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  • Finally, he's finished! My very own T800.


  • But wouldn't it be nice if he were a real boy?


  • Oh, wishing star! I wish upon you for my sweet T800

    噢, 許願星星!我為我可愛的T800向您許願

  • to be a real boy. That would be the most wonderful thing ever.

    讓他成為真正的男孩吧, 這樣就太好了

  • Oh Geppetto, you've given so much happiness to others you deserve

    噢!吉佩多, 你為其他人帶來了許多歡樂

  • to have your wish come true.


  • Big puppet made of steel, wake! The gift of life is yours to feel.


  • I can move, talk, and walk. Am I a real boy?

    我可以動, 說話, 還有走路, 我是真的男孩嗎?

  • Not yet! Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish and someday you'll be a real boy.

    還沒呢!證明你勇敢, 真誠以及無私, 那麼某天你就會變成真正的男孩.

  • This is Jiminy Cricket. He'll be your conscience.

    這是蟋蟀吉米尼, 他會成為你的良心指點你

  • Hello, Jiminy.

    你好, 吉米尼

  • Hello, T800. Let's be real good from now on, ok?

    你好, T800, 我們從現在開始成為乖小孩吧, 好嗎?

  • OK I will be real good.

    好, 我會乖乖的.

  • You can talk?


  • Yes, I have a conscience now and

    是的, 我現在有自我意識了

  • someday I'll be a real boy. I'll be brave, truthful, and unselfish.

    然後某天我會變成真的男孩, 我會勇敢, 真誠還有無私.

  • OH BOY!!


  • Now be a good boy and go to school like the other children.


  • Here take this apple with you.


  • I do not need to process food. I'm a cybernetic organism with only living tissue on my exterior.

    我不需要處理食物, 我是由活體組織所包覆的生化人.

  • Ok then... well have a good day, son.

    好吧...那祝上學愉快, 兒子

  • What is that I hear? That boy is not a real boy?


  • He will make me rich! Rich, I tell you! HAHAHA

    他會讓我發財!發財, 哈哈哈

  • Excuse me, my dear boy. How would you like to be the main star

    不好意思, 親愛的孩子, 你想當我們斯特龍伯利

  • of Stromboli's puppet show?


  • I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.

    我需要你的衣服, 靴子, 還有你的摩托車.

  • What?


  • I see now why you think that I have strings. But strings are something that I cannot do.

    我知道你們以為我身上有線綁著. 可是綁著我就沒辦法活動了.

  • Because I do not have strings on me! (gunshot) (screaming)


  • How dare you shooting at me!


  • Just you wait! When I sell you, you won't be laughing anymore.

    等著吧!等我賣掉你, 你就笑不出來了.

  • I am not programmed to laugh.


  • You can't just go around trying to kill people, ok?


  • Why? You just can't! Trust me on this.

    為何? 你就是不能!相信我.

  • Oh no, what have you gotten yourself into?

    噢不, 你惹了什麼麻煩?

  • Did you go to school as you were told?


  • Affirmative.


  • I know you're lying, T800, because your nose is growing.

    我知道你載說謊, T800, 因為你的鼻子變長了

  • They are not lies. They are true lies.

    那不是說謊, 那是真實謊言.

  • Listen, I can shrink your nose and get you out of this cage if only you'll speak the truth.

    聽著, 你只有說真話我才可以把你從這籠子裡救出來

  • I require no assistance.


  • Daddy, daddy I'm home!

    老爸, 老爸我到家了!

  • Look over here. It's a letter from Geppetto.

    看這裡, 是吉佩多的信

  • It says, "Dear son, I got worried when you

    上面寫"親愛的兒子, 你昨晚沒回家我好擔心...

  • didn't come home last night. I went out to search for you but somehow got eaten


  • by a giant whale. I'm now living inside the whale. Hugs and kisses, Geppetto.

    大鯨魚給吞了, 我現在住在鯨魚肚子裡, 親親抱抱, 吉佩多."

  • OH NO! What should we do?


  • It's time to go whale hunting.


  • Come with me if you want to live.


  • (explosion) YAhooohoooey!

    00:03:25,900 --> 00:03:28,200 掰掰啦, 小鯨魚

  • Hasta la vista, whaley.


  • You've been such a good and brave boy by saving your father.


  • You deserve to be a real boy.

    歐耶, 我是真正的男孩了

  • Hooray, I'm a real boy.


  • Have you seen this toy maker?

Finally, he's finished! My very own T800.



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