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As a parent you do anything you can for your child.
每個父母 都願意為自己的孩子付出一切
I guess I just went one step further.
I had such a great pregnancy with Liberty.
We'd had scans, and nothing came up.
在懷孕過程中,Liberty 一切都很好
But every time we got a scan she had her hand over her eye.
我們做了多次掃描 沒有發現任何異常
It was like she knew.
但每次掃描時 她都用手遮住一邊眼睛
There was an issue called microphthalmia.
Her eye that she can't see out of is 40 % smaller than her other eye.
And you need to fill that void with a prosthetic.
她看不見的那隻眼睛 比另一隻眼睛小了40%
If you don't have that prosthetic eye in there you'll face will collapse.
As a father, I didn't know how to deal with it.
如果沒裝義眼 她的臉部就會凹陷
What do you do? You can't fix it.
身為一個父親 我完全不知道該怎麼辦
And some of the appointments were horrendous.
毫無頭緒 不知該怎麼處理這個難題
One of the ocularists that we saw, the mold got stuck.
Ashleigh was bear-hugging her while he was trying to pull it off.
To get it out he basically just ripped it out.
當義眼師試著將義眼取出時 Ashleigh 緊緊抱著孩子
She was trembling, it was pretty horrific.
最後只能扯開那顆義眼 才終於取下
孩子嚇得渾身發抖 真的太恐怖了
And that was it for me.
I wasn't putting her through any of that ever again.
我無法接受 我不願讓她再次經歷那種事情
We literally got home and he was on the computer.
我無法接受 我不願讓她再次經歷那種事情
I wanted to know how to start making prosthetic eyes myself for my daughter.
回到家後 他開始在電腦上搜尋資料
I was like, 'maybe we should just let the professionals do it'.
He just said,'look what a professional did to our daughter'.
我當時覺得 這種事還是交給專家比較好吧
I can do it better and without hurting her.
但他告訴我,你看看專家 剛才對我們女兒做了什麼好事
That's when he found the John Pacey-Lowrie video.
我可以做得更好 我做得到,而且不會傷害到她
I dug into it and would stop the video and look at what John was using.
那時他找到了 John Pacey-Lowrie 的影片
And I pieced together parts of the process to be able to do it the best that I could
我開始研究影片內容 還特別停格來觀察 John 使用的工具
with the things that I had.
然後自己拼湊出一套流程 希望可以運用手邊的工具
It was really frustrating.
I'd get 3/4 way through making a perfect eye,
and then the last bit of the process I'd stuff up.
我常常只差一步 就能做出完美的義眼
But I knew each step, I was getting a step closer to making one.
The first time Ashleigh had said, yeah that's a good one, we'll try it,
但是我清楚每個步驟 我很快就能成功做出義眼了
was hard to describe.
當 Ashleigh 第一次說: 「這個義眼不錯,我們來試試看」
Knowing that she was walking around with one that I had made for her.
For me that was a moment of walk out to the shed and have a cry,
with no one looking.
Because I had done something for the family, finally.
So, over two years I've made about 20-odd eyes for her,
and I realised how much of a passion I had for it.
看到她裝上我親手製作的義眼後 依然可以自在行動時
And I said, 'well is this what you want to for a job?'
我真想去沒人看到的地方 好好大哭一場
'Is this where you see yourself?'.
我真想去沒人看到的地方 好好大哭一場
And he said 'yes'.
I said 'OK, let's make it happen then'.
過去兩年 我為她做了 20 幾個義眼
When Dwayne first contacted me,
basic question, 'I want to become an ocularist, how do I do it?'
It's a bit surreal,
going from seeing a man on YouTube to coming and training here with him.
Going from sledgehammers on an oil rig, to tiny little machines
and RS buttons and stuff is pretty awesome.
當 Dwayne 第一次聯絡我時
You start with nothing.
他問了一個基本問題: 「我想成為義眼師,我該怎麼做?」
At the end of it you've got a person
that is wearing an eye that you have made by hand.
原本在 YouTube 影片上看到的人物 如今在這裡訓練我,互相交流
That is very good.
我以前在石油平台上拿著大錘 現在則在操作這些精細機器
Yeah, the movement is amazing.
還有 RS 按鈕等各種器材 真的很不可思議
Knowing that I am capable now,
I have to be using what I've learned.
到最後可以讓需要的人 裝上你親手製作的義眼
Being back, now it's really all just starting to fall into place.
到最後可以讓需要的人 裝上你親手製作的義眼
I've got a state-of-the-art clinic.
- 我覺得很好 - 眼球的動作很靈活
It's really growing into my dream.
Oculus Prosthetics is the ocularist practice that Dwayne and I have started.
You can't really explain what it means to people until you experience,
sitting there with a parent, with their child and being able
to have those moments where you see a parent cry
回來後 所有事情慢慢上了軌道
because their kid looks amazing.
It's hard enough being a parent, let alone having the unknowns.
We just feel like we can make it a little bit easier.
「Oculus Prosthetics」(眼睛假體) 是我和 Dwayne 發起的義眼師體驗活動
People come first.
除非親身體驗 否則很難向別人描述這些感受
That's how we'll be different.
當你坐在診間 看到孩子順利裝上義眼後