字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey guys! It’s “Positive Tunes” right here. 嘿大家!您收看的是「 好歌學英文」 Where we sing and learn positive English songs. 一邊唱歌一邊學英文歌 No bad language, no provocative stuff. 沒有髒話 沒有腥羶色 And that’s a guarantee! 保證沒問題! Why do I keep doing this? 我幹嘛一直做這個動作? Have you ever had those big dreams in life 你有沒有過那種偉大的人生夢想 that sounded so unrealistic that people started making fun of you? 聽起來太不切實際到大家都開始嘲笑你? Well, I bet you have. 我賭一定有 ‘cos everybody’s been through that at one point in life. 因為所有人在人生中的某個時刻都一定經歷過 Like when I was a kid I wanted to be the president. 我小時候夢想當總統 Well, in real life it didn’t really work out that way. 現實中好像不是那麼回事 So I probably deserve that mockery. 所以我被嘲笑是應該的 But when I wanted to go in to radio, 不過 當我想進入廣播圈 when I wanted to apply for a radio host, 當我投履歷想當廣播主持人 I always remember this girl that said to me. 我永遠記得有一個女生這樣對我說 In your dreams! 你做夢 And a couple months later I made it in. 幾個月後我就錄取了 Look at me now. 看吧 I forgive you by the way. 順帶一提 我原諒你了 So today’s song is about that 今天的歌曲就是關於這點 about turning the table on the people who’ve ever looked down upon you. 在那些曾輕視你的人面前扭轉局面 And it’s by “Imagine Dragons” 歌曲來自「謎幻樂團」 “Thunder” 「雷鳴」 This is what it sounds like. 聽聽看吧 [Music] 丹雷諾斯小時候夢想要成為一個大明星 Dan Reynolds dreamed of being a big star 站上舞台 在聚光燈下 hitting the stage under the spotlight when he was a kid in school 他因此被嘲笑 and he was made fun of for that. 所以這首歌是他 So this song is literally him 反將一軍這些曾經嘲弄他的人 對他們說 getting back at these people who’ve made fun of him in the past saying 「嘿!看看現在的我吧!」 “Hey! Look at me now!” 順帶一提 他們明年要來台灣 By the way, they are coming to Taiwan next year! 所以準備好吧! So do get ready for that! 現在到了要唱歌的時間 And now it’s time for us to sing the song. 我知道有很多人建議我 I know a lot of people have been suggesting me 唱歌的時候可以彈吉他 to play the guitar or something when I’m singing 才不會那麼乾 so that it’s not that dry. 我非常樂意! I would love to! 問題是...... The thing is… 我......我無法 I… I can’t. 我做不到 I can’t. 我生來沒有這項天賦 I wasn't born with that gift. 我是個樂器白痴 I’m a total idiot in instruments. 所以儘管我有多麼樂意 So as much as I would love to, 沒輒 I can’t. 將就吧 So live with it! 年輕氣盛 脾氣來得快去得快 Just a young gun with a quick fuse 我曾焦慮 只想放鬆一下 I was uptight, wanna let loose 我曾夢想著更大的事物 I was dreaming of bigger things and 想要丟下我舊有的人生 Wanna leave my old life behind 不再言聽計從 Not a yes-sir 不再當跟隨者 Not a follower 循規蹈矩 符合世俗框架 Fit the box, fit the mold 在大廳內找個位置坐下 Take a seat in the foyer 抽張號碼牌 Take a number 我是雷鳴前的閃電 I was lightening before the thunder 雷鳴 感受雷聲作響 Thunder, feel the thunder 閃電和雷聲 Lightening and the thunder 雷鳴 感受雷聲作響 Thunder, feel the thunder 閃電和雷聲 Lightening and the thunder 雷鳴 感受雷聲作響 Thunder, feel the thunder 閃電和雷聲 Lightening and the thunder 雷鳴 感受雷聲作響 Thunder, feel the thunder 閃電和雷聲 Lightening and the thunder 班上同學笑鬧著 Kids were laughing in my classes 當我正在為大眾計畫著 While I was scheming for the masses 你以為你是誰啊 Who do you think you are 夢想要成為大明星 Dreaming 'bout being a big star 他們說你很一般 They say you're basic 他們說你沒想法 They say you're easy 你總是任由他人主宰一切 You're always riding in the back sea 如今我在舞台上微笑 Now I'm smiling from the stage while 而你卻在看台區拍手 You were clapping in the nosebleed 雷鳴 感受雷聲作響 Thunder, feel the thunder 閃電和雷聲 Lightening and the thunder 雷鳴 感受雷聲作響 Thunder, feel the thunder 閃電和雷聲 Lightening and the thunder 雷鳴 感受雷聲作響 Thunder, feel the thunder 閃電和雷聲 Lightening and the thunder 雷鳴 感受雷聲作響 Thunder, feel the thunder 閃電和雷聲 Lightening and the thunder 唱完啦! And there you go! 好的 我們來看一下這首歌 教你們三個部分 Okay, there are three things we can learn from this song. 今天要教你們關於怎麼表達自己的情緒 And we are learning how to express our feelings 還有怎麼樣diss別人 and how to diss others in English as well. 沒錯 就是罵別人的意思 Yes, how to diss others 的英文 in English. 我曾焦慮 只想要放鬆一下 Let's go! uptight 它是一個形容詞 [Music] 就是焦躁不安的意思 I was uptight, wanna let loose 焦慮不安 uptight "uptight" is an adjective. 那它的相反就是 Worried or nervous and not able to relax. let loose (放鬆) uptight 它是一個非正式的用法 The opposite of "uptight" let loose 就是放鬆 放縱一下 "let loose" is an informal way of saying to be relaxed. 在不受控制的情況下做某事或讓某事發生 "let loose" is an informal way of saying to be relaxed. 所以舉例來說 "let loose" means to be relaxed. 老兄!生活把我搞的很焦躁 我真的得稍微放鬆一下 To do something or let something happen which is out of control. 這就是為什麼我跑去關島玩! For example 沒錯! Man! Life has got me all uptight. I really need to let loose a bit. 快來看看我的旅遊Vlogs! That’s why I went to Guam! 下一個! That's right! 你以為你是誰啊?異想天開想當大明星! Check out my vlogs over here! 這是個十足罵人的話 Next! 你以為你是誰啊? [Music] 我是超人! Who do you think you are? Dreaming ‘bout being a big star! 下一個! It’s a way to diss others. 他們說你很一般 他們說你沒想法 Who do you think you are? 你很基本款 你很easy 是什麼意思? I’m Superman! basic 和 easy 這兩個字聽起來很中性甚至是無害 Next! 但實際上它是有貶低人的意思 [Music] 說人 basic 意味某人不願意或害怕展現個人特質 不獨特 Okay! They say you’re basic. They say you’re easy. 也就是說你沒有什麼獨到之處 你沒有什麼特別 What does that mean? 別人做什麼你就做什麼 Saying someone is “basic” or “easy” seems harmless 別人聽什麼音樂 你就聽什麼音樂 but it actually means to look down on someone. 別人看什麼電影 你就看什麼電影 “Basic” means someone who is unwilling to or afraid to show individuality. Not unique. 你沒有自己的獨到之處 You're not special. 就是你很基本款啦! Doing the same thing as others. 那 easy 呢? Listening to the same music as others. ”easy-going“ 我們聽過 Watching the same movies as others. “easy going” 就是很好相處 easy to get along with You're not unique. 但是當別人說你很 easy 的時候 You're basic! 你就要三思了 因為 easy 其實是 As for "easy" 你會接受任何人為你做的選擇或決定 We know what "easy-going" mean. 也就是你不太會有自己的想法 "easy-going" means "easy to get along with" 別人為你做了什麼決定 你就會欣然接受 這樣子 When people say "you're easy" 他們說你很一般 他們說你沒想法 it actually means 都是有點貶低人的話 You will accept any choice or decision that someone else makes for you. 如今我在舞台上微笑 It also means you don't have a personality. 而你卻在看台區拍手 You will accept any choice or decision that someone else makes for you. 當我從台上微笑著 They say you're basic. They say you're easy. 這時你卻在看台區拍手 Both of them mean to look down on someone. 那什麼是 ”the nosebleed“ 呢? [Music] the nosebleed 就是 the nosebleed section Now I'm smiling from the stage while 就是nosebleed這個區域 you were clapping in the nosebleed 就是整個運動場地或者是表演場地的最外圍 Now I'm smiling from the stage while 你想像一個棒球場 you were clapping in the nosebleed 它的最外圍看台區是不是海拔最高的地方 What does "the nosebleed" mean? 也是離主舞台最遠的地方 "the nosebleed" means "the nosebleed section" 也是門票最便宜的地方對不對? the nosebleed section 所以他們就謔稱那個區域叫做 the nosebleed It's the uppermost part of a sports arena or a performance venue. 因為海拔很高所以很容易流鼻血 Like in a baseball stadium, the nosebleed (看台區) the nosebleed section has the seats that are highest 所以 the nosebleed 的相反是什麼呢? and farthest from the main stage 搖滾區叫做 ”the mosh pit“ with cheapest tickets, right? the mosh pit 搖滾區 So they jokingly called that section ”the nosebleed” 好的!今天就差不多到這了 ‘cos high altitudes give you nosebleeds. 這就是今天我們的這首歌 “Thunder” the nosebleed 裡面有很正面的意義 The opposite of "the nosebleed" is 告訴我們說 當然不是要去嘲笑別人 "the mosh pit" 而是要勇於達成自己的夢想 the mosh pit 然後順便學學一些不錯的英文對吧? Alright, that’s about it for today. 好的!非常謝謝您收看「好歌學英文」 Song of the day, “Thunder,” has a positive message that tells us not to mock others but to achieve our dreams. 我是JR Song of the day, “Thunder,” has a positive message that tells us not to mock others but to achieve our dreams. 我下個禮拜會再帶給你更多 Song of the day, “Thunder,” has a positive message that tells us not to mock others but to achieve our dreams. 所以記得一定要鎖定我們 Song of the day, “Thunder,” has a positive message that tells us not to mock others but to achieve our dreams. 記得要訂閱我的頻道 Also, it’s for you to learn some English, right? 還要開小鈴鐺哦 Alright! Thank you very much for watching “Positive Tunes” 小鈴鐺現在按下去之後 I'm JR right here. 還可以分兩階段 And I will be back next week with more 再按一次它上面就會有兩個聲波鈕 So do keep it tuned in. 這表示每一次出片都會收到通知 Remember to subscribe and click the bell icon to get notified about every new video. 記得要按下去好嗎! Remember to subscribe and click the bell icon to get notified about every new video. 我們下次見! Remember to subscribe and click the bell icon to get notified about every new video. [音樂] Remember to subscribe and click the bell icon to get notified about every new video. Remember to subscribe and click the bell icon to get notified about every new video. Remember to subscribe and click the bell icon to get notified about every new video. Alright! Remember to click the bell, okay! See you guys next time!! [Music]
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 雷聲 閃電 作響 夢想 嘲笑 舞台 【好歌】勇敢追夢!Imagine Dragons - Thunder|好歌學英文 (JR Lee Radio) 6283 471 Icrt Jr Lee 發佈於 2017 年 12 月 10 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字