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now let's talk about stealing people's stuff there are several different crimes
that cover this depending on how the stealing takes place
taking someone's stuff is larceny
for the stealing to count as larceny
you have to take it with the intent to permanently keep it from the owner
so taking Aunt Agnes' heirloom crystal gravy boat
because you want to sell it is larceny
where taking Aunt Agnes' heirloom crystal gravyboat
clubbing without her permission is not
because you plan to return it when you're done
that doesn't mean it's not a crime to borrow it
without permission but it's not as serious
now robbery is stealing but where you use violence to do it
larceny is just taking the stuff
robbery is taking it directly from the other person
rather than just walking off with it
burglary is theft combined with trespass on someone else's property
so if you are to enter, somehow, another person's property without their
permission then that's a burglary
some places require you to actually break into the property through some
force rather than just trespassing by itself
onto fraud. fraud is stealing someone's stuff
or really harming them at all through deception
so if you take something by lying that isn't yours
even if you have the owner's permission its fraud
there are a lot of different kinds of fraud in the world
internet fraud, mail fraud, bank fraud, and so on
people will use incredibly complicated lies
to get their hands on someone else's stuff
of course if you say something untrue
but you don't know it's not true and you get someone's stuff as a result, that's not fraud
and there you have it
now that we've covered some ways to steal stuff
like larceny, robbery, burglary, and fraud
I need to write back to this Nigerian prince I know
apparently he needs a favor