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It's always wonderful when a successful and childless
alumnus returns. It's delightful how you take turns sniffing after my money. Now here's a group
校友回來了。 你們輪流嗅著我的錢,真讓人高興。現在這裡有一組
that was established in 1909. I hate modern music!
Tempo bar we love so well
The Whiffenpoofs! I'll buy you a new library if you have them killed. So many have tried to kill them.
威芬普夫!如果你殺了他們,我就給你買個新圖書館 很多人都想殺他們
But other smug jackasses and white gloves would just take their place. We can't be stopped
Well, I am here to offer you money. I'd like to endow a Department of Nuclear plant management
Wonderful! Of course we can't do nuclear - our students are highly entitled wusses.
太好了! 當然,我們不能做核電--我們的學生都是非常有資格的懦夫。
You'd be creating a space for violence to happen. Huh.
你會創造一個暴力發生的空間。 哼。
How about funding a chair on the non narrative cinema of
self-identified pansexuals? What?! What? What?? What?? What?? We also need to hire more deans to decide which Halloween
自認為是泛性人?什麼?什麼? - 什麼?什麼?什麼?什麼? 什麼?我們還需要聘請更多的院長來決定哪一個萬聖節。
costumes are appropriate. Eight deans should do it.
服飾為宜。 八位院長應該這樣做。
Is this still a coven of capitalism where evil money can acquire the patina of virtue? Yes,
that's in our charter, but with an issue as hetero patriarchal as nuclear power,
we'll have to hire
multicultural empathizers, build a new safe space... Not so fast, we insist on a chair of
多文化共鳴者,建立一個新的安全空間... ...不要這麼快,我們堅持要有一把椅子
anti-nuclear studies and a nuclear- neutral curriculum pathway.
Absolutely, Teddy! We run all decisions past the squash team. Also the fencing team, water polo and handsome Dan the mascot.
[mascot dog sounds]
Release me, you hound. Oh yeah.... What's happened to this place? Yeah?
放開我,你這隻獵犬。哦,對了... ... 這地方怎麼了?什麼事?
This was the home of ruthless media disruptor Samuel FB
這裡是無情的媒體破壞者Samuel FB的家。
Morse! Who's his successor? That fellow? Fellow?! That word is cisgender normative, okay?
Morse!誰是他的接班人? 那個傢伙?同事? !這個詞是同性別的標準詞,好嗎?
You're worse than Hitler! Too late for flattery ... I'm not giving this school a dime!
The [Sally's] have blended right in! We've got 12 productions of The Crucible going in the deepest Division
薩利夫婦已經融入了我們的生活!我們有12個劇目的 "坩堝 "在最深的 "組織 "裡上演
III women's lacrosse team the world has ever seen!
Mm-Hmm. They're perfect students in every way, and that's their weakness.
嗯,嗯。他們是完美的學生在各方面, 這就是他們的弱點。
Bleep bloop bloop? I am a robot, too ... my father was a toaster ...
He's in bot-face! That's unbelievably offensive!
Microaggression! Cultural appropriation!
Offensive! Offensive! Offensive!
Dear Lord those teachers made them too human! You've ruined me! Well, not completely, I still have my health!
親愛的上帝,那些老師把他們變得太人性化了!你毀了我! 好吧,不完全是,我還有健康!