字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 (cheerful ukulele music) - Okay, let's do that again. - Am I intimidating? - Kind of. Sometimes. - Am I intim... What did you tongue just do? - Did it, like, move? (gurgles) (Tyler laughs) Tyler being up-and-coming... (both gag) - I can't do it when I'm doing it. (laughs) - I can't do it when I'm doing it. That's comedic effect, I'm funny. - Sure. (laughs) I was gonna say, well, uh... Can I say that? - You can say that. Dick. (laughs) - Don't fucking come for me. I feel like you're my best friend. (Tyler laughs) - Vomit in my mouth, big daddy. (laughs) Wait, no, I don't wanna put that in. Right. - Right. K-k-k-k, like the Rihanna song? Okay, so the next question is... (Tyler coughs and laughs) - I did got hit, I did got hit by a car! - I did got hit by a car! (Tyler laughs) - What? - Nothing. - What was that? - Nothing. - I like those shoes. - Thank you, they're my mom's, actually. - (laughs) What is that? - Yeah, big daddy. - People are gonna think you're weird, like... - (laughs) People already think I'm weird. Oh my god. Like, shit got too real.
A1 初級 美國腔 男朋友的標籤Bloopers (The Boyfriend Tag Bloopers) 33 0 Nina Yang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字