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  • Today we're making GUACAMOLE!

  • For every avocado...

  • got one green onion...

  • wedge of lime...

  • ...and around 6 hot banana pepper rings.

  • They come in a jar.

  • They taste fuckin' delicious.

  • Salt and pepper.

  • That's it.

  • Nothing else. No garlic, NO BULLSHIT!

  • I'm using 3 avocados...

  • That's good for two.

  • That's good for 3.

  • You can always add more.

  • Choppity fuckin' chop.

  • Use a big knife, not a small one.

  • Throw this shit in the bowl.

  • That's not very efficient.

  • Take 3 of these motherfuckers.

  • Cut the end off.

  • Slice it down the middle.

  • Slice.

  • Slice.

  • Slice.

  • And go nice and fine.

  • Chopping was invented in the forties.

  • Before that people just smashed shit against the wall.

  • Throw this shit in the bowl.

  • This is taking too fucking long.

  • Put that away.

  • Pick it up.

  • Throw it in, wash your fucking hands.

  • God, don't be gross!

  • All right!

  • Take your smaller knife...

  • ...cut your avocados in half.

  • Boom!

  • Boom.

  • Boom!

  • Get the pits out like this.

  • But don't cut your hand.

  • Then they're hard to get off.

  • You have to bang 'em... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • ...against... something.

  • Fuck!

  • Great.

  • Now, here's a trick.

  • If you wanna just scoop this shit out...

  • ...then turn it into a purée...

  • It's gross like that.

  • DON'T cut your fucking fingers!

  • Then, y'know, you can take a spoon...

  • ...just scoop that shit out.

  • It'll mash automatically a bit, when you're mixing it.

  • This is science here!

  • Ohmygawd!

  • If you don't like avocado, you're a fuckin' TOOL.

  • Get that shit in there.

  • One more.

  • Don't fuckin' hide!

  • From me!

  • Take your lime...

  • ...and put in 3 of this.

  • Why?

  • Math, that's why!

  • Three...

  • Fuck it! Here... Let me show you some math, k?

  • You put 1 avocado, you put 1 and 1...

  • ...or...

  • ...doesn't matter.

  • Lime.

  • Lime preserves it, right?

  • Put in enough lime so this will keep over night and won't turn brown.

  • You should probably practice your grip strength at the gym.

  • To... give a....

  • ...fuck!

  • Got a bag of salt here...

  • ...use whatever salt you want, I'm gonna put in...

  • ...hmh...

  • ...I just kinda visualize how many sprinkles I want...

  • ...per cubic centimeter...type deal.

  • Pepper, pepper, pepper.

  • If you don't like pepper, you're a fuckin' tool.

  • Fork!

  • Let's mix this together!

  • You can mash it a bit, but you want it to a be a little chunky.

  • Alternatively...

  • ...if it's too chunky...

  • can kinda grab your knife again and...

  • ...just... chop it up a bit more.

  • Now I swear to fucking God...

  • bring this to a party...

  • ...this holiday season...

  • ...or any other time of this season...

  • ...or any other season...

  • ...or any other fuckin' planet...

  • ...people's... crotches will explode.

  • It's so good!


  • ♪♫You suck at cooking oh my god♪♫

  • ♪♫you suck♪♫

  • ♫♪you suck♫♪

  • ♪♫you suck♪♫

  • ♫♪you suck♫♪

  • ♪♫you suck♪♫

  • ♪♫oh my god♪♫

  • ♪♫you suck♪♫

Today we're making GUACAMOLE!


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B2 中高級 美國腔

(Guacamole - You Suck at Cooking (episode 1))

  • 101 6
    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日