字幕列表 影片播放
Number 1: Janice Fukakusa.
第一位:Janice Fukakusa
Last January, Fukakusa retired as RBC's chief financial officer
Fukakusa 在服務加拿大皇家銀行 30 年之後
after a three-decade career with the financial institution.
Now as chair of the Canada Infrastructure Bank, she's charged with overseeing the federal
government's thirty-five billion dollar investment in public works projects and
聯邦政府於公共工程計畫的 350 億元投資並
wooing private investors to join the effort.
Number 2: Apoorva Mehta.
第二位:Apoorva Mehta
When the University of Waterloo graduate launched Instacart in 2012, the grocery delivery
當滑鐵盧大學碩士生在 2012 年創立 Instacart 時,食品雜貨的運送服務
service was only available in San Francisco. The company now serves 150
只開放於舊金山地區。這間公司現在服務了 150 間商場
markets and is valued at more than three billion dollars. Mehta's company will
並且有超過 30 億元的市值。Mehta 的公司將於
begin a Canadian expansion to 2018 through a partnership with Loblaws.
2018 年開始與 Loblaws 合作以擴張至加拿大
Number 3: Laura Bühler.
第三位:Laura Bühler
A Calgary native, Bühler was previously a senior
一名加拿大土生土長的卡加利城人,Bühler 原本是
director at Gilt, the popular online shopping site. In February, she became
熱門線上購物網站 Gilt 的資深主管。2 月時,她成為
executive director of the C100, a nonprofit aimed at connecting Canadian
C100 的執行董事,一個致力於連接加拿大創業家
entrepreneurs with investors in Silicon Valley.
Number 4: Huda Idrees
第四位:Huda Idrees
A veteran of Canada's startup scene, Idrees worked at both
Idrees 是加拿大新創圈的老手,在創立自己的公司前
Wealth Simple, an online investment service, and Wattpad, the so-called
她同時服務於線上投資服務公司 Wealth Simple
Netflix of books, before founding her own company. Dot Health aims to ease access
以及人稱書本界的 Netflix--Wattpad。她的公司 Dot Health 致力於
to personal health records through an online subscription service. The company
is just starting but Idrees' track record means that the tech community is
這間公司才剛要起步,但 Idrees 的追蹤紀錄意味著科技圈已經在
taking notice.
Number 5: Bruce Linton
第五名:Bruce Linton
A former tech executive, Linton founded
Linton 過去曾是一名科技經理,他創立了
Canopy Growth Corporation, the country's largest licensed cannabis producer. With
加拿大最大的大麻許可製造商 Canopy Growth Corporation
legalization pending, the company faces a rapidly expanding market. Constellation
Brands which makes Corona beer recently invested nearly 200 million
Corona 啤酒所屬的集團 Constellation Brands 最近投資了將近 2 億美元
dollars in Canopy.
在 Canopy 公司上