字幕列表 影片播放
If you’d like to memorize 10 times faster, this video will show easily you can improve.
如果你想背得快10倍。 這段視頻將顯示你可以輕鬆地提高。
You remember information in two main ways – as words, using your verbal memory, or
你主要通過兩種方式來記憶資訊 - 作為單詞,利用你的語言記憶,或。
as pictures, using your visual memory.
They’re different mental processes and they achieve dramatically different results.
它們是不同的心理過程,它們 達到截然不同的效果。
People never believe how absolutely crazy the difference is, so here’s a challenge
人們永遠不會相信,多麼絕對瘋狂 區別在於,所以這裡有一個挑戰。
for you and you can prove it for yourself.
First, let’s test your verbal memory.
I’ll give you a list of ten words and let’s see how many you’re able to remember.
我給你列出十個字,然後讓我們... 看看你能記住多少。
Here we go:
Piano Elephant
鋼琴 大象
Truck Bottle
卡車 瓶子
Basketball Chair
籃球 主席
Pineapple Dog
菠蘿 犬
Painting Trampoline
繪畫 蹦床
Ok, pause the video and write down all the words you can remember.
好了,暫停視頻,寫下所有的。 你能記住的詞。
How’d you go?
If you’re like the average person, you were able to recall about five to seven words,
如果你和普通人一樣,你是。 能夠回憶起大約五到七個單詞。
not necessarily in the right order.
So that was your verbal memory, now let’s test your visual memory.
這就是你的語言記憶,現在我們來看看 測試你的視覺記憶。
I’ll give you another list of words, but this time, I’ll also give a short story
我再給你列一個單詞表,但是... ... 這次也給大家講個小故事。
and draw a picture.
To activate your visual memory, just create a mental picture of everything I describe
要激活你的視覺記憶,只要創建 如數家珍
and draw.
You can even close your eyes and just listen to my voice.
你甚至可以閉上眼睛,只聽 對我的聲音。
Here we go.
Ferrari – Imagine you’re driving a bright red Ferrari with the top down.
法拉利 - 想象一下,你駕駛的是一輛明亮的法拉利。 紅色的法拉利,車頂向下。
The music is pumping above the throaty growl of the engine, and your hair is blowing in
音樂在喉嚨的咆哮聲中響起。 你的頭髮被吹得飄飄欲仙。
the wind.
Chicken – With a loud ‘thump’ a giant chicken lands in the seat next to you.
雞--隨著 "砰 "的一聲巨響,一個巨大的。 雞肉落在你旁邊的座位上。
It’s the size of a person, enormous and yellow.
這是一個人的大小,巨大的和 黃色的。
It must have fallen out of the sky.
Watermelon – The chicken opens the car door and leaps out onto the road.
西瓜--小雞打開車門 並躍上馬路。
As it stands there, an enormous green watermelon rolls over the top of it and keeps rolling
就像它站在那裡,一個巨大的綠色西瓜。 在上面滾來滾去
down the road.
Barack Obama – You watch the watermelon roll down the road and straight into Barack
巴拉克-奧巴馬--你看西瓜吧 滾落馬路,直奔巴拉克
The watermelon splits in half and Obama is left standing there, dripping in watermelon
西瓜裂成兩半,奧巴馬是。 瓜田李下
Poodle – Obama picks up a passing poodle and uses it to wipe juice off his face.
獅子狗--奧巴馬撿到了一隻路過的獅子狗。 並用它來擦拭臉上的果汁。
The poodle is pure white, but as it soaks up watermelon juice it slowly turns bright
貴賓犬是純白色的,但由於它浸泡了 上西瓜汁,慢慢變亮
Flagpole – Obama throws the poodle away, it flies through the air and lands on the
旗杆--奧巴馬把貴賓犬扔了。 它飛在空中,落在
top of a tall flagpole.
The weight of the juicy poodle causes the flagpole to slowly topple over.
多汁的貴賓犬的重量導致了 旗杆要慢慢翻倒。
Cake – With a loud and messy ‘splat’ the flagpole falls into the middle of an enormous
蛋糕--伴隨著一聲響亮而凌亂的 "啪 "聲 旗杆掉進了一個大坑裡。
birthday cake.
Icing, cream and candles go flying everywhere, raining down on people passing by.
冰淇淋、奶油和蠟燭到處飛。 雨點般地落在路人身上。
Doll – A large dollop of cream lands on the head of an oversized Barbie doll.
娃娃--一大團奶油落在了他的身上。 一個超大芭比娃娃的頭。
It creates a weird chemical reaction and the doll shoots into the sky like a space rocket,
它產生了一種奇怪的化學反應和 娃娃像太空火箭一樣射向天空。
blonde hair trailing behind her.
Pizza – The doll rockets upwards and just as it starts to fall, a large pizza explodes
披薩--娃娃火箭般地向上飛,就在這一瞬間。 當它開始下降時,一個大比薩餅爆炸了
open above her head like a parachute.
The pizza is attached to the doll by long strings of melted cheese.
比薩餅是通過長長的線連接到玩偶上的 一串融化的奶酪。
Giraffe – The pizza eventually lands on the ground, covering the doll, and a giraffe
長頸鹿--披薩最終落在了 地上,蓋住了娃娃,還有一隻長頸鹿。
walks over and starts eating the pizza, bending its long neck and stretching its tongue to
走過去,開始吃披薩,彎腰 長長的脖子,伸出舌頭
lick up the delicious cheese.
Skateboard – After eating too much pizza, the giraffe pulls out a skateboard, jumps
滑板--吃了太多披薩後。 長頸鹿拿出一個滑板,跳了起來。
on it, and starts gliding down the street, ducking signs and street lights as it rolls
上,並開始在街上滑行。 躲躲閃閃
Cigarette – The skateboard begins coughing, and it stops and uses one of its wheels to
香菸--滑板開始咳嗽。 它停下來,用它的一個輪子來...
light a cigarette.
The cigarette becomes engulfed in flames and the skateboard throws it away.
菸頭被火焰吞噬,然後 滑板把它扔掉。
Statue of Liberty – The flaming cigarette flies through the air and lands on the torch
自由女神像--燃燒的香菸 飛天遁地
being held aloft by the Statue of Liberty.
The torch bursts into flames too.
Ice cream – The Statue of Liberty comes alive and thrusts the burning torch deep into
冰淇淋--自由女神像來了。 活生生地把燃燒的火炬深深地插進了
a big bucket of ice cream.
It’s cherry chocolate ice cream that melts and starts to bubble ominously.
這是櫻桃巧克力冰淇淋,會融化的。 並開始冒出不祥的氣息。
Fireworks – The ice cream explodes into fireworks, lighting up the sky above the Statue
煙花 - 冰淇淋爆炸成 煙花,照亮了雕像上方的天空。
of Liberty with brightly colored fireworks forming the words ‘The End’.
絢麗多彩的煙花是自由女神的標誌。 形成了'末日'二字。
Ok, pause the video again and write down how many words you’re able to recall using your
好了,再暫停視頻,寫下如何。 你能用你的記憶力回憶起多少個單詞
visual memory.
The trick is to re-create a picture in your mind of each image in the story.
訣竅是在你的網站上重新創建一張圖片。 心中的每一個形象的故事。
Did you see the difference?
And I did something sneaky, I gave you fifteen words, not ten, but the average person would
我做了一些偷偷摸摸的事,我給了你15個。 字,不是十個字,但一般人都會。
have been able to recall from ten up to all fifteen words, and mostly in the correct order.
記憶猶新 十五個字,而且大多順序正確。
Leave a comment below and let me know how your verbal memory scored against your visual
在下面留言,讓我知道如何 口語記憶與視覺記憶的對比
Visual memory techniques have been around for thousands of years, but for some strange
視覺記憶技術一直存在 千百年來,但不知為何
reason, most people only know verbal memory techniques.
緣故,大多數人只知道口頭記憶 技術。
Verbal techniques are things like acronyms and acrostics, word associations and rhymes,
言語技巧是指像縮寫這樣的東西 以及相聲、詞聯和韻律。
and even songs, and they all need a serious chunk of boring repetition.
甚至是歌曲,他們都需要認真的。 大塊無聊的重複。
They can be fantastic for a small number of words, but they don’t activate the amazing
它們可以是夢幻般的,對於少量的 詞,但它們並沒有激活驚人的。
power of your visual memory.
If you’d like to activate the stunning power of your visual memory to memorize the entire
如果你想激活驚豔的力量。 你的視覺記憶,以記住整個
periodic table of elements, head over to MemorizePeriodicTable.com and check out our step-by-step animated video
元素週期表,前往MemorizePeriodicTable.com。 並查看我們的分步動畫視頻。
And if you’d like to learn some more amazing visual memory techniques, you can register
如果你想了解更多的驚人的 視覺記憶技術,你可以註冊
there for our free video training series too, and learn how to transform yourself into an
我們的免費視頻培訓系列也在那裡。 並學習如何將自己變成一個
amazing student.
Don’t forget to tell me in the comments below your scores for your verbal and your
不要忘記在評論中告訴我。 在您的口試成績和您的面試成績之下。
visual memory, and if you thought this was a cool challenge, please share it with your
視覺記憶,如果你認為這是 一個很酷的挑戰,請與你的
friends and see if their memory is as amazing as yours.
朋友,看看他們的記憶力是不是一樣驚人 作為你的。
Thanks for watching, bye!