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  • Nintendo does this to themselves. They always release this weird, crazy, innovative hardware,

  • and the initial response is always utter confusion. Why have two screens? What you mean its in

  • 3D? That looks like a TV remote. Of course, in the past, this confusion stage hasn't lasted

  • long, because...Nintendo always shows us.

  • They always prove the hardware with great software.

  • We still haven't gotten to that point with the Wii U.

  • At least, not yet. Not fully. Nintendo Land came close, but...we need more. We need a

  • series that's custom-made for really weird controllers, a series that thrives on creativity,

  • a series that's proven weird hardware in the past. We need WarioWare, you might say, but

  • there's just one problem.

  • Game and Wario is not WarioWare.

  • Believe me, this game may look like WarioWare. And it even sounds like WarioWare,'s

  • only a disguise. I mean, there's a yellow biker helmet, but it's a cheap one. There's

  • a denim vest, but it doesn't have the same lovable stench. See, Game and Wario is not

  • the celebration of outright chaos you might expect.

  • It's just a minigame collection. And more specifically?

  • It's a minigame collection with more problems than minigames.

  • Game and Wario is a collection of 12 minigames and four multiplayer games. And the term "minigames"

  • is important, because this is not about microgames. See, WarioWare games normally hit you with

  • one "microgame" after another, none lasting longer than a few seconds, each one more creative

  • and bizarre than the last...each one fun. All too often, Game and Wario is none of those

  • things. And most disappointing of all?

  • It's not the proof of concept the Wii U needs.

  • And in a way, it's kind of unfair. Because it's really a product of expectation. The

  • Wii's WarioWare game was bursting with ideas for the Wii Remote. Stuff you never would've

  • imagined. In this case, Nintendo didn't seem to imagine them, either. This isn't really

  • a bad game, per se...but of its 16 games, only a handful come close to that WarioWare

  • brilliance. And the troublesome part is...some are rehashing old ideas.

  • On a system that's not even a year old.

  • So what works? Well, there's Patchwork. This is a simple puzzle game that has you moving

  • patches with the stylus to solve pixelated puzzles. It's a lot of fun, and it's also

  • addictive enough that you'll definitely want to come back to it. And there's also Pirates,

  • which is this insane rhythm game that has you blocking pirate attacks by moving the

  • GamePad. Not only is it fun to play, it's equally fun for spectators.

  • Who are gonna laugh at you.

  • But by far, the best of the bunch is Gamer. It's the most fun, it's definitely one of

  • the coolest examples of asymmetrical gameplay to date...and fittingly, it's the only game

  • that uses microgames. So it's basically WarioWare as usual, but with an awesome catch. You're

  • supposed to be in bed, and if your mom catches you.

  • So you're playing microgames on the GamePad, but you also have to listen for your mom on

  • the TV. Footsteps, doorknobs, things like that. So you have to pay attention to two

  • screens at once, and that's a brilliant example of what Wii U is all about.'s, like,

  • one of the only ones here.

  • It ends up feeling like a teaser for something that never comes.

  • Fortunately, things pick up a bit with the multiplayer games. One, in particular, is

  • just awesome. Even though it's basically just Pictionary for the Wii U. So one player has

  • to draw pictures on the GamePad, and the others have to guess. It's so simple, but it's a

  • real highlight of Game and Wario. And that's a great taste of Wii U, as well. To have people

  • playing with no controllers necessary?

  • That's such a great idea.

  • And that's where we are with Wii U. Lots of great ideas, but no great moment. No epiphany.

  • Unfortunately, it's not coming from Wario. To be fair, you can't exactly toss around

  • the GamePad like the Wii Remote. There are reasons this game is what it is, but...that's

  • the part that worries me.

  • If Wario doesn't have any better ideas, who does?

Nintendo does this to themselves. They always release this weird, crazy, innovative hardware,


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CGR Undertow - 任天堂Wii U的GAME和WARIO審查 (CGR Undertow - GAME AND WARIO review for Nintendo Wii U)

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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日