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  • 2.5 million years ago we first began to eat meat.

  • Prior to that our ancestors ate a vegan diet of berries and flowers and only when early

  • hominins began to eat more seeds and nuts, therefore taking in higher levels of fat

  • and less fiber did our bodies begin to adapt to handle meat.

  • But what would happen if now you ONLY ate meat?

  • Without fiber rich foods like lentils, beans, and broccoli you are going to feel constipated

  • and uncomfortable.

  • Not to mention, the simplest way for the body to make energy is to convert carbohydrates

  • into glucose.

  • In the absence of carbs your body will have to burn fat and break down important proteins.

  • Creating glucose from protein is known as gluconeogenesis, and it occurs in the liver,

  • creating a nitrogen waste that is converted into urea.

  • Too much can lead to protein poisoning - which includes symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, and

  • potentially death.

  • It's even been documented if you ate only a lean meat like rabbit, which has hardly any

  • fat, you could eat and eat and eat and still end up wasting away.

  • Another potential killer could be the lack of Vitamin C. Humans are one of the few animals

  • that are not able to synthesize the Vitamin on their own.

  • Without easy access to Vitamin C from fruits and veggies your body will be unable to effectively

  • create collagen, a structural protein found in your tendons, ligaments and skin.

  • This will put you at high risk of scurvy and cause you to have poor wound healing, rotting

  • gums and personality changes.

  • If not treated you would die from infection or bleeding.

  • But eating raw meat could be the way around this.

  • The cooking of meat degrades most of the Vitamin C, but raw, thick, chewy collagen rich skin

  • and blubber of whales can take in 36mg of Vitamin C per 100g serving.

  • Way more than the 10mg needed to fight off scurvy.

  • This brings us to an interesting case: shaped by low temperatures and a stark environment,

  • a traditional Inuit diet consisted of what was hunted and fished with little, if any,

  • plant food, dairy products, or carbohydrates.

  • Despite this, cardiac death rates were half that of other Americans and Canadians.

  • How can you be healthy on a fatty diet without any fruits and vegetables?

  • You can snack on organ meat like liver to get your recommended Vitamin A, which is vital for

  • eyes and bones and Vitamin D (for your bones too). And Oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty

  • acids will benefit your heart and vascular system.

  • Inuit bodies have adapted to manage gluconeogenesis by having larger livers and increased volumes

  • of urine to get rid of the extra urea.

  • A recent genetic study investigated the genome of Greenland Inuit and found a selection for

  • variants that create a protective effect against cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • So, it is possible to thrive on only meat but it's important to remember that Northern

  • communities have relied on animal food out of circumstance and necessity.

  • Their high fat diet was intended to keep weight on for days of hunting, and when food was

  • insecure, not lose weight like modern low carb diets.

  • Unless you are planning on eating raw whale blubber, organ meat, and have genetics on

  • your side consider sticking to a balanced diet of all the major food groups.

2.5 million years ago we first began to eat meat.


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B2 中高級 美國腔

如果你只吃肉怎麼辦? (What If You Only Ate Meat?)

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    老易 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日