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  • Chapter one


  • Prince Zigfried


  • Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a Prince. His name was Zigfried, and

    很久很久以前,在一個遙遠的地方,有... 住著一位王子。他的名字叫齊格弗裡德

  • he was very unhappy. His father, the King, had died, and since then, everyone in the

    他非常不開心。他的父親,國王。 已經死了,從那時起,每個人都在。

  • palace had forgotten how to smile. Without his father, Zigfried thought he would never

    宮裡已經忘記了如何微笑。沒有 齊格弗裡德認為他永遠不會

  • feel happy again.


  • Every day, Zigfried sat at the window in his room in the palace, looking at the birds in

    每天,齊格弗裡德坐在窗前,在他的。 在宮中的房間裡,看著鳥兒們在。

  • the trees.


  • "How can they sing and fly so free?


  • They must not feel like me."


  • His servant, Ozlowe, tried to make the prince smile by telling him jokes or doing funny

    他的僕人奧茲洛夫想讓王子。 逗他笑

  • tricks for him. But the Prince would not smile.


  • "I know you love me Ozlowe, but I cannot smile. My heart is broken."

    "我知道你愛我,奧茲洛夫,但我不能笑。 我的心都碎了。"

  • Ozlowe would not give up.


  • "Let's go for a walk, good Prince. Maybe we can find something outside which will make

    "我們出去走走吧,好王子。也許我們 外面的東西能讓

  • you happy."


  • "If you wish Ozlowe, but I don't think there's anything that can make me happy."

    "如果你願意奧茲洛夫,但我不認為有。 任何能讓我開心的事情。"

  • Ozlowe put on his hunting cap, and he took his crossbow. He enjoyed hunting and he hoped

    奧茲洛韋戴上了他的狩獵帽,他拿著 他的弩。他喜歡打獵,他希望

  • to catch a bird or a rabbit for the Prince.


  • They walked through the forest until they came to a lake. On the lake there was a beautiful

    他們穿過森林,直到他們 來到了一個湖邊。在湖邊有一個美麗的

  • white swan. It had a gold crown on its head, that only Princesses wear. The swan swam towards

    白天鵝。它的頭上戴著金冠。 只有公主才會穿的衣服。天鵝遊向

  • the prince and looked into his eyes. The swan's eyes were so sad that Prince Zigfried felt

    王子,看著他的眼睛。天鵝的 眼神是如此的悲傷,齊格弗裡德王子覺得。

  • sorry for it.


  • "Here is a creature which feels worse than I do. But why do you have that crown on your

    "這裡有一種生物,它的感覺比我們更糟糕。 我是這麼想的但是,為什麼你有你的皇冠

  • head?"


  • The swan opened its wings and cried out.


  • "I think it's trying to tell me something."


  • Ozlowe had his crossbow in his hands. He wanted to shoot the swan.

    奧茲洛手中拿著他的弩。他想 射殺天鵝。

  • "I'll get that swan for you. Prince. Just one minute."

    "我幫你把那隻天鵝弄來。王子。只是 一分鐘。"

  • "Ozlowe, no!"


  • Before Ozlowe could shoot, a magic owl flew from a tree and took Ozlowe's cap off his

    還沒等奧茲洛夫出手,一隻神奇的貓頭鷹就飛了過來。 從一棵樹上摘下奧茲洛韋的帽子,從他的

  • head. This cast a spell on him, and he was turned to stone. The Prince did not understand.

    腦袋。這在他身上施了一個魔法,他被。 變成了石頭。太子不解。

  • "Ozlowe, what has happened to you?


  • Speak to me!"


  • He looked back at the lake. The swan was gone.


  • "Everything I do goes wrong. This must have happened because of me!"

    "我做什麼事都會出錯。這一定是 因我而發生!"

  • The Prince returned to the palace sadder than before, thinking to himself:

    太子回宮後,憂愁的比。 前,自認為。

  • "If only Ozlowe were here!


  • There is nothing good in my life any more".


  • Zigfried's mother came to see him that night. She had something important to say.

    那天晚上齊格弗裡德的母親來找他。 她有重要的事情要說

  • "Zigfried, soon you will be eighteen years old. You must take your father's place as

    "齊格弗裡德,你馬上就要十八歲了 老。你必須取代你父親的位置,作為

  • King. I am having a ball on your birthday so that you may choose a wife, and I will

    大王我在你生日的時候玩得很開心 這樣你就可以選擇一個妻子,我將

  • invite all the princesses from the other kingdoms."


  • "But I do not wish to marry, Mother. I do not love anyone."

    "但我不想結婚,母親。"但我不想結婚,媽媽,我 不愛任何人。"

  • "You will learn to love someone. First, you must stop thinking of yourself."

    "你會學會愛一個人。首先,你 必須停止考慮自己。"

  • "If this will make you happy, I'll do it, Mother."

    "如果這能讓你高興,我就做。 母親。"

  • "It is not for my happiness that I am doing this. It is for yours, and all the other people

    "我這樣做不是為了我的幸福 這。這是為你和其他所有人準備的。

  • in this land. You see, love is more powerful than we know. Without it, you will not be

    在這片土地上。你看,愛是更強大的 比我們知道的多。沒有它,你將不會

  • a great King."


  • His mother left him. He sat at the window, thinking of what she had said. He wanted to

    他的母親離開了他。他坐在窗前。 想到她說的話。他想

  • love someone with all his heart, but he didn't know who it would be.

    全心全意地愛一個人,但他沒有 知道會是誰。

  • Chapter two


  • The Beautiful Princess


  • On the morning of the Royal Ball, everybody was very busy in the palace. The Queen's maids

    在皇家舞會的早晨,大家 在宮中非常忙碌。皇后的侍女們

  • were preparing the Queen's dress. The servants cleaned the floors and windows, and the cooks

    正在準備王后的衣服。僕人們 打掃了地板和窗戶,廚師們也打掃了

  • were cooking enough food for a thousand people.


  • The prince looked handsome in his red outfit. But he was still not happy. He left the palace

    王子穿著紅色的衣服,看起來很帥氣。 但他還是不高興。他離開了皇宮

  • to be alone and think, and went to the stone statue of Ozlowe.

    獨自一人思考,去了石頭上。 奧茲洛韋的雕像。

  • "It's my birthday today Ozlowe. I'm eighteen. That means that I must marry someone and become

    "今天是我的生日,奧茲洛夫。我十八歲了。 這意味著我必須嫁給一個人,成為

  • King. The problem is I don't want to get married; I don't love anyone."

    金。問題是我不想結婚。 我不愛任何人。"

  • There was a quiet splashing in the lake. Zigfried looked and saw the beautiful swan with the

    湖中靜靜地濺起了水花。Zigfried 看著,看到美麗的天鵝與

  • gold crown.


  • "There it is!


  • The beautiful swan has come back."


  • He went closer to the water to look at it. Its eyes had the same sadness in them, but

    他走近水邊看它。 它的眼睛裡有同樣的悲傷,但是

  • it was happy to see Zigfried and it swam close to him. Zigfried looked into its eyes and

    它很高興看到齊格弗裡德,它遊得很近。 到他。齊格弗裡德看著它的眼睛和

  • talked to it.


  • "I think you understand me. I think you know how people feel."

    "我想你明白我的意思。我想你知道 人們的感受。"

  • A tear fell from the swan's eye.


  • "Don't cry. You should be happy that you are a swan. You will never have to marry someone

    "別哭了。你應該高興,你是 天鵝你永遠不會嫁給一個人

  • you do not love. You will never feel sad when someone dies." The swan made a loud cry. Its

    你不愛。你永遠不會感到悲傷,當 有人死了。"天鵝大叫了一聲。它的

  • wings moved back and forth at its sides. Suddenly, an owl appeared as if from nowhere and flew

    翅膀在其兩側來回移動。忽然間。 鴞飛鳳舞

  • at Zigfried's head, but it missed. The owl flew off, and the swan began to swim away.

    在齊格弗裡德的頭上,但它沒有打中。貓頭鷹 飛走了,天鵝開始遊走。

  • "Wait. Don't leave."


  • Zigfried ran round the edge of the lake, following the swan. He had to run fast to see where

    齊格弗裡德繞著湖邊跑了一圈,跟隨著 天鵝。他必須快速奔跑,看看在哪裡

  • it went. Soon, he was in a part of the forest he did not know. Tall trees blocked out the

    它去了。很快,他就到了森林的一個地方 他不知道。高大的樹木擋住了

  • sun. It was very dark.


  • The swan swam to an ugly old castle. When it left the water, something magical happened;

    天鵝游到了一座醜陋的古堡。當 它離開了水,神奇的事情發生了。

  • the swan turned into a beautiful Princess. She had long blonde hair and she wore a long

    天鵝變成了一位美麗的公主。 她有一頭長長的金髮,穿著長長的...

  • white dress. The crown was still on her head. Zigfried ran to where she stood at the castle

    白色的衣服。王冠還戴在她的頭上。 齊格弗裡德跑到了她站在城堡的地方

  • door.


  • "Wait!


  • Where are you going?"


  • The Princess stopped, but she did not look at him.

    公主停了下來,但她並沒有看 在他。

  • "Look at me, please. My name is Prince Zigfried and I want to know who you are."

    "請你看著我。我叫齊格弗裡德王子 而我想知道你是誰。"

  • The Princess turned to look at the Prince. She had the same dark, sad eyes of the swan.

    公主轉身看著王子。 她有一雙和天鵝一樣的漆黑而憂傷的眼睛。

  • "My name is Princess Odile."


  • "But why were you a swan?


  • Why do you look so sad?"


  • "An evil wizard called Rocford cast a spell on me. I may only leave the castle during

    "一個叫羅克福德的邪惡巫師施了一個咒語 在我身上。我只可以離開城堡

  • the day as a swan."


  • "Where is this wizard?


  • I will talk to him. I will tell him this is wrong."

    我會跟他談。我會告訴他這是 錯。"

  • "No, you mustn't. He will hurt you, I know. He does not want me to see another man."

    "不,你千萬不要。他會傷害你,我知道。 他不想讓我見別的男人。"

  • "Tell me where this man is!


  • I will fight him and free you."


  • "No, you must leave. He is dangerous."


  • "I won't leave until I see him; You must be set free."

    "在我見到他之前,我不會離開;你一定要 被釋放。"

  • "Please. You are very kind, but you must go away."

    "請吧。你很善良,但你必須去 了。"

  • "I won't!"


  • She looked into his eyes again.


  • "If you want to do something for me, you will leave now."

    "如果你想為我做點什麼,你會... 現在就離開。"

  • "Odile, I will leave if you want me to. But I want you to come to the ball tonight. I

    "奧迪爾,如果你想讓我離開,我會離開。但是 我想讓你今晚來參加舞會。I

  • must choose a wife and I want to choose you."


  • "I can't. The wizard won't let me."


  • "Find a way. Promise me you'll try."


  • She spoke softly.


  • "All right. I'll try."


  • Chapter three


  • Odet


  • Zigfried left, and Odile went inside the castle. Odet, the wizard's evil daughter, was behind

    齊格弗裡德離開了,奧黛爾進了城堡。 巫師的惡女奧黛特就在身後

  • a tree. When she saw Odile talking to the Prince, she was jealous; she wanted to go

    一棵樹。當她看到奧迪爾在和 王子,她吃醋了,她想去。

  • to the ball, and what was more, she wanted to marry the Prince. She didn't like Odile,

    舞會上,還有,她想。 嫁給王子她不喜歡奧迪爾。

  • because she was so beautiful and kind. But the wizard loved her, so Odet couldn't do

    因為她是如此的美麗和善良。但是 巫師愛她,所以奧黛特不能做任何事

  • anything to hurt her... until now!

    任何傷害她的事... 直到現在!

  • Odet went to the wizard's room, but he was not there. The room looked like a museum.

    奧德特去了巫師的房間,但他是。 不在那裡。房間看起來像一個博物館。

  • There was an Egyptian statue against one wall, and large aquariums full of strange fish.

    一面牆上有一座埃及雕像。 和裝滿怪魚的大水族箱。

  • On a table stood many different coloured bottles. Odet opened one of the bottles. Smoke came

    桌子上放著許多不同顏色的瓶子。 奧黛特打開其中一個瓶子。冒出了煙。

  • out of it. It smelled of burning wood.


  • The magic owl flew into the open window, unseen by Odet, and changed back into the wizard.

    魔法貓頭鷹飛進了敞開的窗戶,看不見了 被奧黛特,又變回了魔法師。

  • "Do you like the smell?"


  • "Oh, Father!


  • You scared me."


  • "You wouldn't be afraid if you were not in my room when I wasn't here."

    "如果你不在,你就不會害怕 我不在這裡的時候,我的房間。"

  • "I know father, but I have something very important to tell you. It's about Odile."

    "我知道,父親,但我有一些很 有重要的事情要告訴你。是關於奧迪爾的。"

  • The wizard opened his eyes wide. He was a tall man, with a long, white beard and long,

    巫師睜大了眼睛。他是一個 高個子,留著長長的白鬍子,長。

  • white hair. He wore a big black hat and a long black robe with stars on it.

    白頭髮。他戴著一頂黑色的大帽子和一個 黑色長袍,上面有星星。

  • "Tell me what you know!"


  • "First, you must promise to do something for me."

    "首先,你必須答應為... 我。"

  • "What is it?"


  • "I can't tell you now. First, I must tell you about Odile, then I will ask for something.

    "我現在不能告訴你。首先,我必須告訴 你說奧迪爾的事,那我就問你點事。

  • Will you do it?"


  • "Tell me, before I turn you into a frog!"


  • The wizard was very much in love with Odile. He would change his daughter into a frog because

    巫師非常愛奧迪爾。 他要把自己的女兒變成青蛙,因為...

  • he wanted to know about Odile.


  • "Today, I saw Odile talking to Prince Zigfried. The Prince asked Odile to go to the royal

    "今天,我看到奧迪爾和齊格弗裡德王子說話。 王子讓奧迪爾去皇室的。

  • ball tonight. He wants to marry her and free her from your evil powers."

    今晚的舞會。他想和她結婚,並釋放 她從你的邪惡力量。"

  • The wizard turned in a circle and pointed his hand at the floor. Fire came from his

    巫師轉了一圈,指著 他的手在地板上。火從他的

  • fingers and hit the floor. The whole castle shook.

    手指,打在地上。整個城堡 震動。

  • "I should have destroyed the Prince today, when I saw him with Odile."

    "我今天應該把太子毀了。 當我看到他和奧迪爾在一起的時候。"

  • "You saw him, too?"


  • "Yes, at the lake. I attacked him, but I was only an owl. Odile knew this and she left

    "是的,在湖邊。我攻擊了他,但我 只是一隻貓頭鷹。奧迪爾知道這一點,她離開了

  • him. He must have followed her here."


  • "Oh yes Father, and he is so handsome!


  • You should see his face!"


  • "Silence!"


  • The wizard turned himself into a large, stone ball. He threw himself against the walls,

    巫師把自己變成了一塊大石頭 球。他把自己扔在牆上。

  • making the castle shake again. Alone in her room, Odile felt the castle shaking. She hid

    使得城堡再次搖晃。孤獨的她 房間裡,奧黛爾感到城堡在搖晃。她藏了起來

  • her head under a pillow on her bed; she hated it when the wizard got angry.

    她的頭在床上的枕頭下,她討厭 巫師生氣時,它。

  • The wizard changed back into himself in his room.

    巫師變回了他自己的 房間。

  • "Now Father, you promised you'd do something for me."

    "現在,父親,你答應過要做一些事情的。 為我。"

  • "I never promised you anything!"


  • "Oh, Father. I want to go to the ball!


  • I want to marry the prince."


  • The wizard angrily raised his hand again. Then, he thought of something. Slowly, he

    魔法師憤怒地再次舉起了手。 然後,他想到了什麼。慢慢地,他

  • lowered his hand.


  • "You would like to go to the ball, wouldn't you?"

    "你想去參加球賽,不是嗎? 你呢?"

  • "Oh yes, Father!"


  • "And you would like to marry the prince?"


  • "Yes, I would."


  • "Then you will, and he will think that you are Odile."

    "那你就會,他就會認為你... 是奧迪爾。"

  • "Oh Father, what a wonderful idea!"


  • She put her arms around him. His body was cold as stone, and his eyes were filled with

    她用雙手抱住他。他的身體是 冰冷如石,他的眼睛裡充滿了。

  • fire.


  • Chapter four


  • A bird in a cage


  • Odile's room was at the top of the castle tower. Rocford had put her there, after he

    奧迪爾的房間在城堡的頂層。 大廈羅克福德把她放在那裡後

  • had taken her from her parents. She was the most beautiful Princess in the land, and her

    把她從父母身邊帶走了。她是 最美麗的公主,和她的

  • parents were good and kind. Rocford had asked her father if he could marry Odile.

    父母都很好,很善良。羅克福德問過 她的父親,如果他能娶奧迪爾。

  • "We must ask my daughter what she thinks."


  • Odile was brought to the wizard.


  • "Odile, this man lias asked to marry you. He says he is very rich and that he will make

    "Odile,這個男人向你求婚。 他說他很有錢,而且他將會使...

  • you the happiest princess in the world. What do you think?"

    你是世界上最幸福的公主ぐ或 你說呢?"

  • Odile looked into the wizard's eyes.


  • "Do you promise to love me forever, with all your heart?"

    "你是否答應永遠愛我,與所有的 你的心?"

  • Will you love me so much that you will not think of what you want, even if it hurts you

    你會不會愛我愛得太深,以至於你不會。 傷筋動骨也要想一想

  • to do this?"


  • The look in her eyes and her questions made Rocford uncomfortable.

    她的眼神和問題讓 樂福不自在。

  • "Why do you ask me such questions?


  • I told your father I could give you everything you could want."

    我告訴你父親,我可以給你一切 你會想要的。"

  • The Princess smiled and turned her head away.


  • "I'm sorry Father, but I will not marry this man. He does not know what love is."

    "對不起,父親,但我不會嫁給這個... ... 人,他不知道什麼是愛。他不知道什麼是愛。"

  • They did not know then that he was a wizard. Rocford had looked like a Prince. He wore

    他們當時並不知道他是一個魔法師。 羅克福德曾像一個王子。他穿著

  • beautiful clothes and looked very handsome. But, when he heard what Odile said to her

    美麗的衣服,看起來非常帥氣。 但是,當他聽到奧黛爾對她說的話時

  • father, his face began to change. It became old and ugly. His clothes changed from blue

    父親,他的臉色開始變了。它變成了 又老又醜。他的衣服從藍色變成了

  • to black.


  • "You do not know what you are saying, you silly girl. I do not have to ask for what

    "你不知道你在說什麼,你... 傻姑娘。我不需要問什麼

  • I want. I am a wizard, and I can do anything I please."

    我想。我是一個巫師,我可以做任何事情。 我請。"

  • He waved his hands through the air, and a fire started in the castle where the Princess

    他在空中揮舞著雙手,一個。 在公主的城堡裡起了火

  • and her parents lived. He had turned Odile into a small bird in a cage, and carried her

    和她父母的生活。他把奧黛爾 變成了一隻籠子裡的小鳥,並把她抱了起來

  • to his castle where he locked her up in a tower.

    在他的城堡裡,他把她鎖在一個... 塔。

  • The entire kingdom was destroyed by this fire, and her parents were killed.

    整個王國都被這場大火摧毀了。 和她的父母被殺。

  • There was a real bird in a cage in Odile's room at the wizard's castle. The wizard had

    奧迪爾的籠子裡有一隻真正的小鳥 巫師城堡的房間。巫師有

  • put it there so that Odile would remember the power he had over her. He only let her

    放在那裡是為了讓奧黛爾記住... ... 他對她的權力。他只讓她

  • leave the castle as a swan because he did not want other men to fall in love with her.

    變成天鵝離開城堡,因為他做到了。 不想讓其他男人愛上她。

  • At night, she stayed in her room talking to the bird, who was her only friend. She called

    晚上,她呆在自己的房間裡,跟 那隻鳥,是她唯一的朋友。她叫

  • the bird Patrice, because it was her mother's name.

    帕特里斯,因為那是她母親的鳥兒 名字:

  • "Oh Patrice, what should I do?


  • The ball is tonight, and I am a prisoner here. I believe the Prince loves me with all his

    舞會就在今晚,而我是這裡的囚犯。 我相信王子是愛我的

  • heart. I saw it in his eyes. He loved me even as a swan."

    心。我從他的眼睛裡看到了。他甚至愛我 像天鵝一樣"。

  • The bird began moving its wings wildly. It always knew when something horrible was about

    鳥兒開始瘋狂地移動翅膀。它 早知今日何必當初

  • to happen.


  • "What is it Patrice, what are you afraid of?"


  • Odile heard keys in her locked door. She put the bird and its cage behind a curtain, because

    奧迪爾聽到鑰匙在她鎖著的門裡。她把 鳥兒和它的籠子在窗簾後面,因為。

  • she did not want the bird to see what was about to happen.

    她不想讓鳥兒看到的是什麼 即將發生。

  • Chapter five


  • Odet's New Voice


  • The wizard entered Odile's room with Odet. Odet was the same age and height as Odile,

    巫師帶著奧黛爾進入了奧黛爾的房間。 奧黛特與奧黛爾同齡,同高。

  • but she had dark hair. However, she wasn't as beautiful as Odile, and this made her very

    但她有一頭黑髮。然而,她不是 和奧黛爾一樣美麗,這讓她非常的。

  • jealous. The wizard spoke first.


  • "Sit down, Odile. I would like to ask you something."

    "坐吧,奧黛爾。我想問你 的東西。"

  • The wizard waved his hand and a large and very comfortable pink chair appeared. Odile

    巫師揮了揮手,一個碩大而又 非常舒適的粉紅色椅子出現。奧迪爾

  • sat on it.


  • "Odet tells me that you would like to go to the ball tonight. Is that true?"

    "奧黛特告訴我,你想去的是 今晚的球。是真的嗎?"

  • "Yes."


  • "If I let you go to this ball, will you promise to marry me?"

    "如果我讓你去參加這個舞會,你能不能答應我 嫁給我?"

  • "I have told you, I will only marry a man who loves me and who I love."

    "我告訴過你,我只願意嫁給一個男人 誰愛我,我愛誰。"

  • "But you know I love you."


  • "If you loved me, you wouldn't keep me locked up in this castle. You wouldn't have killed

    "如果你愛我,你就不會把我鎖起來 在這個城堡裡。你不會殺了

  • my parents."


  • "You are a fool!


  • Would you like to marry the Prince?


  • Is that it?"


  • "He loves me more than you do."


  • "How do you know?


  • He left you here with me. That shows you that you are wrong. He is afraid of me. He can't

    他把你和我留在這裡這說明你 你錯了他是怕我。他不能...

  • love you very much if he is afraid."


  • "He did it for me!


  • I asked him to do it!"


  • "And did you tell him that you would go to the ball?"

    "那你有沒有告訴他,你會去... 球?"

  • "Yes."


  • "Then you lied. You knew I would not let you go."

    "那你就撒謊吧。你知道我不會讓你 去。"

  • "I said I would try. He knows that if I do not go it is not because I do not want to."

    "我說過我會努力的。他知道,如果我這樣做 不去不是因為我不想去。"

  • "And how does he know this?"


  • "You do not have to cast a spell on someone or make them rich to love you. You understand

    "你不需要對別人施咒 或者讓他們有錢來愛你。你明白的

  • it by looking in their eyes. You know it by the way they speak and act."

    通過觀察他們的眼睛就知道了。你知道它通過 他們的言行舉止。"

  • "You are a dreamer!"


  • "And you have no heart!"


  • "Silence!"


  • The wizard raised both his arms and the castle shook. The curtain on the wall fell down,

    巫師舉起了他的雙臂和城堡 震動了。牆上的簾子落了下來。

  • and the wizard saw the bird in the cage.


  • "Ah, the bird."


  • "If you hurt that bird you are worse than I thought."

    "如果你傷害了那隻鳥,你就比......"。 我以為。"

  • The bird flew wildly as the wizard walked towards it. He picked up the cage.

    巫師走的時候,那隻鳥兒狂飛了起來 朝著它。他拿起籠子。

  • "Now, why would I hurt this bird?


  • It is like me. It has no heart. It does not feel anything when I do this."

    它就像我一樣。它沒有心。它沒有 當我這樣做的時候,有什麼感覺。"

  • The wizard pointed his fingers at Odet. She changed into Odile. She had the same blonde

    巫師用手指著奧黛特。她 變成了奧黛爾。她有同樣的金髮

  • hair, the same eyes. She was even wearing the crown. Odile stood up.

    頭髮,同樣的眼睛。她甚至戴著 王冠。奧迪爾站了起來。

  • "Tonight, Odet will go to the ball as you, Odile. Zigfried will marry her and we will

    "今晚,奧黛特會和你一樣去打球。 奧迪爾齊格弗裡德會娶她,而我們會...

  • see what true love is. Your hearts are nothing compared to my magic."

    看看什麼是真正的愛情。你們的心什麼都不是 與我的魔法相比。"

  • "You may look like me Odet, but there is something missing from your eyes. The prince will know

    "你可能看起來像我奧黛特,但有些事情 從你的眼睛裡消失。王子會知道

  • this."


  • "He does not love you Odile. He only loves what you look like."

    "他不愛你,奧迪爾。他只愛 你是什麼樣子的。"

  • "I almost forgot!"


  • The wizard waved his hand.


  • "Odet, say something."


  • When Odet spoke, she sounded just like Odile. "Hello, Prince Zigfried. It's me, Odile. I

    當奧黛特說話時,她的聲音就像奧黛爾一樣。 "你好,齊格弗裡德王子。是我,奧黛爾。I

  • love you." Odile ran to her bed, crying. She fell on the bed and covered her face. Rocford

    愛你。"奧迪爾跑到她的床上,哭了起來。她 倒在床上,捂著臉。Rocford

  • laughed loudly. He took Odet out of the room and locked the door behind him. When Odile

    大聲笑了起來。他把奧黛特帶出了房間 並把門鎖在了身後。當奧迪爾

  • looked up, only the bird was with her. It too, had

    抬頭一看,只有那隻鳥和她在一起。牠 也有

  • a tear in its eye.


Chapter one


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