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Hello and welcome to the second episode of cooking with Marshmello
We'll be whipping up a very special treat for you
Marshmello Spiders
Melo, can you bring out the ingredients, please?
Don't tell me you've forgotten the ingredients it's only the second episode.
Ahh. There they are go ahead and bring them out, please
Let's introduce what we're working with shall we our ingredients include some fluffy marshmallows
pretzel sticks and
The white chocolate. Let's get started! Melo, can you please bring out the sheets of aluminium foil here?
Here we go.
Now, please place the white chocolates in a bowl
and into the microwave for 30 seconds to get them nice and melted.
It's okay. The microwave won't hurt your, Llo
We'll wait. we'll go ahead and stop rolling the cameras just be yourself
Sounds like it's ready
Now that the chocolate is nice and melted we'll need to dip 8 pretzels into the chocolates
What doing with that chocolate syrup
Marshmello, what's going on here?
Everything is better with that smile.
Now on to dipping the marshmallows into the chocolates.
Gently press them onto the pretzel spider legs.
And there you have it
Marshmello spiders. Don't they look delicious?
Thank you for watching and be sure to stay tuned
Marshmello does not endorse the consumption of marshmallows
and stresses to refrain from consuming any marshmallow related products
But rather to treat them as your friends