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  • thank you

  • icons I think it yeah me too hopefully I mean I'll just chillin with further

  • questions he thought I would think about preparing tonight we've heard of it in

  • terms of pine talk of peak times talk and you don't get much better than an

  • hour at the people apparently so foolish and stupid they had they would do you

  • know and you deal he gets paid and we pride ourselves sitting here it was a

  • clever ploy by the people of total to pretend to be as mad as gates because he

  • didn't want to pay their taxes

  • completely dual alleyway King John wouldn't come down with all his you know

  • his army upon them and and claim taxes so that's ahead goes to start with

  • Batman but no Washington berlin founder name and and used it in a terrible piece

  • of writing another question and people who the BAFTA co-sponsored events people

  • might also know that in 2002 but you became a Dane Dane

  • here I think of dame Edna and then I think gains from guys and dolls but

  • that's not it at all its oil paintings hanging

  • nothing to do with royalty or anything like that it's like your career

  • Congressional Medal of Honor it in your country just need join world you know

  • keep it up sort of thing that I read your book thing I really wish to London

  • parity because you know your family backgrounds working class and the other

  • side but on the other side

  • your grandfather with part of the largest army he was in russia and just

  • hoping to be in Britain when you live illusion happened you talking with one

  • other thing to do by the door to make an arms deal with the British government

  • because the russians he just bought the Russian Japanese war and he found

  • realized that they were incredibly under our new armaments

  • at that time Britain and England Britain Russia had a very close relationship in

  • this area was the one of Queen Victoria's granddaughters I think there

  • was a close relationship so my grandfather along with another

  • person was sent you an arms deal with the British government deadline real

  • Russia 16 yeah just before the Russian Federation it took longer than he

  • thought it was going to take him he brought his wife and his young father

  • who was 21 born in russia and he brought his wife and young son over and

  • basically you know they had been regulations before the major Bolshevik

  • Revolution which is always being crossed troubled away to nothing like being

  • around the military was convinced that the nation would never hold so he

  • thought six months you know of course and he could never do about six in

  • russia and his mother and he saw them again and it saved his life and many

  • others and she was going to extraordinary I was kidding my great

  • harm to Mike Wallace system whilst I thought destroyed because they were just

  • perfect candidates they were intellectuals middle-class they had a

  • relatively abroad

  • attacking me they would just play candidates but they state

  • huge difficulty and your grandfather when the taxi driver in your father

  • became a taxi driver told us why so many immigrants during my grandfather student

  • directory and in Britain was sort of like this he started off living in great

  • comfort in the russian embassy in London which was very very glamorous than you

  • know and then of course because it was no more relationship and he had no way

  • of making money

  • speak English due to his credit he never paid the money that was all put in the

  • bank and it had the gentleman to access it they would be only signatures to a

  • very very large sum of money to pay phones and he misused to steal the money

  • would you use that would have been of his

  • joined the Communist Party in British London history just because the Second

  • World War when also closely with me

  • London passages leader along with russia's parties I'm sure you know there

  • was quite a strong fascist movement in in europe and in London before the

  • second world war and then there was a great movement against it as well

  • fight against people fighting against us take a left wing so there was a famous

  • smart and his fascist Blackshirts took through the east end of london because

  • he's going to London at that time was where the Jewish community immigrant

  • jewish community community was based in London so the flashes were delivered in

  • walking part of London to show their aggression and violence and my father

  • and it became known as the battle of Cable Street because the left wing

  • social right up again and went to my father was one of those people in Battle

  • of Cape a product that and you can I was wondering you know the idea of having

  • played the Queen you started happening and UK attitude for the keep clean when

  • you were younger but that really shifted the more you got to know

  • think about my mother was never as left-wingers Portugal's my father was an

  • issue with an east-end working-class woman from London London family so she

  • wasn't actually the vegetarians riverhead years ahead of horrified but I

  • really hope

  • way thank you what happened understanding with a terrible moment for

  • a lot of the people who believe in Hindi you can pin your idealism of communism

  • it's a beautiful idea and of course the reality was the realization of the loss

  • of that dream a lot of that utopian ideas of how beautiful the world could

  • be I think was a very painful my father's generation but I was brought up

  • in I'm getting that run to the Queen I was brought up in a very anti monarchist

  • my mom and my dad really really thought it was rubbish you know the monarchy and

  • point

  • you playing the Queen and making me forcing myself to enter into who this

  • person is in really controlling isolation of watching the way in which I

  • found a huge growing in me and i actually became a lot of our beloved I i

  • still filled out you know

  • well with you you know I mean I think we will all the products and parents and I

  • was the product of two of two people both really believed in winning

  • independent and we believe that we should not just women but as people you

  • know they grew up in a used when they were young

  • in London it was a depression date again and went to second world war and when

  • the patient safety or so they say twenty years it's ok you and twenty to forty

  • was very very difficult when you really need to change depending which are

  • important and they wanted my sister teaches and I did actually trained as a

  • teacher became a teacher knows our wonderful teacher but that was not what

  • I and II did you were you were being knowing that you wanted to act of a

  • fuzzy origin story of sorts for you

  • not have analyzed cost you a good combination I was playing the Virgin

  • Mary

  • actually populist you know that sort of place and we had to appear longer

  • sparing the world court along and south end here and at the end of the year when

  • I was growing up literally had shoes at the end you know some issues like page

  • to show and it was a variety store to share with the community and and a

  • comedian was very funny and I fell off my seat I remember laughing and dancing

  • girls game

  • and again had been Katie things on and I just she was mesmerised I thought it was

  • just the most beautiful wonderful thing I've ever seen in my life and I guess

  • when I was about to jump or took me to an amateur production of hundred when I

  • was about 12 13 and it's the perfect age to see hamlet never having seen you know

  • that hundreds die or new story watching him in the end it as much as anything

  • production I just was absolutely transported to reach in leading world is

  • just incredible part tree we understand the world of high school of grass that

  • was something fantastic and it's shakespeare who went ham and we had this

  • one of those huge box of shakespeare you know and if you had one of those but

  • when the Prince like this more complete works of Shakespeare and I went to that

  • book and I just started looking through reading using characters an amazing

  • scene

  • and a teacher a champion of you wait for me yes which was really launched me

  • because I didn't I went to college but there was his organization can afford

  • just financially impossible being you know sort of battle in the house trip to

  • get to allow you to go I auditioned secretly but once I got in in something

  • you did in the summer holidays he didn't cost them anything it didn't cost me

  • anything in terms of my education so it was fine that was absolutely fine and it

  • was actually what I was very lucky I like it we have is a lovely couple

  • compilation through it now that the Dolphins put together last night of your

  • career

  • alluring to keep his memory alive

  • because people forget you see especially the young

  • the other way

  • I'm surrounded by

  • of course but times change

  • the Queen and then he went on in that bank before concluding I know I'm on the

  • edge of creepiness here and you know something that day beginning you know

  • how do you feel about your pic the cali the infamous nineteen coming to

  • television interview where you are in front of the camera to you how he

  • serious popular with that he would just stare directly at your breath and

  • complete something like okay because bob deniro she called me I would never I did

  • but coming from him just feel different now because you know you're not as

  • pretty as not a vacation having played upon as jack-booted who actually good at

  • a time when you comin 252 you question it had no I i meeting you huge

  • difference between someone being funny in presentation and someone being

  • interviewed I think this is and I get it done in my life and it was very much of

  • it

  • as well you know I wasn't surprising to it it's become the time nobody thought

  • twice about it i did i do you know I'm a little confused why when I look at it

  • now and you can I was amazed how I handled it extremely well with them and

  • grace grace interview never lived it down a long time coming and you really

  • do your magic bullet may need to what happened in this case

  • well indication I'm and I did I was appearing on Saturday Night Live and it

  • was one of the girls I did so many female is a female and it saturday night

  • live it feeling confused upset tired or depressed about it they cannot imagine

  • how can I know you can and they can bury their heads in my boys that might be a

  • great thank you so much

  • made headlines here Helen Mirren to casual no longer do nudity i mean you

  • know which is true and you would like to come back and bite you if you do but you

  • know hopefully never been in that way of all perhaps nuclear language everything

  • pivoted was

  • but you wouldn't you'd give you helpful but not until the age of 45 at this true

  • story like a story I hear you I wouldn't you you know when I think 23 difficult

  • time for people in general the world and you do come crashing down upon you may

  • need to apply for driving licence car insurance and pay no electricity bill

  • and all the practicalities of life and then and he started

  • the one thing that stuck in my mind was your be successful you have a very

  • successful life but you want we hit your stride or your big success won't come

  • until you're in your forties when you're 23 next week i cant wait 42 had this

  • party paper this this deep with my writing on it and I didn't I couldn't

  • remember what was in it apart from that one thing I couldn't remember anything

  • else and I looked at it I thought I felt great about you know what is you just

  • have to take the adventure I absolutely don't want to know what I did remember

  • that one thing and it was right about that came with such a wonderful i mean

  • it was an absolutely great role and the time you know it's very common to have

  • women needing TV series at that time it was unheard you had had taken later in

  • June but apart porque lacy don't think there was any other TV series by a

  • single

  • and insecure

  • a new quite a lot about already but I try to change into line you know quite

  • difficult to do that because I think she was very very because of a job and the

  • way she operated she was going to be very very guarded I read the book was

  • about it was difficult to get into into that line I had theory that she was

  • she'd been sexually abused when she was young ones down I know you know as a

  • child but I said we think when she when she came to New York young actress I

  • think he probably had to put up with a lot of crap a lot

  • in some way and hungry she called her house the hostages killed so she was

  • very conscious of what she was capable of doing and absolutely useless in doing

  • it if she felt she needed to it was a mentality that I find very very

  • difficult to come to grips with actually there's no I do recognize it that is a

  • human trade you know there are people who have that single mindedness and and

  • and ability to be absolutely with us with it I'm not like that so I it's hard

  • to get into I mean there was a scene in time but that was cut that I like and

  • added to the mix pain medication extending the machine when she wandered

  • in the Korean War soldier who's headed

  • lost it all in the war and comes up to head one of those functions and said you

  • hope I just want to thank you for what you're doing

  • America where we are in the armed services are right behind you the truth

  • about their time and just put into the historical context she was in an

  • incredibly fun to play because she is so clean debate is a product of you know

  • those troubled wonderful

  • deeply felt like you know his girl Friday with just the right there on who

  • they would they knew they would people they did they did Lockwood's they used

  • words very well

  • roles and difficulty honestly it's always hard when it is very much to do

  • with who the people what they want is different you know making laws and

  • changes it is a different experience pic director is incredibly important very

  • important does the character appear on the last page script and and is it

  • different from the last thing I did battle you know something I was 113 time

  • I will get you an attorney for you but you're right I could change it wasn't

  • all of your favorite amongst your favorite people

  • UK with Super you know I went to the recruit absolutely determined to reach I

  • also if we could do a reading of the play before we you know committed to

  • anything and I went to read through thinking I'm going to do the read

  • and I'm going to say I'm really sorry but I don't think this is her character

  • you wanted for your house yet and I walked in and there was this amazing

  • team beat people here to people issue goes right Stephen don't get the direct

  • designer

  • need of British theatre people and I thought you're going to walk away from

  • this you know you have to do it was a great experience was able to take my

  • kids to meeting you know it was amazing you when you know from the age of 52

  • 2560 7233 and then off 285 so quickly changes it was challenging wonderful

  • challenge when you played the Queen cure were approached to do it on film

  • be restored to complete embarrassment I guess I have to do it would you remind

  • kato emotional yeah because oh goodness me now it's become what some large know

  • about him being in the wrong

  • and you know all of this stuff but it was it had never been done little and so

  • little blue chips such as he hate it consumes relationship with the world all

  • want to destroy them say anything about it

  • stories in the newspaper so you know it was very very intimidating thought and I

  • loved your description and you went on stage

  • reception and you found yourself right throwing your money in detail thinking

  • what the hell am I am i doing in my husband and when you want to bring me

  • down he was talking cry for me nicely

  • and get back to you got to meet a bunch of people applauding no I didn't know

  • what else to do I just kept morning and went on loan to get them something right

  • opened up all these parts of you know one of the things you're distributing

  • heroin choose mentioning look like a neglected to gender discrimination in

  • hollywood feel you and your gender and I thought you had to field all these

  • questions

  • Helen know how do you think you'll find in two women had been having trying to

  • have the computation time every day finally the congregation is beginning to

  • be heard repeating media and talked about I just hope it continues I told

  • you how long just to be a conversation between two different like a good

  • environment for young these days coming up in terms of you

  • you can do whatever you write another pill last night it was until court

  • Angelina was going on tonight

  • in

  • situation

  • in a couple of actual I had no idea what to do and support John Bull and when we

  • did you see a little bit of these options mean Liam Neeson Gabriel

  • none of us had any you know it is we have no idea about what you're supposed

  • to do it was very patient with us really I don't appear to have moderated by then

  • I speak getting up towards my debt is so then I stopped doing whenever anything

  • came up television anything in front of the camera I did do a lot of television

  • I accepted it just be able to learn and the biggest learning of prime suspect so

  • many many many months but when I did when I didn't coast with Peter where I

  • was still in life do it sort of thing and it was amazing to watch House

  • who was subsequently lost Apple movie star he knew frame was to do what he was

  • in his master technician and I would I watched him trying to understand but

  • then I thought no I'm going to go down the route I'm going to just twenty is

  • creates possible which was with the result but I was never on the picture we

  • didn't get it was over there doing

  • chillin real crazy but it's all part of the puzzle learning and with a different

  • to interviewing in america i mean i think is an American right for the part

  • additional with acting like he had to be right for the preconceived my history a

  • difference you know I think because what I can do and we've been arranging it

  • because you know when you start rehearsals you got four weeks to go

  • five weeks speaks to his considerable change everyday gonna bring something

  • new into it will be like that thats good lets you do something else you can do

  • what you do I want you to know what you did in the audition auditions alleged

  • all the things to do

  • I thought I thought it was just a good actress told that one thing that was a

  • bit of a shock I didn't have to do much that I did a lot of politicians and then

  • I hope you told me you were talking last year when you watch the cream first with

  • your husband will close watching it can share with us what you asked her husband

  • was killed when it reaches thing they do this embarrassing thing in the audience

  • is all day and you and the filmmakers have to prominence it almost like on a

  • on thrown you know but very exposed with no one in front of your ground you know

  • you're stating the filmmakers and at the end of the long run

  • platform boots you know said it's quite intimidating and either Taylor or I had

  • seen the film and the first shot in the film is mean full regain that we put the

  • full regalia being painted a portrait painted and first officer film it's me

  • turning and looking straight down look strange audience we going down the

  • bottle can you really do that in film and silence respectful silence my

  • husband lips away

  • allowed oh my god you make love to me and get right

thank you


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海倫-米倫 - 訪談 - TimesTalks (Helen Mirren | Interview | TimesTalks)

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    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日