It doesn't dismiss them; it's what got you to where you are, to the point where you
realize you don't need those things anymore.
Yeah, if you're crossing a river in a boat, [Darryl saying “Exactly” in the background]
you kind of need the boat when you're in the middle of the river, but when you get
to the other shore, the boat is not needed anymore.
In fact, if you keep clinging to the boat, you're kind of not able to enjoy the shore,
[Chuckling] Yeah, so it's not a dismissive thing; it's
simply: right place, right time, this is what you need now.
And then you get to a point where you don't need that anymore, BECAUSE this is how it
Yeah, okay, that's good.
So, we've been going on for almost two hours.
This is great.
I really appreciate this discussion.
[Chuckling] Time flies!
Yeah, is there anything else that you feel is important that I haven't thought to ask
you that, you know, you want people to hear?
You know the idea of what I do, like I said, on my own as a film-maker.
Like I said, we're in the middle now of doing a Bashar documentary.
My production company, Zia Films, has done another film called 'Dearly Departed',
which is an exploration of the idea of the afterlife.
So this is what excites me, it's what gives me joy, gets me acting on my bliss, to my
highest ability.
And as an example in that sense, I would absolutely, certainly encourage, at whatever rate you're
comfortable with, everyone to act on their highest joy, because it is exceedingly rewarding.
Yes there are going to be challenges, yes absolutely there are going to be things that
might turn you inside out, but if you always know that whatever is happening can be used
in a positive way and you always give it a positive reason, from personal experience
in making the movies that we've made, I can guarantee you that by staying in that
state, you will always get a positive outcome that's many times better than you imagined.
It just does always work that way.
So, in following my own bliss, I can definitely say that Bashar's principles do work when
you apply them.
And I would encourage everyone, to the best of their ability to act on your highest dreams,
because that's really what you're all about.
Will these movies be available in theaters?
On YouTube?
On Netflix?
'Dearly Departed' is now available on Gaiam TV and through Fast Spring.
They can go to our Ziafilms.com website and order 'Dearly Departed'
if they're interested in that.
Of course they can also go to Bashar.org to order any of the recordings that have been
made of Bashar events.
We are planning to present the Bashar documentary, which is called 'First Contact' to film
festivals, to see if we can actually get a distributor to put it into theaters first,
before we go to DVD.
And Zia Films, as its own production company, has many projects that we're creating and
developing that will get out there, on TV or theaters, or in some way, shape, or form.
But yes, they can find out what we've already done on Ziafilms.com or Bashar.org.
And I'll link to this stuff from your page on BATGAP.com.
Okay, thank you.
So people won't have to know how to spell it or anything.
They can follow those links.
[Chuckling] Thank you.
The friend who was asking me about teleporting in his car was also asking whether you do
private sessions - Bashar does private sessions - that you can get together with people somehow,
either in person or over Skype, or whatever.
No, I only do them in person at this point because the way my schedule is, in terms of
the film production.
But all of that information, as to how to set up a private session, is just based on
availability on my schedule, and that can all be found out through the Bashar.org website.
Okay, so they'd come to L.A. or wherever you're gonna be?
They would have to; they would have to be in L.A. I actually don't usually have time
when we go to other nearby cities to do private sessions.
And because of my production schedule at the moment, we're not actually travelling to
cities that are farther away from L.A. than I can fly up in the morning, do the session,
and fly back the same night.
At this point, film production is keeping me as close to L.A. as possible.
But we are doing things in San Francisco, we're doing things in Orange County, we
sometimes go as far as perhaps Arizona.
So they can, again, find our schedule on Bashar.org, where Bashar events will be, but private sessions
will need to be in Los Angeles, yes.
Do you mind my asking how much the private sessions cost?
Private sessions are $300 for an hour, for 1, 2, or 3 people.
Okay, good.
When you do travel places, well…they'll get it all on Bashar[.org].
If they want to find out your schedule, if you happen to be speaking in New York or something.
Yes, it's all on the website.
Do you have some kind of newsletter people can sign up for to be notified of things like
Yes, again that's all through the Bashar website.
Good, well we'll link to all that.
Well thanks, this has been great.
Yes, this has, it's been fun.
Let me make a few concluding remarks of a general nature, that I always make.
I've been speaking with Darryl Anka who channels Bashar; you know that by now, [chuckling]
if you've been watching this.
And we'll be linking to all his things - his films, Bashar.org, anything else he wants
to have linked to - you'll find it on his page at BATGAP.com.
So if you happen to be listening to this in an audio file that someone sent you, or seeing
it on YouTube, if you go to BATGAP.com you'll find sort of a mothership of all these interviews
that I've been doing.
There are about 230 of them so far.
There's a place there to sign up to be notified by email every time a new one is posted.
There's a discussion group that is set up for each interview, specific to that interview.
There is a link to an audio podcast, so you could subscribe on iTunes and listen to it
on an iPod, so some such device.
There is a donate button, which I appreciate people clicking if they have the wherewithal.
That's the sole means of support for this whole enterprise.
Thanks again Darryl.
Thank you very much.
I really appreciate you having me on the show.
And thank you for the work you do, so that information like this can get out to people.
I really appreciate that.
Yeah, next week I'll be interviewing Richard Lang, who is a protégé of Douglas Harding,
who had a teaching called “The Headless Way”.
And I believe the week after that is Peter Russell, a scientist who's written all kinds
of great books that I've been a fan of over the years.
So thanks for listening or watching and we'll see you next time.
{BATGAP theme music playing}