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  • Let's do a jumping jack with a front kick.

  • So, in a jumping jack the action is a the hip and at the shoulder. You want everything

  • to go out together and everything to come in together.

  • And just watch your knees that they're not collapsing. Keeping the legs open in the jack.

  • Keeping your chest open. Inhaling and exhaling. That's your jumping jack.

  • And all you want to do to add the front kick is once you land in the center lift the knee

  • up. So you're using your hip flexor, your core. And then you're going to extend out

  • through the leg. And that's when you're going to get the recruitment of your quad muscles.

  • So, it's really great because you're getting movement in both the frontal plane here in

  • your jack and then the saggital plane as you take the kick.

  • You could alternate legs. So, one jack. Kick. And then one jack. Kick to the other side.

  • And I recommend going to a bent knee position.

  • So again, you're taking that jack and then lifting the leg up and extending out through

  • the knee. Jack. Kick. And just make sure when you're doing the kick that you're not leaning

  • too far back and putting a lot of compression into the lumbar. Into the lower back.

  • So, just maintain a nice tall neutral spine. And then powerful movement. Out through the

  • leg. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

  • Great total body move.

Let's do a jumping jack with a front kick.


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B1 中級 美國腔

如何做一個跳躍性的傑克和前踢|訓練營鍛鍊 (How to Do a Jumping Jack w/ Front Kick | Boot Camp Workout)

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    Caurora 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日